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IMPORTANT Applications for SAHP

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Samad Shakespeare

Aug 20, 2023

1. Name: Maher Ali

2. Age: 16

3. Time Zone: GMT+5

4. Average online per day: 2-6 hours on busy days, 10-12 hours on non busy days

5. Your Discord: ustadpathan

6. Your Nickname: Maher Hulk

7. Your ID: 119375

Additional Information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization? ( list three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 San Andreas Highway Patrol is an important aspect to keeping paleto and the highways safe from whatever it may come across. I have saw favoritism take over this ORG at times and I will not show any type of favoritism. Ranks will be dependent on past experiences over anything, If anyone makes a mistake in any capacity I will issue punishments no matter who you are. I also understand we all make mistakes so depending on the variety of the situation will be dependent on the punishment. To add on I will lead SAHP to the best of my ability. I think I have more than enough experience to lead SAHP.

2.2I know how to lead an organization to the fullest. Also, I’ve been HOD of HR in LSPD along with being HOD of Spec Ops in FIB I was also undersheriff in SAHP. I’d make sure I’m constantly talking with all the troopers to make sure if they need something they know I’m always here instead of not being involved. HR is always the biggest responsibility within an org, they keep the numbers high, I will make sure HR is always recruiting old and upcoming troopers so that we always show activity. Furthermore I want to make sure we always have HR available for interviews, trainings or whatever they are needed for. Swat and Highway Patrol will always be active so we have the highest chance of success in the field. I will only have five departments and they will be as follows. IA, SWAT, HR and HWP and PR I will hand pick the HODs as I see fit to best run the department so there are no mess ups within the departments. The HODs will choose the DHODs as they see fit (only 2 per department).

2.3 Lastly, As I have seen in the past other organizations may not of been to fond of SAHP but, I want to change that and make sure every organization can depend on us as a whole. Unprofessional behavior towards other orgs won’t be allowed. I will always make myself available to all leaders or deputies so if they have any concerns about SAHP they know that they can come to me and I will address the situation the best way I know how. Furthermore, I will make sure we always have 1 person on insurance at all times so the people of the city can also rely on SAHP to be there.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

3.1 I plan on doing Atleast two checkpoints a day if not more so, I can give my troopers something other to do besides patrolling 24/7 as I know patrolling only is not enough RP for our daily lives. To add on, I will also be helping my troopers out with these daily lifestyles so they all know they are not alone or that I’m not above anyone as we are all equal.

3.2 I want to have EMS more involved whether that be going to all hostage situations to made sure the hostage is safe or providing adrenaline shots at stores to better help us succeed. I would also ask once a week for a department health checkup to make sure all troopers have their health insurance up to date.

3.3 The PR team will play a huge role into more RP with the citizens of the city. Whether it be any kind of events or just keeping a positive outlook on life, I will appoint the best person I know as HOD of PR. I’d like to mention that I know how PR works as well as in NG and SAHP I did a lot with PR.
3.4 Lastly, I want Swat to always be available for any situation that may occur, any globals or locals along with stores or gunstores. I will also have them set up trainings with other organizations to practice our skills to better support any situation we may come across. Also, SWAT will be first on scene to address the situation and relay it back to dispatch so, when more troopers arrive we know the situation.

The ranks and deputies incorporated will be as follows.

Samad Hanma
Devain Hanma
30. Sheriff
29. Undersheriff
28. Chief of Staff
27. Chief
26. Deputy Chief
25. U.S Marshall
24. Commander
23. Captain
High Command—
22. Lieutenant
21. Field Supervisor
20. Major
19. Master Sergeant
18. Staff Sergeant
17. Sergeant
16. Master Corporal
15. Corporal
14. Detective
13. Junior Detective
12. Master Trooper III
11. Master Trooper II
10. Master Trooper
9. Senior Trooper III
8. Senior Trooper II
7. Senior Trooper
6. Trooper III
5. Trooper II
4. Trooper
3. Insurance Officer
2. Probie
1. Janitor

I hope you will consider my application and thank you for the time you have taken to read this.

