Error: Voice Chat has timed out. If you see this error when using the microphone or ration, there are a few things you need to do:

  1. Leave the game.
  2. Check Windows privacy settings. [Windows Settings -> Privacy -> Microphone | RAGE Multiplayer Launcher must have access to the microphone]
  3. Launch RAGE:MP and go to the settings. [The settings are next to the “Collapse”, “Full Screen”, and “Close” buttons]
  4. Select your microphone as shown in screenshot 1.
  5. Launch the game. Open the “Voice Chat” settings and set the parameters as shown in screenshot 2.
Voice Chat: RAGE:MP
Voice Chat
Open the “Voice Chat” settings.

You have successfully fixed the RAGE MP error. Congratulations!

Dear friend, now you know how to fix the error “Voice Chat has timed out”. By the way, there is a video on our channel in which we presented all the information, so I advise you to watch it!