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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Rejected Blacklisted For Helping Cheater | Federico Vauiter [ For Bobby ]

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Your ID
Players nickname
spy shelby
Administrators nickname
Federico Vauiter
May 3, 2024


Mar 29, 2024
Hello Bobby, We are making this appeal, hoping to achieve only the truth and justice without wasting anyone's time. However, let's start. I got the leader of the unofficial family Zwawla Inc, almost two weeks ago.
As shown here: https:
Anyways, after some time, we started getting some kills, winning some events, and trying our best to put our family in the top 10 families and compete with them. But because we are a new family and a small one, people started to Pov request some of our members and thinking that they are cheaters, and of course they have the right to do so. My family members Always provided their POVs:
Proof: Reviewed - Pov req | 0000
Proof: Reviewed - POV REQ | 0000
Proof: Reviewed - Pov req | 0000
Proof: Reviewed - POV req | 34564
And they were all clean. However, in this last POV request against our family member Azat Oviouss [ID 65431],
Was this:

Approved - POV Request | ID: 65431
As you can see in the thread, Owner Pov Shabah Verlice [ID 471] Get mad when he died due to dysync [he didn't get full HP as the animation didn't end; he got mad and started calling him a cheater]. So After the admin requested his POV. My family member provided it, and it was clean, but the admin asked for a longer POV. Azat still provided a long POV, but the admin asked again for a full POV, as Shabah Verlice [the thread owner] requested in his forum. That was when it really got suspicious. After we found out that Shabah and Federico were talking in DMs about Azat and PC checking him
. However, our family members even provided everything the admin asked for, and he was clean. But after at the night time, my family members Azat Obviouss [ID 65431] and another family member. They went playing a 2v2 against 2 guys in the arena, and as our family members started getting all kills and winning, Admin Federico was watching and thought that Azat was cheating, so he TPed him to PC check. And we have full pov of the situation is here:
He was so clean, and nothing was even close to cheating. But Federico even banned him after a PC check, but without even finding any cheats, as Federico mentioned here:
Proof: Rejected - Ban For Pc check (cheat) | Federico Vautier
Federico also mentioned in this thread that one of the reasons he got banned was because he got banned in EN1/EN2/EN3/DE/IT for cheating. . same as shabah said to me in dms . also as shabah told me in vc before 2 days when i ask him to buy from him ar amo and i report to him some ban evaders / cheaters in his fam . i told him i am reporting for federico . and shabah told me that he alresy ban them becouse he call federico in vc and show him some proof so. federico ban them with out checking there name ( asasin and auther guys i forgot there name )
proof : imgur.com
But the only server azat is banned for reason PC Check is only EN1( NOT PERM BAN ):
Proof: [Many EN3 players are banned for cheating in EN1 and playing normally because they have public videos that show they are not cheating, as Federico Said:
Also in EN2, he is banned for too many bans and not for cheating. Proof:

Also, it is not even banned in DE. For cheats or anything, there is a poof of the last time he played, and he is not cheating.
Grand Theft Auto V 2024 04 21 22 19 52 08
U can check if he is not banned on the DE server.
Also, he is not even banned from the IT server for cheats or anything, and there is proof of his login today:
I dont understand why Federico is lying in an admin complaint and no one notices it, but Truth always appears.

