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Approved Leader of Emergency Medical Service | Barbie Flame

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Barbie Flame

Former Chief of EMS | Barbie Flame
Jan 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ayan Mondal
2. Your age: 35+
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-7 weekdays, 10-12 weekends
5. Your Discord: Barbie#3091
6. Your Nickname: Barbie Flame
7. Your ID: 88133

Additional information:

Application for Leader of Emergency Medical Service of Los Santos (Grand RP-EN1)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

I’d like to say the first and strong reason is my experience in both IC and IRL. I am the CEO of my IRL organization and have quite good IRL experience as a leader, and as a Former leader of EMS I know very well how to run this organization, my previous experience will definitely help me lead EMS.

I've been working in the EMS for almost the last 150 days, starting as a trainee to the Former Chief, now a Deputy Chief under Steve’s term. I worked extremely hard and put in long hours for the organization. It is an absolute pleasure working here and serving the citizens with colleagues and the best high commands. I completed my previous term successfully. I want to continue serving the city for a long time staying in the EMS. I enjoy working here healing people and communicating with them and managing my fellow employees, it feels like it's the best way to interact with the citizens of Los Santos. I want to become the chief again because I want to continue seeing EMS perform at its best and as previously mentioned, having served as EMS High Command and Chief, I have accumulated ample experience in understanding the ins and outs of EMS. I was responsible for the manner of work in the inner city such as recruitment drives, and inter-org. communication, managing employees' complaints & well-being to out-of-city work such as managing spreadsheets, taking strong decisions as a chief, and providing advice sought by the other Chiefs as & when necessary.

By applying for the leader position now, I am essentially going to be doing the same work that I was doing in my previous term, but with more responsibilities.

Goals if becoming the leader:
  • Timely Bonus Pay-outs: When employees receive their hard-earned bonuses on time, it keeps them motivated to work harder and longer. I would like to ensure that all bonuses earned are paid out within 24 hours.
  • Non-Toxic Work Environment: Employees who misbehave with other employees would not be tolerated. Healthcare is a very time-essential job and I would ensure that anyone who is creating a mess in the work environment for others is immediately dealt with.
  • Open Communication Between Employees & High Command: Proper coordination among employees and between employees and High Command. Some employees are nervous to approach their Deans or Heads for fear of not being heard or ignored. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that all employees freely reach out to High Command for any doubts or assistance that they need.
  • Strict on Rules: Make sure any lobby is not empty, and the number of employees involved in several duties like lobby, on calls, prep med, etc., Make sure all employees have their POV on when on-call duty at least for the last 24 hours. Will have a few new rules to maintain high RP and Professionalism.
  • Friendly Work Environment: I will make sure that every employee gets the deserving award for his or her hard work put into the organization, being their bonuses or their promotions, I will always try to make sure that everyone working for the organization is happy because if employees are happy EMS will on top always.
  • Motivate all employees: Make sure all employees are healthy and motivated using some fun activities, on-time bonuses, etc.
  • Friendly Relation with Other Org.: Staying connected to all the other government organizations at all times and providing everything that is required like, providing health inspections, renewing contracts on time, keeping the medkit supplies high when they asked, etc.
  • Scheduling of Employees: Mirroring real life, all medical staff have fixed schedules in which they provide medical assistance at hospitals. I want to incorporate that by providing an option for employees to include their schedule and have it approved by a High Command to ensure that all hospitals are staffed at all times. Being available for the citizens of this city from morning to midnight is a difficult task, but I am ready to undertake that task.
  • Re calculated bonus structure: This will help us stay within the organization budget that we have daily and spend more.
  • Ng in the lobbies during rush hours: I have noticed every time that it is very difficult for the doctors to provide medical services to all citizens at the same time when the hospital is very crowded and sometimes the patients insult the doctors in vulgar language and make vulgar remarks. My main responsibility is to protect my colleagues, I will try to always have two NG in the hospital when there are a lot of people in the hospital basically in rush hour (from 14:00 to 2:00).
  • Open recruitment by targeting time zone: I will do one open recruitment by targeting time zone so that we can avoid the lack of employee problems by day shift and night shift and at the same time the application form will be open till we can recruit relevant people.
  • HC meeting once a week: I have noticed that there are always differences of opinion within the High Command and that is a big problem later on. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. I will try to hold an official meeting with the High Command once a week so that we can discuss and resolve any differences, and work hand in hand to move the organization forward.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization?