Warmest Regards, Maher Hulk

Abhi Federal

Jan 6, 2024
1. Your name IRL:Abhimaan
2. Your age:18
3. Time zone:GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day:5-6hrs
5. Your Discord:ehaste
6. Your Nickname:Abhi Deadly
7. Your ID:125640
Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
-I want to gain leadership experience as a state leader.I want to serve as a state leader and gain mcuh experience about state orgs.I have been high command in the previous term of SAHP and i was employee of the week because of my hardwork in the org and dedication
-SAHP is all about keeping their jurisdictions safe.Their jurisdiction comes under paleto bay,the doc and the great ocean highway.I will make a impact in the highway robberies.I will make the highway patrol very active for decreasing the crime rate.
-Mostly,in SAHP there are a very less numbers based on last few terms.In the last term i almost did 15hirings in total and made the SAHP very active in Andrews Term.I will focus on the Highway Patrol and Human Resource Department the most.Human Resource is needed for getting numbers in the org and highway patrol is needed for keeping the highways safe from the first day of the term.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
-I will make sure there is no sort of napotism and corruption in the org to make the Roleplay significantly better.I will make sure no one gets high command without my permission as i have seen much napotism in last few terms.I will definetly make the best out of bonuses.I will keep good bonuses for attracting fellow citizens.



Glory to hydra
Mar 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Piyush Panigrahi

2. Your age:16

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30 (IST)

4. Average online per day: 5 to 7 hours

5. Your Discord: piyush19200

6. Your Nickname: Nathan son

7. Your ID:102103

Additional information

1. Leader of...SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. Expertise Alignment: My skills and expertise closely align with the goals and needs of this organization. With my background and experience, I can effectively contribute to the strategic direction and operational success, providing valuable insights and guidance to propel the organization forward.

2. Passion for the Mission: I am deeply passionate about the mission and vision of this organization. I believe wholeheartedly in the impact it can make and am dedicated to driving positive change in the areas it serves. This passion fuels my commitment to lead with enthusiasm and dedication, inspiring others to share in our collective vision.

3. Leadership Experience: Throughout my career, I have honed my leadership abilities through various roles and challenges. From leading teams to managing complex projects, I have developed the skills necessary to navigate uncertainty, foster collaboration, and motivate others towards common goals. My proven track record in leadership positions positions me as a strong candidate to guide this organization to new heights.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Feedback and Reflection: Encourage constructive feedback and reflection following role-playing exercises. Provide specific, actionable feedback to participants, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement. Encourage participants to reflect on their performance and identify strategies for enhancement.
Buddy you mentioned your age wrong❌

Pidim Killa

Mar 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL- Pidim
2. Your age- 18
3. Time zone- GMT+6:00
4. Average online per day- 10 hours
5. Your Discord- pidim0p
6. Your Nickname- Pidim Badmash
7. Your ID- 143650
Additional information
1. Leader of...
San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I have good communication and shooting skill. Also I am good in leading convey as I was Chief Commander of HWP.
2. SAHP has its own jurisdiction and I would like to make it safe for all. I will make SAHP the most active, professional and flawless organisation.
3. I am in sahp from 11 term. I have experience of each department. I was Chief Commander on the last term. Now I would like to be sheriff and would like to make sahp more active.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Day, night and both shift units will get huge bonus from the sheriff. They have to collect their bonus from their hod. Also for joining spec ops they will get huge bonus.
2. Promotion ceremony on every Sunday with huge party.
3. Weekly meeting with division chief for improving their department.
4. Weekly meeting with whole sahp units to know what issue they are facing and how to solve them.
5. FTO officer will train newbies proper rp commands so that evidence can not be invalid.
6. Newbies will not hesitate to get help from hc.
7. Will devide highway in some internal codes so that units can reform convey ASAP.
8. Transport license to drive transport will increase rp level but for emergency calls units can use any transport if their are not enough transport.
9. Arena Tournament will be hosted in every Friday so that shooting skill can be increase.
10. Friendly behavior with internal officers and other legal orgs. Hc will be friendly with troopers.


HR [Human resource]

They have to recruit members in SAHP so that sahp can be one of the active org in the city. Citizen have to pass interview taken by HR to join sahp.

