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IMPORTANT Applications for Los Santos Vagos


Jun 11, 2024
Your IRL name : i am not comfortable to tell here i may tell in interview if i am selected
Your age IRL :16
Time zone : GMT 5:30+ (India)
Average online per day : 2-4 hours
Your discord : king_andrew_94
Your nickname : King andrew
Your id : 142491
Additional information

1. Leader of : Vagos

2 . Why do u want to be leader of this specific organization ? (list any three reasons with explanation )

I have been in all the gangs as hc but i like being in vagos most. I have been in vagos since last 4-5 terms and I was 14 rank almost everytime. I have a different bond with vagos. Things I like most about vagos is its past successfull terms,big hq,and has a seperate ghetto to make fear in people about vagos. I always want to make vagos on top when. I came new in city this was the first gang i joined being leader of Vagos i will make sure its active gang from the first to last day. As I have gained much experience and knowledge about gangs i think i can be a good leader. I will try my best that in my term we will make very less or negligible mistakes.
Also i will make fear in leos about Vagos and make it most dangerous gang for ghetto .

3 Your advices for improving roleplay level in organization.

I will try to make this gang the most active gang and i will try to create a history of memories of our gang in all my gang members by making it most active without any rule break with negligible mistakes.

I will make very good high command which could response as quick as possible to situations like store robbery , ghetto clapping or any gang event etc and handle and lead them with focus on full role play and without any rule break during event .

I will make sure that whichever person wanna join my gang know basic and ghetto rules and if they dont know my high commands will be ready to teach them.
I will also only invite people who are minimum 5 age in city and make sure they know rules . If they know rules and minimum 5 age in city my high commands will first take there interview and if they pass they will invite them .

I will only give hc rank to only those people who are always active in gang and know proper rules and who could help new people to joina and also lead events.

My aim :-

1. Full control in ghetto near vagos hq
2. Daily store robbery and events like hostage situation ghetto clapping highway robbery etc
3. Everyday we will try to do one fz raid and be most active
4. 100% turf
5. Creating memorable history of my gang members
6. I will try my best that there is no toxicity in gang
7. Every gang member lives like brother and friendship between gang members
8. Making mistakes which are negligible

9. Making excellent graffiti team and ensure we have max graffiti everyday
10. Creating fear in leos about vagos

Ranking system in my term :-
1. Freeze
2. Newbie
3. Shooter
4. Graffiti team
5. Graffiti Leader
6. Druglord
7. Gangster
8. Clapper
9. Warlord
10. Event Leader
11. Turfer
12. Under Deputy
13. OG Vagos
14 AK47
15 Deputy Leader
16 Leader

Thanks a lot for giving your precious time to read my explanation.
Best Regards
King andrew
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Titan Sup

Apr 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Supratik Sarkar
2. Your age IRL : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord : titan_sup
6. Your Nickname : Titan Sup
7. Your ID : 140742

Additional information
1. Leader of the Los Santos Vagos.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
i) I spend too many times in this game and I got experience in legal and illegal org from this city. I was in legal and illegal org but i like the gangs( illegal org ) over the legal org. I was OGs(13) in Vagos and Bloods. I also worked in SAHP and LI. But i specially like the Los Santos Vagos gang in this city. And my dream was to be a leader in org. So, i want to be a leader of Los Santos Vagos.
ii) I want to see my favorite gang on top in this city. With my Leadership, I will make The Los Santosh Vagos more active gang in This city. We will take part in most of the events. And also we will try 100% turf.
iii) In this city, there are too many new people. And they have no knowledge about this city and no money also. So, we will train them and give bonuses to them who ever join the vagos. Also we teach them about all rules about our city. Rule breaks and other provoking things will not be allowed in the Vagos.
iv) In my leadership, Everyone will do fun and enjoy in Vagos. And Vagos will be the top gang in this city. Everyone will enjoy the full gang roleplay.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
We will attend all possible events and make a bonus system. We will complete our goals and our weakly target. I will make some departments to maintain the vagos. Make a good rank system.
15- Leader
14- Deputy
13- OGs
12- Under-Deputy
11- Turfer
10- Ak-47
9- Event-Manager
8- Warlord
7- Ghetto Clapper
6- Graffiti Leader
5- Graffiti Team
4- Enforcer
3- Shooter
2- Gangster
1- Freeze


