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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

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jasvir sogi

Jul 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Ridhwan Thakur
2. Your IRL age : 23
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 8-9 HOURS
5. Your Discord : ridhwan4202
6. Your Nickname : Ridhwan Captain
7. Your ID : 153173

Additional information

1. Leader of National guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- 1.Because NG is my first organization in my first term I don't know that many things and then I give time to NG after gaining some knowledge I got Captain rank ( HC ) from that I started doing more hard work and in the next term I got Brigadier general (DHOD) form that I know I can do better after some days I got Major general ( HOD ) and after doing some good things for my department I become Commanding general ( Chief of department ) in very less time and from that when I join NG I will always get CG easily. As per that I have made some connections with NG I like to remain in NG.

2. As per the departments there are very cool departments in ng for example AIR FORCE and SOF and ng have very good vehicles and helicopters I love to drive them. And i am committed to bringing about meaningful change and enhancing the capabilities of NG. Through leadership, I aim to elevate the organization to new levels of success and effectiveness. This opportunity represents a continuation of my journey with NG, where I seek to apply my skills and experiences for the benefit of the organization and its members.

3. And I also like to do the ng work as a High command I gain too much experience in NG that I can't make any mistakes in ng and I have also gained a good respect in NG.

[3] Your advice for improving Role Play level in organization.

1. Engine Blockers in NG vehicles

NG vehicles should have engine blocker because the trespassers enter inside of the base from the gate and Rome inside the base they don't want to steel any ammunition they just want to disturb the soldiers and the trespassers break too many rules which could be dangerous for the soldiers.

The trespassers just give mental pressure to us and they also try to make us angry and it could increase toxicity among the ng units.
So that why we need engine blocker in NG vehicles so we just block their engine and kill them.

2. Bonus system

The bonus should be increased in ng because now a days people us to said that ng is boring.
I want that the guys those who are working and giving their time to protect the country and risk their lives don't feel any sadness that the bonus is low we didn't get paid good for our work .
The bonus amount should be good for gate duty , prison protection, ACC , bank protection so people will be more active in these events.

3. Air Alert Alarm

I don’t know, it’s technically possible or not, but as we all have seen in GTA V in the NG base, if we fly over the base using heli, we get locked by the detector. I just want NG to have an air alarm, which will inform us about any unknown air activity in the base parameter.

Punishment System:

Verbal Warning 1: Minor or unintentional mistake
Verbal Warning 2 = 1 Strike (2 Minor mistakes will be treated as 1 major offense)
Strike 1: Major offense (Retraining)
Strike 2: Major offense (Demotion/Suspension)
Strike 3: Major offense (Court Martial)

My Ranking System

[30] General of Army
[29] LT. General of Army
[28] Commanding General of Army
[27] Major General of Army
[26] Brigadier General of Army
[25] Judge Advocate General of Army
[24] Colonel
[23] Major
[22] Captain


[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

My departmental structure within the organization

1. Human Resource and Training: This department have to hire more persons in the origination and training of the new recruits in the organization.

2. Special Operation Force : In SOF they have to respond to the critical situation They will make strategy on global.

3. Air Force Division : In air force we have to take units to the global and other situations They will also do air patrol around the base and give information to the ground units about the incoming danger.

4. Military Police : It’s the department which will handle internal affairs of the organization and make sure everyone working in the organizations have all the necessary licenses, insurance and they are clean. It’s the responsibility of Military police to issue the verbal or strike punishment.

- - - Thank you - - -

Ridhwan Captain

State Experience
Ex - CG [ NG ]
EX - Chief commander [ SAHP ]
EX - USSS special agent [ GOV ]
EX - HOD [ FIB ]

Gang Experience
EX OG Ballas
EX OG Vagos
EX OG Bloods
EX OG Families
EX OG Marabunta


First Person
May 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Adarsh Saha
2. Your age: (IC:22) , (IRL:23)
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 9-10 hrs
5. Your Discord: r3lay_
6. Your Nickname: Bankai Minazuki
7. Your ID: 153590

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

. When I came to the city I started exploring different jobs to earn some money be it farmer's job , electrician's job ' and many other jobs. Then, I got an opportunity to join SAHP as my first state org. I grabbed that opportunity immediately and started as a trooper. Slowly, I got promotions and started developing some leading skills by learning from my High Commands and Leaders. That was the first moment ever I dreamt of becoming an State Org. Leader. So, I'm here to grab this opportunity and lead the Army by becoming the General.

2.2. I joined National Guard few months ago and I work there with my full dedication and passion, watching my work and dedication towards NG my High Commands gave me very good Rank ups in promotion ceremonies. Due to this, I became an High Command in a very short span of time and started leading operations for NG. So, I think I'm fully capable to lead the Army and provide the State with my services.

2.3. I have been in NG from the past two terms at honorable ranks of Major General of Army and Assistant General respectively. During this, I developed decent leadership skills and qualities. Alongside that, I found some issues which I want to fix by becoming the General of National Guards.

3. Your advice for improving Role Play level in organization.

. Training of National Guard
In my experience I have seen that the training of National Guard is not up to the mark of other state orgs. Because of that, NG employees often suffer from inferiority complex. So, I will try to hire best HR team possible and I will personally supervise their training sessions in order to ensure that the employees are getting best training.

3.2. Focusing on Freshers
The freshers are those members of any state org who have joined at a beginner rank and have just finish their training. They are the one who decides the fate of any organization, they work as a foundation of any State org. So, I will make the HR and Military Police to focus on their minor to minor mistake and guide them how to correct it and not to do it ever again.

3.3. Special Operations Training
From my point of view, I have observed that their are very few soldiers who know how to conduct a ammo run and the soldiers who know how to conduct a ghetto patrol are even less than that. Because of that the NG struggles while leading a ghetto patrol and because of that they make mistakes. So, I will conduct frequent training sessions to teach the solders about these special operations.

3.4. Disciplined with Time
I will try to fix a specific time for conducting Ghetto Patrols and some internal events by doing a meeting with all the soldiers and taking their opinions for what time period they are active the most. This will create a discipline about time, because it's very necessary to be in discipline for the Army Personnel.