This Department have to train new officers so that they can go for patrolling and gain knowledge.

IA [Internal Affairs]
They have to check logs, bodycams, trunks, background and licenses and internal case files. Besides they have to find out corrupted officers.

SWAT [Special Weapons And Tactics]
They have to handle the special operations like candy runs, ghetto patrol and negotiation. They have to response all emergency calls like store robbery, FZ raid, BM raid, Gang raid, ACC, SUB ASAP. They have to bust cannabis.

HWP [Highway PATROL]
All sahp unit is a member of this department. Sheriff makes one hod to lead units. The work of this department is highway patrol, attending atm robbery, house robbery, illegal contrabands, set up speed traps and issue fine to reckless drivers etc.

This Department gather evidence against criminal organizations and pass to FIB for gang raid. Besides they can send location to other officers by using radio to stop robbing ASAP.

Ranking System

30 - Sheriff
29 - Under sheriff
-----1st Level High Command-----
28 - COS
-----2nd Level High Command-----
27 - HOD
-----3rd Level High Command-----
26 - DHOD
-----4th Level High Command-----

25 - Supervisor
24 - Commander
23 - Colonel
22 - Lieutenant Colonel
21 - Captain
20 - Lieutenant
19 - Major
18 - FTO
17 - IA
16 - SWAT
15 - Detective
-----Patrolling Officer-----
14 - Master Sergeant
13 - Senior Sergeant
12 - Sergeant
11 - Master Corporal
10 - Senior Corporal
9 - Corporal
8 - Master trooper
7 - Senior Trooper
6 - Trooper
5 - Field Officer
4 - LOA
3 - Trainee II
2 - Trainee
1 - suspended
Best Regards
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Nov 18, 2021
1. Your name IRL- Pidim
2. Your age- 18
3. Time zone- GMT+6:00
4. Average online per day- 10 hours
5. Your Discord- pidim0p
6. Your Nickname- Pidim Badmash
7. Your ID- 143650
Additional information
1. Leader of...
San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. A leader must have to follow rules. He must have a good communication skill and have to lead officers. I have those knowledge and skills so I am capable to become a leader.
2. SAHP has its own jurisdiction and I would like to make it safe for all.
I will make SAHP the most active, professional and flawless organisation.
3. I am in sahp from 14 terms. I was Chief Commander on the last term. Now I would like to be sheriff and would like to make sahp more active.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Day, night and both shift units will get huge bonus from the sheriff. They have to collect their bonus from their hod. Also for joining spec ops they will get huge bonus.
2. Promotion ceremony on every Sunday with huge party.
3. Weekly meeting with division chief for improving their department.
4. Weekly meeting with whole sahp units to know what issue they facing and how to solve them.
5. FTO will train officers proper rp commands.


HWP [Highway PATROL]

All sahp unit is a member of this department. Sheriff makes one hod to lead units. The work of this department is attending atm robbery, house robbery, illegal contrabands, set up speed traps and issue fine to reckless drivers etc.

HR [Human resource]
They have to recruit members in SAHP so that sahp can be the active org in the city. Citizen have to pass interview taken by HR to join sahp.

This Department have to train new officers so that they can go for patrolling and gain knowledge.

IA [Internal Affairs]
They have to check logs, bodycams, trunks, background and licenses and internal case files. Besides they have to find out corrupted officers.

SWAT [Special Weapons And Tactics]
They have to handle the special operations like candy runs, ghetto patrol and response all emergency calls ASAP. They have to bust cannabis.

This Department gather evidence against criminal organizations and pass to FIB for gang raid. Besides they can send location to other officers by using radio to stop robbing.

