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IMPORTANT Applications for Admins


Ruler Of Gangster World
Sep 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Waleed Malik

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT+5

4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hours

5. Your Discord: .notturbo

6. Your Nickname: Harry NoMercy

7. Your ID: 55544

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

  • Having part of Grand Rp from more then 1 year i learn all the rules and experience to be an admin and also i want to help admin team and give administration service with honesty and best performance as expected from Grand Rp players. Help Grand Rp players if they need any type of help in RP or Rules.

2. What are your strengths?

  • I am mature and understand every situation. Didn’t get panic in hard situations and i have good communication skills in English/Urdu

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

  • Anger issues. Can’t control on my self when i am angry specially when someone lie about something about me or others

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

  • Yes, I am Ready

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

  • Yes. But i dont have business

Thank You,

Best Regards

Harry Knight
Last edited:

John fin

May 4, 2023

Your name IRL : Shivateja
Your age (OOC): 17
Time zone + country: GMT + 5:30, India
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 8:00 to 22:00
Average online per day(hours): 8-10 hrs
Your Discord ID: Johnnfinn
Your characters' name (IC): John Finn
Your in game ID: 311
Your in game level: 22
Languages spoken: English, Hindi, Telugu
What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): Crime Section

Additional information

Q1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

- I have been playing Grand Roleplay for over two years, I have served as a high command in various organizations, contributing significantly to the roleplay experience. Now, I aspire to become an administrator to extend assistance to new players, ensuring they embark on their journey within the server with guidance and a fulfilling experience.

Q2. What are your strengths?
- Can communicate with others effectively.
- Can adjust into a new environment easily.
- Being able to learn new things quickly.

Q3. What are your weaknesses?
- Sometimes being too honest irrelevant of the consequences.
- Anger issues but I am working on the betterment of it.

Q4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
- With a daily availability of 8-10 hours, I can dedicate significant time to assisting players throughout the day.

Q5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
- Yes.

Q6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
- No.

Q7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
- I have spent more time involved in legal organizations than I have in gangs.

Nova Winters

Apr 2, 2023

Your name IRL
- Yasin Hossen
Your age (OOC)
- 19
Time zone + country
- Time zone: (UTC+6) Dhaka + Country: Bangladesh
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format )
- 08:00 to 14:00 + 18:00 to 20:00
Average online per day(hours)
- 7 hours+
Your Discord ID
- pikachuagent
Your character's name (IC)
- Zero Pikachu
Your in-game ID
- 40581
Your in-game level:
- 49
Languages spoken
- English, Bangla, Hindi.
What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime)
- State
Additional information

Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP life?
- I find myself intrigued by the thought of being an admin as I think back on my experience in the RP community. I have a thorough awareness of the dynamics in the neighborhood thanks to my roles as SOD of FIB, Major of Ng, Assistant Chief of LSPD, Captain of SAHP, and Vagos leader. I think my leadership abilities, comprehension, and dedication to creating a pleasant atmosphere make me a good fit for an administration position.

I have a strong desire to see that the community is inclusive, transparent, and fair. By impartially enforcing the rules, arbitrating conflicts amicably, and fostering an environment that allows all members to flourish, my goal as an admin is to uphold these ideals. Additionally, I'm excited to share my knowledge and thoughts to improve the

What are your strengths?
- My Strengths is
1. Friendship: I can join any team or group of people as their friend early.
2. Time: I am online many times on the server. An admin needs to be active to control the city and help the people.
3. Knowledge: I have good knowledge of server rules. Because I worked as a leader of an organization some time ago,
Also, I have experience as a Highcommend in many organizations.
What are your weaknesses?
- My weakness is
1. Refuse: I can't refuse anyone early for anything and many people use me for their benefits.
2. Trust: Anyone can gain my trust easily. It's a big problem.
What skills can you bring to the admin team?
- 1. Organization and Efficiency: Ensuring smooth operations through effective time management and prioritization of tasks.
2. Communication: Clear and concise communication, both written and verbal, to facilitate understanding and collaboration.
3. Problem-solving: Ability to quickly identify issues and develop practical solutions to improve workflows.
4. Attention to Detail: Ensuring accuracy and thoroughness in all administrative tasks to maintain high standards.
5. Team Collaboration: Working well with others, fostering a supportive team environment, and contributing to collective goals.
6. Adaptability: Flexibility to handle unexpected challenges and changes in a dynamic work environment.

These skills combined can help enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the admin team.

Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
- Yes, I am ready.
Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
- No
Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
- My vast experience in a variety of leadership capacities inside the roleplay probably gives me a good grasp of the dynamics and difficulties associated with running and regulating roleplay situations. If you choose to become an administrator, this experience could be a great advantage since it shows that you can manage tasks, manage teams, and interact with community members in a productive manner. My background as a Vagos leader also demonstrates my capacity for overseeing and planning group activities, which may be helpful in an administrative position where cooperation and teamwork are essential.

Thanks for reading my application.

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Senior Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Congratulations to all these people, you have been selected for admin assistant interview.

1- Arthur Mack - 511 - pu.ff

Contact me on discord for interview​

Nioo Bros

Jan 12, 2024

1.Your name IRL: Prince
2.Your age (OOC): 19
3.Time zone + country: GMT + 5: 30 | India
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 11:00 to 23:00
5.Average online per day(hours): 10 to 13 hours
6.Your Discord ID: push_223
7.Your characters' name (IC): Nioo Bros
8.Your in game ID: 131275
9.Your in game level: 23
10.Languages spoken: English, Hindi and Punjabi
11.What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): Crime

Additional information

1.Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
-As i am part of Grand Rp server I suffer a lot and experience many of situations I understand everyone's work and respect that but as I Don't know how admin do their works and I want to work as admin to understand you guy's effort not only to know also want to help every citizen that think of justice from admins as my only work is justicity to those who are good ones.

2.What are your strengths?
-Present Minded
-Work for justice is my biggest strength
-Learn things professionally
-Equality is my dark side

3.What are your weaknesses?
-No weakness till now in RP

4.What skills can you bring to the admin team?
-Only work perfectly and professionally

5.Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
-Will for sure but i don't own any

6.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

7.Anything else we should take into consideration, or we should know for your application?
-If u like my views and thinkings then its good if u don't like its excellent for me.

The administrator has the right to reject your application if
-The application does not follow the format
-The application is copy-pasted
-The applicant has a low level / experience
-The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.

Best Regards
Nioo Bros | 131275

Nik Payne

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 16, 2022
Congratulations to the following player. You have been selected for Admin Assistant interview.

1. Heykin Basayev - 76597 - cenktosun

Contact me on discord regarding interview​

Can Vurdurur

Dec 6, 2022
Your name IRL: Can
Your age (OOC):24
Time zone + country: Türkiye GMT +3
Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):15:00 to 24:00
Average online per day(hours):6-8
Your Discord ID:.cann_you
Your characters' name (IC):Can Vurdururr
Your in game ID: 79722
Your in game level: 56
Languages spoken: turkish , English
What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime):State
  1. There are several reasons why I want to become an admin and transition from RP life. Firstly, I believe I can contribute more to the community as an administrator. With my moderation and management skills, I feel I can help create a safer, more sustainable, and enjoyable environment for everyone. Additionally, I want to have a broader impact and contribute to the growth of the community as an admin.
  2. My strengths include strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and a knack for teamwork. I can also maintain composure and act calmly even in challenging situations.
  3. Among my weaknesses, I sometimes tend to get caught up in details and may struggle with time management. However, I'm aware of these weaknesses and constantly strive to improve upon them.
  4. Skills I can bring to the admin team include effective communication, problem-solving, leadership, and empathy. Additionally, I have technical skills and experience in community management.
  5. Yes, I would be ready to sell my business.
  6. There are no real-life issues or situations currently or in the near future that would prevent me from being active.
  7. There's nothing specific you need to consider for my application, but I want to emphasize my dedication and commitment to the community. I am fully prepared to take on the responsibilities of an administrator and contribute to the development of the community.


May 13, 2024

1.Your name IRL: Anmol
2.Your age (OOC): 18
3.Time zone + country: GMT + 5: 30 | India
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 6:00 to 14:00
5.Average online per day(hours): 9-10 hrs
6.Your Discord ID: harry9922.
7.Your characters' name (IC): Harry Federal
8.Your in game ID: 33599
9.Your in game level: 10
10.Languages spoken: English, Hindi
11.What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): State

Additional information

1.Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?

