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IMPORTANT Applications for the leader of party

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Sep 29, 2022
Future Vision Party


Our Slogan: “Leading the way, for a brighter day!!”

About our Party
Minato Uchiha and his close circle of friends and senior mentors have founded the Future Vision Party. The main motto of the party is to ensure justice to not just the rich but to even the backward community in the city. All this is possible by the network of trusted advisors within the party who have been associated since the inception of the party.

“The ideology of Future Vision Party prioritizes justice, economic equality, and a strong social safety to ensure a high standard and peaceful living for all citizens”


Eradicate Crime: Reducing crime in the city to the maximum extent possible

Ethical Organizations: Completely eliminating corruption in all the organizations by monitoring closely and conducting frequent inspections

Promote Business: Conduct regular meetings with businessman in the city to understand their concerns and ensure they invest more and generate more employment in the city

Service to Citizens: Make sure all the organizations are serving the citizens as they are supposed to and there is no interruption in service

Reduce Unemployment: Organizing job fairs at regular intervals to provide enough opportunities to the citizens. This also shows the right path to all those people who are new to the city

Justice on Demand: Make sure that the court and the lawyers are available all the time for the citizens so that they are not punished for the crimes that they have not committed

DOC: Will make sure that staff is available all time at DOC to have a proper vigilance on the criminals and to help the citizens requesting for a tour of DOC.

List of Party Members:

Governor: Minato Uchiha

Deputy Governor : Frank Bellic

Attorney General: Krishna Parker

Minister of State: Zoro Saturoo

Minister of State: Gakill Ghost

Minister of State: Josh Huxleyy

Minister of State: Uday Kiran

Deputy Minister of State: Michael Smart

Deputy Minister of State: TBD

Deputy Minister of State: TBD

Deputy Minister of State: TBD

Supreme Court Judge: TBD

USSS Director: Namandeep , Ethan Hunt

DOC Director: Refine Yash

State Attorney: TBD

Other Members:

Judy Cushman
Abdul Ahad
Kushina Uchiha
John Fin
Deva Ratha
Lili Penzes
Vivek Aditya
Harry Fotter
Nikhil Rich
Shiva Rich
Munna Michael
Harley Gold
Ominato Uchiha
Raj Varmaa
Tyson Whitee
Yash Mama
Aekal TNT
Phantom TNT
Giri King
Bharath Sai
Jod Slipz
Rolex Grace
Srik King
Kartikey Elahmet

Family Endorsements:

The Prisoners
Hill Side Mafia
Hood Rich
Hyper Kings
The Stoners

Org Endorsements:


Joining Criteria:
Clean criminal record
Must have a gun license and health insurance
No hand, Neck and face tattoos
Been in the city for at least 5 years (8 years for DOJ)
Have good knowledge of city laws and rules
Experience in any Legal org will be added advantage​

Signed by-
Minato Uchiha

Aleks Schemetterling

Jul 10, 2024
1) The full information about the party and the candidates.
Los Santos Schmetterling Party (LSSP) Candidate is (Aleks Schmetterling | 149443)
Schmetterling means butterfly and for me butterfly sembols freedom. I am here to take GOV to better place and protect LEO's and Citizens better way. No favourtism till all my term and GOV will be ON TOP!.
2) The program of the party (Ideology, Purpose, Objectives / Pre-election promises) Note * at least 4 campaign promises;
1. Will make economy better.
2. Will reduce criminal activity
3.Lawyers will be at DOC for helping citizens anytime of day.
4.Business's will be more profitable to owners and owners will pay less tax.
3) List of party members. Note: it is possible to add any ideas from yourself. (For example: Sponsors)

Governor: Aleks Schmetterling
Deputy Governor: Matthev Schmetterling
Deputy Governor: Will be selected
Attorney General: TBD
Chief Of Staff: TBD
Chief Of Staff: TBD
Chief Of Staff: TBD
Chief Of Staff: TBD
Chief Of Staff: TBD
Chief Of Staff: TBD

Minester of State: TBD
Minester of State: TBD
Minester of State: TBD
Minester of State: TBD

Deputy Minester of State: TBD
Deputy Minester of State: TBD
Deputy Minester of State: TBD
Deputy Minester of State: TBD


Supreme Court Justice: TBD


PR Director: TBD

HR Director: TBD


USSS Director: TBD


District Court Judge: TBD

District Court Judge: TBD


4) Party slogan and picture
''Freedom and Peace''
5) The date of the creation
6) Criteria to become the member of the party.

Clean Record
Have knowledge about State Laws
No tattoos
Have experience in any Legal org will be give advantage about their rank!

Signed by: Aleks Schmetterling.
Thanks for reading...


Justice will be served!
Sep 10, 2024
Fundamental Justice Party
Created by Oguz Karahanli on 13.09.2024
"Justice always wins and always will"

About the party
This party has been created to ensure Justice for those who need it, those who need clarification, citizens looking for a light in the darkness, those looking for guidance, those who need freedom and above all, those who need Justice. We might be coming from different nationalities, experiences, families, cultures and religions, but we are dedicated to the same divine principles of Justice. Justice does NOT discriminate, and neither shall we.

Ideology and Purpose
Our target is to ensure Justice for as many people as possible. Our first goal in the State of San Andreas is to have it cleansed, from those who seek to do it harm, those who are corrupt, evil, malicious; or those who don't deserve the position they were given. Our State of San Andreas will not be remembered with those screams for help but will be remembered with those screams of happiness and pride. People may change, but the system remains. We will make sure the system is well-organized, clean, and designed to serve people. We are here for revolution; we are the revolution.

Pre-Election Promises

1 - Proper Legislation and Regulation - We will be focused on improving and clarifying our laws to have a better well-functioning Justice System in our state of San Andreas.

2 - Corruption - For the sake of every individual of this State, we will spend our resources on fighting corruption all over the State of San Andreas.

3 - Better IRS and Lower Taxes - To our esteemed business owners: we appreciate your tax contributions. However, it is unfair for some to evade taxes while others comply. We will take this issue more seriously and, based on circumstances, we would love to offer lower taxes to those who pay diligently and on time, at our discretion.

4 - Toxicity - Not only as a part of law but also part of humanity, we must be respectful to each other and we must not let our anger control us when we can manage conflicts through communication or legal means, not through toxic behavior. Any form of toxicity is highly restricted, whether verbal or written (e.g., email) any such inappropriate behaviour, will not be tolerated.

5 - Social Connection - Life is not about working 24/7 and making money , people need to enjoy. We will try our best to be in connection with our community. Such as parties , fashion shows and many more.

6 - Discrimination - When some people get some positions within the organizations or anywhere else and becomes more experienced and knowledged , they think they can do whatever they want or act however they want. Everyone is equal by the law and every action has consequences , any such inappropriate discriminative actions by those people to anyone will not be tolerated.