EMS' presence in the city is crucial for all citizens and the backbone of the city, from the common person to the Governor. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that EMS lends itself and is available for the various situations listed below:

  • Inner City events (Racing events, Fighting championships, Car Shows, etc.)
  • Bank Robbery event, to support other LEOs.
  • Government recruitment events, etc.
  • Improvement of HAT team.
  • Weekly Check other state organizations for diseases and health insurance.
Aside from events, I would like to ensure that FTOs/Training Specialists provide training as per the revamped Training Structure and more use the training videos that were worked upon by previous EMS High Command, including me. I would hop in between training sessions to ensure that the quality of training provided is exactly as per the Training Structure. I would also like to make training sessions easier to understand for new Trainees by pairing them with FTOs/Training Specialists who understand each other perfectly.

When everyone works in unison and with proper understanding, all the smaller problems automatically disappear and the entire organization works perfectly.

I will always be open-minded to hear new suggestions from my employees to improve the organization.

That is my goal towards EMS, to ensure that it functions well, even when I am not physically there.

Thank you for reading my application. Have a great day.


Jun 11, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Muzaffer Serkan İLHAN
2. Your age: 30
3. Time zone: GMT +2:00
4. Average online per day: 5-7 weekdays, 10-12 weekends
5. Your Discord: Ghost Cerberus #1892
6. Your Nickname: Ghost Cerberus
7. Your ID: 141793

1. Application for Leader of Emergency Medical Service of Los Santos (Grand RP-EN1)
2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):
Helping citizens because I want to help citizen and my friends in family and organization
Becoming Important person in Role play and Giving Leadership in organization
Because I can take responsibiliy and doing my job with my best and respect

Barbie Flame

Former Chief of EMS | Barbie Flame
Jan 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Muzaffer Serkan İLHAN
2. Your age: 30
3. Time zone: GMT +2:00
4. Average online per day: 5-7 weekdays, 10-12 weekends
5. Your Discord: Ghost Cerberus #1892
6. Your Nickname: Ghost Cerberus
7. Your ID: 141793

1. Application for Leader of Emergency Medical Service of Los Santos (Grand RP-EN1)
2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):
Helping citizens because I want to help citizen and my friends in family and organization
Becoming Important person in Role play and Giving Leadership in organization
Because I can take responsibiliy and doing my job with my best and respect
Good Luck


Jun 20, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ayan Mondal
2. Your age: 35+
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-7 weekdays, 10-12 weekends
5. Your Discord: Barbie#3091
6. Your Nickname: Barbie Flame
7. Your ID: 88133

Additional information:

Application for Leader of Emergency Medical Service of Los Santos (Grand RP-EN1)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

I’d like to say the first and strong reason is my experience in both IC and IRL. I am the CEO of my IRL organization and have quite good IRL experience as a leader, and as a Former leader of EMS I know very well how to run this organization, my previous experience will definitely help me lead EMS.

I've been working in the EMS for almost the last 150 days, starting as a trainee to the Former Chief, now a Deputy Chief under Steve’s term. I worked extremely hard and put in long hours for the organization. It is an absolute pleasure working here and serving the citizens with colleagues and the best high commands. I completed my previous term successfully. I want to continue serving the city for a long time staying in the EMS. I enjoy working here healing people and communicating with them and managing my fellow employees, it feels like it's the best way to interact with the citizens of Los Santos. I want to become the chief again because I want to continue seeing EMS perform at its best and as previously mentioned, having served as EMS High Command and Chief, I have accumulated ample experience in understanding the ins and outs of EMS. I was responsible for the manner of work in the inner city such as recruitment drives, and inter-org. communication, managing employees' complaints & well-being to out-of-city work such as managing spreadsheets, taking strong decisions as a chief, and providing advice sought by the other Chiefs as & when necessary.

