A lot of times, players on our server stated that it is very difficult to earn game currency. In this article, we will talk about additional ways of passive earnings on our server.

Selling items on the Beach Market

A good amount of money can be made if you sell items on the Beach Market. You can sell items on the Beach Market as well as Black Market. There are no restrictions on this. More about the functions of these systems – we told in this article. You can sell absolutely everything from old sneakers to really rare items, such as neon shoes.

Selling items on the Beach Market

Production of goods in the bunker

About the bunker system, we told you in this article. Now it’s time to tell you how to earn money on it. To do this, we will need charged batteries, which can be obtained with the help of solar panels. In general, there are a large number of productions in the bunker.

Production of goods in the bunker

It is not necessary to buy them all. It is enough to analyze the existing market and choose the most profitable production that you want to do. After that, purchase a bunker and open the possibility of production and start earning.

Renting out real estate

A lot of players on the server are looking for an opportunity to get any real estate which they can use. Yes, this method will require some investment. But the profit will eventually pay off all the costs. It is quite easy to make money here If you own one of the real estate on our server with the help of a real estate agency you can rent out your apartment. In this way, the tenant can get access to all the functions of the house and your own garage.

Renting out real estate

We advise you to rent out property for no more than a day. This way you can find a low cost and get a quick return on your investment.

RP Ticket Factory

One of the great activities that allow you to get RP-tickets. If you have a family – you can try your luck in the battle for the RP Ticket Factory.

RP-tickets faire interface

This is one of the interesting events added in the recent update. If your family wins and becomes the owner of this factory- in the warehouse of the family every hour 5 RP-tickets will be added up to 5 RP-tickets.

RP Ticket Factory

They can then be used for their own purposes or sold to other players. The average cost of one item – 450.000$.

A way to earn money in the family on Grand Role Play

And that’s all for now, we hope these methods will allow you to become one of the richest players on Grand Role Play. A detailed video – already waiting on our official YouTube channel. Good luck!