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SignUp Now!Damn editor must have got paid wellHow about you provide the FULL POV of the whole situation instead of cropping em?
Don't cut clips, dickhead.GR 6.9 | ID 197833
He's not dead. He CHOSE to walk over to us and play the "convulsions" animation. Nice try
Huh? because we were dancing and our fam member did the convulsions animation below us? You're goofy. Also creepy that you went to 1st person and started circling us and taking pictures. Bet you got a whole folder tucked away full of women characters of GrandRP.then this must beGen Rule 6.9
We are allowed to dance. That person clearly isn't dead in the photo. They walked over and did the convulsions animation after one of our fam members did.keep dancing
You're mad that my alt character has 100x the drip your main will ever have.Nah if ur playing a female character as a man and you get mad over someone scratching their balls your wild and looking to target ban them
Your in Gravitas all your rep goes downhill just by wearing that shirtYou're mad that my alt character has 100x the drip your main will ever have.
If it was actually a girl I completely understand but its a guy playing a female character which I used to as well if bro is mad over that he aint no guy that man is on some estrogen cyclesImagine coming over to people who are minding their own business just to sexually harass women.... very weird behavior.Have you never spoken to girls ever??? Sad. that's the last that I have to say.