my last appeal was rejected
so what happened was yes we broke a rule passing more than 5mil in a day but the rule says u cant pass more than 5mil or gift more than mil (what we did was exchange shoe for money which was more than 5mil ) yes we did this to buy biz from auction but we honestly thought exchange was a work around because there are people selling stuff in the city which are way more than 5 mil in exchange form (i myself bought 10mil worth of guns and 20mil worth of shoe in exchange in a single) we were under the impression of exchange more than 5mil is allowed so we did. we didnt break a rule on purpose we have been playing for more than 70days all of us more than 10-15 hrs a day why would we break suck a obvious rule on purpose. we honestly thought exchange is not breaking rules thats the only reason we did it. please reconsider our punishment (60day ban) i myself have not broken any major rules before (been demorged only 2 times since i joined the city). all four of are serious about this server please reconsider our punishment to maybe a 7day or 14day ban or take our business which we bought from auction and unban maybe please. we will make sure we dont break any rules again. thank u
so what happened was yes we broke a rule passing more than 5mil in a day but the rule says u cant pass more than 5mil or gift more than mil (what we did was exchange shoe for money which was more than 5mil ) yes we did this to buy biz from auction but we honestly thought exchange was a work around because there are people selling stuff in the city which are way more than 5 mil in exchange form (i myself bought 10mil worth of guns and 20mil worth of shoe in exchange in a single) we were under the impression of exchange more than 5mil is allowed so we did. we didnt break a rule on purpose we have been playing for more than 70days all of us more than 10-15 hrs a day why would we break suck a obvious rule on purpose. we honestly thought exchange is not breaking rules thats the only reason we did it. please reconsider our punishment (60day ban) i myself have not broken any major rules before (been demorged only 2 times since i joined the city). all four of are serious about this server please reconsider our punishment to maybe a 7day or 14day ban or take our business which we bought from auction and unban maybe please. we will make sure we dont break any rules again. thank u