7 - Employees of the week - Dear respectful state employees we know how hard you all are working. Work of a state employee conducted in good faith should never be underestimated and we would like to take this situation more seriously. We would love to offer your organization a fund which will be only used to reward hard working employees. Of course we will also assign people from the government (preferably from the department of treasury) to conduct checks if the fund was used in a good manner.

8 - Improved Email - Dear old, new and all future potential government employees. Organization email is underrated but to conduct your operations , transactions , recordings in a safely and highly secured manner to keep it confidential and only share to those necessary authorities; We will work with our team to enhance our email system for better security and confidentiality.

9 - Justice in the day , Justice in the night! - We are planning to have more court session in the state with our respectful unbiased judges to treat people equally by the law and in a good manner.

Government Rank System and Details
30 -- Governor
29 -- Deputy Governor
28 -- DOJ Attorney General
27 -- DOJ Supreme Court Judge
26 -- GOV Minister of State
25 -- USSS Director
24 -- DOC Warden
23 -- DOJ District Court Judge
22 -- GOV Deputy Minister
21 -- USSS Deputy Director
20 -- DOC Deputy Warden
19 -- GOV Official Master
18 -- DOJ US Attorney
17 -- USSS Special Force Captain
16 -- DOC Chief Guard
15 -- DOJ Assistant US Attorney
14 -- USSS Special Force Agent
13 -- GOV Expert Staff
12 -- DOJ Junior US Attorney
11 -- USSS Senior Agent
10 -- DOC Security Supervisor
9 -- GOV Senior Staff
8 -- DOJ Law Student
7 -- USSS Field Agent
6 -- DOC Security Guard
5 -- GOV Junior Staff
4 -- USSS Cadet Agent
3 -- DOC Security Trainee
2 -- GOV Intern
1 -- GOV Suspended​

Department of Justice (DOJ)
28 -- DOJ Attorney General
27 -- DOJ Supreme Court Judge
23 -- DOJ District Court Judge
18 -- DOJ US Attorney
15 -- DOJ Assistant US Attorney
12 -- DOJ Junior US Attorney
8 -- DOJ Law Student

United States Secret Service (USSS)
25 --USSS Director
21 -- USSS Deputy Director
17 -- USSS Special Force Captain
14 -- USSS Special Force Agent
11 -- USSS Senior Agent
7 -- USSS Field Agent
4 -- USSS Cadet Agent

Deparment of Corrections (DOC)
24 -- DOC Warden
20 -- DOC Deputy Warden
16 -- DOC Chief Guard
10 -- DOC Security Supervisor
6 -- DOC Security Guard
3 -- DOC Security Trainee

Government (GOV)
30 -- Governor
29 -- Deputy Governor
26 -- GOV Minister of State
22 -- GOV Deputy Minister
19 -- GOV Official Master
13 -- GOV Expert Staff
9 -- GOV Senior Staff
5 -- GOV Junior Staff
2 -- GOV Intern
1 -- GOV Suspended

Ministers of the State
Minister of Labour ----> HR & FT & IA
Minister of Homeland Security ----> State Inspection & Higher Authority of USSS & IA
Minister of Treasury ----> IRS & Special Assignments (Pre-Election Promises article 7)
Minister of Public Relations ----> Social Connection (Pre-Election Promises article 5)

Party Members
Governor | Oguz Karahanli
Deputy Governor | Niko Hunt
Attorney General | Arkansas Merryweather
Supreme Court Justice | Mike Webb
Minister of Homeland Security (DHS) | Rix Federal
Minister of Treasury | Ron Jeremy
Minister of Labour | Bobby Federal
Minister of Public Relations | Captainn Lucifer
USSS Director | Ethan Hunt
Deputy Minister of Treasury | Leo Malone
Deputy Minister of Homeland Security | Itachi badshahh
Special Force Captain | Sierra Jiii
Special Force Captain | Mykhailo Winchester
Special Force Agent | Tejash killer
Special Force Agent | Vendetta Noyel

Vee Venetia (FIB Employee)
Salmom Mafia (DOE law student)
Jiraiya Uchiha (SAHP Employee)
King Sahilbhai (NG Employee)
King JumboBhai (NG Employee)
Divya Vercetti (NG Employee)
Chiko Fayaz (NG Employee)
Damm Bhai (NG Employee)
Ridhwan Captain (NG Employee)

Shaurya hellfire (NG Employee)
Shadman Pluxury(FIB Employee)
Simo Hayha(FIB Employee)
Lukey Federal (Citizen of the State of San Andreas)

Mafia Sidhu (Citizen of the State of San Andreas)
Shubham Ranaaaa (Citizen of the State of San Andreas)
Aquanix Karan (Citizen of the State of San Andreas)
Danish Shah (Citizen of the State of San Andreas)
Drizzy Lez (Citizen of the State of San Andreas)
Nairit Bhandari (Citizen of the State of San Andreas)
Lucifer XOXO (Citizen of the State of San Andreas)

Our Criteria
Citizenship for minimum of 5 years.

Health insurance at all times.
Gun license. ( Except for those will not require in order to perform their duties to the State of San Andreas.)
No face , neck or hand tattoos.
Clean Background.
Clean communication skills.
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Oct 3, 2023
The Justice League Party
Created On 26/12/2022

Our Slogan

United For Fairness, Committed To Progress

About The Party
The Justice League Party was first founded and created by the Former Governor Masta Killa on Monday 26th of December,2022. Later on The Former Governor Masta Killa was elected as the Governor of the state of San Andreas for two successful government term. Later the mantle was passed on to another Former Governor Judy Cushman who made great achievements towards the betterment of society. The Third Governor from this party was the well-known for his great achievements, management and dedication the Former Governor Nik Payne as he completed two exceptional terms. Finally The Former Governor Rishav Raj who was known for his great leadership qualities, Composure and perfecting the enforcement of the law, became the fourth person to be elected as the Governor for The State Of San Andreas from The Justice League Party who also completed two terms.

Ideology & Purpose
Our ideology is about staying united and working towards bringing justice, progress, and integrity. Our core values is towards bringing justice to every citizen of Los Santos regardless of their status, beliefs or occupation.


Regular checks on state organizations: Conduct Regular inspections to ensure that none of the state organizations are involved in corruption and ensure the law enforcement officers' eligibility and competence and that they are properly trained.

Ensure citizen rights: Make sure every citizen of the State of San Andreas has the opportunity to exercise their rights and has a free will to take decisions.

Increase DOJ activity: We are determined to make the DOJ Department more active by hiring more interested law students into the government and making sure that they get informative law classes on a regular basis and a proper education.

Work on the tax system: Make sure that the Department of Treasury is more active by conducting meetings with businessmen, understanding their concerns, and listening to their opinions.

Hosting public events daily: We will work on conducting overwhelming public events on a daily basis to keep the government engaged and increase interaction with citizens.

Reduce Unemployment: We focus on reducing unemployment by conducting open hirings often and giving employment to new people to work for the government, In addition, we will conduct job fairs once every fourteen days so that people get employed in other state organizations as well.