My Ranking System

[30] General of Army
[29] LT. General of Army
[28] Assistant General of Army
[27] Judge Advocate General of Army
[26] Major General of Army
[25] Brigadier General of Army
[24] Colonel


[23] Major
[22] Captain
[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

Thank you for Reading

Bankai Minazuki


Aug 13, 2024
Your Real Name: Niko
Age 34
Time Zone: GMT
Available Playtime: From 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM (GMT)
Average Online Hours: Approximately 8-10 hours daily
Discord: nikohunt113838
Nickname: Niko Hunt
ID: 113838

1. Leader of NG

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
I want to become a leader because I want to prove myself and I want to put all my experience and skills into this ORG. As an Former major general in NG and a previous HC in GOV, LSPD I was able to gain a lot of experience

I want to build the organization in to something great bringing in new regiments and divisions in ng .
. I've seen amazing and unrealistic things within my time in NG
If i get the leadership of NG i would keep the amazing things and change the unrealistic things about NG

I want to make sure that everyone is trained properly so that no mistakes happen because working at NG is all about practical thinking and thinking on the spot

I would like to join the list of Great generals that NG have had . I would like to show that NG can do more than just stand on gates and make ammo runs for the other orgs. I want people to think when a global is dropped that
They can relay on ng to show up and give great support

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

As leader i will be changing the regiments names that are more fitting for the army of this time ie air force will be changed to army air core and sasd will be changed to the navy seals. Gate duty will be divided across the org with a rota in place so we dont have the same people standing on gates all the time that will fall under the regiment called the home guard

Ammo runs will be led by the navy seals and the highly trained units within it to ensure all trucks are delivered as promised without any mistakes

My regiments

Army recruitment

Like the old hrt this regiment will being doing recruitment drives weekly and ensuring units get trained to their full potential


This regiment will be ensuring that every unit is happy and so the people in org know that there is people to talk to when they feel unhappy or have problems also they will conducting pr events

Home guard

This regiment will be in charge of all gate duty rota ensuring every unit does gate duty and also base patrols air and land

Navy seals

These highly trained units will respond to all global and events and will take full control of the ng members already there regardless of rank and also will take full control of ammo runs with the support of the home guard and other orgs

Army air core

This regiment will support all ammo runs/global/and events and also work along side the home guard for base patrol and the navy seals for transportation to globles and events

Army medical core

The medic units of the army these units will respond to all global and events

Military police

These units will be carry out checks on units within the org to ensure everyone has the correct documents to be on duty and ensure everyone acts professional


Jul 18, 2024
1. Name: Prabal

2. Age - 21
3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30 (India Standard Time)
4. Daily Online Time: 5-6 hours
5. Discord: prabal12369
6. Nickname: Prabal
7. ID: 149151

Leader of national guard

Why I Want to Lead the National Guard:

As a natural leader and strategic thinker, I'm drawn to the National Guard's mission to protect and serve. Here are three compelling reasons:

1. Protective Instincts: I'm driven to ensure the safety and security of our community, aligning with the National Guard's core values. As leader, I'll prioritize member well-being and community protection.

1. Strategic Decision-Making: With my analytical skills and experience, I'm confident in making informed decisions that benefit the organization. I'll leverage my expertise to navigate complex situations and drive progress.

1. Team Building and Development: Fostering a strong, cohesive team is vital. I'll focus on mentoring members, encouraging growth, and recognizing achievements to create a dynamic and effective unit.

Advice for Improving RolePlay Level:

1. Immerse Yourself: Stay in character, respond authentically, and maintain realism to create an engaging environment.

1. Collaborate: Engage with fellow members to craft compelling storylines, scenarios, and character arcs.

1. Consistency: Regularly participate, update your character's story, and communicate with teammates to avoid discontinuity.

Additional Leadership Goals:

- Foster open communication and transparency

- Develop strategic partnerships with other organizations

- Implement training programs for member development

- Enhance community engagement and outreach

With dedication and teamwork, I aim to lead the National Guard to new heights!


1. Human Resources

- This department would take charge of training and interviewing new recruits they will be training people properly and prepare them for NG they would also review applications and take a decision about accepted or rejected.

2. Military Police

- These would hand out strikes to officers who are doing something wrong and are also in control of the department strikes, they investigate corrupt soldiers and would build a case file against them, and they would work side by side with public relations when someone has put in a complaint about an NG soldier.

3. SOF

- This is the Department of Special officer only High skilled shooters or professional global training will join this department when they pass 2 phases of training then they are accepted in this department phase 1 shooting training and phase 2 global training.

4. Air Force

- This is an AirForce Department that is patrolling on Skye of NG and they also take a soldier to a Global.

My ranking system
[30] General of Army
[29] LT. General of Army
[28] Major General of Army
[27] Brigadier General of Army
[26] Colonel
[25] Lieutenant Colonel
[24] Judge Advocate General of Army
[23] Major
[22] Captain


[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended
Thanks a lot for reading my application!
Best regards

Past experience


SAHP - HR(21)
NG - Senior Warrant Officer (18)
LSPD - Patrol officer

Patrick Brown

Jul 5, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Ridhwan Thakur
2. Your IRL age : 23
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 8-9 HOURS
5. Your Discord : ridhwan4202
6. Your Nickname : Ridhwan Captain
7. Your ID : 153173

Additional information

1. Leader of National guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- 1.Because NG is my first organization in my first term I don't know that many things and then I give time to NG after gaining some knowledge I got Captain rank ( HC ) from that I started doing more hard work and in the next term I got Brigadier general (DHOD) form that I know I can do better after some days I got Major general ( HOD ) and after doing some good things for my department I become Commanding general ( Chief of department ) in very less time and from that when I join NG I will always get CG easily. As per that I have made some connections with NG I like to remain in NG.

2. As per the departments there are very cool departments in ng for example AIR FORCE and SOF and ng have very good vehicles and helicopters I love to drive them. And i am committed to bringing about meaningful change and enhancing the capabilities of NG. Through leadership, I aim to elevate the organization to new levels of success and effectiveness. This opportunity represents a continuation of my journey with NG, where I seek to apply my skills and experiences for the benefit of the organization and its members.