I am part of Grand rp server from a long time and noticed that admins are not available at the morning time and usually respond very late thus i wanted to become Admin and Help all the people
and I have experienced in almost all illegal and legal orgs as 1st high command thus a great knowledge about it

2.What are your strengths?
-Equality among peoples
-Good knowledge of rules
-not Partiall

3.What are your weaknesses?
-Sometimes i get angry When i know i am right but others deny

4.What skills can you bring to the admin team?
-Rules knowledge + very friendly + Availibilty for help

5.Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
-Yes Infact i dont have any buissness

6.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
-No IRL issues if any would come i will notify

7.Anything else we should take into consideration, or we should know for your application?
- Dear Pablo and Nik my twink 55758 was banned for 30 days only 1 day is left please consider my application for admin and i have ex admin experience too I have Experience in Almost all orgs thus it makes me a better place to soupport curators and become curator myself

The administrator has the right to reject your application if

-The application does not follow the format
-The application is copy-pasted
-The applicant has a low level / experience
-The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.

Best Regards
ThankYou For Reading My Application
Last edited:

Sharma Daddy

Mar 27, 2024
  1. Your name IRL Akshaj Sharma
  2. Your age (OOC):17
  3. Time zone + country: GMT+5:30 + India
  4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):12:00 to 17:00
  5. Average online per day(hours):5-6hours
  6. Your Discord ID:itsopzolo
  7. Your characters' name (IC)Daddy Sharma
  8. Your in game ID:87949
  9. Your in game level: 19
  10. Languages spoken: English + Hindi
  11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): State
Additional information
  1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
    I wanna become and admin and leave rp because i got really good experience of roleplaying and i want to get some experience as and admin .

  2. What are your strengths?
    I am about my work
    I am good at teamwork

  3. What are your weaknesses?
    I can be little confuse sometimes but if i get help from my team this won't be a issue

  4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
    My personal qualities such as team work and excitment to work

  5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
    I will be as i have no business

  6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
  7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
    No everything is clear like my record

Nioo Bros

Jan 12, 2024

1.Your name IRL: Prince
2.Your age (OOC): 19
3.Time zone + country: GMT + 5: 30 | India
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 11:00 to 23:00
5.Average online per day(hours): 10 to 13 hours
6.Your Discord ID: push_223
7.Your characters' name (IC): Nioo Bros
8.Your in game ID: 131275
9.Your in game level: 23
10.Languages spoken: English, Hindi and Punjabi
11.What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): Crime

Additional information

1.Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
-As i am part of Grand Rp server I suffer a lot and experience many of situations I understand everyone's work and respect that but as I Don't know how admin do their works and I want to work as admin to understand you guy's effort not only to know also want to help every citizen that think of justice from admins as my only work is justicity to those who are good ones.

2.What are your strengths?
-Present Minded
-Work for justice is my biggest strength
-Learn things professionally
-Equality is my dark side

3.What are your weaknesses?
-No weakness till now in RP

4.What skills can you bring to the admin team?
-Only work perfectly and professionally

5.Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
-Will for sure but i don't own any

6.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

7.Anything else we should take into consideration, or we should know for your application?
-If u like my views and thinkings then its good if u don't like its excellent for me.

The administrator has the right to reject your application if
-The application does not follow the format
-The application is copy-pasted
-The applicant has a low level / experience
-The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.

Best Regards
Nioo Bros | 131275


Ruler Of Gangster World
Sep 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Waleed Malik

2. Your age: 17

3. Time zone: GMT+5

4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hours

5. Your Discord: .notturbo

6. Your Nickname: Harry NoMercy

7. Your ID: 55544

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

  • Having part of Grand Rp from more then 1 year i learn all the rules and experience to be an admin and also i want to help admin team and give administration service with honesty and best performance as expected from Grand Rp players. Help Grand Rp players if they need any type of help in RP or Rules.

2. What are your strengths?

  • I am mature and understand every situation. Didn’t get panic in hard situations and i have good communication skills in English/Urdu

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

  • Anger issues. Can’t control on my self when i am angry specially when someone lie about something about me or others

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

  • Yes, I am Ready

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

  • Yes. But i dont have business

Thank You,

Best Regards

Harry Knight

Lakshya Destroyer

ID | 119174
Nov 7, 2023

1.Your name IRL: Lakshya
2.Your age (OOC): 17
3.Time zone + country: GMT + 5: 30 | India
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play : 7:30 - 21:30
5.Average online per day(hours): 8 hours
6.Your Discord ID: lakshyarajasthan2008
7.Your characters' name (IC): Lakshya Destroyer
8.Your in game ID: 119174
9.Your in game level: 27
10.Languages spoken: English, Hindi
11.What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): State

Additional information

1.Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
Yes I am ready to leave RP-Life . I want to become admin because its been 8 months I am in this rp I have tried every type of org (legal , illegal and private ) now I want to help newcomers and other player to keep rp fair.