Party Members

Governor: Zoro Saturoo

Deputy Governor: Fahd Ukeal

Deputy Governor: Frank Bellic

Attorney General: Krishna Parker

Minister Of State(DOL): Kartik Ghost

Minister of State(DOT): Mayank Federal

Minister of State(DOE): Raj Varma

Minister of State(DOC): Manjesh Thakur

Minister of State(DOR): Uday Kiran

Minister of State(DHS): Gakill Ghost

Supreme Court Judge: Mohil Yami

US Attorney: Aryan Bhai

USSS Director: Cosmos Shreyash

USSS Deputy Director: Spidey Parker

USSS Deputy Director: Sweet Sinner

USSS Deputy Director: Cosmos Bhibu

DOC Director: Tanjiro Akaza

DOC Director: Lord Dheeraj

Other Party Members
Samir Ali
Riv Pluxury
Kabir Dhaliwal
Harry Fotter
Dark Silver
Dan Bilzerian
Cosmos Naman
Judy Cushman(EX-Governor)
Victor Alacazar
Muzan Kibutsuji
Lakshya Destroyer
John Finn
Kamal Badshah
Tarzan Badshah(EX-Families,Bloods,Ballas Leader)
Rock Shiva
Srik King
Shiva Rich
Vivek Aditya
Cranky Playz
Yam Zack(EX-Sheriff)
Sanku Notorious(EX-Sheriff)
Aman Patel(2X-Sheriff, Ex-LSPD Chief)
Bankai Minazuki
Viking Shauryaa
Liza Western
Jod Goodman
Sophia Lilly
Gagz Gilgamesh(EX-Governor)
Tony everhearttt
Marsh Walker(EX-LSPD Chief)
Kushina Uchiha

Yakuza Xlblase

Minato Uchiha(EX-Governor)
Klaus Mikealson
Silver Plays
Rihan Pluxury(Current SAHP Sheriff)
Prince Gupta(EX-EMS Chief)
Rehan Rana(Current FIB Director)
Envy Walker
Mehbub Rich(EX-FIB Director,EX-LSPD Chief))
Tony Accardo(EX-Governor)
Hagimaru Mafiaa
Thomas Bigfist(EX-FIB Director)
Urvi Mafia
Adi Mafia
Soumo Mafiaa
Ullash Nath
Kazuto Kirigiya(EX Governor, Former General and LI CEO)
Rust Viper(Current LSPD Chief)
Alan Vuitton(Current Ballas Leader)
Alexa Blooms(Current EMS Chief)
Kushal Patil(EX-Families Leader)
Micheal Smart
Shikamaru Frankie
Rahul Ror
GSK King
Charan Chowdary(EX-EMS Chief)
Blazing Axie
Sharma Handwashinton
Wolf gangster(2X-Families,2X-NG Leader and EX-Marabunta Leader)
Lili Penzes
Sophia lilly
High Raterr
Desi Rishab
Bam Asirii
Iconic Fujiwara(Current Bloods Leader)
Mascot Mafiaa(Current Vagos Leader)

Lucky Dakku

Family Endorsements
The Prisoners

Mafia Mundirr
Hill Side Mafia

The Western

Org Endorsements



Ranking System
Deputy Governor[29]
Attorney General[28]
Minister Of State[27]
Supreme Court Judge[26]
USSS Director[25]
DOC Director[24]
District Court Judge[23]
Director Of Department[22]
USSS Deputy Director[21]
DOC Deputy Director[20]
USSS Ops Lead[19]
DOJ US Attorney[18]
GOV Executive Staff[17]
USSS Elite Agent[16]
DOC Supervisor Officer[15]
USSS Senior Agent[14]
GOV Senior Staff[13]
DOC Senior Officer[12]
Finance Officer[11]
USSS Special Agent[10]
DOC Security Officer[9]
GOV Staff[8]
USSS Agent[7]
DOC Officer[6]
GOV Intern[5]
GOV Trainee[4]
Legal Student[3]

Joining Criteria
Clean criminal record
Must have a gun license and health insurance
No hand, Neck, and face tattoos
The minimum age requirement is 5 years
The minimum age requirement for DOJ is 8 years
Have good knowledge of city laws and rules
Experience in any Legal org will be added advantage

Zoro Saturoo
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Shreyash Daku

Jun 4, 2024
The Justice League Party
Created On 26/12/2022

Our Slogan

United For Fairness, Committed To Progress

About The Party
The Justice League Party was first founded and created by the Former Governor Masta Killa on Monday 26th of December,2022. Later on The Former Governor Masta Killa was elected as the Governor of the state of San Andreas for two successful government term. Later the mantle was passed on to another Former Governor Judy Cushman who made great achievements towards the betterment of society. The Third Governor from this party was the well-known for his great achievements, management and dedication the Former Governor Nik Payne as he completed two exceptional terms. Finally The Former Governor Rishav Raj who was known for his great leadership qualities, Composure and perfecting the enforcement of the law, became the fourth person to be elected as the Governor for The State Of San Andreas from The Justice League Party who also completed two terms.

Ideology & Purpose
Our ideology is about staying united and working towards bringing justice, progress, and integrity. Our core values is towards bringing justice to every citizen of Los Santos regardless of their status, beliefs or occupation.


Regular checks on state organizations: Conduct Regular inspections to ensure that none of the state organizations are involved in corruption and ensure the law enforcement officers' eligibility and competence and that they are properly trained.

Ensure citizen rights: Make sure every citizen of the State of San Andreas has the opportunity to exercise their rights and has a free will to take decisions.

Increase DOJ activity: We are determined to make the DOJ Department more active by hiring more interested law students into the government and making sure that they get informative law classes on a regular basis and a proper education.

Work on the tax system: Make sure that the Department of Treasury is more active by conducting meetings with businessmen, understanding their concerns, and listening to their opinions.

Hosting public events daily: We will work on conducting overwhelming public events on a daily basis to keep the government engaged and increase interaction with citizens.

Reduce Unemployment: We focus on reducing unemployment by conducting open hirings often and giving employment to new people to work for the government, In addition, we will conduct job fairs once every fourteen days so that people get employed in other state organizations as well.