3. And I also like to do the ng work as a High command I gain too much experience in NG that I can't make any mistakes in ng and I have also gained a good respect in NG.

[3] Your advice for improving Role Play level in organization.

1. Engine Blockers in NG vehicles

NG vehicles should have engine blocker because the trespassers enter inside of the base from the gate and Rome inside the base they don't want to steel any ammunition they just want to disturb the soldiers and the trespassers break too many rules which could be dangerous for the soldiers.

The trespassers just give mental pressure to us and they also try to make us angry and it could increase toxicity among the ng units.
So that why we need engine blocker in NG vehicles so we just block their engine and kill them.

2. Bonus system

The bonus should be increased in ng because now a days people us to said that ng is boring.
I want that the guys those who are working and giving their time to protect the country and risk their lives don't feel any sadness that the bonus is low we didn't get paid good for our work .
The bonus amount should be good for gate duty , prison protection, ACC , bank protection so people will be more active in these events.

3. Air Alert Alarm

I don’t know, it’s technically possible or not, but as we all have seen in GTA V in the NG base, if we fly over the base using heli, we get locked by the detector. I just want NG to have an air alarm, which will inform us about any unknown air activity in the base parameter.

Punishment System:

Verbal Warning 1: Minor or unintentional mistake
Verbal Warning 2 = 1 Strike (2 Minor mistakes will be treated as 1 major offense)
Strike 1: Major offense (Retraining)
Strike 2: Major offense (Demotion/Suspension)
Strike 3: Major offense (Court Martial)

My Ranking System

[30] General of Army
[29] LT. General of Army
[28] Commanding General of Army
[27] Major General of Army
[26] Brigadier General of Army
[25] Judge Advocate General of Army
[24] Colonel
[23] Major
[22] Captain


[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

My departmental structure within the organization

1. Human Resource and Training: This department have to hire more persons in the origination and training of the new recruits in the organization.

2. Special Operation Force : In SOF they have to respond to the critical situation They will make strategy on global.

3. Air Force Division : In air force we have to take units to the global and other situations They will also do air patrol around the base and give information to the ground units about the incoming danger.

4. Military Police : It’s the department which will handle internal affairs of the organization and make sure everyone working in the organizations have all the necessary licenses, insurance and they are clean. It’s the responsibility of Military police to issue the verbal or strike punishment.

- - - Thank you - - -

Ridhwan Captain

State Experience
Ex - CG [ NG ]
EX - Chief commander [ SAHP ]
EX - USSS special agent [ GOV ]
EX - HOD [ FIB ]

Gang Experience
EX OG Ballas
EX OG Vagos
EX OG Bloods
EX OG Families
EX OG Marabunta
Most deserving Guy!!!

Satish Royal

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Oct 28, 2022
Applications for NG are now Open !

This forum is designated for submitting applications for the NG leader position only. Please do not post any discussion or off-topic messages.

Any off-topic posts will be subject to moderation and punishment

Bobby Federal

Aug 7, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Leard Kalludra
2. Your IRL age 24
3. Time zone (UTC +2)
4. Average online per day:4-8hrs
5. Your Discord: bobbyleard
6. Your Nickname: Bobby Federal
7. Your ID: 161899

Additional information

1. Leader of... National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization:

I wanna be leader of national guard becouse i think i have good knowlage of leading the term. Becouse of my past exp in NG,Lspd,SAPH and a little in gov and fib i feel like now im ready to lead an ORG as National Guard my past exp in NG started 4 terms ago, in ng i startet with rank colonel joined HRT(Human&Recourse) then promoted to BG after some days-weeks i changed department and become cheif of MP(MIlitary Police) . As this exp was going i learned much rules but i teached new players rules too.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
.1 I will try to give a proper awareness regarding the general rules and regulations of City so that people will avoid any kind of mistakes and stay out of trouble. Additionally, I'll introduce proper training programs for newcomers, enabling them to understand the organisation operations and contribute effectively to the city's safety and pride.

.2 I intend to introduce incentives such as joining bonuses and rewards for participation in each and every events as well as special operations. This lead to foster active engagement from all members, ensuring that our organization remains proactive and dynamic. Furthermore, I'll establish a transparent promotion system solely based on merit, eliminating any room for favoritism.

.3 To deal with any kind of toxicity and rule-breaking staff and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. I'll implement a strict disciplinary action framework. Individuals found violating regulations will face appropriate consequences. This zero-tolerance approach underscores our commitment to upholding standards of professionalism and integrity.

Punishment System:
Verbal Warning 1: Minor offenses
Verbal Warning 2: Repeat of previous offense
Strike 1: Major offense (Demotion)
Strike 2: Major offense (Suspension)
Strike 3: Major offense (Termination)

My Ranking System

[30] General of Army
[29] LT.General of Army
[28] Commanding General of Army
[27] Judge Adovcate General of Army
[26] Major General of Army
[25] Brigadier General of Army
[24] Colonel
[23] Major
[22] Captain


[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended



Zoro Saturo (Governor)

Raj Aryan (Ex-General NG)

Mayank Federal(Ex-Deputy of NG)

Iconic Fujiwara(Leader of Bloods)

John Fin (Ex deputy of SAPH)

Mascot Mafia (Vagos Leader)

Alan Vuiton(Ballas Leader)

Mike Webb(Asst.General NG)


Thank you for Reading
Bobby Federal

Last edited:

Rix Federal

Jan 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Leard Kalludra
2. Your IRL age 24
3. Time zone (UTC +2)
4. Average online per day:4-8hrs
5. Your Discord: bobbyleard
6. Your Nickname: Bobby Federal
7. Your ID: 161899

Additional information

1. Leader of... National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization:

I wanna be leader of national guard becouse i think i have good knowlage of leading the term. Becouse of my past exp in NG,Lspd,SAPH and a little in gov and fib i feel like now im ready to lead an ORG as National Guard my past exp in NG started 4 terms ago, in ng i startet with rank colonel joined HRT(Human&Recourse) then promoted to BG after some days-weeks i changed department and become cheif of MP(MIlitary Police) . As this exp was going i learned much rules but i teached new players rules too.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
.1 I will try to give a proper awareness regarding the general rules and regulations of City so that people will avoid any kind of mistakes and stay out of trouble. Additionally, I'll introduce proper training programs for newcomers, enabling them to understand the organisation operations and contribute effectively to the city's safety and pride.