However, he also said that Azat is consistently aimlocking while he is not, and after he stopped pc checking him for reason trolling, Federico didn't know that Azat is French, his English is not that good, and at the moment he gets tp for a pc check, I informed admin about his bad English.
Proof: https://imgur.com/LL1hYle
However After our family memeber got banned, some guys that didn't know anything started blaming us and saying we were bringing cheaters to the family and helping them, and that was never true. We were always against cheaters, and this is proof. When we found out one guy was cheating during our first family days, we immediately reported him to the administrators.
Proof: imgur.com
And another proof of our reporting a ban evader:
Proof: imgur.com
so me and my Deputy Abdo [ID 23954 ] Went to Federico Dms and Trying to convince him that our family memebr wasnt cheating we sent every pov of the player with us in the family and the pov that federico has suspisous in that azat was cheating in here all Proof
Proof: imgur.com
Proof :imgur.com
Proof :imgur.com
Proof :imgur.com
Proof: imgur.com
Proof: imgur.com
Proof: imgur.com
Proof :imgur.com
We spoke to Federico politely and kindly, trying our best to convince him that he made the wrong decision and that anyone can make mistakes here proof when kareem banned 2 guys for helping cheater then he unbaned them :
Proof : Reviewed - Helping Cheater | Kareem_Zuma
Proof : Reviewed - Helping Cheater | Kareem_Zuma
. But indeed he wasnt giving any attention to us and blacklisted almost all of our family memebers for helping cheaters [while no one is cheating with proofs and no positive PC check]. , None of them Did anything the only thing i did and my deputy [ ID 23954 ] did is sending proofs to federico and we never thought that wil lead the whole family to blacklist .
Finally Bobby ,We only asking for justice we want you to take your time checking every proof and reconsider the decision .
also federico ban ( flash ovious ) for helping cheater .
here is another proof of Federico forcing our family members to show personal information in DMs and not even in GRP discord. Proof: Desktop 2024 05 02 20 49 22 17 .( i will try to get pov with out lag )
this was the answer of federico in azat forum


also i am ready to proov all povs of azat [ID 65431] in en3 ( weapen factory 16 kill / informal 10kill / bizwar 12 kill ....................... )
also now he playing serb server and he got pov req and he made apeal and he unbaned
pov : Watch Grand Theft Auto V 2024.05.02 - - Trim | Streamable
and this is a montage of en3 with our fam in the last 3-2 days ( everyone can see it )
link : Grand RP I "you are cheater"
also he not new in en3 he wasplaying in ninja fam
Spy Shleby ,
i hope you check and unban us .
my last ban have more then 1 year ago
Last edited:

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
Hello Admins,

I'm confused as to why I'm being involved in this situation. I previously mentioned that Azat was banned from multiple servers for cheating, and I still maintain my stance on this player. From what I've seen in his point-of-view (POV) videos, he appears to lock onto players.

Additionally, I explicitly told Spy not to involve me in this matter, yet he disregarded my request by showing a portion of my conversation with Fedrico, which wasn't even the full exchange. I cautioned him that presenting an incomplete conversation could be perceived as deceiving the admins.

I've previously reported this same player for cheating during an 8v8 Turf match. Despite numerous opportunities, he failed to land a single shot on our players, indicating suspicious behavior. Whether or not he passes PC checks, it's widely known that clean players often associate with cheaters. I'm simply relaying what I've observed from his POVs. Furthermore, your repeated disrespect towards Fedrico hasn't gone unnoticed, yet I refrained from commenting. Now, you're appealing your blacklist and still dragging me into a situation I'm not involved in. When you were banned, you even approached me in DMs asking, "you think this is funny?" [Image Link] Who do you think I am to ban people? I'm just a player. My involvement is limited to informals and events, as I'm focused on building a strong community and offering incentives to players. My aim is to contribute positively to RP in this server.

I've reported two players for racism, unaware that they were affiliated with you, and you responded by threatening to ban me. Despite my silence, you even brought up the accusation of real-life trading [Image Link]. I want to make it clear to anyone reading this forum: if you have evidence of me engaging in real-life trading, direct it to Floki's DMs. Aiden once insinuated something about my involvement in real-life trading, and suddenly, everyone is echoing "Shabah is involved in real-life trading." Where's the evidence? It's no one's business but mine to know where my money comes from. Admins can review my logs for any suspicious activity.

Spy please do not try to delete any msg, cuz i got it all recorded!
Please just leave me alone.
Shabah Verlice.

