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Recent content by PatosMEN

  1. PatosMEN

    Approved rdm | 10882, 11027, 30347

  2. PatosMEN

    Approved RDM and OOC Insult I 11027 & 50235

  3. PatosMEN

    Approved RDM and OOC Insult I 11027 & 50235

    sesini soluğunu sikeyim birde kıza dert yanıyor amına soktuğum
  4. PatosMEN

    Approved RDM and OOC Insult I 11027 & 50235

    sen kimsin ? yarram abilerin konuşurken araya girme araya gidersin
  5. PatosMEN

    Approved RDM and OOC Insult I 11027 & 50235

    lan ucube yanında kız var diye sesin titriyor sesini soluğunu sikeyim senin o yanındaki kaşara öğret pov almayı o alsın artık povları yarrak canavarlığı yapmasın
  6. PatosMEN

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Hela Juzzo

    the people there are shooting at us
  7. PatosMEN

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Hela Juzzo

    i get punishment for rdm because i was help is my family member in ghetto there was he role
  8. PatosMEN

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Chriz Mazoku

    Hello Mazhor, I just got banned because of illegal redux but i managed to fix that ingame. I had no clue about the redux being illegal and i am really sorry about the situation i hope that you can give me one more chance. The mistakes that i made in the past is not going to happen again and i am...
  9. PatosMEN

    Rejected POV request for Business War at 08/12/2022 1:05 | ID:167

    Approved ID 10703 will receive a punishment for Orospu Çocu Sen katıksız orospu evladı git biraz hayatını yaşa hayatsız orospu evladı i know Ero is Clear and Best Shooter Ero is Father of Kebab If you feel the punishment the administrator issued is incorrect, feel free to file an Admin...
  10. PatosMEN

    Rejected POV request for Business War at 08/12/2022 1:05 | ID:167

    buda best shooter en son kebabın anasını sikti
  11. PatosMEN

    Rejected POV request for Business War at 08/12/2022 1:05 | ID:167

    yavuz bey tunanın anasını hoplatıyor
  12. PatosMEN

    Rejected POV request for Business War at 08/12/2022 1:05 | ID:167

    baver zanim tunanın anasını sikti
  13. PatosMEN

    Rejected POV request for Business War at 08/12/2022 1:05 | ID:167

    kanka buda bi arkadaşımın videosu like
  14. PatosMEN

    Rejected POV request for Business War at 08/12/2022 1:05 | ID:167

    al kanka bunu ananın amına sok amk tunası senin ismini sikiyim orospu evladı
  15. PatosMEN

    Rejected POV request for Business War at 08/12/2022 1:05 | ID:167

    HOME FORUMS WHAT'S NEW MEMBERS GRAND WIKI PatosMEN Welcome! By registering with us, you'll be able to discuss, share and private message with other members of our community. New posts Watched Mark forums read Home Forums Game Section Server #3 | EN Complaints Complaints about players...
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