.2 I intend to introduce incentives such as joining bonuses and rewards for participation in each and every events as well as special operations. This lead to foster active engagement from all members, ensuring that our organization remains proactive and dynamic. Furthermore, I'll establish a transparent promotion system solely based on merit, eliminating any room for favoritism.

.3 To deal with any kind of toxicity and rule-breaking staff and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. I'll implement a strict disciplinary action framework. Individuals found violating regulations will face appropriate consequences. This zero-tolerance approach underscores our commitment to upholding standards of professionalism and integrity.

Punishment System:
Verbal Warning 1: Minor offenses
Verbal Warning 2: Repeat of previous offense
Strike 1: Major offense (Demotion)
Strike 2: Major offense (Suspension)
Strike 3: Major offense (Termination)

My Ranking System

[30] General of Army
[29] LT.General of Army
[28] Commanding General of Army
[27] Judge Adovcate General of Army
[26] Major General of Army
[25] Brigadier General of Army
[24] Colonel
[23] Major
[22] Captain


[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

Thank you for Reading
Bobby Federal



Sep 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Ujjwal Tyagi
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 7 to 8 hours daily
5. Your Discord: ujjwal010101
6. Your Nickname: Venmous Joker
7. Your ID: 143378

Additional Information


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

>> I want to become the leader of NG as following-
I always wanted to serve and protect my country from terrorists. I have a lot of experience in state organisations and I have been in NG for a while, and I noticed that NG has a lot of potential but has never been used properly. Some guys underestimate. I would like to say NG is one of the strongest organisations as during any martial law, NG leads the city. In the absence of GOV, NG gets the most power and gets the ability to control the city.

B) NG is one of the best organizations, but in order to move it to the top, I need to make the following changes:
i) Improving Military Police,
ii) Using aircraft,
iii) Devoting more time to military training,
iv) Expanding NG by collaborating with other state organizations,
v) Spreading a better understanding of NG so that more people will join, and so on.

C) According to member count in this city its not hard to get many units so as i did in past and get more then 35 units without mass recruitment ill do my bestto let national guard have more then 70 units.

3. Your advice for improving Role Play level in organization.

Good training-
We will train all new soldiers and will teach them the basics like communication, good tactics, arena training, etc. to make them perfect in their duty to do for the country.

2. Making rp realistic- We have seen how the real army works. Being at base is boring. A simple solution is to add some real army activities to RP, like military concerts, court-martials, and better non-commission officer and commission officer coordination in the org to make it very realistic.

3. NG hosted events- We have got a massive base and can be used for many things like hosting events and enjoying with all the state org members (also EMS in non lethal events) like: best air pilot, best sky diver, high grade military ceremony, inspirational speech from clappers of the state explaining how they work, best stunt driver, regular practice for hostage evacuation plans, etc. which I believe would be so amazing and enjoyable as well. Just try to imagine how much fun it would be, plus it would level up the RP experience in the org and outside of it as well.

4. Bonous System- NG people need to be encouraged to do things so I would implement a bonus scheme that is mainly aimed at the lower ranks like privates, and specialists,s, etc. where they will be rewarded for doing things.....
. Each hour on gates- 5k
. Fail to stop a raid - 5k
. The person interviewed - 5k
. Events attended - 5k

. Person Trained - 10k

I will recruit experienced and dedicated leaders to every departments like JAG,AF,MP,SOF,HR - I will hire the best possible soldiers to these departments who knows rules and know how to lead.

My Ranking System

[30] General of Army
[29] LT. General of Army
[28] Major General of Army
[27] Brigadier General of Army
[26] Colonel
[25] Lieutenant Colonel
[24] Judge Advocate General of Army
[23] Major
[22] Captain


[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

My departments are as follows:

1. JAG (Judge Advocate General)

- This is the section where Military law will be applied through a military court system

- This department will take care of the Case File and Arrest Warrants that need to be made.
- They will be defenders of the legal rights of National Security employees.

2. Human Resources

- This department would take charge of training and interviewing new recruits they will be training people properly and prepare them for NG they would also review applications and take a decision about accepted or rejected.

3. Military Police

- These would hand out strikes to officers who are doing something wrong and are also in control of the department strikes, they investigate corrupt soldiers and would build a case file against them, and they would work side by side with public relations when someone has put in a complaint about an NG soldier.

4. SOF

- This is the Department of Special officer only High skilled shooters or professional global training will join this department when they pass 2 phases of training then they are accepted in this department phase 1 shooting training and phase 2 global training.

5. Air Force

- This is an AirForce Department that is patrolling on Skye of NG and they also take a soldier to a Global.

- - - Thank you for giving time to read my application - - -

Venmous Joker

State Experience

Ex - 3 times as a CG [ NG ]

EX - 2 times as a COS [ SAHP ]


Gang Experience

EX Deputy Families
EX Under Deputy Marabunta

Harry Fr

Dec 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL: SahilPreet
2. Your age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online per day : 4-5 hour
5.Your Discord: harry_fr
6.Your Nickname: Harry Maxican
7.Your ID: 61438
Additional information
1.Leader of ….. National Guard

2.Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization?

I have been part of National Guard for more then 7 terms. I have mostly been in state organization and have been hc in all state orgs and i think now i have enough experience to run an organization. During the past ng terms I have seen that the org was very inactive in its raid hours and was unable to do ammo runs for other organizations due to lack of units.

I will make sure that the org is not only active in its raid hours but also active at non raid hours and ammo runs will be done for all the orgs time to time so that they don't run out of ammo.All the departments will be given to units who are highly experienced and know how to keep the department active at all times.Recruitment Retention department will be very focused on as it is the one of the main department in National Guard that will help keep the org alive.I will make sure that gates are always covered in its raid time.Units who do their work properly will be given a lot of bonus and promotion so that everyone gets motivated to come on duty.I will do regular combat training and many other activities so that the units doesn’t get bored in the organisation.

