Greetings, dear players! In this article, we will talk about all existing weapons on our servers. We will tell you what type of weapons exist and how to get any weapon that you want.

Types of weapons on Grand Role Play

So, first let’s understand why do weapons exist on our servers. Of course, there is a very simple explanation behind it. Weapons are needed in order to defend yourself or attack other players. We have 7 types of weapons which will be listed here:

  • Close combat;
  • Pistols;
  • Pistol machine guns;
  • Shotguns;
  • Assault rifles;
  • Machine guns;
  • Sniper Rifles.
Buying weapons at a weapons store

Where to buy weapons ?

There are several ways to get weapons in your inventory:

  • You can buy weapons from gun store which is not the easiest way how you can buy them. You need to to have a gun license to carry a weapon in order to buy it from gun store. You can buy it in government building for 20.000$.
  • The other way that you buy weapons is from the black market. The advantage of this method is that no additional options are required for it. You can come to the Black Market and buy the weapons that you need. More information about the Black Market on Grand Role Play you can find in this article. The biggest problem with this method is the fact that those weapons are illegal and you can be arrested by state employees for it.
Buying guns on the black market

Buying guns on the black market
  • You can can craft them by using our crafting system if you are in a gang.
  • Get weapons from warehouse of state organisations.
  • Buy directly from other players.
Armory of government organizations

Armory of government organizations


Each weapon on our project, has its own durability which is calculated in percentage. The more bullets you shoot the more weapon will lose its durability. In the end you will not be able to use your weapon as the percentage of durability will drop to 0. There is a way that you can repair it. In order for this method to work you need to be in a gang. You need to go to the weapons factory where they are assembled talk to the NPC who will offer you to fix your weapon for a certain amount of money as well as you can remove serial number by talking to him.

You can use this NPC to repair broken weapons

Also, a little fact about the serial number. It is unique and is assigned to a certain weapon. It can be used to track sale transfers and any other action related to a specific weapon made by a player.

Serial number and strength rating of the weapon

We hope that this article helped you to learn more information about our project. Even more information you can find on our official YouTube channel Grand Role Play. Thank you for your attention!