Party Members

Governor: Zoro Saturoo

Deputy Governor: Fahd Ukeal

Deputy Governor: Frank Bellic

Attorney General: Krishna Parker

Minister Of State(DOL): Kartik Ghost

Minister of State(DOT): Mayank Federal

Minister of State(DOE): Raj Varma

Minister of State(DOC): Manjesh Thakur

Minister of State(DOR): Uday Kiran

Minister of State(DHS): Gakil Ghost

Supreme Court Judge: Mohil Yami

US Attorney: Aryan Bhai

USSS Director: Cosmos Shreyash

USSS Deputy Director: Spidey Parker

USSS Deputy Director: Sweet Sinner

USSS Deputy Director: Cosmos Bhibu

DOC Director: Tanjiro Akaza

DOC Director: Lord Dheeraj

Other Party Members
Samir Ali
Riv Pluxury
Kabir Dhaliwal
Harry Fotter
Dark Silver
Dan Bilzerian
Cosmos Naman
Judy Cushman
Victor Alacazar
Muzan Kibutsuji
Lakshya Destroyer
John Finn
Kamal Badshah
Tarzan Badshah
Rock Shiva
Srik King
Shiva Rich
Vivek Aditya
Cranky Playz
Sanku Notorious
Aman Patel
Bankai Minazuki
Liza Western
Jod Goodman
Sophia Lilly
Gagz Gilgamesh
Tony everhearttt
Marsh Walker
Kushina Uchiha

Yakuza Xlblase
Minato Uchiha
Klaus Mikealson

Silver Plays
Rihan Pluxury
Prince Gupta
Rehan Rana
Hagimaru Mafiaa
Thomas Bigfist
Urvi Mafia
Ullash Nath
Rust Viper
Alan Vuitton
Kushal Patil
Micheal Smart
Shikamaru Frankie
Rahul Ror
GSK King
Charan Chowdary
Sharma Handwashinton
Wolf gangster
Lili Penzes
Sophia lilly
High Raterr
Desi Rishab
Bam Asirii
Iconic Fujitara
Mascot Mafiaa
Lucky Dakku

Family Endorsements
The Prisoners

Hill Side Mafia


Org Endorsements



Ranking System
Deputy Governor[29]
Attorney General[28]
Minister Of State[27]
Supreme Court Judge[26]
USSS Director[25]
DOC Director[24]
District Court Judge[23]
Director Of Department[22]
USSS Deputy Director[21]
DOC Deputy Director[20]
USSS Ops Lead[19]
DOJ US Attorney[18]
GOV Executive Staff[17]
USSS Elite Agent[16]
DOC Supervisor Officer[15]
USSS Senior Agent[14]
GOV Senior Staff[13]
DOC Senior Officer[12]
Finance Officer[11]
USSS Special Agent[10]
DOC Security Officer[9]
GOV Staff[8]
USSS Agent[7]
DOC Officer[6]
GOV Intern[5]
GOV Trainee[4]
Legal Student[3]

Joining Criteria
Clean criminal record
Must have a gun license and health insurance
No hand, Neck, and face tattoos
The minimum age requirement is 5 years
The minimum age requirement for DOJ is 8 years
Have good knowledge of city laws and rules
Experience in any Legal org will be added advantage

Zoro Saturoo

ivan sharma

May 18, 2024
The Justice League Party
Created On 26/12/2022

Our Slogan

United For Fairness, Committed To Progress

About The Party
The Justice League Party was first founded and created by the Former Governor Masta Killa on Monday 26th of December,2022. Later on The Former Governor Masta Killa was elected as the Governor of the state of San Andreas for two successful government term. Later the mantle was passed on to another Former Governor Judy Cushman who made great achievements towards the betterment of society. The Third Governor from this party was the well-known for his great achievements, management and dedication the Former Governor Nik Payne as he completed two exceptional terms. Finally The Former Governor Rishav Raj who was known for his great leadership qualities, Composure and perfecting the enforcement of the law, became the fourth person to be elected as the Governor for The State Of San Andreas from The Justice League Party who also completed two terms.

Ideology & Purpose
Our ideology is about staying united and working towards bringing justice, progress, and integrity. Our core values is towards bringing justice to every citizen of Los Santos regardless of their status, beliefs or occupation.


Regular checks on state organizations: Conduct Regular inspections to ensure that none of the state organizations are involved in corruption and ensure the law enforcement officers' eligibility and competence and that they are properly trained.

Ensure citizen rights: Make sure every citizen of the State of San Andreas has the opportunity to exercise their rights and has a free will to take decisions.

Increase DOJ activity: We are determined to make the DOJ Department more active by hiring more interested law students into the government and making sure that they get informative law classes on a regular basis and a proper education.

Work on the tax system: Make sure that the Department of Treasury is more active by conducting meetings with businessmen, understanding their concerns, and listening to their opinions.

Hosting public events daily: We will work on conducting overwhelming public events on a daily basis to keep the government engaged and increase interaction with citizens.

Reduce Unemployment: We focus on reducing unemployment by conducting open hirings often and giving employment to new people to work for the government, In addition, we will conduct job fairs once every fourteen days so that people get employed in other state organizations as well.

Party Members

Governor: Zoro Saturoo

Deputy Governor: Fahd Ukeal

Deputy Governor: Frank Bellic

Attorney General: Krishna Parker

Minister Of State(DOL): Kartik Ghost

Minister of State(DOT): Mayank Federal

Minister of State(DOE): Raj Varma

Minister of State(DOC): Manjesh Thakur

Minister of State(DOR): Uday Kiran

Minister of State(DHS): Gakil Ghost

Supreme Court Judge: Mohil Yami

US Attorney: Aryan Bhai

USSS Director: Cosmos Shreyash

USSS Deputy Director: Spidey Parker

USSS Deputy Director: Sweet Sinner

USSS Deputy Director: Cosmos Bhibu

DOC Director: Tanjiro Akaza

DOC Director: Lord Dheeraj

Other Party Members
Samir Ali
Riv Pluxury
Kabir Dhaliwal
Harry Fotter
Dark Silver
Dan Bilzerian
Cosmos Naman
Judy Cushman
Victor Alacazar
Muzan Kibutsuji
Lakshya Destroyer
John Finn
Kamal Badshah
Tarzan Badshah
Rock Shiva
Srik King
Shiva Rich
Vivek Aditya
Cranky Playz
Sanku Notorious
Aman Patel
Bankai Minazuki
Liza Western
Jod Goodman
Sophia Lilly
Gagz Gilgamesh
Tony everhearttt
Marsh Walker
Kushina Uchiha

Yakuza Xlblase
Minato Uchiha
Klaus Mikealson

Silver Plays
Rihan Pluxury
Prince Gupta
Rehan Rana
Envy Walker
Mehbub Rich
Tony Accardo
Hagimaru Mafiaa
Thomas Bigfist
Urvi Mafia
Ullash Nath
Rust Viper
Alan Vuitton
Kushal Patil
Micheal Smart
Shikamaru Frankie
Rahul Ror
GSK King
Charan Chowdary
Sharma Handwashinton
Wolf gangster
Lili Penzes
Sophia lilly
High Raterr
Desi Rishab
Bam Asirii
Iconic Fujitara
Mascot Mafiaa
Lucky Dakku

Family Endorsements
The Prisoners

Hill Side Mafia


Org Endorsements



Ranking System
Deputy Governor[29]
Attorney General[28]
Minister Of State[27]
Supreme Court Judge[26]
USSS Director[25]
DOC Director[24]
District Court Judge[23]
Director Of Department[22]
USSS Deputy Director[21]
DOC Deputy Director[20]
USSS Ops Lead[19]
DOJ US Attorney[18]
GOV Executive Staff[17]
USSS Elite Agent[16]
DOC Supervisor Officer[15]
USSS Senior Agent[14]
GOV Senior Staff[13]
DOC Senior Officer[12]
Finance Officer[11]
USSS Special Agent[10]
DOC Security Officer[9]
GOV Staff[8]
USSS Agent[7]
DOC Officer[6]
GOV Intern[5]
GOV Trainee[4]
Legal Student[3]

Joining Criteria
Clean criminal record
Must have a gun license and health insurance
No hand, Neck, and face tattoos
The minimum age requirement is 5 years
The minimum age requirement for DOJ is 8 years
Have good knowledge of city laws and rules
Experience in any Legal org will be added advantage

Zoro S
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Justice will be served!
Sep 10, 2024
Oguz Karahanli, I am not in party buddy, remove my name "ThomasTommy Vercetti" from the Fundamental Justice Party.