Jul 23, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age IRL
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • 1. IRL Name: Amoghsingh L. Rajpurohit
  • 2. IRL Age: 16
  • 3. Time zone: (GMT + 5:30)
  • 4. Avg Online Per day: 4 to 5 hours
  • 5. Emails : amoghbgl
  • 6. Nickname: Amoghbgl
  • 7. ID : 152468
  • Additional information
  • 1. Leader of : Los Santos Vegos
  • 2. I want to become the leader of Los Santos Vegos because :
  • (1) I am an experienced player .
  • I am an average player in turfing.
  • (2) I was ex - (Ogs of Vagos) 13/16th rank in last term. I was able to climb at such a high rank with only age of 7 in city. For sure there might be a reason behind it which our respected ex - leader (Alexa Bros) saw in me. I was even the high command so I know how to handle the Organization in a polite manner and make even our little brothers who fly in city comfortable with us.
  • (3) I am an really polite person (not making sentence hyperbolic). I know rules and even have skills.
  • (4) I will make sure that if I become the leader of Los Santos Vegos in en2 I will make sure that every member is aware of rules and make sure that they don't get themselves a WARN which will result in a disband of organization that happened just now.
  • (5) I will make every beginner member aware of rules through our high commands and HCs will have to help them and solve their even silliest doubts.
  • (6) I will create a positive environment at HQ and make sure that no one gets physical and make someone unconscious or harm someone.
  • (7) I have leadership qualities in IRL/OOC which will help in development of Our favourite Los Santos Vegos.
  • (8) I can go OOC and communicate with people those who have problem in speaking official language of en2 which is English as I know 3 language.
  • (9) I will make sure no one will break rules like FL in RP processes.
  • Advices to Improve organization:-
  • Ranks in my Term :
  • Rank 1 : Freeze : They are Freezed in organization , cant use transports. Has restrictions , ETC.
  • Rank 2 : Newbie : Some restrictions are removed but still cant use Org's transportation.
  • Rank 3 : Graffiti Team : Has an access of using transports like Juglars , has the responsibility of graffities.
  • Rank 4 : Graffiti Leader : He will lead the Graffiti Team and guide for things like locations of Graffities.
  • Rank 5 : Shooter : This rank will be given to those who actively participate in Events like clands and BS.
  • Rank 6 : Druglord : Rank is given to those who are good in communication of businesses.
  • Rank 7 : Clapper : They are a smaller version of Turfers , they do ghetto clapping for Orgs dominance.
  • Rank 8 : Gangster : They are good in shooting , good in communication and polite.
  • Rank 9 : Trusted blood : These are trusted members who can take permission for ghetto robbery and car theft. People those who know rules are given this rank.
  • Rank 10 : Event leader : He has the responsibility of smooth conduct of Graffities and small events .
  • Rank 11 : Under deputy (HC) : This is the initial rank of HCs , has an access of inviting people in Org.
  • Rank 12 : Turfer (HC) (Skilled shooter) : They are the most skilled shooters in gang , can rank up too.
  • Rank 13 : Ogs Vegos (HC) : They are the most trusted and skilled shooters in gang , helps leader and deputies in higher lvl works.
  • Rank 14 : M416 (HC) : They manage the events in absence of Leader And Deputy Leader.
  • Rank 15 : Deputy Leader (HC) : Has all access , is the leader in absence of Leader.
  • Rank 16 : Leader [ LEADER ] : The Highest rank in Org
  • 1. We will behave like brothers and sisters which will create a peaceful RP.
  • 2. Abusing will be strictly Not allowed, If any HC sees the chat or listen it he will demoted as many small kids fly in city to have fun so they shouldn't spoil The fun.
  • It took me hours to write this forum. I did not copy pasted like other people did.
  • I Request all Admins to give me a chance and prove everyone what is my capability.
  • THANK U.
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Jul 23, 2024
1. IRL Name: Amoghsingh L. Rajpurohit
2. IRL Age: 16
3. Time zone: (GMT + 5:30)
4. Avg Online Per day: 4 to 5 hours
5. Emails : amoghbgl
6. Nickname: Amoghbgl
7. ID : 152468
Additional information
1. Leader of : Los Santos Vegos
2. I want to become the leader of Los Santos Vegos because :
(1) I am an experienced player (not too much in en2 but in en3).
I am an average player in turfing.
(2) I was ex - (Ogs of Vagos) 13/16th rank in last term. I was able to climb at such a high rank with only age of 7 in city. For sure there might be a reason behind it which our respected ex - leader (Alexa Bros) saw in me. I was even the high command so I know how to handle the Organization in a polite manner and make even our little brothers who fly in city comfortable with us.
(3) I am an really polite person (not making sentence hyperbolic). I know rules and even have skills.
(4) I will make sure that if I become the leader of Los Santos Vegos in en2 I will make sure that every member is aware of rules and make sure that they don't get themselves a WARN which will result in a disband of organization that happened just now.
(5) I will make every beginner member aware of rules through our high commands and HCs will have to help them and solve their even silliest doubts.
(6) I will create a positive environment at HQ and make sure that no one gets physical and make someone unconscious or harm someone.
(7) I have leadership qualities in IRL/OOC which will help in development of Our favourite Los Santos Vegos.
(8) I can go OOC and communicate with people those who have problem in speaking official language of en2 which is English as I know 3 language.
(9) I will make sure no one will break rules like FL in RP processes.
Advices to Improve organization:-
Rank 1 : Freeze
Rank 2 : Newbie
Rank 3 : Graffiti Team
Rank 4 : Graffiti Leader
Rank 5 : Shooter
Rank 6 : Druglord
Rank 7 : Clapper
Rank 8 : Gangster
Rank 9 : Trusted blood
Rank 10 : Event leader
Rank 11 : Under deputy (HC)
Rank 12 : Turfer (HC) (Skilled shooter)
Rank 13 : Ogs Vegos (HC)
Rank 14 : M416 (HC)
Rank 15 : Deputy Leader (HC)
Rank 16 : Leader (hopefully me) 1. will behave like brothers and sisters which will create a peaceful RP. 2. Abusing will be strictly Not allowed, If any HC sees the chat or listen it he will demoted as many small kids fly in city to have fun so they shouldn't spoil The fun.
It took me hours to write this forum. I did not copy pasted like other people did.
I Request all Admins to give me a chance and prove everyone what is my capability.