I have been HC in all legal Orgs so I know to deal with internal Issues of the organization.Units who do not follow the rule will be punished by giving them verbal , strike or even blacklist if the problem is very huge and serious.All Hc ranks will be given to units who are experienced and can handle any situation and conduct any operations calmly and with ez. I will make sure that hc ranks are given to units who deserve rather than any rank chasers and will make sure that no corruption is going on within the the organization.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization

Military Police will do bgc check , licences check and bodycam inspection so that everyone has their bodycam turned on.

Favouritism wont be tolerated within the org and all hc ranks and departments heads rank will be given by me after taking their test if they are really fit for that rank or not

Org hoppers will not be hired in the org as they destroy the pure rp



Ranking System :

=== General Officers ===
30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Colonel
26) Lt. Colonel
25) TF-141
24) Commander
23) 1st Lieutenant
22) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
21) Command Sergeant Major
20) Sergeant Major
19) 1st Sergeant
18) Master Gunnery Sergeant
17) Master Sergeant
16) Platoon Sergeant
15) Sergeant 1st Class
14) Gunnery Sergeant
13) Staff Sergeant
12) Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
11) Corporal 1st Class
10) Corporal
9) Specialist II
8) Specialist I
7) Lance Corporal
6) Private 1st Class
5) Private IIl
4) Private ll
3) Private
2) Recruit
1) Suspended

akif badmash

Jul 7, 2024
1. Your name IRL: SahilPreet
2. Your age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online per day : 4-5 hour
5.Your Discord: harry_fr
6.Your Nickname: Harry Maxican
7.Your ID: 61438
Additional information
1.Leader of ….. National Guard

2.Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization?

I have been part of National Guard for more then 7 terms. I have mostly been in state organization and have been hc in all state orgs and i think now i have enough experience to run an organization. During the past ng terms I have seen that the org was very inactive in its raid hours and was unable to do ammo runs for other organizations due to lack of units.

I will make sure that the org is not only active in its raid hours but also active at non raid hours and ammo runs will be done for all the orgs time to time so that they don't run out of ammo.All the departments will be given to units who are highly experienced and know how to keep the department active at all times.Recruitment Retention department will be very focused on as it is the one of the main department in National Guard that will help keep the org alive.I will make sure that gates are always covered in its raid time.Units who do their work properly will be given a lot of bonus and promotion so that everyone gets motivated to come on duty.I will do regular combat training and many other activities so that the units doesn’t get bored in the organisation.

I have been HC in all legal Orgs so I know to deal with internal Issues of the organization.Units who do not follow the rule will be punished by giving them verbal , strike or even blacklist if the problem is very huge and serious.All Hc ranks will be given to units who are experienced and can handle any situation and conduct any operations calmly and with ez. I will make sure that hc ranks are given to units who deserve rather than any rank chasers and will make sure that no corruption is going on within the the organization.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization

Military Police will do bgc check , licences check and bodycam inspection so that everyone has their bodycam turned on.

Favouritism wont be tolerated within the org and all hc ranks and departments heads rank will be given by me after taking their test if they are really fit for that rank or not

Org hoppers will not be hired in the org as they destroy the pure rp



Ranking System :

=== General Officers ===
30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Colonel
26) Lt. Colonel
25) TF-141
24) Commander
23) 1st Lieutenant
22) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
21) Command Sergeant Major
20) Sergeant Major
19) 1st Sergeant
18) Master Gunnery Sergeant
17) Master Sergeant
16) Platoon Sergeant
15) Sergeant 1st Class
14) Gunnery Sergeant
13) Staff Sergeant
12) Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
11) Corporal 1st Class
10) Corporal
9) Specialist II
8) Specialist I
7) Lance Corporal
6) Private 1st Class
5) Private IIl
4) Private ll
3) Private
2) Recruit
1) Suspended
HE Deserves this leadership

Ghost Uchihaa

May 15, 2024
1. Your name IRL: SahilPreet
2. Your age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online per day : 4-5 hour
5.Your Discord: harry_fr
6.Your Nickname: Harry Maxican
7.Your ID: 61438
Additional information
1.Leader of ….. National Guard

2.Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization?

I have been part of National Guard for more then 7 terms. I have mostly been in state organization and have been hc in all state orgs and i think now i have enough experience to run an organization. During the past ng terms I have seen that the org was very inactive in its raid hours and was unable to do ammo runs for other organizations due to lack of units.

I will make sure that the org is not only active in its raid hours but also active at non raid hours and ammo runs will be done for all the orgs time to time so that they don't run out of ammo.All the departments will be given to units who are highly experienced and know how to keep the department active at all times.Recruitment Retention department will be very focused on as it is the one of the main department in National Guard that will help keep the org alive.I will make sure that gates are always covered in its raid time.Units who do their work properly will be given a lot of bonus and promotion so that everyone gets motivated to come on duty.I will do regular combat training and many other activities so that the units doesn’t get bored in the organisation.

I have been HC in all legal Orgs so I know to deal with internal Issues of the organization.Units who do not follow the rule will be punished by giving them verbal , strike or even blacklist if the problem is very huge and serious.All Hc ranks will be given to units who are experienced and can handle any situation and conduct any operations calmly and with ez. I will make sure that hc ranks are given to units who deserve rather than any rank chasers and will make sure that no corruption is going on within the the organization.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization

Military Police will do bgc check , licences check and bodycam inspection so that everyone has their bodycam turned on.

Favouritism wont be tolerated within the org and all hc ranks and departments heads rank will be given by me after taking their test if they are really fit for that rank or not

Org hoppers will not be hired in the org as they destroy the pure rp



Ranking System :

=== General Officers ===
30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Colonel
26) Lt. Colonel
25) TF-141
24) Commander
23) 1st Lieutenant
22) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
21) Command Sergeant Major
20) Sergeant Major
19) 1st Sergeant
18) Master Gunnery Sergeant
17) Master Sergeant
16) Platoon Sergeant
15) Sergeant 1st Class
14) Gunnery Sergeant
13) Staff Sergeant
12) Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
11) Corporal 1st Class
10) Corporal
9) Specialist II
8) Specialist I
7) Lance Corporal
6) Private 1st Class
5) Private IIl
4) Private ll
3) Private
2) Recruit
1) Suspended
The deserving person to become the leader of NationalGuard. The best leader i have ever seen.


