Recently, in the new update, the bunker system was re-worked now you can buy and use it much cheaper, and I can guarantee you that if used it correctly, the bunker will give you a good amount of money that you can make in the future. In this article we will tell you about the bunker and how to use it properly to become a millionaire.

What is a bunker?

Bunker, a relatively not expensive object that you can use as a place to spawn in the game, a garage for your cars and the most interesting thing that you can produce here a lot of different stuff that you can later use for yourself or sell to other players. You can earn good money from it.

How much and where to buy a bunker?

At the moment, the bunker costs 100.000$ and for this money you will get a place to enter the game, and a small garage. If you want to start making profit from the bunker, you need to invest. You will have to spend another 3.900.000$ in order to get the opportunity to buy various additions to start producing various items.

What can be produced?

Anything you want, for example:

  1. Assault rifles.
  2. Ammo for assault rifles.
  3. Seeds.
  4. Wires.
  5. Mushrooms.
  6. Paint cans.
  7. Unique machine gun.
  8. Ammo for light machine guns.
  9. Flash drives with a virus to get out of jail.
  10. Resource scanner.
  11. Car engine blocker.
  12. Body armor.
  13. Mine crypto.
  14. Fuel.
  15. Fuel for automatic resource miner.

Yes, the list is huge, so for your convenience and economy, we advise you to choose a few suitable productions and buy them. However, no one forbids you to buy all of them and get into a really serious business.

Cost of production

Each machine for production costs 500,000$, and there are only 15 of them, but no one prevents you from buying them in order, I will explain to you a bit differently, it is not necessary to buy all the machines to successfully start production. If you start from scratch we get the following numbers. The cost of the bunker is 100.000$, you still have to spend 3.900.000$ to start production and the cost of each machine to produce items is 500.000$. In total, it will cost 11.500.000$ to completely buy the bunker.

What you need for production?

To produce in the bunker, besides the machines, you need charged batteries. You can get them with solar panels, or you can buy them from players. How to get a bunch of batteries without trying hard I will tell you in the next article. By the way, I almost forgot to say that each production takes a certain amount of time, about 3 to 12 hours, and you will need to spend this time in the game. You can rest with your friends, work in the organisation, production will work at full capacity, only while you are in the game. Now you know everything about the bunker on our project Thank you for reading our article, we believe that you will understand full potential (100%) of your bunker and you will be the coolest on a server.

Now you know everything about the bunker on our project!

Thank you for reading our article, we believe that you will understand full potential (100%) of your bunker and you will be the coolest on a server. Don’t forget to register using our referral link to receive a bunch of bonuses at the start!

And you can see a detailed video about this system on the official channel of the project.