You just want to play on the server and not think about where to get a lot of money ? You are attracted to a luxurious life, a lot of expensive cars, several houses and premium clothes ? Then this article is for you! In it, we will tell you the actual ways to earn money on the server, practically requiring no effort from you!

A rich life on the server

We will tell you about several working ways that will make you a millionaire on the server.


I believe that this is the easiest way to earn money and the maximum that it requires from you – being on the server for a certain amount of time. How the system works: You open your phone, go to the investment menu and choose the time you want to spend on the server. Investments are divided into short-term, you can take them once a day and it takes one day for them to complete until the next restart of the server, they bring not so much as you would like…

Short-term investments

But long-term investments are much cooler and they bring more money, but also requires more time that you have to be on the server.

Long-term investments

Investing is actually a very good way to make money, but it requires you to calculate your time on the server accurately.

Charged batteries

Charged batteries are in high demand, they are required to run all the machines in the bunker, so those who have earnings in this sphere are interested in charged batteries. The batteries are charged with the help of solar panels. Panels are easy to buy, but a player can only charge panel once. I explain, until the panel is not charged, and it is charging for 5 hours, you can not charge the second battery.
That’s how you can make money. You can buy a bunch of solar panels in a 24/7 shop, advertise, call a bunch of friends, call all your friends and ask them to put the panels in a hidden place. And it is ready, within 5 hours you’ll have a bunch of charged batteries, and depending on the server you can sell them from 20.000$ to 45.000$. Here your earnings depend on the number of people you find, in theory it is not limited by anything. Don’t forget that the panels need to be repaired every hour and guarded from other people who want to make easy money

Bunker production

Now your bunker and the machines in it are good investment, in the article about the bunker, we talked about the aspects of production. Just pick an item you’re interested in that you can sell for a lot of money.It will take investment and time, take that into account.

The interior of the bunker

Magic bushes

Not a bad choice for a bandit. Not to say it’s too easy, but it’s doable. Just find a spot away from the city and the public eye. Plant it with seeds and after a while, harvest your crop and use it yourself for cool effects! Just be careful, your plantation could be taken by someone and then you’ll have to say goodbye to all your crops.

Making money from cannabis plants

Family Businesses

Many families on the server have their own business on which they raise good money. Try to join them, or make your own family and try to pick up a business at one of the auctions. And these businesses make up to $1,000,000 a day. Practically you get a passive income. Pay attention to them.

Family business - plantation

A house and garden

Despite the fact that the house with a garden has a high cost, it brings a lot of money with proper treatment and regularly taking care of crops – the garden will pay for itself very quickly and you will come to a stable profit, do not forget only to pay for it in time.

A house with a planted garden

Thank you for reading

In this article we have collected the most famous ways of passive income, choose a convenient for you, but no one forbids you to combine them to achieve maximum profit. Register on the server using our referral link and get a lot of bonuses from the very start. And all methods are described in detail in the video on our official Youtube channel.