I am sorry , i thought that "S T R O M E R" at the right bottem corner was you. Next time tell me through discord that you left the party instead of trying to make a show here. Your name will be removed "buddy".
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ishan mafiaking

May 16, 2024
The Justice League Party
Created On 26/12/2022

Our Slogan

United For Fairness, Committed To Progress

About The Party
The Justice League Party was first founded and created by the Former Governor Masta Killa on Monday 26th of December,2022. Later on The Former Governor Masta Killa was elected as the Governor of the state of San Andreas for two successful government term. Later the mantle was passed on to another Former Governor Judy Cushman who made great achievements towards the betterment of society. The Third Governor from this party was the well-known for his great achievements, management and dedication the Former Governor Nik Payne as he completed two exceptional terms. Finally The Former Governor Rishav Raj who was known for his great leadership qualities, Composure and perfecting the enforcement of the law, became the fourth person to be elected as the Governor for The State Of San Andreas from The Justice League Party who also completed two terms.

Ideology & Purpose
Our ideology is about staying united and working towards bringing justice, progress, and integrity. Our core values is towards bringing justice to every citizen of Los Santos regardless of their status, beliefs or occupation.


Regular checks on state organizations: Conduct Regular inspections to ensure that none of the state organizations are involved in corruption and ensure the law enforcement officers' eligibility and competence and that they are properly trained.

Ensure citizen rights: Make sure every citizen of the State of San Andreas has the opportunity to exercise their rights and has a free will to take decisions.

Increase DOJ activity: We are determined to make the DOJ Department more active by hiring more interested law students into the government and making sure that they get informative law classes on a regular basis and a proper education.

Work on the tax system: Make sure that the Department of Treasury is more active by conducting meetings with businessmen, understanding their concerns, and listening to their opinions.

Hosting public events daily: We will work on conducting overwhelming public events on a daily basis to keep the government engaged and increase interaction with citizens.

Reduce Unemployment: We focus on reducing unemployment by conducting open hirings often and giving employment to new people to work for the government, In addition, we will conduct job fairs once every fourteen days so that people get employed in other state organizations as well.

Party Members

Governor: Zoro Saturoo

Deputy Governor: Fahd Ukeal

Deputy Governor: Frank Bellic

Attorney General: Krishna Parker

Minister Of State(DOL): Kartik Ghost

Minister of State(DOT): Mayank Federal

Minister of State(DOE): Raj Varma

Minister of State(DOC): Manjesh Thakur

Minister of State(DOR): Uday Kiran

Minister of State(DHS): Gakill Ghost

Supreme Court Judge: Mohil Yami

US Attorney: Aryan Bhai

USSS Director: Cosmos Shreyash

USSS Deputy Director: Spidey Parker

USSS Deputy Director: Sweet Sinner

USSS Deputy Director: Cosmos Bhibu

DOC Director: Tanjiro Akaza

DOC Director: Lord Dheeraj

Other Party Members
Samir Ali
Riv Pluxury
Kabir Dhaliwal
Harry Fotter
Dark Silver
Dan Bilzerian
Cosmos Naman
Judy Cushman
Victor Alacazar
Muzan Kibutsuji
Lakshya Destroyer
John Finn
Kamal Badshah
Tarzan Badshah
Rock Shiva
Srik King
Shiva Rich
Vivek Aditya
Cranky Playz
Sanku Notorious
Aman Patel
Bankai Minazuki
Viking Shauryaa
Liza Western
Jod Goodman
Sophia Lilly
Gagz Gilgamesh
Tony everhearttt
Marsh Walker
Kushina Uchiha

Yakuza Xlblase

Minato Uchiha
Klaus Mikealson
Silver Plays
Rihan Pluxury
Prince Gupta
Rehan Rana
Envy Walker
Mehbub Rich
Tony Accardo
Hagimaru Mafiaa
Thomas Bigfist
Urvi Mafia
Adi Mafia
Soumo Mafiaa
Ullash Nath
Rust Viper
Alan Vuitton
Alexa Blooms
Kushal Patil
Micheal Smart
Shikamaru Frankie
Rahul Ror
GSK King
Charan Chowdary
Sharma Handwashinton
Wolf gangster
Lili Penzes
Sophia lilly
High Raterr
Desi Rishab
Bam Asirii
Iconic Fujitara
Mascot Mafiaa

Lucky Dakku

Family Endorsements
The Prisoners

Mafia Mundirr
Hill Side Mafia


Org Endorsements



Ranking System
Deputy Governor[29]
Attorney General[28]
Minister Of State[27]
Supreme Court Judge[26]
USSS Director[25]
DOC Director[24]
District Court Judge[23]
Director Of Department[22]
USSS Deputy Director[21]
DOC Deputy Director[20]
USSS Ops Lead[19]
DOJ US Attorney[18]
GOV Executive Staff[17]
USSS Elite Agent[16]
DOC Supervisor Officer[15]
USSS Senior Agent[14]
GOV Senior Staff[13]
DOC Senior Officer[12]
Finance Officer[11]
USSS Special Agent[10]
DOC Security Officer[9]
GOV Staff[8]
USSS Agent[7]
DOC Officer[6]
GOV Intern[5]
GOV Trainee[4]
Legal Student[3]

Joining Criteria
Clean criminal record
Must have a gun license and health insurance
No hand, Neck, and face tattoos
The minimum age requirement is 5 years
The minimum age requirement for DOJ is 8 years
Have good knowledge of city laws and rules
Experience in any Legal org will be added advantage

Zoro Saturoo

Jatt Prabhjeet

Sep 8, 2024
The Justice League Party
Created On 26/12/2022

Our Slogan

United For Fairness, Committed To Progress

About The Party
The Justice League Party was first founded and created by the Former Governor Masta Killa on Monday 26th of December,2022. Later on The Former Governor Masta Killa was elected as the Governor of the state of San Andreas for two successful government term. Later the mantle was passed on to another Former Governor Judy Cushman who made great achievements towards the betterment of society. The Third Governor from this party was the well-known for his great achievements, management and dedication the Former Governor Nik Payne as he completed two exceptional terms. Finally The Former Governor Rishav Raj who was known for his great leadership qualities, Composure and perfecting the enforcement of the law, became the fourth person to be elected as the Governor for The State Of San Andreas from The Justice League Party who also completed two terms.