By applying for the leader position now, I am essentially going to be doing the same work that I was doing in my previous term, but with more responsibilities.

Goals if becoming the leader:
  • Timely Bonus Pay-outs: When employees receive their hard-earned bonuses on time, it keeps them motivated to work harder and longer. I would like to ensure that all bonuses earned are paid out within 24 hours.
  • Non-Toxic Work Environment: Employees who misbehave with other employees would not be tolerated. Healthcare is a very time-essential job and I would ensure that anyone who is creating a mess in the work environment for others is immediately dealt with.
  • Open Communication Between Employees & High Command: Proper coordination among employees and between employees and High Command. Some employees are nervous to approach their Deans or Heads for fear of not being heard or ignored. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that all employees freely reach out to High Command for any doubts or assistance that they need.
  • Strict on Rules: Make sure any lobby is not empty, and the number of employees involved in several duties like lobby, on calls, prep med, etc., Make sure all employees have their POV on when on-call duty at least for the last 24 hours. Will have a few new rules to maintain high RP and Professionalism.
  • Friendly Work Environment: I will make sure that every employee gets the deserving award for his or her hard work put into the organization, being their bonuses or their promotions, I will always try to make sure that everyone working for the organization is happy because if employees are happy EMS will on top always.
  • Motivate all employees: Make sure all employees are healthy and motivated using some fun activities, on-time bonuses, etc.
  • Friendly Relation with Other Org.: Staying connected to all the other government organizations at all times and providing everything that is required like, providing health inspections, renewing contracts on time, keeping the medkit supplies high when they asked, etc.
  • Scheduling of Employees: Mirroring real life, all medical staff have fixed schedules in which they provide medical assistance at hospitals. I want to incorporate that by providing an option for employees to include their schedule and have it approved by a High Command to ensure that all hospitals are staffed at all times. Being available for the citizens of this city from morning to midnight is a difficult task, but I am ready to undertake that task.
  • Re calculated bonus structure: This will help us stay within the organization budget that we have daily and spend more.
  • Ng in the lobbies during rush hours: I have noticed every time that it is very difficult for the doctors to provide medical services to all citizens at the same time when the hospital is very crowded and sometimes the patients insult the doctors in vulgar language and make vulgar remarks. My main responsibility is to protect my colleagues, I will try to always have two NG in the hospital when there are a lot of people in the hospital basically in rush hour (from 14:00 to 2:00).
  • Open recruitment by targeting time zone: I will do one open recruitment by targeting time zone so that we can avoid the lack of employee problems by day shift and night shift and at the same time the application form will be open till we can recruit relevant people.
  • HC meeting once a week: I have noticed that there are always differences of opinion within the High Command and that is a big problem later on. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. I will try to hold an official meeting with the High Command once a week so that we can discuss and resolve any differences, and work hand in hand to move the organization forward.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization?

EMS' presence in the city is crucial for all citizens and the backbone of the city, from the common person to the Governor. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that EMS lends itself and is available for the various situations listed below:

  • Inner City events (Racing events, Fighting championships, Car Shows, etc.)
  • Bank Robbery event, to support other LEOs.
  • Government recruitment events, etc.
  • Improvement of HAT team.
  • Weekly Check other state organizations for diseases and health insurance.
Aside from events, I would like to ensure that FTOs/Training Specialists provide training as per the revamped Training Structure and more use the training videos that were worked upon by previous EMS High Command, including me. I would hop in between training sessions to ensure that the quality of training provided is exactly as per the Training Structure. I would also like to make training sessions easier to understand for new Trainees by pairing them with FTOs/Training Specialists who understand each other perfectly.

When everyone works in unison and with proper understanding, all the smaller problems automatically disappear and the entire organization works perfectly.

I will always be open-minded to hear new suggestions from my employees to improve the organization.

That is my goal towards EMS, to ensure that it functions well, even when I am not physically there.

Thank you for reading my application. Have a great day.


Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ayan Mondal
2. Your age: 35+
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-7 weekdays, 10-12 weekends
5. Your Discord: Barbie#3091
6. Your Nickname: Barbie Flame
7. Your ID: 88133

Additional information:

Application for Leader of Emergency Medical Service of Los Santos (Grand RP-EN1)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

I’d like to say the first and strong reason is my experience in both IC and IRL. I am the CEO of my IRL organization and have quite good IRL experience as a leader, and as a Former leader of EMS I know very well how to run this organization, my previous experience will definitely help me lead EMS.

I've been working in the EMS for almost the last 150 days, starting as a trainee to the Former Chief, now a Deputy Chief under Steve’s term. I worked extremely hard and put in long hours for the organization. It is an absolute pleasure working here and serving the citizens with colleagues and the best high commands. I completed my previous term successfully. I want to continue serving the city for a long time staying in the EMS. I enjoy working here healing people and communicating with them and managing my fellow employees, it feels like it's the best way to interact with the citizens of Los Santos. I want to become the chief again because I want to continue seeing EMS perform at its best and as previously mentioned, having served as EMS High Command and Chief, I have accumulated ample experience in understanding the ins and outs of EMS. I was responsible for the manner of work in the inner city such as recruitment drives, and inter-org. communication, managing employees' complaints & well-being to out-of-city work such as managing spreadsheets, taking strong decisions as a chief, and providing advice sought by the other Chiefs as & when necessary.

By applying for the leader position now, I am essentially going to be doing the same work that I was doing in my previous term, but with more responsibilities.

Goals if becoming the leader:
  • Timely Bonus Pay-outs: When employees receive their hard-earned bonuses on time, it keeps them motivated to work harder and longer. I would like to ensure that all bonuses earned are paid out within 24 hours.
  • Non-Toxic Work Environment: Employees who misbehave with other employees would not be tolerated. Healthcare is a very time-essential job and I would ensure that anyone who is creating a mess in the work environment for others is immediately dealt with.
  • Open Communication Between Employees & High Command: Proper coordination among employees and between employees and High Command. Some employees are nervous to approach their Deans or Heads for fear of not being heard or ignored. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that all employees freely reach out to High Command for any doubts or assistance that they need.
  • Strict on Rules: Make sure any lobby is not empty, and the number of employees involved in several duties like lobby, on calls, prep med, etc., Make sure all employees have their POV on when on-call duty at least for the last 24 hours. Will have a few new rules to maintain high RP and Professionalism.
  • Friendly Work Environment: I will make sure that every employee gets the deserving award for his or her hard work put into the organization, being their bonuses or their promotions, I will always try to make sure that everyone working for the organization is happy because if employees are happy EMS will on top always.
  • Motivate all employees: Make sure all employees are healthy and motivated using some fun activities, on-time bonuses, etc.
  • Friendly Relation with Other Org.: Staying connected to all the other government organizations at all times and providing everything that is required like, providing health inspections, renewing contracts on time, keeping the medkit supplies high when they asked, etc.
  • Scheduling of Employees: Mirroring real life, all medical staff have fixed schedules in which they provide medical assistance at hospitals. I want to incorporate that by providing an option for employees to include their schedule and have it approved by a High Command to ensure that all hospitals are staffed at all times. Being available for the citizens of this city from morning to midnight is a difficult task, but I am ready to undertake that task.
  • Re calculated bonus structure: This will help us stay within the organization budget that we have daily and spend more.
  • Ng in the lobbies during rush hours: I have noticed every time that it is very difficult for the doctors to provide medical services to all citizens at the same time when the hospital is very crowded and sometimes the patients insult the doctors in vulgar language and make vulgar remarks. My main responsibility is to protect my colleagues, I will try to always have two NG in the hospital when there are a lot of people in the hospital basically in rush hour (from 14:00 to 2:00).
  • Open recruitment by targeting time zone: I will do one open recruitment by targeting time zone so that we can avoid the lack of employee problems by day shift and night shift and at the same time the application form will be open till we can recruit relevant people.
  • HC meeting once a week: I have noticed that there are always differences of opinion within the High Command and that is a big problem later on. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. I will try to hold an official meeting with the High Command once a week so that we can discuss and resolve any differences, and work hand in hand to move the organization forward.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization?

