Hi! Are you interested in the faction with the biggest salaries and the most interesting pastime ? Then you have come to the right place! After all, in this article we will tell about the most interesting and rich faction on the project Grand Role Play.

Brief information about the faction.

This faction is the only one on the entire server, in fact, having a complete monopoly in the field of media. It is engaged in editing incoming announcements from players and their further broadcasting to the entire server, holding the most interesting events for the server players, as well as the most creative advertising for your business. And also in this faction you can get very good money for your work.

Interior of the workplace for employees of the organization

How to join LifeInvader.

The criteria for joining may be different, depending on the current leader and the server you are playing on. But on average they are as follows:

  1. Have a level 10 game character;
  2. Do not have a mark of being in the criminal structure;
  3. Have a good microphone for successful and fast communication with other players;
  4. Have a good level of English, because the job involves editing ads – so you are required to have a good literacy skills and understanding of the language.

If you have all the necessary criteria – keep an eye on the in-game chat. As soon as you see a message about the opening of recruitment – immediately go to the office of LifeInvader. And where is their office – you will see in the message below. And welcome to the staff of the most creative company on the server Grand Role Play!

The place where most of the work meetings with server players take place

The structure of the organization LifeInvader.

Again, depending on the server, the number and name of departments may be different, but there are usually three departments in this organization:

  1. The Editor Department is the most important department in this organization. It deals with editing and releasing announcements that players submit using the phone. By the way, interesting fact, in a minute the edit department can receive up to thirty announcements.
  2. The events department is another interesting department. They are in charge of planning and creating events for the players of our server. Very cool and creative guys!
  3. The news department is one of the creative departments. It deals with the news of the IC-world. Whether it’s an interesting story about the work of the police department, or a report about a gang shootout in the ghetto – all this will show on the news department.
One of the most interesting events held by the organization

Organizational Salary.

Remember, we said that this is one of the highest paid organisations on the server ? Well – this is the purest truth. Initially, your pay will be very small, but as soon as you can pass all the tests and you will be able to edit ads and you will start to get a decent pay for your work. For example, the salary on the 3rd rank, is 5.000$, but it is not limited to this! You will receive a percentage of each edited ad. On average – it is from 10 to 20 percent of the value of the ad. For example: the cost of an ad for another player is 3.500$. If you edit it – you will get 350$ to your PayDay pay. According to our information, per hour you can edit about 20-30 ads per hour. In addition, there are tons of bonuses. At LifeInvader, literally every action you take is paid for – whether it’s an appearance with a famous personality, a promotional poster for a business owner, an article for the official news column. The more you work, the more you get – that’s the main formula for success in this company.

highest pay in the factions

Frequently asked questions from players

For all new players who want to join LifeInvader – we have prepared a list of questions that people who want to join the organisation often have:

  • How much can you earn per day?
    Earnings depend on the amount of work that you do; typically, you receive around 10% of the ad price.
  • Why hasn’t my ad been published yet?
    Due to the high amount of ads it will be posted soon.
  • In LifeInvader, is editing ads the only task, or are there any other responsibilities?
    Apart from editing ads, you can join the Events or News Team.
  • How can I join LifeInvader?
    Apply via LifeInvader emails, and make sure that you are 10 years in the city and do not have criminal record.
A reporter's job is very lucrative

  • Can we join two departments, and what’s the process?
    Yes, after you pass the second interview you can join another department.
  • Are there weekly ad targets?
    Yes, depending on your rank.
  • Can you go afk if you need to while working at LifeInvader?
    Yes, you can but if you are going AFK you can need to fill in the AFK log.
  • Are there fixed working hours?
    No, working hours are flexible.
  • Are there any restrictions on the type of clothing we should wear while working?
    No, you can wear what you prefer.
The main office is located in the center of the city, which is very cool

  • Can we edit the ads anywhere or we need to be near the HQ?
    Yes, you can edit the ads anywhere in the city you don’t need to be near the building of Lifeinvader.
  • Can we edit our own ads? Yes.
  • What is the procedure of city broadcast?
    You can go to the LifeInvader Emails and open the ticket one of the workers will assist you during the whole process.
  • Can you carry weapons in the city?
    You can carry weapons within the city. Make sure that those weapons are legal and you have a gun license for them.
  • Can you use drones for personal purposes or during hostage situation, store robbery?
    Drones cannot be used for personal purposes. However, in hostage situation or store robbery you can use drones from safe distance in order to make a footage and create awareness about specific situation.

Thank you for reading the article.

Congratulations, you have reached the end of our great article. We hope it will help you choose your path of growth, whether you are in state or criminal organization. We are always happy to help in choosing your character’s story. Detailed video about this organisation, as well as many secret and quick ways to earn money on the project Grand Role Play – you can find on our official YouTube channel of the project.