LaQualiteQuiParle Man

Feb 12, 2023
Hello Shabah ,

I Think you missing so much in this Message , You cant just decide by yourself from what you have seen in his point-of-views that a player is cheating or no as ur not an admin , You and Federico Both making things and lying in the same time is not a good way to ban somone .This man Azat was never banned in DE/IT/EN1/EN2 for Cheats as federico and u also said [ Proof Shown up u can check it whenever u want ]

Him Being Decent and Skilfull doenst mean he is cheating , He is old in this project , and being new in en3 doesnt mean he must be a cheater .
And abt what you mentionned for being just a normal player and your aim is to contribute positively to RP in this server is a cap , after What Happned To u in en2 , Then betwen u and frank zane , then aiden and thunder and suspect who got blackilsted because of a thread you personnaly did and ur last Pov requests and targetting is that How u focused on building a strong community and offering incentives to players ? ,

At The end its The admin decision not urs or mine , we hope that its the right decision and the truth only

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022

"You and Federico both making things and lying at the same time is not a good way to handle someone's ban."
Where did you lie? I stated that he is banned from this server. I believe he was banned for such a reason because I received this information from a friend who knows Azat.

"Being decent and skillful doesn't mean he is cheating."
There are no skills involved when your aim is locking onto players.

"He is old in this project."
With all due respect, I've seen his points of view, and I've heard his voice. He doesn't sound old, you're playing Yapping FC.

"After what happened to you in EN2, then between you and Frank Zane, then Aiden and Thunder, and the suspect who got blacklisted because of a thread you personally started..."
You're using the same methodology that Aiden used. It didn't work. What happened to EN2? Do you even know? I promise you don't even know the reason for my ban in EN2, and it was almost three years ago or more. So why are you bringing up old cases? I'll tell you why because you're trying to find anything against me to include in your message, but you didn't find anything, so you just decided to follow the trend like all other people and use my punishment in EN2.

"How you focused on building a strong community and offering incentives to players?"
No worries, I'll come down to your level of mentality and tell you how. I'm trying to create RP situations while your family is hiring cheaters from the French server.

"Your last POV requests and targeting, is that how you focused on building a strong community?"
Ha!? Targeting!?. Let's see the definition of targeting. Look here: . Did I target a single person? No, I made POV requests on random people who killed me in events in a way where I wanted to see how they killed me. If a person didn't have a POV and messaged me in DMs, I would take down forum because my intention is not to ban people; it's to see how they killed me.

I repeat myself, I don't mean to disrespect anyone, but the way you replied to the forum and accused me of lying made me frustrated. Please leave me alone from your forums.


Mar 29, 2024
Hello Admins,

I'm confused as to why I'm being involved in this situation. I previously mentioned that Azat was banned from multiple servers for cheating, and I still maintain my stance on this player. From what I've seen in his point-of-view (POV) videos, he appears to lock onto players.

Additionally, I explicitly told Spy not to involve me in this matter, yet he disregarded my request by showing a portion of my conversation with Fedrico, which wasn't even the full exchange. I cautioned him that presenting an incomplete conversation could be perceived as deceiving the admins.

I've previously reported this same player for cheating during an 8v8 Turf match. Despite numerous opportunities, he failed to land a single shot on our players, indicating suspicious behavior. Whether or not he passes PC checks, it's widely known that clean players often associate with cheaters. I'm simply relaying what I've observed from his POVs. Furthermore, your repeated disrespect towards Fedrico hasn't gone unnoticed, yet I refrained from commenting. Now, you're appealing your blacklist and still dragging me into a situation I'm not involved in. When you were banned, you even approached me in DMs asking, "you think this is funny?" [Image Link] Who do you think I am to ban people? I'm just a player. My involvement is limited to informals and events, as I'm focused on building a strong community and offering incentives to players. My aim is to contribute positively to RP in this server.

I've reported two players for racism, unaware that they were affiliated with you, and you responded by threatening to ban me. Despite my silence, you even brought up the accusation of real-life trading [Image Link]. I want to make it clear to anyone reading this forum: if you have evidence of me engaging in real-life trading, direct it to Floki's DMs. Aiden once insinuated something about my involvement in real-life trading, and suddenly, everyone is echoing "Shabah is involved in real-life trading." Where's the evidence? It's no one's business but mine to know where my money comes from. Admins can review my logs for any suspicious activity.