EMS' presence in the city is crucial for all citizens and the backbone of the city, from the common person to the Governor. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that EMS lends itself and is available for the various situations listed below:

  • Inner City events (Racing events, Fighting championships, Car Shows, etc.)
  • Bank Robbery event, to support other LEOs.
  • Government recruitment events, etc.
  • Improvement of HAT team.
  • Weekly Check other state organizations for diseases and health insurance.
Aside from events, I would like to ensure that FTOs/Training Specialists provide training as per the revamped Training Structure and more use the training videos that were worked upon by previous EMS High Command, including me. I would hop in between training sessions to ensure that the quality of training provided is exactly as per the Training Structure. I would also like to make training sessions easier to understand for new Trainees by pairing them with FTOs/Training Specialists who understand each other perfectly.

When everyone works in unison and with proper understanding, all the smaller problems automatically disappear and the entire organization works perfectly.

I will always be open-minded to hear new suggestions from my employees to improve the organization.

That is my goal towards EMS, to ensure that it functions well, even when I am not physically there.

Thank you for reading my application. Have a great day.
+1 for Barbie

Maharaja Hexler

Mar 5, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ayan Mondal
2. Your age: 35+
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-7 weekdays, 10-12 weekends
5. Your Discord: Barbie#3091
6. Your Nickname: Barbie Flame
7. Your ID: 88133

Additional information:

Application for Leader of Emergency Medical Service of Los Santos (Grand RP-EN1)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

I’d like to say the first and strong reason is my experience in both IC and IRL. I am the CEO of my IRL organization and have quite good IRL experience as a leader, and as a Former leader of EMS I know very well how to run this organization, my previous experience will definitely help me lead EMS.

I've been working in the EMS for almost the last 150 days, starting as a trainee to the Former Chief, now a Deputy Chief under Steve’s term. I worked extremely hard and put in long hours for the organization. It is an absolute pleasure working here and serving the citizens with colleagues and the best high commands. I completed my previous term successfully. I want to continue serving the city for a long time staying in the EMS. I enjoy working here healing people and communicating with them and managing my fellow employees, it feels like it's the best way to interact with the citizens of Los Santos. I want to become the chief again because I want to continue seeing EMS perform at its best and as previously mentioned, having served as EMS High Command and Chief, I have accumulated ample experience in understanding the ins and outs of EMS. I was responsible for the manner of work in the inner city such as recruitment drives, and inter-org. communication, managing employees' complaints & well-being to out-of-city work such as managing spreadsheets, taking strong decisions as a chief, and providing advice sought by the other Chiefs as & when necessary.

By applying for the leader position now, I am essentially going to be doing the same work that I was doing in my previous term, but with more responsibilities.

