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Recent content by Pasha Pumpernickel

  1. P

    Approved Baiting / FearRP I ID 132341

    heul nicht opa
  2. P

    Approved Fear RP 60086 und CL 68918

    zeig dann mal pov bist ja cop musst bodycam haben
  3. P

    Rejected Ban for GR3.1| Lavi Pluxury

    shouldnt have been a ban love you
  4. P

    Rejected Ban for GR 3.1 | Lavi Pluxury

    I got banned for 3.1 because i said Pumpernickel on top and royal elites were under my ayri Idk where this is an ooc insult; it just means that pumpernickel is better than royal elites and ayri means like balls so this is no ooc insult and my friends got muted only Yeah, I don't know what the...
  5. P

    Rejected Demorgan for Non Rp driving | Opti Pride

    Man you didnt drive on the right side you drove in middle
  6. P

    Rejected RDM | 62916 5933

    not the full situation
  7. P

    Approved Leader of Families | Tyron Gendarmarie

    zocker couldnt think of anyone other than tyron
  8. P

    Rejected possible cheat | id 62501 | 63850 | 63871

    bro if he shot then the revo is also up like that
  9. P

    Rejected Leader of Families | Tyron Gendarmarie

    best man for leader
  10. P

    Approved Warn for Fear-RP | Federico Vautier

    all in POV We drove a bit away from the situation and called through that they were shooting at us. after that, they shot again at us so we asked on the radio and a guy from fib told us that if they shoot at us, we can shoot back so we shoot back Then, i got a warning from frederico Valverde...
  11. P

    Approved Fail RP | 99706, 86149, 157165, 79191 (FIB)

    Beim 2ten clip sieht man ja auch wie die nur dich kontrollieren und nicht die anderen
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