Ranking System

30 - Sheriff
29 - Under sheriff
28 - Chief of staff
27 - Head of department
26 - deputy head of department
----------High command----------
25 - Supervisor
24 - Commander
23 - Colonel
22- Lieutenant Colonel
21 - captain
20 - Lieutenant

19 - HR/FTO
18 - IA
17 - SWAT
16 - Detective
15 - Master Sergeant
14 - Senior Sergeant
13 - Sergeant
12 - Master Corporal
11 - Senior Corporal
10 - Corporal
9 - Master trooper
8 - Senior Trooper
7 - Trooper
6 - Field officer II
5 - Field officer
4 - Trainee II
3 - Trainee
2 - LOA
1 - suspended​

tariq monster

Mar 19, 2024
1. Your name: Moza Moaaz
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT +2
4. Average online per day: 8-12 Hours.
5. Your Discord: moaazz123
6. Your Nickname: Moza Moaaz
7. Your ID: 131281

Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

A) SAHP has always had a special place in my roleplaying experience, Its where I first with proper roleplay and its where I always myself coming back to. I find that SAHP are the chillers, loving the RP and just driving the highway.
with SAHP being the ones out the city its us who deal with getting taken hostage frequently which is great for RP experience, RPing is always the Centre of the aim.

B) In my term we will have the least toxic environment SAHP
has er seen, I will bring in the unique family feeling for SAHP. The units with feel like family to each other rather than enemy's competing for ranks.
when having a happy atmosphere everything will run a whole load better.

C) We all know that SAHP is very different and unique with the action that we have on highways. I wil put in a place a good system that will make sure SAHP officers are kept as safe as possible whiles going out and keeping all the citizens using the highways safe. We will do constant "NIGHT OWL PATROLS". Going out as an unstoppable group responding to anything that pops up and return to HQ successful.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
1)There are loads of ways to make the quality of SAHPs roleplay a higher standard. One is simply by making rules which will improve the roleplay.
2)I'll be constantly looking out for the low ranks in the organization. I will never allow a disconnect from low ranking to high, my aim will be to move everyone up from low to high. I will also hold everyone accountable for actions and this will bring the relationships between the organization and the citizens closer.
3)My next way to improve is i wont be afraid to try new things, We will test new RP methods, if it shows to be a success, I will continue with it, if it doesn't, it will be fazed out.
4)My final way to better the RP is by removing toxicity. I will do everything I possibly can to make sure we never get misread in a toxic manner. We will work with all the other LEO's not against them and they will know that.

**Rank structure**
30) Sheriff
29) Under-Sheriff
28) Commander
27) Chief Of Staff
26) Chief Of Department
25) District Attorney
24) Deputy Chief Of Department
23) US Marshall
===== HIGH COMMANDS ======
22) Supervisor
21) Captain
20) Luitenent
19) Major
18) Master Sergeant
17. Sergeant
16 Senior Corporal
15) Corporal
14) Lance corporal
12) Master trooper III
11) Master trooper II
10) Master trooper I
9) senior trooper III
8) senior trooper II
7) Senior trooper I
6) Trooper III
5) Trooper II
4) Trooper I
3) Probie
2) Trainee


Apr 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Nicholas oakman
35 years of age
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Nicholas oakman
35 age
Time pacific
3 to 8 hr a day
Discord hustler4life420
Nicholas miller
Interested in becoming a medic or a police officer in any department.

I like this game want to get more involved I want to save people or perhaps arrest people that are causing havoc and I think there could be more medics in the cities or in the towns

Rihan Pluxury

Server Administrator
Mar 3, 2024
Dear Players

This forum is designated for submitting applications for the leader of SAHP. Please do not post any discussion, off-topic messages, vouching etc. Any off-topic or vouching posts will be subject to moderation and possible punishment. Copying applications on forum is strictly prohibited any instances of those will result in immediate rejection of application without administrators (curators) checking them.

Applications for the Leader of SAHP are now Open

Pikachu Uzumaki

Apr 2, 2023
1. Your name IRL
Yasin Hossen
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
8 Hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I would like to lead SAHP for these reasons.

(1) In English City 2, I was Capta In SAHP. I served in the SAHP for nearly 2terms. In those terms, I learned a lot of things and I have fully experienced those terms. I saw that there are a lot of gaps between low-rank to high-rank officers. My duty as SAHP Leader is to fix all these problems and let SAHP units have the best RP gameplay. I also have experience as HC in SAHP, Chief of Staff in LSPD, DOC OFFICER in Government, and SUPERVISOR OF DEPARTMENT in FIB. I have been an HC of an active family, so I have quite a good management experience. I want to use those experiences as a leader.

