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Recent content by ayaz_hurmaci

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    Rejected Ban for Anti Cheat #934 | Napal Fedorov

    First of all regards Mr Floki, today I was walking around the city with my friends and suddenly I was unnecessarily banned for "EAC #934". I have no idea why this ban happened,. Yesterday you rejected the forum I opened without giving any reason. I want my ban and my IP ban to be unbanned
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    Rejected Ban for Anti Cheat #934 | Napal_Fedorov

    First of all regards Mr Floki, today I was walking around the city with my friends and suddenly I was unnecessarily banned for "EAC #934". I have no idea why this ban happened, I want to be unbanned.
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    Rejected anticheat#934

    hello there, I was banned from anticheat#934 even though I did not use a program that would cheat and take advantage
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    Reviewed POV REQUEST | 41453

    As can be seen from the point of view, my friend's range clearly sees the actor, but even though he claims that the actor is not visible due to the POV shot being low, he guesses that he sees it. should be It is clear that metagaming is practiced among the players,
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