Ideology & Purpose
Our ideology is about staying united and working towards bringing justice, progress, and integrity. Our core values is towards bringing justice to every citizen of Los Santos regardless of their status, beliefs or occupation.


Regular checks on state organizations: Conduct Regular inspections to ensure that none of the state organizations are involved in corruption and ensure the law enforcement officers' eligibility and competence and that they are properly trained.

Ensure citizen rights: Make sure every citizen of the State of San Andreas has the opportunity to exercise their rights and has a free will to take decisions.

Increase DOJ activity: We are determined to make the DOJ Department more active by hiring more interested law students into the government and making sure that they get informative law classes on a regular basis and a proper education.

Work on the tax system: Make sure that the Department of Treasury is more active by conducting meetings with businessmen, understanding their concerns, and listening to their opinions.

Hosting public events daily: We will work on conducting overwhelming public events on a daily basis to keep the government engaged and increase interaction with citizens.

Reduce Unemployment: We focus on reducing unemployment by conducting open hirings often and giving employment to new people to work for the government, In addition, we will conduct job fairs once every fourteen days so that people get employed in other state organizations as well.

Party Members

Governor: Zoro Saturoo

Deputy Governor: Fahd Ukeal

Deputy Governor: Frank Bellic

Attorney General: Krishna Parker

Minister Of State(DOL): Kartik Ghost

Minister of State(DOT): Mayank Federal

Minister of State(DOE): Raj Varma

Minister of State(DOC): Manjesh Thakur

Minister of State(DOR): Uday Kiran

Minister of State(DHS): Gakill Ghost

Supreme Court Judge: Mohil Yami

US Attorney: Aryan Bhai

USSS Director: Cosmos Shreyash

USSS Deputy Director: Spidey Parker

USSS Deputy Director: Sweet Sinner

USSS Deputy Director: Cosmos Bhibu

DOC Director: Tanjiro Akaza

DOC Director: Lord Dheeraj

Other Party Members
Samir Ali
Riv Pluxury
Kabir Dhaliwal
Harry Fotter
Dark Silver
Dan Bilzerian
Cosmos Naman
Judy Cushman
Victor Alacazar
Muzan Kibutsuji
Lakshya Destroyer
John Finn
Kamal Badshah
Tarzan Badshah
Rock Shiva
Srik King
Shiva Rich
Vivek Aditya
Cranky Playz
Sanku Notorious
Aman Patel
Bankai Minazuki
Viking Shauryaa
Liza Western
Jod Goodman
Sophia Lilly
Gagz Gilgamesh
Tony everhearttt
Marsh Walker
Kushina Uchiha

Yakuza Xlblase

Minato Uchiha
Klaus Mikealson
Silver Plays
Rihan Pluxury
Prince Gupta
Rehan Rana
Envy Walker
Mehbub Rich
Tony Accardo
Hagimaru Mafiaa
Thomas Bigfist
Urvi Mafia
Adi Mafia
Soumo Mafiaa
Ullash Nath
Rust Viper
Alan Vuitton
Alexa Blooms
Kushal Patil
Micheal Smart
Shikamaru Frankie
Rahul Ror
GSK King
Charan Chowdary
Blazing Axie
Sharma Handwashinton
Wolf gangster
Lili Penzes
Sophia lilly
High Raterr
Desi Rishab
Bam Asirii
Iconic Fujitara
Mascot Mafiaa

Lucky Dakku

Family Endorsements
The Prisoners

Mafia Mundirr
Hill Side Mafia


Org Endorsements



Ranking System
Deputy Governor[29]
Attorney General[28]
Minister Of State[27]
Supreme Court Judge[26]
USSS Director[25]
DOC Director[24]
District Court Judge[23]
Director Of Department[22]
USSS Deputy Director[21]
DOC Deputy Director[20]
USSS Ops Lead[19]
DOJ US Attorney[18]
GOV Executive Staff[17]
USSS Elite Agent[16]
DOC Supervisor Officer[15]
USSS Senior Agent[14]
GOV Senior Staff[13]
DOC Senior Officer[12]
Finance Officer[11]
USSS Special Agent[10]
DOC Security Officer[9]
GOV Staff[8]
USSS Agent[7]
DOC Officer[6]
GOV Intern[5]
GOV Trainee[4]
Legal Student[3]

Joining Criteria
Clean criminal record
Must have a gun license and health insurance
No hand, Neck, and face tattoos
The minimum age requirement is 5 years
The minimum age requirement for DOJ is 8 years
Have good knowledge of city laws and rules
Experience in any Legal org will be added advantage

Zoro Saturoo

Rix Federal

Jan 10, 2024
The Justice League Party
Created On 26/12/2022

Our Slogan

United For Fairness, Committed To Progress

About The Party
The Justice League Party was first founded and created by the Former Governor Masta Killa on Monday 26th of December,2022. Later on The Former Governor Masta Killa was elected as the Governor of the state of San Andreas for two successful government term. Later the mantle was passed on to another Former Governor Judy Cushman who made great achievements towards the betterment of society. The Third Governor from this party was the well-known for his great achievements, management and dedication the Former Governor Nik Payne as he completed two exceptional terms. Finally The Former Governor Rishav Raj who was known for his great leadership qualities, Composure and perfecting the enforcement of the law, became the fourth person to be elected as the Governor for The State Of San Andreas from The Justice League Party who also completed two terms.

Ideology & Purpose
Our ideology is about staying united and working towards bringing justice, progress, and integrity. Our core values is towards bringing justice to every citizen of Los Santos regardless of their status, beliefs or occupation.


Regular checks on state organizations: Conduct Regular inspections to ensure that none of the state organizations are involved in corruption and ensure the law enforcement officers' eligibility and competence and that they are properly trained.

Ensure citizen rights: Make sure every citizen of the State of San Andreas has the opportunity to exercise their rights and has a free will to take decisions.

Increase DOJ activity: We are determined to make the DOJ Department more active by hiring more interested law students into the government and making sure that they get informative law classes on a regular basis and a proper education.

Work on the tax system: Make sure that the Department of Treasury is more active by conducting meetings with businessmen, understanding their concerns, and listening to their opinions.

Hosting public events daily: We will work on conducting overwhelming public events on a daily basis to keep the government engaged and increase interaction with citizens.

Reduce Unemployment: We focus on reducing unemployment by conducting open hirings often and giving employment to new people to work for the government, In addition, we will conduct job fairs once every fourteen days so that people get employed in other state organizations as well.

