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Recent content by aleinn

  1. aleinn

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Jon Barnes

  2. aleinn

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Jon Barnes

    The decision was made without seeing how the other family got on the roof. I am sure they got there from inside the zone because the roof is only accessible from inside the zone. From one's point of view it is clear that one's own teammate is moving through the zone.
  3. aleinn

    Reviewed ER 1.18 | No Mercy Family

    Why don't you show me how you got on the roof?
  4. aleinn

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    I gave hit him 109 and my friend also hit him 58 and he still didnt die id like to see his pov.
  5. aleinn

    Reviewed ER 1.18 | No Mercy Family

    dear admins id 2651, 26177, 28991,60937 After the start of the field in the family turf, we would like to see the perspectives of all entering from the inaccessible place in the field
  6. aleinn

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

  7. aleinn

    Approved Pov req | 0000

  8. aleinn

    Rejected Pov | 0000

  9. aleinn

    Reviewed POV Request | 39787

    You're shooting me through the wall.Nice gameplay,just cry bro..
  10. aleinn

    Rejected Bug Abuse | ID: 44859

    My internet is constantly intermittent here.
  11. aleinn

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    I want to see how to die i cant see.
  12. aleinn

    Approved RDM | 16030

    If you vdm again i will kill you. okey dog
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