Goals if becoming the leader:
  • Timely Bonus Pay-outs: When employees receive their hard-earned bonuses on time, it keeps them motivated to work harder and longer. I would like to ensure that all bonuses earned are paid out within 24 hours.
  • Non-Toxic Work Environment: Employees who misbehave with other employees would not be tolerated. Healthcare is a very time-essential job and I would ensure that anyone who is creating a mess in the work environment for others is immediately dealt with.
  • Open Communication Between Employees & High Command: Proper coordination among employees and between employees and High Command. Some employees are nervous to approach their Deans or Heads for fear of not being heard or ignored. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that all employees freely reach out to High Command for any doubts or assistance that they need.
  • Strict on Rules: Make sure any lobby is not empty, and the number of employees involved in several duties like lobby, on calls, prep med, etc., Make sure all employees have their POV on when on-call duty at least for the last 24 hours. Will have a few new rules to maintain high RP and Professionalism.
  • Friendly Work Environment: I will make sure that every employee gets the deserving award for his or her hard work put into the organization, being their bonuses or their promotions, I will always try to make sure that everyone working for the organization is happy because if employees are happy EMS will on top always.
  • Motivate all employees: Make sure all employees are healthy and motivated using some fun activities, on-time bonuses, etc.
  • Friendly Relation with Other Org.: Staying connected to all the other government organizations at all times and providing everything that is required like, providing health inspections, renewing contracts on time, keeping the medkit supplies high when they asked, etc.
  • Scheduling of Employees: Mirroring real life, all medical staff have fixed schedules in which they provide medical assistance at hospitals. I want to incorporate that by providing an option for employees to include their schedule and have it approved by a High Command to ensure that all hospitals are staffed at all times. Being available for the citizens of this city from morning to midnight is a difficult task, but I am ready to undertake that task.
  • Re calculated bonus structure: This will help us stay within the organization budget that we have daily and spend more.
  • Ng in the lobbies during rush hours: I have noticed every time that it is very difficult for the doctors to provide medical services to all citizens at the same time when the hospital is very crowded and sometimes the patients insult the doctors in vulgar language and make vulgar remarks. My main responsibility is to protect my colleagues, I will try to always have two NG in the hospital when there are a lot of people in the hospital basically in rush hour (from 14:00 to 2:00).
  • Open recruitment by targeting time zone: I will do one open recruitment by targeting time zone so that we can avoid the lack of employee problems by day shift and night shift and at the same time the application form will be open till we can recruit relevant people.
  • HC meeting once a week: I have noticed that there are always differences of opinion within the High Command and that is a big problem later on. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. I will try to hold an official meeting with the High Command once a week so that we can discuss and resolve any differences, and work hand in hand to move the organization forward.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization?

EMS' presence in the city is crucial for all citizens and the backbone of the city, from the common person to the Governor. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that EMS lends itself and is available for the various situations listed below:

  • Inner City events (Racing events, Fighting championships, Car Shows, etc.)
  • Bank Robbery event, to support other LEOs.
  • Government recruitment events, etc.
  • Improvement of HAT team.
  • Weekly Check other state organizations for diseases and health insurance.
Aside from events, I would like to ensure that FTOs/Training Specialists provide training as per the revamped Training Structure and more use the training videos that were worked upon by previous EMS High Command, including me. I would hop in between training sessions to ensure that the quality of training provided is exactly as per the Training Structure. I would also like to make training sessions easier to understand for new Trainees by pairing them with FTOs/Training Specialists who understand each other perfectly.

When everyone works in unison and with proper understanding, all the smaller problems automatically disappear and the entire organization works perfectly.

I will always be open-minded to hear new suggestions from my employees to improve the organization.

That is my goal towards EMS, to ensure that it functions well, even when I am not physically there.

Thank you for reading my application. Have a grea
1. Your name IRL: Ayan Mondal
2. Your age: 35+
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-7 weekdays, 10-12 weekends
5. Your Discord: Barbie#3091
6. Your Nickname: Barbie Flame
7. Your ID: 88133

Additional information:

Application for Leader of Emergency Medical Service of Los Santos (Grand RP-EN1)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

I’d like to say the first and strong reason is my experience in both IC and IRL. I am the CEO of my IRL organization and have quite good IRL experience as a leader, and as a Former leader of EMS I know very well how to run this organization, my previous experience will definitely help me lead EMS.

I've been working in the EMS for almost the last 150 days, starting as a trainee to the Former Chief, now a Deputy Chief under Steve’s term. I worked extremely hard and put in long hours for the organization. It is an absolute pleasure working here and serving the citizens with colleagues and the best high commands. I completed my previous term successfully. I want to continue serving the city for a long time staying in the EMS. I enjoy working here healing people and communicating with them and managing my fellow employees, it feels like it's the best way to interact with the citizens of Los Santos. I want to become the chief again because I want to continue seeing EMS perform at its best and as previously mentioned, having served as EMS High Command and Chief, I have accumulated ample experience in understanding the ins and outs of EMS. I was responsible for the manner of work in the inner city such as recruitment drives, and inter-org. communication, managing employees' complaints & well-being to out-of-city work such as managing spreadsheets, taking strong decisions as a chief, and providing advice sought by the other Chiefs as & when necessary.