Spy please do not try to delete any msg, cuz i got it all recorded!
Please just leave me alone.
Shabah Verlice.
first when i told ( you think your fanny ) i was about your very cringe message of ( nah hahahaha . we playing bord ball ) so you trying to deceve admin .
second for the irl trade i alredy report tooo long a time ago but admin sjip it .
and for the 8v8 if you think he a cheater why you did not pov req him ?
also i show you proof that he not banned in IT / EN2 / DE server for cheat .
EN1 banned for 60 days . and en3 banned for no reson ( cheat )

Shabah Verlice.

Forum King
Sep 4, 2022
first when i told ( you think your fanny ) i was about your very cringe message of ( nah hahahaha . we playing bord ball ) so you trying to deceve admin .
second for the irl trade i alredy report tooo long a time ago but admin sjip it .
and for the 8v8 if you think he a cheater why you did not pov req him ?
also i show you proof that he not banned in IT / EN2 / DE server for cheat .
EN1 banned for 60 days . and en3 banned for no reson ( cheat )

Ehhh, I don't even want to reply to your accusations, okay? So you're saying I'm involved in real-life trading. Where are the proofs? If admins check the logs, they will see me selling a black Pika for 120 million, I think. And Purple, I traded it with black, and I gave him, I think, 11 million more on top of it. How is that real-life trading? Go get a black hoodie and try to sell it. No one will pay for it due to the old update.

And you say I'm targeting. I posted one POV request, and it got him banned, and you're saying it's targeting.

"The 8v8 if you think he's a cheater why didn't you POV req him?" Due to that, it wasn't me who got aim-locked into it; it was one of the players. So I asked him for POV, but it seems that he didn't provide it in my DMs. Plus, we won the turf anyway, so there's no point in POV requesting. If I did that, then you would start shouting all over the whole planet, "SHABAH IS TARGETING ME!!!"


Mar 29, 2024
Hello Admins,

I'm confused as to why I'm being involved in this situation. I previously mentioned that Azat was banned from multiple servers for cheating, and I still maintain my stance on this player. From what I've seen in his point-of-view (POV) videos, he appears to lock onto players.

Additionally, I explicitly told Spy not to involve me in this matter, yet he disregarded my request by showing a portion of my conversation with Fedrico, which wasn't even the full exchange. I cautioned him that presenting an incomplete conversation could be perceived as deceiving the admins.

I've previously reported this same player for cheating during an 8v8 Turf match. Despite numerous opportunities, he failed to land a single shot on our players, indicating suspicious behavior. Whether or not he passes PC checks, it's widely known that clean players often associate with cheaters. I'm simply relaying what I've observed from his POVs. Furthermore, your repeated disrespect towards Fedrico hasn't gone unnoticed, yet I refrained from commenting. Now, you're appealing your blacklist and still dragging me into a situation I'm not involved in. When you were banned, you even approached me in DMs asking, "you think this is funny?" [Image Link] Who do you think I am to ban people? I'm just a player. My involvement is limited to informals and events, as I'm focused on building a strong community and offering incentives to players. My aim is to contribute positively to RP in this server.

I've reported two players for racism, unaware that they were affiliated with you, and you responded by threatening to ban me. Despite my silence, you even brought up the accusation of real-life trading [Image Link]. I want to make it clear to anyone reading this forum: if you have evidence of me engaging in real-life trading, direct it to Floki's DMs. Aiden once insinuated something about my involvement in real-life trading, and suddenly, everyone is echoing "Shabah is involved in real-life trading." Where's the evidence? It's no one's business but mine to know where my money comes from. Admins can review my logs for any suspicious activity.

Spy please do not try to delete any msg, cuz i got it all recorded!
Please just leave me alone.
Shabah Verlice.
i did not show you all dms becouse i ask you to send me your dms with him . but you said no and you delete all SS you send it to me of his dms . but me i got SS .

LaQualiteQuiParle Man

Feb 12, 2023
I will answer with same u did
"I believe he was banned for such a reason because I received this information from a friend who knows Azat." so u believed he was banned but he wasnt , so next time dont talk randomly and saying i get the informaltion from a freind who knows azat cuz its a lie

"There are no skills involved when your aim is locking onto players." Ok so basically ur just trash at the game ur aim is bad even floki told u abt that here : in a complaint u wanted to ban a person for illegal redux after he provided his pov there Reviewed - POV Request | ID: 37253
"I would take down forum because my intention is not to ban people" thats also a big Cap

." I'm trying to create RP situations while your family is hiring cheaters from the French server." What fam was this person in? Ur family . So stop talking abt things u dont even know

Las thing when u watch azat videos and come telling me thats aimbot its clearly that u have no knowledge abt what good aim is ur just bad at shooting .