(2) I have many new ideas and new things/updates to SAHP (It's not just texting if I am accepted to the interview, I'll say some) and I'll start doing it according to the system. I will discuss them in the interview.

(3) To lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and I'll try my best to let our units have fair, serious, and funny RP gameplay with new events, rules, SAHP laws, and new divisions. SAHP has been regarded as one of the best organizations in the past, and because of this, it will create a good impression in the mindset of the citizens.
3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.
My advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization:

My advice for improving Roleplay level-

(I) Making the members skilled when they join hosting special training sessions.
(ii) Making plans before attending every event and discussing with the high command.
(iii) Keep the org alive and protect the city.
(iv) Attend all events with other LEOs.
(v) Give bonuses to everyone to be more active.
(vi) some secret tasks if they do properly, they will get bonuses for that.

Adrish Ror

Feb 23, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Adrish Banerjee
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord : adrishbanerjee
6. Your Nickname : Adrish Ror
7. Your ID : 138676

Additional information
1. Leader of " San Andreas Highway Patrol "

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(A) When I firstly joined this server I was finding for a job where I can get respect not only the money. Then I got knew about SAHP (San Andreas Highway Patrol). I was really too new to know about everything. But I got learn everything from all my HC. I really got addicted with with SAHP. Its dose not matter when or What I every time went to SAHP as HC command and took really a lot of experiences. I really passed 3 terms as a hc . But now its time to get much and more respect so that's why I got decided to become the most respected Sheriff for this time as the First person and first command of SAHP my most favorite and first organization.

(B) SAHP a organization where there is a lot of things to learn but as a experienced guy I can teach everyone the correct way to maintain the organization to the second high commands and third commands. Also I want to manage all heads of every departments.

(C) I have a full blue print of working in the organization as the Sheriff with the help of other organizations including FIB,LSPD,NG and EMS with my good Cooperation skills. I will try to make the term best term ever.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I will use my best to upgrade the management system of SAHP with my experiences of SAHP (3 terms) LSPD (2 terms) FIB (1 term) and NG and EMS. I will upgrade Commands , Departments , ranking systems and also commands in a new style which will be easy but more appropriate than before.

**Rank structure**
30) Sheriff
29) Under-Sheriff
28) Commander
27) Chief Of Staff
26) Chief Of Department
25) District Attorney
24) Deputy Chief Of Department
23) US Marshall
===== HIGH COMMANDS ======
22) Supervisor
21) Captain
20) Luitenent
19) Major
18) Master Sergeant

17. Sergeant

16 Senior Corporal
15) Corporal
14) Lance corporal
12) Master trooper III
11) Master trooper II
10) Master trooper I
9) senior trooper III
8) senior trooper II
7) Senior trooper I
6) Trooper III
5) Trooper II
4) Trooper I
3) Probie
2) Trainee
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Pidim Killa

Mar 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Pidim
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+6
4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hours
5. Your Discord: pidimkilla
6. Your Nickname: Pidim Killa
7. Your ID: 143650
Additional information
1. Leader of SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  • As a sheriff, I would like to provide service to the citizens so that they can roam the highway freely and enjoy their journey. I would like to ensure freedom for the citizens and public safety on the highway. I would like to remove crime from the highway. I'll tackle current issues with my creativity.
  • I would like to make SAHP the most desirable and orderly organization with the maximum level of RP and maximum activity. By following the chain of command and applying my skills, I would like to create new traditions for SAHP and raise its bar to the highest levels.
  • I am much better at leading, as I was the chief commander of the highway patrol. Then I joined FIB and with my hard work, I became Chief of Staff of Spec Ops. In the current term, I am the Chief of Staff of Undercover and gather evidence against criminal organizations.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • Good communication
  • license for using transports
  • license for using heavy weapons
  • bonus at a fixed time
  • Promotion ceremony every week
  • Correct RP commands
  • Skilled/experienced high command
  • Meeting with division chiefs every week
  • Meeting with SAHP units every week
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Fnc Bimboo

May 13, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Jitraj

2. Your IRL age : 19

3. Time zone : GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day:4/5 hrs

5. Your Discord:vass_6

6. Your Nickname Eris Odds

7. Your ID:81205

Additional information

1. Leader of...: San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Past Experience: In my past I have been an sahp undersheriff Leader of National Guard so I know How different things and aspects of leadership works I have pulled it off surviving from challenges building solutions to helping others my experience have came a long way off and I think Doing it again won't be a problem for me more over My Admins and curators would be happy at the progress of I get the chance .