Alexa Bros

Feb 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL-Abhinav Singh
2. Your age IRL-21
3. Time zone-GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day-5-10 Hours
5. Your Discord-alexa_bros
6. Your Nickname- Alexa Bros
7. Your ID- 136988

Additional information
1. Leader of
Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A) In the city i gained lot of exp in legal orgs as well as in criminal org like EMS,SAHP, and all other gang, i was also the leader of Vagos which makes me capable of being leader again as i made Vagos to the heights by making it most active gang in city also due to my exp in legal orgs and illegal I will able to make good plan to make the FZ and robberies successful.

B) When I came new in city i joint vagos and because of its independent ghetto and a good area which keep it up from other gangs I also learnt many thing from leader when i came new. During my previous term I made graffiti profit of the Vagos to the max every hour and made it so active by doing robberies daily, highway robbery and ghetto robbery

C) I will make HC to people who know rules and who can teach their low rank so they don't make any mistake and will create a friend like atmosphere in gang so we can do teamwork with good coordination and make sure that NO conflicts develop between gangmember

D) I gained lot of experience from my previous vagos term and made a decision to make vagos again on top by not repeating previous mistake. Vagos being my favourite I want to make vagos to the top by making it most successful.

E) I built many connection during my previous term with other gang people and I make the gang to participate in most of the activity, Also being in unoffical family i had built great friendship with other people Who can contribute to the gang. In my previous term Vagos had most of the territory. so again i will contribute my 100 percent to make vagos 100 percent with the territory

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1) I will make coordination and communication between gang members better to overcome tuff situation during robberies

2)I will take people only after taking an interview of rules, so there's be no chance of mistake and will give rank accordingly to their performance

3)I will give daily bonuses on basis of robberies, graffiti's and Clands

4)I will contribute my 100% for betterment of gang

5) I will work with rules and regulations of the city.

1)100% Turf and daily Gang Raids
2)Making Graffiti profit over 7k Every hour
3)Attending most of the event
4)Making Ghetto near Vagos most active by daily ghetto robberies
5)By making proper RP situation during highway robberies ,store robberies and hostage situation.
F)Making Experienced HC
6)Following Rules and regulation and maintaining proper RP

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for reading my application, Best regards, Alexa Bros

4-Graffiti Team
5-Graffiti Leader
10-Event Leader
12-Under deputy
13-OG Vagos
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Jul 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Emircan
2. Your age IRL : 19
3. Time zone : GMT+3
4. Average online per day : 12-16
5. Your Discord : matthevschmetterlingx
6. Your Nickname : Matthew Schmetterling
7. Your ID : 159942
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
2.(I) first i have been to every gang but the most gang i liked was Vagos and i always dreamed of being a gang leader
2.(II)and i wanna be the leader of Vagos because i always wanted to be the leader of Vagos and i have had so much experience before
2.(III)and personally i have seen so bad leader's in some gangs like Families Marabunta and Vagos thats why i wanna make this gang the best

