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Recent content by Paradox Maddy

  1. Paradox Maddy

    Rejected Mute for nothing | Lucky Pluxury

    Hi Adham, Floki, Bobby. This is a very small concern but lemme share it to you. As admin punished me for nothing and when i asked the reason He just didnt even bother to give me proper excuse for my punishment. Seems like very unprofessional, for more conversation you can check my ticket...
  2. Paradox Maddy

    Approved Fail RP | 9619

    Collecting dept without any rp
  3. Paradox Maddy

    Approved Gen Rule 6.15 / 56925

    Rdm and possible meta gaming
  4. Paradox Maddy

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 76686

    All in pov.. Killing at DOC (un scripted GZ)
  5. Paradox Maddy

    Rejected Gen 3.2 | 72861

    Umm I don't see any cause using it..
  6. Paradox Maddy

    Rejected Gen 3.2 | 72861

    As in the pov you can watch from 10th second as this player says your mother father stupid.
  7. Paradox Maddy

    Rejected RDM | 35970

    Rejected Provide a longer POV to determine the whole situation
  8. Paradox Maddy

    Rejected RDM | 35970

  9. Paradox Maddy

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | ID 7649

    Reviewed Incident will be looked into.
  10. Paradox Maddy

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | ID 7649

    Requesting POV ID 7649 has 6 hours to provide POV of this event Provide proper POV, not just the shot!
  11. Paradox Maddy

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | ID 7649

  12. Paradox Maddy

    Rejected Close the Thread please.

    Closed Closed on request
  13. Paradox Maddy

    Reviewed RDM + VDM | 50109

    Approved ID 50109 will receive a punishment for VDM HOWEVER Your friend can file another complaint for rdm
  14. Paradox Maddy

    Reviewed RDM + VDM | 50109

  15. Paradox Maddy

    Rejected RDM | 11119

    Rejected Provide a longer POV to determine the whole situation
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