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Your ID
Players nickname
Gaamix Armone
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jul 25, 2024
Time of violation

Gaamix Heist

Days that break you are the days that make you
Server Administrator
Oct 21, 2023
Hey There!

Hello to the Admin Team Hoping You All Are Doing Well, So I'm just tired of this situation I'm facing right now IC, Okay ill explain this Below.

So you can see all the POVs attached here. The Family Raees is targeting my family from the day when I established my Family The Heist, I don't have good numbers those days as a new family It's hard to grow that faster, But I'm participating in all events with my family to make it active and now peoples are also joining with me. So I will not lie I want to participate in extra activities like robberies, More events etc. that's why I applied for Unofficial, and then I started it you can see that I'm active in every single event after getting the Tag.

I want to just enjoy IC and have fun playing a character and have fun but Raees is not letting me do that, They are doing toxicity in CC and Discord, Like they can't face my in IC because they don't know how to handle any situation IC, So they are just targeting me in DMs (Discord), You can see all the Screen Shots how the Guy Devu first do toxicity and then start abusing me, and tonight they created a new VC and invite my friend i.e., Zarif and you can see they added there names like, Father Of Zarif, Grand Father of Zarif you can see every thing in POV, I don't want to Play Raid because I'm active and going to info and trying at least to win 1 info, so I want peoples know who The Heist is I'm active till night 22,23 Server Time just to make sure I'm active and participating in events, But these guys don't come to events they come to my House and start doing toxicity and in DMS also, See Devo Guy saying, In Market Place I posted buying Ammo he said ill give 20m Worth ammo to you and donate it to you poor guys, in CC see all members of Raees doing Toxicity Antonio who is the owner is also doing same.

I talked with him my friend Sameer talked with him what you guys want they are not listing to us and just making fun and targeting. Today I took immunity, so none can raid on me, they start saying about that and the Devu Guy abuse me in Discord Hindi Admin will understand what's the messages. They got banned by a forum I posted in my family gallery because my family member got Fl so that Devu guy Put F*uck Heist Emoji there All in POV.

Now you will think why Devu was in my Discord?
Let me explain few days ago he came to me my family house asked my friend Shivm (Deputy), Invite him Raees is this and that they are not active not doing anything I want to join I invited him and give him rank 5 bcz I need more members like then after days he invited more guys I guess that's good he is not lying at least but Shivm warned my it might be his trick I ignored it said no worries what will he do, What they do you can imagine They added their twink IDs in my family and when we were less than 5 members they came online they raid on me and those IDs got offline, We lost probably its was about to happen that, and I was looking for members finding some friends, so I can raid back on them suddenly their twinks raided on them back I was shocked, I start speaking who did like we even don't knew their Family house and after finding the situation i bl them from family, They were playing two characters in 2 diff family, Also Devu put his main in Raees and Twink with me, I didn't know that one day just saw it was his twink, so I kick him.

What you know they also delete their messages after sending you can even see that in POVs, What I have I posted everything here. I know peoples can go ahead without their rivals I understand I can handle situation of this, But they are just doing Toxicity and Targeting we can't enjoy with this. I repeat I just want to enjoy I don't want any kind of this stuff. After thinking and giving them time I took final decision to make a forum as they are doing this day by day they are just moving the IC situations to OC on Discords.

They trolled my FAM member: Reviewed - Mass Rule Break | Raees
Their Members Doing GR 6.9 Today:
I posted All the POVs here you can see all.
Like they are just targeting me only!!

POVs / Screen Shots Starts From Here.

(Ignore Shivm and Phantom they did by mistake)












I want Justice.
I want Peace.
I don't want any toxicity I'm building a good relation with families.

Thanks For Your Time!!
Waiting for Justice!!

Gaamix Heist
The Heist Family
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