My ideas For the Organization: I will be making significant changes in the rank system

Implementation of new bonus system and improvement in promotion .

Various departments to choose and join :

1 : HR : Responsible for hiring and training staff

2 : IA : Management body Finds corrupt cop fixes the problems

3. HWP : Department responsible for monitoring highway catch criminals and to abide road laws

4.SWAT : Special Operatives For different situations and ghetto operations

5.US Marshall: US undercover division to catch criminals and help FIB in evidence collection.

My visions For SAHP : I plan on making it Top of the line with my enthusiasm and activity introducing new RP methods making good Relationship with other Organisations do Highway Patrol, Border patrol help other state organizations and to improve RP in general.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I have mentioned some of my ideas so I'm mentioning just a sneak of them :

1.Professional conversation in Radios with badge. Numbers

2 Regular and high bonus To keep the staff motivated

3. Recruitment of experienced people in the organisation

4 . Doing activities and regularly attending all events

5.Frequent Joint training sessions for junior staffs.

Bonus system:

1.Ghetto Patrol : 10 K

2 Events : 15 k

3.Reception Duty : 7 K

4 .Hostage Situation: 15k

Department chiefs can setup thir own bonus system

Note :
I have introduced bonus System combat style department and I also have idea for various other changes to be made if I get the support from my curator I can make a great term.

Experience :
Ex Ballas deputy
Ex Vagos Deputy
Ex National Guard LT
Ex SAHP undersheriff

Ex Leader of National Guard

En -2
Current Ballas Deputy

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Usama Volkov

Curator of Turfs
Server Administrator
Dec 1, 2023
1.Muhammed Usama
2.24 (Recently Turned to 24 it was my birthday pervious Month)
4.6-7 Hours
6.Usama Volkov


Additional information

1.Leader of SAHP

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

-I Want to become the sheriff because i want to make SAHP More active and Serve it with my Leadership skills which i already proved in my bloods term. I want to make SAHP most Active Powerful Legal Organization and i can do it due to having Good Connections in whole city.

-I Had Stayed leader of Bloods before so i understand and know what Gangs Think so if i become a sheriff i can use my Gang Knowledge to defeat Gangs in every Event by knowing there every next move. More than that i want SAHP to attend all Possible events with the Hight Possible active units.

-I had seen in Night Time SAHP not have much active units i will fix this issue by Hiring people from different time-zone so SAHP can have many active units from all time-zone and can protect the Plaeto bey from crimes all time. I had gathered the Most Experienced and Best Chiefs of departments so i can make the SAHP Internal structure most Organized.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
-I will Not Let the Favourtism Happen in the SAHP

-More Organized and Deep Training System for the New Cadets
-More Well Balanced Bonus System
-Meeting With Chiefs (HODs) and Leaders of other Organizations.

Ranking System

30) Sheriff
29) UnderSheriff
28) Commander
27) Chief (HOD of Department)
26) Deputy Chief (DHOD of Department)
25) Supervisor
24) District Attorney
23) US. Marshal
===== HIGH COMMANDS ======
22) Captain
21) Lieutenant
20) Major
19) Master Sergeant
18) Sergeant
17) Senior Corporal
16) Corporal
15) Lance Corporal
14) Master Trooper III
13) Master Trooper II
12) Master Trooper I
11) Senior Trooper III
10) Senior Trooper II
9) Senior Trooper I
8) Trooper III
7) Trooper II
6) Trooper I
5) Probie II
4) Probie
3) Trainee II
2) Trainee

1) Suspended


Maarsh Walker

Feb 15, 2024

1. Your name IRL- Rushabh
2. Your IRL age- 17 (I turned 17 this month on15 may)
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 4-6 Hours
5. Your Discord- maarshwalker
6. Your Nickname- Maarsh Walker
7. Your ID- 135347

