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Recent content by Tyler soprano

  1. T

    Rejected Pov req I 106043

  2. T

    Rejected Pov req I 106043

    Banned from 1.7 on my main account and we want this rule to change
  3. T

    Rejected Pov req I 106043

    and give a forum account to someone who does not have a forum account because there is no such thing in at least en1 at en 3 my friend can open a forum for me and post pov
  4. T

    Rejected Pov req I 106043

    I got banned from en1 cheat and when I opened an unban, a forum account was banned
  5. T

    Rejected Pov req I 106043

    I was banned from 1.7, but I had an account and a forum ban, my friend shares this again, at en 2 and en3 there is no such rule and it is unfair to friends who have forum bans here.
  6. T

    Reviewed POV request | 1566

    I want to see how I die from your point of view
  7. T

    Reviewed POV request | 4782

    his aim was too sharp i need his point of view
  8. T

    Rejected POV request | 4782

    his aim was too sharp i need his point of view
  9. T

    Rejected Pov request | ID: 6884 , 33052 , 32659, 27315

    you didn't pretend to be afraid 4 people put a gun to your head you still continue as if nothing happened I think this forum is invalid
  10. T

    Rejected Pov Request | ID 100986

    I'm already banned
  11. T

    Reviewed POV Request | 99627

    why did you cut the seconds before you enter the bush
  12. T

    Reviewed POV Request | 99627

    when you moved in the bush, we threw a dumbbell at you, my friend did 53 damage, I was the one there, actually 4 people shot you at the same time
  13. T

    Approved Mercy Killing | 99627

    ben seni sıkarken belki biriniz bitirdi
  14. T

    Approved Mercy Killing | 99627

    Orada bana vdm attığın belli ve adamı bitirdiğime dair net bir görüntü yok.
  15. T

    Approved Mercy Killing | 99627

    you hit me with a car on purpose
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