Party Members

Governor: Zoro Saturoo

Deputy Governor: Fahd Ukeal

Deputy Governor: Frank Bellic

Attorney General: Krishna Parker

Minister Of State(DOL): Kartik Ghost

Minister of State(DOT): Mayank Federal

Minister of State(DOE): Raj Varma

Minister of State(DOC): Manjesh Thakur

Minister of State(DOR): Uday Kiran

Minister of State(DHS): Gakill Ghost

Supreme Court Judge: Mohil Yami

US Attorney: Aryan Bhai

USSS Director: Cosmos Shreyash

USSS Deputy Director: Spidey Parker

USSS Deputy Director: Sweet Sinner

USSS Deputy Director: Cosmos Bhibu

DOC Director: Tanjiro Akaza

DOC Director: Lord Dheeraj

Other Party Members
Samir Ali
Riv Pluxury
Kabir Dhaliwal
Harry Fotter
Dark Silver
Dan Bilzerian
Cosmos Naman
Judy Cushman
Victor Alacazar
Muzan Kibutsuji
Lakshya Destroyer
John Finn
Kamal Badshah
Tarzan Badshah
Rock Shiva
Srik King
Shiva Rich
Vivek Aditya
Cranky Playz
Sanku Notorious
Aman Patel
Bankai Minazuki
Viking Shauryaa
Liza Western
Jod Goodman
Sophia Lilly
Gagz Gilgamesh
Tony everhearttt
Marsh Walker
Kushina Uchiha

Yakuza Xlblase

Minato Uchiha
Klaus Mikealson
Silver Plays
Rihan Pluxury
Prince Gupta
Rehan Rana
Envy Walker
Mehbub Rich
Tony Accardo
Hagimaru Mafiaa
Thomas Bigfist
Urvi Mafia
Adi Mafia
Soumo Mafiaa
Ullash Nath
Rust Viper
Alan Vuitton
Alexa Blooms
Kushal Patil
Micheal Smart
Shikamaru Frankie
Rahul Ror
GSK King
Charan Chowdary
Blazing Axie
Sharma Handwashinton
Wolf gangster
Lili Penzes
Sophia lilly
High Raterr
Desi Rishab
Bam Asirii
Iconic Fujitara
Mascot Mafiaa

Lucky Dakku

Family Endorsements
The Prisoners

Mafia Mundirr
Hill Side Mafia


Org Endorsements



Ranking System
Deputy Governor[29]
Attorney General[28]
Minister Of State[27]
Supreme Court Judge[26]
USSS Director[25]
DOC Director[24]
District Court Judge[23]
Director Of Department[22]
USSS Deputy Director[21]
DOC Deputy Director[20]
USSS Ops Lead[19]
DOJ US Attorney[18]
GOV Executive Staff[17]
USSS Elite Agent[16]
DOC Supervisor Officer[15]
USSS Senior Agent[14]
GOV Senior Staff[13]
DOC Senior Officer[12]
Finance Officer[11]
USSS Special Agent[10]
DOC Security Officer[9]
GOV Staff[8]
USSS Agent[7]
DOC Officer[6]
GOV Intern[5]
GOV Trainee[4]
Legal Student[3]

Joining Criteria
Clean criminal record
Must have a gun license and health insurance
No hand, Neck, and face tattoos
The minimum age requirement is 5 years
The minimum age requirement for DOJ is 8 years
Have good knowledge of city laws and rules
Experience in any Legal org will be added advantage

Zoro Saturoo
remove EMS Disbanded

Nik Payne

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 16, 2022

Hello everyone,

This forum is designated for submitting applications for the leader of the party only. Please do not post any discussion, off-topic messages, vouching etc. Any off-topic or vouching posts will be subject to moderation and possible punishment.

Thank You.

Nik Payne

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 16, 2022

The Following Player is selected for the Leader of the Party Interview :

1. Zoro Saturoo of The Justice League Party

Regarding Interview contact me on discord.

Applications for The Leader of the party are now closed.

Nik Payne

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 16, 2022
Dear players,

Applying with copied / AI generated applications on forum is strictly prohibited, any instances of those will result in immediate rejection without administrators (curators) checking them.

The administration has the right to reject your application if
-The application does not follow the format
-The application is copy-pasted
-The application is AI generated
-The applicant has a low level / experience
-The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
-The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
-The application is low effort.

Please adhere to the proper guidelines for making an application.

This forum is designated for submitting applications for the leader of the party only. Please do not post any discussion, off-topic messages, vouching etc. Any off-topic or vouching posts will be subject to moderation and possible punishment.

Thank you.

GOV - Leader of the party applications are now OPEN


Justice will be served!
Sep 10, 2024
Fundamental Justice Party
Created by Oguz Karahanli on 13.09.2024
"Justice always wins and always will"

About the party
This party has been created to ensure Justice for those who need it, those who need clarification, citizens looking for a light in the darkness, those looking for guidance, those who need freedom and above all, those who need Justice. We might be coming from different nationalities, experiences, families, cultures and religions, but we are dedicated to the same divine principles of Justice. Justice does NOT discriminate, and neither shall we.

Note - Logo has been changed on 16.11.2024 at 22:07
Ideology and Purpose
Our target is to ensure Justice for as many people as possible. Our first goal in the State of San Andreas is to have it cleansed, from those who seek to do it harm, those who are corrupt, evil, malicious; or those who don't deserve the position they were given. Our State of San Andreas will not be remembered with those screams for help but will be remembered with those screams of happiness and pride. People may change, but the system remains. We will make sure the system is well-organized, clean, and designed to serve people. We are here for revolution; we are the revolution.

Pre-Election Promises

1 - Proper Legislation and Regulation - We will be focusing on improving and clarifying our laws to have a better well-functioning Justice System in our state of San Andreas.

2 - Corruption - For the sake of every individual of this State, we will spend our resources on fighting corruption all over the State of San Andreas.

3 - Better IRS and Lower Taxes for fixed payments - To our esteemed business owners: we appreciate your tax contributions. However, it is unfair for some to evade taxes while others comply. We will take this issue more seriously and, based on circumstances, we would love to offer lower taxes to those who pay diligently and on time, at our discretion. That only applies when its paid for 3-4 weeks.

4 - Toxicity - Not only as a part of law but also part of humanity, we must be respectful to each other and we must not let our anger control us when we can manage conflicts through communication or legal means, not through toxic behavior. Any form of toxicity is highly restricted, whether verbal or written (e.g., email) any such inappropriate behaviour, will not be tolerated.

5 - Social Connection - Life is not about working 24/7 and making money , people need to enjoy. We will try our best to be in connection with our community. Such as parties , fashion shows and many more.

6 - Discrimination - When some people get some positions within the organizations or anywhere else and becomes more experienced and knowledged, they think they can do whatever they want or act however they want. Everyone is equal by the law and every action has consequences , any such inappropriate discriminative actions by those people to anyone will not be tolerated.

