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Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021


MedLab Raid

Org Involved

Gangs Involved


Gangs attack Medlab to kidnap EMS while FIB and SAHP are stationed around Medlab to protect EMS Employees while they are making Medkits while gangs are trying to break in to steal drugs involved in making medkits(or steal medkits)


  1. State: Protect Medlab from getting robbed
  2. State: Take down gang members
  3. State orgs will be waiting in one of those positions to stop the gang as a one last chance incase they failed at medlab- but they cannot be in both places they need to choose one and if they are lucky gang members chose to land in that area
  4. Gang members will attack medlab to hold ems staff as hostages and steal the medkits and try to escape with them
  5. If state employees win each employee involved in the event would get a 100k reward (they bring their own guns)
  6. If gang members win each member involved receives 100k (they bring their own guns)
  7. EMS Will be carrying 500 medkits in a convoy with LSPD when they reach Medlab LSPD must return to their locations if any state employee was alive after gangs left with hostage they must return to the location and help LSPD


  1. Gods will give each organizations specific vehicles
  2. FIB & SAHP Will be positioned around Medlab to protect EMS staff
  3. LSPD Will be waiting in one of those positions they can’t be on both but they can keep 1 member in the other location incase they arrived on the other one so LSPD can go to the other location
  4. Gang Members will fly in one of those 2 routes and either they meet again with state members get another chance to retrieve the the EMS employees or gang members are able to get away kill the EMS employees after escaping and win the battle
  5. OOC Event
  6. 8 LSPD, 8 FIB,8 SAHP,4 EMS & 28 Gang Members
  7. There will be 2 velum planes waiting at the airport next to the farm to carry the gang members and their hostages
  8. Gang members have the ability to kill EMS in the OOC Event ONLY
  9. Event will be in another dimension to not cause issues
  10. EMS have the ability to try to run away if not at gunpoint and escape if they fail and got caught they can be killed(at least 2 ems members need to be alive for state to win)
  11. Players must save POV and send it to William Miller for Review.
  12. Orgs and Gangs need to bring their own weapons but only 1 armor,1 medkit and 3 steaks per person(will be checked)
  13. Gangs aren’t allowed to kill EMS unless they won and fully escaped State orgs at beach market or sewers or if EMS were caught trying to escape
  14. Gangs must wait in the location that they landed for 3 Minutes
  15. Gangs can take cars to the location but hostages needs to be transported through planes


    I. Light Blue
    Gang vehicle route

    Take-Off/Plane Position

    III. Red

    Plane Route

    IIII. Blue

    State Position

    IIIII. Light Green

    Gang Member Positions

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