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Frankk Undefeated
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Pato Diaz
Dec 27, 2023

Frankk Undefeated

Dec 17, 2023
Hello murder Swayze, Im writing this complain today because me and my friends recently moved to this sever as we are mostly blacklisted on En sever and came here together to have fun and play all together on a sever with a bit of computation but unfortunately we have been experiencing biased decision by admins which me and my friends aren't happy about i have gathered some clips and uploaded them to YouTube this is a very serious matter and we want to enjoy the sever but at the moment we aren't able to do soo.

I would like to start of by saying happy holidays and new year sorry you have to read all this but it will be for the better of the sever.

ABOUT -Pato Daiz -

First Point- you can see through out this Pov killing before event and insulting me in front of an admin and nothing happens also the disrespect these intervals are showing is so disgusting to watch and play a video game with these people. rules broken GR 6.15,ER 1.2, GR 3.1 as well admin is around it becomes OOC.

second Point-you see VDM From player ID (17716) and 2 players shooting into GZ 1.1 player ID (1533) and (19544).

Third Point- Shooting into GZ 1.1 player ID (27769) and VDM and GZ 1.1 from players ID (17716) and players dancing on dead body GR 6.8 players ID (27769) and ID (26791) and GZ rule from Everyone in the Pov. and My friend shooting from ghetto and running into GZ rule 1.3 and GR 6.8 as well. And player PG and bug abuse ID (12839) And then IDs (17716),(27769),(2679) shooting into GZ. and GR 3.2 from player ID (12839).

Fourth Point- The admin was clearly watching the situation From this Pov 100% of player ID (1857) vdm him into ghetto so Hennessey and Daseconds family team / Bloods and Ballas My accident for Vdm clear desync but CL GR 6.2 Player ID (26791).

Fifth point- Bloods gang team with Ballas to kill me and rob which isn't allowed also tried to rob me in ghetto with 1 car and 3 people when GR 6.16 sate need 2 car 4 people to rob. also Fail Rp From player ID (20016) patching me without saying anything and searching me without saying nothing.

Last POv showing admin just decided to punish me and ignore everything else around Him. will admit i did Fear Rp as they shouldn't be allowed to rob me in the first place but admin instead of helping me if i was in the wrong just completely ignored me.

NOT TO MENTION we are on a sever which there aren't many people around and a admins in some cases so it should be easier to help players and build a good community so other can join and the sever can grow. When i first came to pt there was around 50-60 players after couple days there was around 80 players i had increase the activity in event with my friends and bring a bit of competition.

ABOUT -Fidalgo Mufino-

i have noticed this Admin seem to be taking alot of the reports on forums where we have seen multiple rejection to when me and my friends put forums up.
For example
On consideration - POV REQUEST | 27610 where he asked for Full event Pov when hes never done that with the people i have requested from closes the thread so i cant provide the full event pov and then i get banned because hes knows his Friend ID 1533 will get banned so its pay back.

Rejected - pov request | 1533 this one I've reported already.
Pov of this admin saying he will ban him for vdm when half the people do it ?

Now my question is why does the admin do this because he's friend with the players or is it because we are English player and he don't like us.

SOME more Pov of todays daily rp sever these player do !

Murder Swayze

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Jan 27, 2022
Boa tarde.

1. O administrador será penalizado por não ter aplicado punição por insultos, uma vez que na presença do administrador, o RP é pausado e caso haja insultos, são considerados insultos OOC.

2. e 3. - Esta é uma secção do fórum errada para fazer reclamações sobre jogadores.

4. O jogador ID 1897 foi punido corretamente. Não há provas suficientes para considerar que o administrador estava presente enquanto existiu RDM. Note que, infelizmente, nem sempre é possível que a administração esteja presente em 100% de todas as situações, por isso, existe a secção de reclamações sobre os jogadores no fórum, onde você pode criar a respetiva reclamação, no caso de existencia de alguma infração de regras onde não foi possível analisar a situação no momento.

5. Você estava com armas apontadas e recusou-de fazer qualquer RP e foi punido por isso. O que controla a quantidade de pessoas necessárias para roubar alguém é o script. Caso não haja quantidade necessária de pessoas/carros, o script não permite roubar. O administrador deu a punição por aquilo que estava a ver no momento em que assistiu a situação.
Nas POVs que você apresentou relativamente a esta situaçãoo, em nenhum momento aparece você a chamar um administrador e também não aparece a resposta do mesmo sobre que a situação encontra-se em análise, por isso, em relação ao facto do ID 20016 ter revistado sem ter dito nada e outros aspetos que você achou incorretos, também devia ter feito uma reclamação na secção de reclamações sobre os jogadores.

Em relação ao resto, não há muito que possa ser dito, a necessidade de pedir uma POV completa do evento fica a critério da administração e pode depender de vários fatores, como por exemplo, o histórico de suspeitas do jogador em questão, o facto da existencia de um PC Check anteriormente, etc. De qualquer das formas, é importante que todos os jogadores saibam que são obrigados a guardar POV do evento duramte 48 horas, sendo que o POV pode ser requisitado pela administração a qualquer momento no decorrer deste prazo.

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