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol.(SAHP)

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1.Throughout my career, I have held various high-ranking positions in esteemed law enforcement organizations. As the Chief Commander of the San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP), Chief of Staff and Assistant Chief of Police in the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD), Brigadier General in the National Guard (NG), and Head of the Undercover Department in the Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB), I have gained extensive experience in the legal sector. This has allowed me to witness and understand all parts of legal organizations, as well as comprehend how communication functions between them. Moreover, I have developed an awareness of the potential factors that can lead to disputes and have become proficient in preventing such conflicts from arising.

2.During my time at the San Andreas Highway Patrol, I have been fully committed to serving the community and developing the necessary qualities to become an exceptional leader. My journey within the department has granted me priceless opportunities to work alongside different individuals in positions of authority, each possessing their own distinctive attributes and areas for improvement.

3.The respect and admiration I have for my previous work at the San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP) has had a profound impact on my approach to leadership. Through their guidance, I gained a valuable understanding of the significance of encouraging team members to actively participate in organizational endeavors and involving them in various activities and events. This firsthand experience instilled in me a profound appreciation for proactive leadership and the remarkable ability to inspire and motivate others to make meaningful contributions towards our collective objectives.

3.Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

1.It is crucial to ensure that the Human Resources department consistently hires highly skilled individuals and ensures that those who are in charge of training new employees are excellent role models themselves.

2.offer the most competitive bonuses available and distribute them at designated times with no delays. Additionally, we host distinct ceremonies to honor members who demonstrate exceptional contributions to the organization.

3.Implement strict penalties for any breach of regulations and guarantee fairness in the decision-making procedures to eliminate all possible prejudices and disputes.

4.Implement Mock drills for Hostage Situation and Store robbery to make all officer ready for responding and handle ling these situations as per requirement for negotiation.

5. We will consistently carry out patrols on the highways, as this is their primary responsibility. Additionally we would regularly perform thorough inspections to detect any illegal items that may enter the Sandy Shores airfield.


May 13, 2024
Your name IRL: Anmol
Your IRL age: 18
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 5-7 hrs
Your Discord : lucifermorningstar1419
Your Nickname :
Harry Federal
Your ID : 33599
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
* I have been in SAHP Since long time as First High command, and it was the first legal org I ever joined in the city.
*I have some deep Connection with SAHP Workflow and People and I enjoy being working As Employee and this after this long time I find myself Best for this Position
*Previously SAHP was not much Active and mostly the Front yard Were Empty and Units were also less in Number at Events thus I will make sure All members join events
3.Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
*Firstly, I will impose a good bonus System Individual for Training and Covering Lobby and etc thus Every employee will be there at work
* Secondly I will bring Different Kind of Department and Separate the FTO AND HR DEPARTMENT
as Hr work would only be to Recruit
And Fto will train them Cause its the Most Imp Position to train
*Thirdly I will Bring A new System of EMPLOYEE OF THE week And Hr of the Week and same as of other departments with special bonus to them

And will hire Good and Experience and non toxic Hc to Maintain the environment of Sahp

My Ranking System :-

Ranking System

30) Sheriff
29) Undersheriff
28) Commander
27) Chief (HOD of Department)
26) Deputy Chief (DHOD of Department)
25) Chief Of Staff
24) District Attorney
23) Colonel
===== HIGH COMMANDS ======
22) Captain
21) Lieutenant
20) Major
19) Master Sergeant
18) Sergeant
17) Senior Corporal
16) Corporal
15) Lance Corporal
14) Master Trooper III
13) Master Trooper II
12) Master Trooper I
11) Senior Trooper III
10) Senior Trooper II
9) Senior Trooper I
8) Trooper III
7) Trooper II
6) Trooper I
5) Cadet II
4) Cadet
3) Trainee II
2) Trainee

1) Suspended



Feb 2, 2024
1. IRL Name- Rifat Bin hamid Rafi

2. IRL Age- 18

3. Time Zone-GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day 2-5Hours

5. Your Discord- rifat_rafi

6. Your Nickname- Rifat federal

7. Your ID- 115013
Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP (San Andreas Highway Patrol)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

