Dear Admins, Hello, I am writing to you as my brother had recently informed me that my server 1 grand rp account had been banned for cheats. After hearing this I was quite shocked, to say the least. I had wondered why as I myself have never bought or used cheats in my life. As soon as he told me this I immeditiatly asked ‘why?’ He then began explaining to me that he had plugged his USB in to my computer and cheated uing my account as the wassword was written down at my desk. Once hearing this I became sad as i hadn’t played grnd for a while as I was on holiday and was excited to come back and play some. Im writing this to ask for a second chance as it wasn’t my fault. If I were to be allowed back I would allow you to regularly pc check me, I would change my password so my brother could never do it again. I had a vey stern talk to my brother. I appreciate your time Admins and hope this situation can be resolved and never happen again, once again im so sorry for the inconvenience. Also my character name was Tye dequavis.
I understand yous will find this very hard to believe but I just got home this morning from my holiday. Im so sorry and can promise this will never happen again.
I understand yous will find this very hard to believe but I just got home this morning from my holiday. Im so sorry and can promise this will never happen again.