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
3.(I)i think it would be great if my gang had the best opertunity to rob stores go to events and do their own events like the deputys and stuff like that
3.(II)and would take the begginers to the Vagos gang if they know the rules of course i would be more than happy to take the good players and begginers after level 3-4-5 or so
3.(III)and just beacuse of that i would love to be an leader of the Vagos gang if you guys let me be the leader of the Vagos gang
and finally have :
%100 turfs
10.000+ profit every hour
do 2 fz raids every day
max bonuses
+great activty
rank system:
14: Top Dealer
13: Deputy Dealer
12: Schmetterling
11: Turfer
10: Warlord
9: Mania
8: Captain
7: Mafia
6: Grafitti Team
5: Junior Mafia
4: Enforcer
3: Clapper
2: Baby mania
1: Newbie

pablo mafioso9

Jul 20, 2024
1. Your name IRL
- nagesh
2. Your age IRL
- 18
3. Time zone
- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day
- 4to5 HRS
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information

1. Leader of...

los Santos Vagos​

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)​

[1] I would like to be leader of Los Santos Vagos gang bcoz i I believe I could be a great leader and i have great knowledge on the gang life and i have good knowledge of stat org too so i can use it for my advantage

[2]- Since the day I joined the city I always wanted to lead Los Santos Vagos gang and I always wanted to show my origination as the most organized Gang , , and also wanted players to have more fun and participate evry event under Los Santos Vagos gang name. also before i was one of the high commands of the Los Santos Vagos gang and also i was highest command in other illegal organizations like bloods , ballas , Families etc. from here i gained alot of experience about illegal things from the mistakes of the leaders and from their right actions as well, so I believe that experiences are the most important thing where you can deal with all the difficult situations that may harm the organization from my previous experiences.

[3]- I want to give the new gang members a true criminal experience within the rules without violating them, and reactivate the Los Santos Vagos gang in order to activate the rest of the government jobs as well.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.​

I want to introduce a system of commercial gangs, not just to expose theft and murder, such as if they are interested in selling weapons, drugs and smuggling, and I mean that their dealings in the city be more, that it be a commercial deal to sell contraband and other things prohibited to citizens, and that the system of kidnapping and killing is between gangs or members of government jobs only and illegal institutions Only and not an ordinary citizen like corrupt policemen, money transfer cars and trucks.

Just Need 1 Chance to Prove My Self And To Tell The Whole City How Actually Gang Runs.

REGARDS :- pablo mafiosso
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Sharath Rich

Jun 6, 2022

1 . Sharath chandra
3.GMT (5:30)
5.KGF Sharath YT#0365
6.Sharath Royal

Additional Information

-----Leader of
Blood Street Gang-----

Q2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?(List three reasons with explanation)
1. I need to be a leader this specific organization because when I have joined the city I'm worked in every legal orgs after leaving legal orgs I'm joined Blood Street Gang it is very best experience after learned about turfs,NG Raids and grafftis I got high command but I'm not happy But I need to do something new that's why I need to be a leader
2. I want be a leader because I know all server rules, ghetto rules, event rules i will strictly follow them and if someone break the rules i will take action against him
3. When I became a leader I will be help the new citizens but they know city rules and ghetto rules this is the chance for new citizens who knows rules properly

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
> I will recruit the citizens who knows rules properly
> I will host more events for the gang member
> Meeting with our gang members before and after event
> We will do turfs 100%
> 24/7 graffti
> I will not do any favourism if he my friend also
> We will recruit good shooters for turfs
>I will improve and develop the Blood Street Gang more than previous term
>I will change the ranking system
>I will do Blood Street Gang on top in city
My Ranking System
15. Leader
14. Deputy
13. Under Deputy
12. Turfer
11. Warlord
10. Druglord
9. Thug
8. Enforcer
7. Shooter
6. Graffitist
5. Gangster
4. Clapper
3. OG Blood
2. Young Blood
1. Freeze

Ex NG LT general ex marbunta deputy ex vagos High command ex minister of doc ex 12th rank in FamiliesEx sahp underdeputy ex fib dhod

I’m very interested to become a Leader please give me a chance then I can prove myself please this a very precious thing to me

Thanks for reading my application
Blood Street Gang on top!!
Sharath Royal!


Jul 4, 2024
1. Your name IRL Dark Ayaan
2. Your age IRL 6
3. Time zone GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day 10 hours
5. Your Discord senior.ff
6. Your Nickname Ayan Barik
7. Your ID 163516
Additional information
1. Leader of... Vagos.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i) The reason for what the vagos gang is now banned, This mistake should not be again.
ii) I think I have better communication skill.
iii) I stay active 10 hours per day in average.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
= I think you should give extra salary to beginners. And of course Admins must be more strict to punish but not in permanent ban. For this reason many players left that game.
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