7 - Employees of the week - Dear respectful state employees we know how hard you all are working. Work of a state employee conducted in good faith should never be underestimated and we would like to take this situation more seriously. We would love to offer your organization a fund which will be only used to reward hard working employees. Of course we will also assign people from the government (preferably from the department of treasury) to conduct checks if the fund was used in a good manner.

8 - Improved Email - Dear old, new and all future potential government employees. Organization email is underrated but to conduct your operations , transactions , recordings in a safely and highly secured manner to keep it confidential and only share to those necessary authorities; We will work with our team to enhance our email system for better security and confidentiality.

9 - Justice in the day , Justice in the night! - We are planning to have more court session in the state with our respectful unbiased judges to treat people equally by the law and in a good manner.

Government Rank System and Details - In development
30 -- Governor
29 -- Deputy Governor
28 -- DOJ Attorney General
27 -- DOJ Supreme Court Judge
26 -- GOV Minister of State
25 -- USSS Director
24 -- DOC Warden
23 -- DOJ District Court Judge
22 -- GOV Deputy Minister
21 -- USSS Deputy Director
20 -- DOC Deputy Warden
19 -- USSS Operation Commander
18 -- DOJ US Attorney
17 -- USSS Special Force Captain
16 -- DOC Chief Guard
15 -- DOJ Assistant US Attorney
14 -- USSS Special Force Agent
13 -- GOV Expert Staff
12 -- DOJ Junior US Attorney
11 -- USSS Senior Agent
10 -- DOC Security Supervisor
9 -- GOV Senior Staff
8 -- DOJ Law Student
7 -- USSS Field Agent
6 -- DOC Security Guard
5 -- GOV Junior Staff
4 -- USSS Cadet Agent
3 -- DOC Security Trainee
2 -- GOV Intern
1 -- GOV Suspended​

Department of Justice (DOJ)
28 -- DOJ Attorney General
27 -- DOJ Supreme Court Judge
23 -- DOJ District Court Judge
18 -- DOJ US Attorney
15 -- DOJ Assistant US Attorney
12 -- DOJ Junior US Attorney
8 -- DOJ Law Student

United States Secret Service (USSS)
25 --USSS Director
21 -- USSS Deputy Director
19 -- USSS Operation Commander
17 -- USSS Special Force Captain
14 -- USSS Special Force Agent
11 -- USSS Senior Agent
7 -- USSS Field Agent
4 -- USSS Cadet Agent

Deparment of Corrections (DOC)
24 -- DOC Warden
20 -- DOC Deputy Warden
16 -- DOC Chief Guard
10 -- DOC Security Supervisor
6 -- DOC Security Guard
3 -- DOC Security Trainee

Government (GOV)
30 -- Governor
29 -- Deputy Governor
26 -- GOV Minister of State
22 -- GOV Deputy Minister
13 -- GOV Expert Staff
9 -- GOV Senior Staff
5 -- GOV Junior Staff
2 -- GOV Intern
1 -- GOV Suspended

Ministers of the State
Minister of Labour ----> HR & FT & IA
Minister of Homeland Security ----> State Inspection & Higher Authority of USSS & DOC & IA
Minister of Treasury ----> IRS & Special Assignments (Pre-Election Promises article 7)
Minister of Public Relations ----> Social Connection (Pre-Election Promises article 5)

Party Members
Governor | Oguz Karahanli
Attorney General | Dante Lasombra
Minister of Homeland Security (DHS) | Rix Federal
USSS Director | Jin Reacher
USSS Director | Riv Pluxury
Deputy Minister of Homeland Security | Itachi badshahh
Special Force Captain | Sierra Jiii

Vonn Federal
Andreas Tat
Gopal Singh
Nioo Bros
Palash BoomBoom
Sharma Sharabi
Uchiha Naruto
Benito Vexonoid
Tony Sylas
Faceless Salazar
Mister Ninja
Tiger Blackthorn
Chiko Fayaz
Shaurya hellfire
Aquanix Karan
Hermes Harris
Danish Shah
Lukey Federal

Our Criteria
Citizenship for minimum of 5 years.

Citizenship for minimum of 8 years for Department of Justice.
Health insurance at all times.
Gun license. ( Except for those will not require in order to perform their duties to the State of San Andreas.)
No face , neck or hand tattoos.
Clean Background.
Clean communication skills.
A backpack to be able to carry organization equipment when needed.
Focus on improvement.
Last edited:

Mrvip Love

Oct 24, 2024
The Power Freedom Party

Our Slogan
" Empowering People, Unlocking Freedom"

Founded By jessica Zelensky on 22/11/24.

About The Party

The Power Freedom Party was founded and created by Jessica zelensky on Empowering Citizens and to community Empowerment. Our goal is to bring " Order and safety in the city" As the Founder Jessica zelensky found the city state Organisations is going in wrong way and being most corrupt so The jessica stands up in front as warrior and founded the party Power Freedom. Now it's Engage as much as possible with the Empowerment Community for a better City.

Ideology & Purpose

Our Ideology is to keep all citizens to live a better and safe life in the city.
The Power Freedom Party we are Stands to provide the rights and no corruption city.


Reduce Unemployment: we will focus on the citizens by conducting open recruitments and giving opportunity for the new people who wants to join in state organisations

Department of Justice: hiring more citizens who have knowledge on legislation. And we don't want the citizens to loose justice cuz of inactivity doj .

Corruption Free city: we will ensure that all the departments and organizations working to the fullest for citizens with any corruption

Less price Gun Licence: As many new Citizen can't afford to buy a gun licence so the party will decrease it so even a new citizen can buy it..

Requirements to join us
5+ Years Old Icly
16+ Year's old OOC
No hands or face Tattoo's
Should have clear background
Have a fluent English and working Voice Box
Active Health insurance and Gun Licence


Department of Security Council
United State Secret Services
Department of Corrections
Human Resources
Internal affairs
Department of treasury
Department of justice


=====**Senior Staff**=====
Governor (30)
Deputy Governor (29)
Attorney General (28)
=====**High Command**=====
Supreme Court Justice (27)
Legal Advisor (26)
Chief Minister (25)
District Court Judge (24)
Minister of State (23)
Cabinet Secretary(22)
Deputy Cabinet Secretary (21)
Director of Department (20)
Deputy Director of Department (19)
First Person Protection Force Handler (18)
=====**Low Commands**=====
Supervisor of Department(17)
First Person Protection Force (16)
DOC Warden (15)
USSS Commander (14)
Lead State Attorney (13)
USSS Team Lead (12)
Senior State Attorney (11)
DOC Supervisor (10)
USSS Lieutenant (9)
State Attorney (8)
USSS Special Agent (7)
Junior State Attorney (6)
DOC Officer (5)
USSS Agent (4)
Law Student (3)
Trainee (2)
Suspended (1)

Governor: Jessica zelensky
Deputy Governor: Salaar Trigger
Deputy Governor: BunBun Noob
Rest Ranks will be decided

Thanks for reviewing my application and have a great day.​
Not open for further replies.
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