Hemlo cuties
Apr 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL: SahilPreet
2. Your age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online per day : 4-5 hour
5.Your Discord: harry_fr
6.Your Nickname: Harry Maxican
7.Your ID: 61438
Additional information
1.Leader of ….. National Guard

2.Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization?

I have been part of National Guard for more then 7 terms. I have mostly been in state organization and have been hc in all state orgs and i think now i have enough experience to run an organization. During the past ng terms I have seen that the org was very inactive in its raid hours and was unable to do ammo runs for other organizations due to lack of units.

I will make sure that the org is not only active in its raid hours but also active at non raid hours and ammo runs will be done for all the orgs time to time so that they don't run out of ammo.All the departments will be given to units who are highly experienced and know how to keep the department active at all times.Recruitment Retention department will be very focused on as it is the one of the main department in National Guard that will help keep the org alive.I will make sure that gates are always covered in its raid time.Units who do their work properly will be given a lot of bonus and promotion so that everyone gets motivated to come on duty.I will do regular combat training and many other activities so that the units doesn’t get bored in the organisation.

I have been HC in all legal Orgs so I know to deal with internal Issues of the organization.Units who do not follow the rule will be punished by giving them verbal , strike or even blacklist if the problem is very huge and serious.All Hc ranks will be given to units who are experienced and can handle any situation and conduct any operations calmly and with ez. I will make sure that hc ranks are given to units who deserve rather than any rank chasers and will make sure that no corruption is going on within the the organization.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization

Military Police will do bgc check , licences check and bodycam inspection so that everyone has their bodycam turned on.

Favouritism wont be tolerated within the org and all hc ranks and departments heads rank will be given by me after taking their test if they are really fit for that rank or not

Org hoppers will not be hired in the org as they destroy the pure rp



Ranking System :

=== General Officers ===
30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Colonel
26) Lt. Colonel
25) TF-141
24) Commander
23) 1st Lieutenant
22) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
21) Command Sergeant Major
20) Sergeant Major
19) 1st Sergeant
18) Master Gunnery Sergeant
17) Master Sergeant
16) Platoon Sergeant
15) Sergeant 1st Class
14) Gunnery Sergeant
13) Staff Sergeant
12) Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
11) Corporal 1st Class
10) Corporal
9) Specialist II
8) Specialist I
7) Lance Corporal
6) Private 1st Class
5) Private IIl
4) Private ll
3) Private
2) Recruit
1) Suspended
i think he is the best for NG

Rix Federal

Jan 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Ridhwan Thakur
2. Your IRL age : 23
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day : 8-9 HOURS
5. Your Discord : ridhwan4202
6. Your Nickname : Ridhwan Captain
7. Your ID : 153173

Additional information

1. Leader of National guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- 1.Because NG is my first organization in my first term I don't know that many things and then I give time to NG after gaining some knowledge I got Captain rank ( HC ) from that I started doing more hard work and in the next term I got Brigadier general (DHOD) form that I know I can do better after some days I got Major general ( HOD ) and after doing some good things for my department I become Commanding general ( Chief of department ) in very less time and from that when I join NG I will always get CG easily. As per that I have made some connections with NG I like to remain in NG.

2. As per the departments there are very cool departments in ng for example AIR FORCE and SOF and ng have very good vehicles and helicopters I love to drive them. And i am committed to bringing about meaningful change and enhancing the capabilities of NG. Through leadership, I aim to elevate the organization to new levels of success and effectiveness. This opportunity represents a continuation of my journey with NG, where I seek to apply my skills and experiences for the benefit of the organization and its members.

3. And I also like to do the ng work as a High command I gain too much experience in NG that I can't make any mistakes in ng and I have also gained a good respect in NG.

[3] Your advice for improving Role Play level in organization.

1. Engine Blockers in NG vehicles

NG vehicles should have engine blocker because the trespassers enter inside of the base from the gate and Rome inside the base they don't want to steel any ammunition they just want to disturb the soldiers and the trespassers break too many rules which could be dangerous for the soldiers.

The trespassers just give mental pressure to us and they also try to make us angry and it could increase toxicity among the ng units.
So that why we need engine blocker in NG vehicles so we just block their engine and kill them.

2. Bonus system

The bonus should be increased in ng because now a days people us to said that ng is boring.
I want that the guys those who are working and giving their time to protect the country and risk their lives don't feel any sadness that the bonus is low we didn't get paid good for our work .
The bonus amount should be good for gate duty , prison protection, ACC , bank protection so people will be more active in these events.

3. Air Alert Alarm

I don’t know, it’s technically possible or not, but as we all have seen in GTA V in the NG base, if we fly over the base using heli, we get locked by the detector. I just want NG to have an air alarm, which will inform us about any unknown air activity in the base parameter.

Punishment System:

Verbal Warning 1: Minor or unintentional mistake
Verbal Warning 2 = 1 Strike (2 Minor mistakes will be treated as 1 major offense)
Strike 1: Major offense (Retraining)
Strike 2: Major offense (Demotion/Suspension)
Strike 3: Major offense (Court Martial)

My Ranking System

[30] General of Army
[29] LT. General of Army
[28] Commanding General of Army
[27] Major General of Army
[26] Brigadier General of Army
[25] Judge Advocate General of Army
[24] Colonel
[23] Major
[22] Captain


[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

My departmental structure within the organization

1. Human Resource and Training: This department have to hire more persons in the origination and training of the new recruits in the organization.

2. Special Operation Force : In SOF they have to respond to the critical situation They will make strategy on global.

3. Air Force Division : In air force we have to take units to the global and other situations They will also do air patrol around the base and give information to the ground units about the incoming danger.

4. Military Police : It’s the department which will handle internal affairs of the organization and make sure everyone working in the organizations have all the necessary licenses, insurance and they are clean. It’s the responsibility of Military police to issue the verbal or strike punishment.