By applying for the leader position now, I am essentially going to be doing the same work that I was doing in my previous term, but with more responsibilities.

Goals if becoming the leader:
  • Timely Bonus Pay-outs: When employees receive their hard-earned bonuses on time, it keeps them motivated to work harder and longer. I would like to ensure that all bonuses earned are paid out within 24 hours.
  • Non-Toxic Work Environment: Employees who misbehave with other employees would not be tolerated. Healthcare is a very time-essential job and I would ensure that anyone who is creating a mess in the work environment for others is immediately dealt with.
  • Open Communication Between Employees & High Command: Proper coordination among employees and between employees and High Command. Some employees are nervous to approach their Deans or Heads for fear of not being heard or ignored. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that all employees freely reach out to High Command for any doubts or assistance that they need.
  • Strict on Rules: Make sure any lobby is not empty, and the number of employees involved in several duties like lobby, on calls, prep med, etc., Make sure all employees have their POV on when on-call duty at least for the last 24 hours. Will have a few new rules to maintain high RP and Professionalism.
  • Friendly Work Environment: I will make sure that every employee gets the deserving award for his or her hard work put into the organization, being their bonuses or their promotions, I will always try to make sure that everyone working for the organization is happy because if employees are happy EMS will on top always.
  • Motivate all employees: Make sure all employees are healthy and motivated using some fun activities, on-time bonuses, etc.
  • Friendly Relation with Other Org.: Staying connected to all the other government organizations at all times and providing everything that is required like, providing health inspections, renewing contracts on time, keeping the medkit supplies high when they asked, etc.
  • Scheduling of Employees: Mirroring real life, all medical staff have fixed schedules in which they provide medical assistance at hospitals. I want to incorporate that by providing an option for employees to include their schedule and have it approved by a High Command to ensure that all hospitals are staffed at all times. Being available for the citizens of this city from morning to midnight is a difficult task, but I am ready to undertake that task.
  • Re calculated bonus structure: This will help us stay within the organization budget that we have daily and spend more.
  • Ng in the lobbies during rush hours: I have noticed every time that it is very difficult for the doctors to provide medical services to all citizens at the same time when the hospital is very crowded and sometimes the patients insult the doctors in vulgar language and make vulgar remarks. My main responsibility is to protect my colleagues, I will try to always have two NG in the hospital when there are a lot of people in the hospital basically in rush hour (from 14:00 to 2:00).
  • Open recruitment by targeting time zone: I will do one open recruitment by targeting time zone so that we can avoid the lack of employee problems by day shift and night shift and at the same time the application form will be open till we can recruit relevant people.
  • HC meeting once a week: I have noticed that there are always differences of opinion within the High Command and that is a big problem later on. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. I will try to hold an official meeting with the High Command once a week so that we can discuss and resolve any differences, and work hand in hand to move the organization forward.

3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization?

EMS' presence in the city is crucial for all citizens and the backbone of the city, from the common person to the Governor. Under my leadership, I would like to ensure that EMS lends itself and is available for the various situations listed below:

  • Inner City events (Racing events, Fighting championships, Car Shows, etc.)
  • Bank Robbery event, to support other LEOs.
  • Government recruitment events, etc.
  • Improvement of HAT team.
  • Weekly Check other state organizations for diseases and health insurance.
Aside from events, I would like to ensure that FTOs/Training Specialists provide training as per the revamped Training Structure and more use the training videos that were worked upon by previous EMS High Command, including me. I would hop in between training sessions to ensure that the quality of training provided is exactly as per the Training Structure. I would also like to make training sessions easier to understand for new Trainees by pairing them with FTOs/Training Specialists who understand each other perfectly.

When everyone works in unison and with proper understanding, all the smaller problems automatically disappear and the entire organization works perfectly.

I will always be open-minded to hear new suggestions from my employees to improve the organization.

That is my goal towards EMS, to ensure that it functions well, even when I am not physically there.

Thank you for reading my application. Have a great day.
Best of luck , and always welcome as our Leader .
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