Greetings, in this article, we will share with you a method that allows you to make millions, with no investment and with minimal effort. Interested?

How this method works

This method has not received wide publicity and very few people knew about it, and it consists in selling license plates. It turns out that license plates can be sold legally! We ourselves recently learned about this method of earning money on Grand Role Play.

San Andreas Highway Patrol is the place to buy license plates, for sale

What is required to earn money

1) Buy a lot of BMX bikes – their state value is extremely low.
2) Spawn your new bike in the parking lot
3) Drive to the place of issuance of license plates – faction San Andreas Highway Patrol
4) Get your new license plates
5) Put the license plates on sale and wait for the purchase.
Capture your profit from it.

License plate sales menu

Tips for making a lot of money and fast income

  1. Buy many bikes, ideally you need about 20, this way you don’t have to repeat the same buying pattern every time and you will save your time.
  2. The price of license plates for a car – depends on its state value, which is why we chose BMX bikes. It goes for 2000 dollars in price.
  3. We advise you to choose Paleto Bay as a place to park your vehicles. After all, there is a faction that interests you, and bicycles have a very small speed of riding.
  4. Try to pick up rare license plates that will attract attention, because they are the most valuable in the market of low-value license plates.
  5. Analyze the market, don’t try to put the highest or lowest value – this can scare off a potential buyer
  6. For your convenience, we recommend that you first put license plates on all your purchased bikes, and only then send them to the place of sale.
  7. This is not a permanent way to earn money, please note – the greatest profit will be in the days of updates on the servers Grand Role Play, because then developers add a lot of new cars and players need to buy for them license plates

Thank you for reading the article

Congratulations, you have learned one of the secret methods of earning! We hope it will bring you the maximum possible amount of virtual currency on the server. To learn more about this way of earning, you can learn by watching the video on our official YouTube channel