My journey started in the city after I joined SAHP at trooper level and because of my hard work and dedication throughout the whole 3 Successful terms, I got several promotions which ended up after being promoted to Cheif commander rank. So, I do have a grassroots knowledge of the organization how it works what problems and challenges we face on a day-to-day basis and how to resolve them. I had full confidence from my Sheriff during his term and I was free to make my own decisions for the best of the organization.
During my time in SAHP, I have been Head of the Department of HR, IA, HOD for HR & IA, COS, Chief Commander , I have successfully brought, managed and restrained more than 80% of the people in the organization as well as new employees. We train them in the best way, in order to protect the Highway, Sandy Shore, and Paleto Bay. I have been a team player, a leader and a teammate for my team throughout the term.
Most of the jobs I have done in organizations during my several ranks are as follows.
To be sure make sure to go to the events every day, starting from the store robbery to subs at 0.00, and also, we make sure to train the new employees in the best way.|
Make sure their logs are filled and activity has been checked.
Solving their issues internally and externally when occur rather it's inside the department or outside the department.
Last but not least, I am a person who likes the police and I love to defend people's rights so that injustice does not prevail in society, and this is in addition to that I love fighting crime and preventing corruption. Finally, I will only say that action speaks louder than words and throughout my last 2 terms as Deputy, my presence and work in the organization will speak for itself.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

A. First, let’s start with the department and how I can improve the departments and give them the freedom to perform the best way without interruption so everyone can enjoy the Roleplay.
Human Resources:
HR plays a very important part in every organization from day 1 to last. No one else will be able to take or hire anyone in the organization without approval from HR despite their ranks. HR will be responsible for taking the interview, doing the experience check, inviting them to the organization, creating logs and providing training to new employees. They will ensure the goodwill and needs of our employees. They will also handle the promotion system solely based on the performance of an individual and their sincerity to the organization.
Internal Affairs:
Most Successful organization depends on honest and trustworthy employees. Internal affairs will make sure that all employees have clear backgrounds by performing background checks. Have their logs filled by performing logs and activity checks twice a week, make sure their licenses and health insurance are up to date and do the trunk inspections to prevent any illegal activities within SAHP they will also do the bodycam checks regularly to avoid any corruption. In short, they will make sure that no one can hurt the integrity and reputation of the organization.
Public Relations:
All state organization need their Citizen support and my public relations department will make sure to provide a positive impact of SAHP throughout the city by organizing constant promotional prize events for Citizens, running campaigns and awareness citizen about crime and how to stay safe working closely with Life invader media team to bring good reputation to the organization.

Special Response Team (SRT):
SRT will be the first responder for every event their main focus will be to respond to all events on time make sure to bring maximum availability of SAHP troopers throughout the event and bust cannabis to keep the city safe.
Highway Patrol Team (HWP):
They will be responsible for keeping city highways safe for the public by constant patrolling, issuing fines to traffic offenders, towing vehicles parked in the wrong area, providing support to the SRT Team and selling insurance to citizens. Besides that, they will make sure that everyone is safe on highways and following traffic rules.

B. I will make sure that everyone carries out their duties with honour, courage, and respect to all citizens and individuals in the community. Each member of the SAHP will conduct his/herself with uncompromising honesty, ethics, and trustworthiness in all situations dealing with the citizens, and other organizations. Every member of the SAHP is held to a high level of accountability not only to the public but ourselves and pledges thoroughness and proper administration of duties through our provided training of law enforcement staff, we will continually improve to better serve our Citizens.
C. I will introduce a lucrative Bonus and Promotion System to motivate and keep the availability of my troopers. The bonus system in my term will be as follows.



D. Availability of troopers by dividing teams into two shifts day and night including troopers and high commands to make sure the presence of troopers throughout 24/7.
E. Implementing proper RP commands for our troopers for every event to enhance the quality and enjoyment of RP situations.
In the end, I would like to thank everyone for considering me for this role I will try my best to achieve all the tasks and roles given to me and prove to everyone with my hard work and experience if given the chance.
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