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Fran Hill

Jul 27, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Abdullah
2. Your age: 19 years old
3. Time zone: GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day: From 6 To 7 Hours
5. Your Discord: Fran Hill#5915
6. Your Nickname: Fran Hill
7. Your ID: 20635

Additional information

1.Leader of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 - I have a lot of experience in high-command positions, both in the legal and illegal sectors. I believe that my skills and experience will be valuable assets to the Marabunta Gang.

2.2: "I have a strong desire to create a friendly and welcoming environment within Marabunta." I want to foster a sense of community and belonging within the gang, and I believe that my leadership can help to achieve this goal.

2.3: "I am skilled at organizing and leading events and activities, and I believe that this will be an important aspect of my role as leader of Marabunta." I want to make sure that the gang is active and engaged in a variety of activities, both within the ghetto and at events.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
3.1: One key way to improve roleplay levels in the organization is to ensure that all members are familiar with and adhere to the rules of roleplay. This includes avoiding rule-breaking behaviours and following the guidelines set out by the city.

3.2: Another important aspect of improving the level of roleplay is to make sure that all members are respectful and considerate of others. This includes being fair and polite in interactions with other gangs and individuals and avoiding toxicity or negativity within the organization.

3.3. It can also be helpful to encourage and support the development of role-playing skills within the organization. This could include providing resources or training for members who are new to roleplaying or organizing events or activities that allow members to practice and improve their roleplaying skills.

My goals for Marabunta are:
I will strive to ensure that the Marabunta Gang is a leader in the city
have 100% turf control.
A lot of participation in events and activities
Bring in a lot of spray profits.


Sep 15, 2022
Interview will be on 24/01/2023, at 13:00 Server Time, Join waiting room 15 minutes prior to the interview.
Contact me or ZESSY#7137 in discord for any questions that you have about the interview time.
Not making it to the interview for any reason, will result into failing the interview and rejection​
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