Mar 29, 2024
Chief Administrator ( boby pluxury )
me and abdo we got blacklested from all grp dc but we dont know why ?
and also i just remember some think .
why when vagos x barcode ( abi famq ) was playing with cheater ( id 3007 ) banned for cheat and he was deputy in barcode fam + he main turfer in there turf team . he was banned for cheat by federico why no think hapen to vagos gang and vagos turfers ?
also why federico wanna check all ovious members and he just banned all who there name finish with xxxx ovious for helping cheater .


May 3, 2024
Hello Bobby, We are making this appeal, hoping to achieve only the truth and justice without wasting anyone's time. However, let's start. I got the leader of the unofficial family Zwawla Inc, almost two weeks ago.
As shown here: https:
Anyways, after some time, we started getting some kills, winning some events, and trying our best to put our family in the top 10 families and compete with them. But because we are a new family and a small one, people started to Pov request some of our members and thinking that they are cheaters, and of course they have the right to do so. My family members Always provided their POVs:
Proof: Reviewed - Pov req | 0000
Proof: Reviewed - POV REQ | 0000
Proof: Reviewed - Pov req | 0000
Proof: Reviewed - POV req | 34564
And they were all clean. However, in this last POV request against our family member Azat Oviouss [ID 65431],
Was this:

Approved - POV Request | ID: 65431
As you can see in the thread, Owner Pov Shabah Verlice [ID 471] Get mad when he died due to dysync [he didn't get full HP as the animation didn't end; he got mad and started calling him a cheater]. So After the admin requested his POV. My family member provided it, and it was clean, but the admin asked for a longer POV. Azat still provided a long POV, but the admin asked again for a full POV, as Shabah Verlice [the thread owner] requested in his forum. That was when it really got suspicious. After we found out that Shabah and Federico were talking in DMs about Azat and PC checking him
. However, our family members even provided everything the admin asked for, and he was clean. But after at the night time, my family members Azat Obviouss [ID 65431] and another family member. They went playing a 2v2 against 2 guys in the arena, and as our family members started getting all kills and winning, Admin Federico was watching and thought that Azat was cheating, so he TPed him to PC check. And we have full pov of the situation is here:
He was so clean, and nothing was even close to cheating. But Federico even banned him after a PC check, but without even finding any cheats, as Federico mentioned here:
Proof: Rejected - Ban For Pc check (cheat) | Federico Vautier
Federico also mentioned in this thread that one of the reasons he got banned was because he got banned in EN1/EN2/EN3/DE/IT for cheating. . same as shabah said to me in dms . also as shabah told me in vc before 2 days when i ask him to buy from him ar amo and i report to him some ban evaders / cheaters in his fam . i told him i am reporting for federico . and shabah told me that he alresy ban them becouse he call federico in vc and show him some proof so. federico ban them with out checking there name ( asasin and auther guys i forgot there name )
proof : imgur.com
But the only server azat is banned for reason PC Check is only EN1( NOT PERM BAN ):
Proof: [Many EN3 players are banned for cheating in EN1 and playing normally because they have public videos that show they are not cheating, as Federico Said:
Also in EN2, he is banned for too many bans and not for cheating. Proof:

Also, it is not even banned in DE. For cheats or anything, there is a poof of the last time he played, and he is not cheating.
Grand Theft Auto V 2024 04 21 22 19 52 08
U can check if he is not banned on the DE server.
Also, he is not even banned from the IT server for cheats or anything, and there is proof of his login today:
I dont understand why Federico is lying in an admin complaint and no one notices it, but Truth always appears.