- - - Thank you - - -

Ridhwan Captain

State Experience
Ex - CG [ NG ]
EX - Chief commander [ SAHP ]
EX - USSS special agent [ GOV ]
EX - HOD [ FIB ]

Gang Experience
EX OG Ballas
EX OG Vagos
EX OG Bloods
EX OG Families
EX OG Marabunta


Aug 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Md Sanmun Islam
2. Your IRL age: 21
3. Time zone: utc+6
4. Average online per day: 9to 11 hours
5. Your Discord : sanmun0142
6. Your Nickname: Sneaky Sanmun
7. Your ID: 140111
Additional information

1. Leader of: N/A
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation :
i. I know I have Very much potential to do work if I have that then I could better result of our officer even though they much interested to do work under me
ii. Actually I want to do a good city where everyone got their life enjoyable.
iii. Actually NG is our national guard of our los santos city their duty is protect city from the gangstar if they got best leader it will be helpful for them.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization: I thought be strict about scammer and cheater.Nowdays they are increasing more and our en2 admin are now so inactive so be serious about them..

Badmash Uciha

Jun 4, 2024
1. Your name IRL: SahilPreet
2. Your age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online per day : 4-5 hour
5.Your Discord: harry_fr
6.Your Nickname: Harry Maxican
7.Your ID: 61438
Additional information
1.Leader of ….. National Guard

2.Why do you want to be leader of this specific organization?

I have been part of National Guard for more then 7 terms. I have mostly been in state organization and have been hc in all state orgs and i think now i have enough experience to run an organization. During the past ng terms I have seen that the org was very inactive in its raid hours and was unable to do ammo runs for other organizations due to lack of units.

I will make sure that the org is not only active in its raid hours but also active at non raid hours and ammo runs will be done for all the orgs time to time so that they don't run out of ammo.All the departments will be given to units who are highly experienced and know how to keep the department active at all times.Recruitment Retention department will be very focused on as it is the one of the main department in National Guard that will help keep the org alive.I will make sure that gates are always covered in its raid time.Units who do their work properly will be given a lot of bonus and promotion so that everyone gets motivated to come on duty.I will do regular combat training and many other activities so that the units doesn’t get bored in the organisation.

I have been HC in all legal Orgs so I know to deal with internal Issues of the organization.Units who do not follow the rule will be punished by giving them verbal , strike or even blacklist if the problem is very huge and serious.All Hc ranks will be given to units who are experienced and can handle any situation and conduct any operations calmly and with ez. I will make sure that hc ranks are given to units who deserve rather than any rank chasers and will make sure that no corruption is going on within the the organization.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization

Military Police will do bgc check , licences check and bodycam inspection so that everyone has their bodycam turned on.

Favouritism wont be tolerated within the org and all hc ranks and departments heads rank will be given by me after taking their test if they are really fit for that rank or not

Org hoppers will not be hired in the org as they destroy the pure rp



Ranking System :

=== General Officers ===
30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Colonel
26) Lt. Colonel
25) TF-141
24) Commander
23) 1st Lieutenant
22) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
21) Command Sergeant Major
20) Sergeant Major
19) 1st Sergeant
18) Master Gunnery Sergeant
17) Master Sergeant
16) Platoon Sergeant
15) Sergeant 1st Class
14) Gunnery Sergeant
13) Staff Sergeant
12) Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
11) Corporal 1st Class
10) Corporal
9) Specialist II
8) Specialist I
7) Lance Corporal
6) Private 1st Class
5) Private IIl
4) Private ll
3) Private
2) Recruit
1) Suspended
my bro is deserve he has so much experience


First Person
May 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Adarsh Saha
2. Your age: (IC:23) , (IRL:23)
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 9-10 hrs
5. Your Discord: r3lay_
6. Your Nickname: Bankai Minazuki
7. Your ID: 153590

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

. When I came to the city I started exploring different jobs to earn some money be it farmer's job , electrician's job ' and many other jobs. Then, I got an opportunity to join SAHP as my first state org. I grabbed that opportunity immediately and started as a trooper. Slowly, I got promotions and started developing some leading skills by learning from my High Commands and Leaders. That was the first moment ever I dreamt of becoming an State Org. Leader. So, I'm here to grab this opportunity and lead the Army by becoming the General.

2.2. I joined National Guard few months ago and I work there with my full dedication and passion, watching my work and dedication towards NG my High Commands gave me very good Rank ups in promotion ceremonies. Due to this, I became an High Command in a very short span of time and started leading operations for NG. So, I think I'm fully capable to lead the Army and provide the State with my services.

2.3. I have been in NG from the past two terms at honorable ranks of Major General of Army and Assistant General respectively. During this, I developed decent leadership skills and qualities. Alongside that, I found some issues which I want to fix by becoming the General of National Guards.

3. Your advice for improving Role Play level in organization.

. Training of National Guard
In my experience I have seen that the training of National Guard is not up to the mark of other state orgs. Because of that, NG employees often suffer from inferiority complex. So, I will try to hire best HR team possible and I will personally supervise their training sessions in order to ensure that the employees are getting best training.

3.2. Focusing on Freshers
The freshers are those members of any state org who have joined at a beginner rank and have just finish their training. They are the one who decides the fate of any organization, they work as a foundation of any State org. So, I will make the HR and Military Police to focus on their minor to minor mistake and guide them how to correct it and not to do it ever again.

3.3. Special Operations Training
From my point of view, I have observed that their are very few soldiers who know how to conduct a ammo run and the soldiers who know how to conduct a ghetto patrol are even less than that. Because of that the NG struggles while leading a ghetto patrol and because of that they make mistakes. So, I will conduct frequent training sessions to teach the solders about these special operations.

3.4. Disciplined with Time
I will try to fix a specific time for conducting Ghetto Patrols and some internal events by doing a meeting with all the soldiers and taking their opinions for what time period they are active the most. This will create a discipline about time, because it's very necessary to be in discipline for the Army Personnel.


1. Human Resource: The Human Resource and Training (HRT) department is responsible for recruiting and training new recruits for the organization.

2. Air Force: Responsible for patrolling the National Guard base, providing air support during ground missions, and conducting search and rescue operations. This department seems to be dead in the previous terms, I will try to make it active.

3. Military Police: This department focus upon the internal issue of the NG, they also have the work for regular checkup of logs and take necessary disciplinary actions.

