So, check this out. You logged in for the first time on our server, you have absolutely nothing but your starting clothes and 125 dollars to rent a scooter. But what if I told you that you can literally find a lot of cool content within 10 minutes of playing on a server?

Initial quests

These quests are quite interesting and will help you to get used to the basic mechanics of the server and the initial jobs. And at the end of the quest line – you will have an opportunity to get one out of three premium car.

Choose one of the 3 machines when registering

Reuniting with your family

We have talked many times about the system of families and unofficial organizations. They have one useful feature . Right after registering, there is an opportunity to join one of the many cool families. To do this, simply walk up to an NPC. Press “E” and select “I want to reunite with my family ”. After that, select your favourite family from the list and join it.

The reunion feature is one of the most important features at the start of the game

Initial Jobs

There are 18 jobs for beginners on Grand RP. Many of them are available from the very beginning of the game. And I suggest working on all of them to find the one that you like the most. You want to fix wires on the job of an electrician? or you want to deliver goods on the job of a pilot or deliveryman? then Grand Role Play is definitely for you as we have big variety of things that you can do on our servers.

There's a lot of initial work on the project


After you’ve gained some experience you can join organisations. These are cool associations of players who are engaged in the same activities. Everything is just like in real life, there are police offciers and medics as well as military officers and bandits. Each organisation has a specific activity that it does. You can become gang member and rob people as well as houses. If you want to catch criminals then you can become a police officer and solve crimes.

State and criminal organizations with a unique system of interaction

Real Estate

On the server there is everything from luxury houses, to apartments in apartment complexes. All of them are quite expensive, but no one said it would be easy. However, we have a solution that will allow you to get your own real estate for practically free. An update was recently released that allows you to buy your own bunker for cheap.

Owning real estate is very important for any player

A couple hours of work on almost any of the initial jobs will make the purchase possible! The bunker will allow you to spawn, drive your vehicle out of there, and have fun. And in the future, with the purchase of necessary updates you will be able to earn money from the bunker

The easiest way to get your first property on the project


Ah yes, we almost forgot about the appearance of your character. Of course, the initial clothes will never go out of fashion. But for some reason, many people still pay attention to the appearance. On server we have a lot of clothing stores and opportunities to be the most fashionable on the server! Make a new hairstyle, get a couple of tattoos, you can even make a fresh manicure.

Appearance is very important for every player

And that’s where our article comes to an end. And a detailed video with the most secret tips can be wacthed on our official YouTube Channel.