However, he also said that Azat is consistently aimlocking while he is not, and after he stopped pc checking him for reason trolling, Federico didn't know that Azat is French, his English is not that good, and at the moment he gets tp for a pc check, I informed admin about his bad English.
Proof: https://imgur.com/LL1hYle
However After our family memeber got banned, some guys that didn't know anything started blaming us and saying we were bringing cheaters to the family and helping them, and that was never true. We were always against cheaters, and this is proof. When we found out one guy was cheating during our first family days, we immediately reported him to the administrators.
Proof: imgur.com
And another proof of our reporting a ban evader:
Proof: imgur.com
so me and my Deputy Abdo [ID 23954 ] Went to Federico Dms and Trying to convince him that our family memebr wasnt cheating we sent every pov of the player with us in the family and the pov that federico has suspisous in that azat was cheating in here all Proof
Proof: imgur.com
Proof :imgur.com
Proof :imgur.com
Proof :imgur.com
Proof: imgur.com
Proof: imgur.com
Proof: imgur.com
Proof :imgur.com
We spoke to Federico politely and kindly, trying our best to convince him that he made the wrong decision and that anyone can make mistakes here proof when kareem banned 2 guys for helping cheater then he unbaned them :
Proof : Reviewed - Helping Cheater | Kareem_Zuma
Proof : Reviewed - Helping Cheater | Kareem_Zuma
. But indeed he wasnt giving any attention to us and blacklisted almost all of our family memebers for helping cheaters [while no one is cheating with proofs and no positive PC check]. , None of them Did anything the only thing i did and my deputy [ ID 23954 ] did is sending proofs to federico and we never thought that wil lead the whole family to blacklist .
Finally Bobby ,We only asking for justice we want you to take your time checking every proof and reconsider the decision .
also federico ban ( flash ovious ) for helping cheater .
here is another proof of Federico forcing our family members to show personal information in DMs and not even in GRP discord. Proof: Desktop 2024 05 02 20 49 22 17 .( i will try to get pov with out lag )
this was the answer of federico in azat forum


also i am ready to proov all povs of azat [ID 65431] in en3 ( weapen factory 16 kill / informal 10kill / bizwar 12 kill ....................... )
also now he playing serb server and he got pov req and he made apeal and he unbaned
pov : Watch Grand Theft Auto V 2024.05.02 - - Trim | Streamable
and this is a montage of en3 with our fam in the last 3-2 days ( everyone can see it )
link : Grand RP I "you are cheater"
also he not new in en3 he wasplaying in ninja fam
Spy Shleby ,
i hope you check and unban us .
my last ban have more then 1 year ago
becouse i am deputy in this fam i am write
we everytime reporting cheaters / ban evaders and amins not helping us . *you can check dms of spy and federico and oghi *
second they guy who all fam members banned for helping cheater ( 99%) not a cheater he banned becouse he was share his game screen ( rage mp only not full screen ) in his twink dc ( he open that share screen before admin tp him or ask him to join vc1 .
Desktop 2024 05 01 22 57 29 04 DVR you can see proof that he was opening gta5 share ( only ) that mine no one see / listen whaat hapen in vc . also idk why all turkush / arab /........ players when they got pc check and they ask for there lang speaker becouse they dont speak good english they got . but azat when he join admin say if you dont speak english you will be blacklested ( also my leader told fedezrico that azat dont speak english ) he speak frenssh and his english lvl toooo low .
hope you check everythink M.R bobby . becouse we can see that the admin ( federico is baised helping abi famq to get 100% even with there cheaters ) and when we play turfs in bloods and we clap abi famq ( gp players only ) he ban one of us for vheat and all authers for helping cheater .
this is unfair think .
have a nice day :)

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

For the other player that was banned for PC check, it will be looked into.
both your Punishments are not appealable firstly and are not for helping a cheater or not, on EN3 all the constant rule breakers that tell their friends or think this way (( oh idc ill break rules do the time and come out )) will be following the same outcome as you guys and every other person whom is blacklisted for the same reason, constant rule breaks and specially threatening admins in DMs will have the same outcome.

as I know many will read this, hope you think twice from here on if you are one of the constant rule breakers or you will face the same outcome and be blacklisted from EN3 for it!!!
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