2.What are your strengths?
Self - Sufficient

3.What are your weaknesses?
Eager to help everyone

4.What skills can you bring to the admin team?
Good Speaking skills and handling situation calmly

5.Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Yes I am ready to sell ( I don't have one)

6.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

7.Anything else we should take into consideration, or we should know for your application?
I really want to work with you guys its my second time I am filling this application

Thankyou For Reading my application
Lakshya Destroyer | 119174

Ivar Pluxury

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Apr 5, 2024
  1. Your name IRL: Sultan
  2. Your age (OOC): 25
  3. Time zone + country: GMT+4, Oman
  4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 5:00 to 11:00
  5. Average online per day(hours): 6-10 Hours
  6. Your Discord ID: _bj8#6511
  7. Your characters' name (IC): Ivar Pluxury
  8. Your in game ID: 137446
  9. Your in game level: 15
  10. Languages spoken: English, arabic, hindi
  11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): State
Additional information
  1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
    I would like to become an admin to provide assistance and information to people and also guide the new players.
  2. What are your strengths?
    My strengths are: ability to adapt to new situations, open-minded and willing to explore different perspectives, and also communication skills.
  3. What are your weaknesses?
    My weaknesses are: preferring to take on too much responsibility on myself, Lack of empathy.
  4. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
    I pay close attention to detail, ensuring accuracy and quality in all tasks, I am capable of handling multiple tasks, and also I am committed to continuous learning and improvement
  5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
    Yes (i don't own a business)
  6. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
    There is no issue at all
  7. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
    There's nothing specific that's all.

    Thank you
    Best Regards,

Nik Payne

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 16, 2022

Congratulations to the following player. You have been selected for Admin Assistant interview.

1. Yaswanth Trigger - 56366 - yaswanth05

Contact me on discord regarding interview​

Nioo Bros

Jan 12, 2024

1.Your name IRL: Prince
2.Your age (OOC): 19
3.Time zone + country: GMT + 5: 30 | India
4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 11:00 to 23:00
5.Average online per day(hours): 10 to 13 hours
6.Your Discord ID: push_223
7.Your characters' name (IC): Nioo Bros
8.Your in game ID: 131275
9.Your in game level: 23
10.Languages spoken: English, Hindi and Punjabi
11.What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): Crime

Additional information

1.Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
-As i am part of Grand Rp server I suffer a lot and experience many of situations I understand everyone's work and respect that but as I Don't know how admin do their works and I want to work as admin to understand you guy's effort not only to know also want to help every citizen that think of justice from admins as my only work is justicity to those who are good ones.

2.What are your strengths?
-Present Minded
-Work for justice is my biggest strength
-Learn things professionally
-Equality is my dark side

3.What are your weaknesses?
-No weakness till now in RP

4.What skills can you bring to the admin team?
-Only work perfectly and professionally

5.Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
-Will for sure but i don't own any

6.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?

7.Anything else we should take into consideration, or we should know for your application?
-If u like my views and thinkings then its good if u don't like its excellent for me.

The administrator has the right to reject your application if
-The application does not follow the format
-The application is copy-pasted
-The applicant has a low level / experience
-The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.

Best Regards
Nioo Bros | 131275

Nik Payne

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 16, 2022
Congratulations to the following player. You have been selected for Admin Assistant interview.

1. Ivar Pluxury - 137446 - _bj8

Contact me on discord regarding interview

Honey LoadX

Ex Leader x1
Nov 13, 2022
  1. Your name IRL: Hemang Yadav
  2. Your age (OOC): 17+
  3. Time zone + country: IST , India
  4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 10:00 -16:00
  5. Average online per day(hours): 4-5 hous i can on weekdays and 5-6 on weekends
  6. Your Discord ID: Hemang_ydv#4980
  7. Your characters' name (IC): Honey Verlice
  8. Your in game ID: 102019
  9. Your in game level: 7
  10. Languages spoken: English , Hindi
  11. What section would you prefer to be curator of ( State or Crime): Crime
Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life
- I have gained experience a lot experience as i have played more than half a year in EN3 city and now continuing my journey in EN2. I have seen many admins helping each and every guy whoever needs help and now i wanna be that guy who wanna help the new comers in the city and stop the rule breakers

2. What are your strengths?
- Fluent in English
- Good communications skills
- Patience
- Time Management

3.What are your weaknesses?
- "Struggling to say "no." to anyone for any work

4.Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
- I don't own any business, even if I have any I'll sell them

5.Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment or any time soon?
- No

6.Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application?
- No
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