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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Jamar Omni
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Harvey Spector
Oct 2, 2022

Jamar OMNI

Leader Of BGF
May 15, 2022
as you can see in the proof i was in the middle of trying to stop my family from being put in prison. It wasn't RDM, you can see my family was doing a store robbery and i was attempting break them out of the police cars before they got all the way inside the doc building. I also want to point out that the POV from the LEO that was provided purposely left out the fact that they deliberately mercy killed me. I would like this reviewed please

Lorna Lovegood

Jun 3, 2022
Not fair of the original report to clip and manipulate footage when clearly there is RP happening so it isn't a random kill. Hopefully this can be looked into and the warning can be taken away!

Jamar OMNI

Leader Of BGF
May 15, 2022
Not going to lie you might get more punishment for this
How? I was trying to stop my fam from getting arrested and they mercy killed and reported rdm. What kind of rp doesn’t allow arrest interruptions? Realistically you go in shooting to cause a distraction and potentially take out the opposition. Meanwhile your people are running away while the opps focus on you. This is true for any situation where your friend is arrested, kidnapped, or taken hostage.


Aug 3, 2022
How? I was trying to stop my fam from getting arrested and they mercy killed and reported rdm. What kind of rp doesn’t allow arrest interruptions? Realistically you go in shooting to cause a distraction and potentially take out the opposition. Meanwhile your people are running away while the opps focus on you. This is true for any situation where your friend is arrested, kidnapped, or taken hostage.
There is no RP in the situation, You shot without rp on the highway thats shooting without rp= RDM
Then you shot in the DOC greenzone as well as killing in DOC
Them killing you was a mistake he shot you while shooting at someone else it was an easy mistake because you stood up, the whole incident was a huge fail rp there is also the fear rp not valuing ur life since you stormed an area vastly outnumbered as well as shooting at an armoured vehicle with a shotgun??

Jamar OMNI

Leader Of BGF
May 15, 2022
There is no RP in the situation, You shot without rp on the highway thats shooting without rp= RDM
Then you shot in the DOC greenzone as well as killing in DOC
Them killing you was a mistake he shot you while shooting at someone else it was an easy mistake because you stood up, the whole incident was a huge fail rp there is also the fear rp not valuing ur life since you stormed an area vastly outnumbered as well as shooting at an armoured vehicle with a shotgun??
So your sayin i have to go up and talk to them like normal while my boys are being hauled off to jail? Nah you obviously aint never heard of mark essex. Look em up. And then fear rp? Thats bigger bs than saying its rdm. There were two officers inside when i went in. The armored vehicle pulled in afterwards so nice try but no. I wasnt that far outnumbered at first. They pulled in after i ran in ready to shoot. Then you say he was shooting at some one else. Nah dude i was the only one shooting in there why would they start shooting someone else? And i didnt shoot at the armored vehicle i shot at the people on it. Theres a difference. Jus so you k ow BGF is based off a real prison gang that is known for killing police officers in a rampage so make sure you know what realistic is before you start talking about reality. I can literally post an ooc link of that will open your eyes. I really dont give a shit that they mercy killed me but i do care that they do shit like that and then got the nerve to report me with clipped pov’s. Im telling the whole story and im not afraid to tell the truth. The police obviously are

James Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
May 2, 2021
I did not see any RP, I see only RDM in GZ​
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