4. S.O.F: A special force who have mastered in dealing with critical situations, and have the work to respond to any situation as quickly as possible. They will make strategy, command every other NG member in the operation.

My Ranking System

[30] General of Army
[29] LT. General of Army
[28] Assistant General of Army
[27] Judge Advocate General of Army
[26] Major General of Army
[25] Brigadier General of Army
[24] Colonel


[23] Major
[22] Captain
[21] First Lieutenant
[20] Second Lieutenant
[19] Chief Warrant Officer
[18] Senior Warrant Officer
[17] Warrant Officer
[16] Commanding Sergeant
[15] Sergeant Major
[14] Master Sergeant
[13] Senior Sergeant
[12] Sergeant
[11] Master Corporal
[10] Corporal
[9] Master Specialist
[8] Specialist
[7] Private First Class
[6] Private Second Class
[5] Private
[4] Rookie
[3] Trainee
[2] LOA
[1] Suspended

Thank you for Reading....

Bankai Minazuki

aquanix karan

Assistant general of army
Aug 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Lalit joshi

2. Your age: 25

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day: 5-6 hrs in weekdays and 8-10 hrs in weekend

5. Your Discord: aquanixkaran

6. Your Nickname: aquanixx karan

7. Your ID: 160970

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) My emotions with NG

When I came to the city, I saw that there were a lot of legal org , but I was personally interested in going to the National Gaurd . I have spent two terms in the National Gaurd. I have learnt a lot there, I have understood a lot. I have made many friends there. I have listened to a lot of things from my high commands and have learnt a lot from them. I want to improve the things that I have experienced as a General and the things that I want to improve, I want to improve them as a General, this is my dream.

2) My desire to improve some things in NG

In my two terms, I have realized that there are a lot of shortcomings in our National Guard and I want to improve a lot of things because I have found this thing good. When I went to other organisations, I noticed that the leaders there want to do something but are unable to do it because they do not get support or sometimes they do not want to work hard. Secondly, I also see that many people are losing interest day by day because there are many legal units in them but there are very few in National Guard. So, I want to encourage people and make them understand that you can have a lot of know about rules by staying in National Guard, you can learn a lot of things, you can understand a lot of things, you can experience a lot of things, you will get to learn a lot of things. You can get to understand such a unit in National Guard by staying with each other.

3) My Experiences and Leading Skills to become a leader

I spent two terms in the organization and I experienced a lot of things like how to come out of difficult situations, how to deal with something that happens inside us, how to deal with threats, how to go global, how to support other organizations, how to take care of our units, how to handle all situations easily, because as a National Guard, this is our duty to solve even the biggest problems easily. So, with this experience, I want to lead the organization and I am capable of that.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

1) global quick response team

I want to form a new team. As per my experience, many times our unit is busy with other work and we often get global calls but we are unable to attend them. If someone needs our help, I want to form a global quick response team. The work of that team will be that whenever a global call comes, the quick response team should follow it immediately and reach there on time for help because it is our duty and we want to carry it forward.

2) Bonus System

I have seen many times that many times the units in our National Guard do not attend global events or any event because they find it boring and hence do not come on duty. So I want to bring in such a bonus system in which they attend all our global events, do gate keeping or any other work that is important for the unit, come on duty properly, do their duty day shift wise and do their work, then they should get a bonus so that they get encouragement to work, so that they do not waste their time here and there and instead give their valuable time to our National Guard and give our National Guard a top position.

3) Discipline as a national guard Soldiers

As a leader, I want my unit to understand that we are very professional. Our moments, our way of working, our actions, everything is professional. So, we have to do all those things in a disciplined, professional manner and at punctual times. This is what we are known for. An army is very strict about its discipline and rules.

4) Events (Both for citizen and soldiers)

this all department to improve the national guard law enforcement :

1. Special Operation Force : Special operations forces (SOF) are elite military units trained to conduct a wide range of specialized missions. Counterterrorism , Unconventional Warfare , Hostage Rescue , Direct Action .

2. Military Police : Maintenance of Order and Discipline in the cantonments, Army Establishments and to prevent the breach of Rules and Regulations of the Army by the Soldiers serving in the Regular Army. It’s the department which will handle internal affairs of the organization and make sure everyone working in the organizations have all the necessary licenses, insurance and they are clean. It’s the responsibility of Military police to issue the verbal or strike punishment.

3. Human Resource and Training : process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitude that helps improve employees' work performance and enables future career growth of the new recruits in the organization.

4. Global respond team : The work of this team will be to help as quickly as possible, connect with the global calls / backup and help them whether it is air support or ground support.

5. Airforce : Air Force will fly soldiers to store robberies and globals, Spec Ops, GPs etc. also patrol in our base

Punishment System:

Verbal Warning 1: Minor or unintentional mistake

Verbal Warning 2 = 1 Strike (2 Minor mistakes will be treated as 1 major offense)

Strike 1: Major offense (Retraining)

Strike 2: Major offense (Demotion/Suspension)

Strike 3: Major offense (Court Martial)

chain of command

[30] General of the Army

[29] Lieutenant General of the Army

[28] Assistant General (General’s Delegate)

[27] Commanding General of the Army (Chief of Department)

[26] Major General of the Army (Head of Departments)

[25] Brigadier General of the Army (Deputy Head of Department)

[24] Colonel

[23] Major


[22] Special Operation Commander

[21] Wing Commander

[20] Military Police Commander

[19] Armored Division Commander

[18] Human Resources Officer (HR & Training Department)

[17] Special Operation Specialist

[16] Squadron Leader

[15] Military Police Officer

[14] Armored Vehicle Operator

[13] Special Operation Cadet

[12] Flight Lieutenant

[11] Master Sergeant

[10] Sergeant

[9] Master Corporal

[8] Corporal

[7] Specialist

[6] Private First Class

[5] Private

[4] Rookie

[3] Trainee

[2] Recruit

[1] Suspended

Thank you for Reading


aquaniix karan


Ex NG chief warrant officer (micheal mayor term )

Ex- NG Major General (raj aryan term)

Ex- SAHP patrol officer ( Rihan Pluxury)

Ex- LSPD patrol officer ( mafia paul)


Ex 2x marabunta (shooter)
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