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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Anvy Verlice
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Oghi Flann
May 26, 2024

Anvy Verlice

Dec 16, 2021
Hey Floki,

I wanted to clarify the situation regarding the warning I received for leader corruption. Here's a detailed account of what Happened,

Gepna Mina received a fine for provoking, and Buku issued the fine. Buku got a Code A, so his bodycam was invalid. I was present during the incident and had a complete bodycam recording of the situation. I do not handle court cases directly; my Federal attorney does. He informed them that I had valid bodycam footage, but they refused to accept it. When the arrest warrant for Buku was passed to FIB, I was on LOA due to being sick.

On May 21st, we received an arrest warrant for our agent Buku Katz. I was on LOA that day. Sophia asked my deputy if we needed a judge for the case, and he replied that he would need to consult with me first. On May 22nd, when I returned from LOA, I saw the warrant and noticed Buku had changed his name from Buku Katz to Buku Catzz. The arrest warrant did not mention a passport number, making it invalid IC.

On May 23rd, during a government inspection, one of my deputies informed the AG that the arrest warrant was invalid. The AG said she would fix it, but shortly after, the government was disbanded. I believe I did not commit any corruption and have provided evidence to my curators.

Regarding the issue with Gepna's fine, the government asked us to pay 200k (20k for the fine and 180k for mental trauma). I was unwilling to pay this unrealistic amount.

The subpoena on Buku was later edited, making it invalid. The initial subpoena Subpoena Link was on Buku, but it was later changed to someone else Discord Link. The same happened with the arrest warrant Discord Link link of the Arrest Warrant Arrest Warrant Link . After discussing with our curators and government curators, it was confirmed that the documents were invalid.

Regarding the AG, Gepna contacted a lawyer who initially stated the fine should be 100k (20k for the fine and 80k for mental trauma). However, the AG, being biased as Gepna was her friend, asked the lawyer to increase the amount to 200k. The AG also threatened me, saying she wouldn't sign the casefile if Buku wasn't arrested.

All the proofs were shown to the curators of FIB and the government. You could ask Federico, the government curator, how the arrest warrant and subpoena were invalid. To prove that we were not in the wrong, we even called the lawyer who made the arrest warrant and subpoena into the FIB curator VC and showed the proofs.

The whole system of lawyers was biased. Lastly, Floki, the person who informed you about this did not provide the entire situation and misguided you with incorrect proofs. You can ask Chanush/Federico regarding the invalidity of the arrest warrant and subpoena.

I hope this clarifies the situation. I would appreciate it if you could review this matter, as I feel the punishment is unwarranted.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sophia Queen

May 24, 2022
Not off topic

Multiple people saw the subpoena and the arrest warrant that I wrote, which was valid at the moment I wrote and handed it over and was later made invalid by a person who was transfering from GOV to FIB, which I don't think was a coincidence.
Regarding the 200k, as a lawyer you always go for a higher amount of money so that the other side has a chance to negotiate. You as the leader never came to the capitol to inform us about the subpeona being invalid nor did you negotiate with the lawyer about the amount of money. You decided that your friend would just chance his name and everything will be forgotten.

As the Attorney General I was in the city most of the day and you or your federal attorney could've always come up to me and let me know that for example the subpoena was made invalid by the lawyer, which you never did instead you decided to take it to your curators which I afterwards had a conversation with as well and who informed me about everything.

Anvy Verlice

Dec 16, 2021
As you said, I am working with Vasanth to make it invalid,
Not off topic

Multiple people saw the subpoena and the arrest warrant that I wrote, which was valid at the moment I wrote and handed it over and was later made invalid by a person who was transfering from GOV to FIB, which I don't think was a coincidence.
Regarding the 200k, as a lawyer you always go for a higher amount of money so that the other side has a chance to negotiate. You as the leader never came to the capitol to inform us about the subpeona being invalid nor did you negotiate with the lawyer about the amount of money. You decided that your friend would just chance his name and everything will be forgotten.

As the Attorney General I was in the city most of the day and you or your federal attorney could've always come up to me and let me know that for example the subpoena was made invalid by the lawyer, which you never did instead you decided to take it to your curators which I afterwards had a conversation with as well and who informed me about everything.

- he asked to transfer before the government even started its term. Here you go: proof.

- Nd Next thing akio informed you about the Arrest warrant being invalid after talking with Curators.

- About taking it to Curators Cause " The Whole Government was Biased " and After you threating me not to sign casefile.

Sophia Queen

May 24, 2022
As I stated, in the time being when I wrote the arrest warrant and handed it over it was valid, otherwise I would've never handed it over because I have experience in DOJ for a very long time already and I even dismissed one of the subpoenas against you when I was handed over proof about it being invalid and such. Furthermore I am not trusting the people who write subpoenas to also have experience and not change any evidence, which in the future I should probably make sure in the training of the lawyers if I ever become Attorney General again, because it was clearly my mistake to just assume.
The whole issue and which is the corruption in this case was allowing Buku to change is name and put him back into his rank after receiving the arrest warrant and after he was suspended in the morning, which I didn't take to the curators because I wanted to handle it icly. Everything with this case could've been solved by talking and working together but instead you decided to ignore the issue.

Anyhow, I think that Floki will take the correct decision regarding this issue and I fully accept any punishment if he sees that I did something wrong.

Gepna Mina

Its all about just Business
Sep 16, 2022
Dear People
i saw my name mentioned in the fourm so i came just to clarify what things FIB Has been targeting some people in very weired way such as giving fines from the club chat and giving fines from ingrand as far as i know irl FIB Should be looking for wanted people and be arresting people and making city safe not giving from club chat and ingrand and also at time me and sophia wasnt at same org so we werent in same org and also i can barely consider her as friend (we dont know each other that much) so i think the whole problem starts from FIB doing something that they shouldnt be focusing on FIB shouldnt leave all the city and track people small misstakes through ingrand and club chat
i remember having 5 star wanted level and never been cought or had interaction with FIB the other part of fourm about supeona i dont have much info about it so im not replying regarding it i only told you my opinion.
Gepna Mina

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
You still knew that it was the same person, just cause he changed his name doesn't mean you cannot recognize his voice or his logs, Yet you acted like you guys didnt know him to avoid arresting him. Regarding what curators said or discussed with you will be checked but as for what they have discussed with GOV employees its fully incorrect.

Also been seeing a lot of toxicity/targetting among state organizations if this continues more warnings will be issued to related orgs and maybe blacklists.
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