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IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

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Shauryansh Singh

Jan 28, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Naveen Singh

2. Your age IRL:19

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30) india

4. Average online per day: 5 to 8 hours

5. Your Discord: Shauryanshmafia

6. Your Nickname: Shauryansh Singh

7. Your ID: 69960

Additional information.

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

when i joined los santos city I got attracted towards crime section and I joined I loved the work of gangs and took part in all of illegal works and enjoyed playing crime events so my first gang was ballas i have been attached with that gang so now i really want to lead it. Also I have leadership skills because I lead top 1 family and gangs. Also experienced in both legal and inlegal.

I have a lot of experience in gangs so i know the best members to keep in my term, also i have decided how will get more peoples to get in my term here are my some plans inviting family members and Alliens members. they doing events everyday so citizens can see and learn and attract in our gang and also give best bonus to everyone who joined gang help to run our gang.

Due to my experience I can help my gang members can help them in tasks and guide them properly. And think I have the experience to full guide them in events and everywhere and Ballas On Top.

3. Your advice for improving the Role Play level in the organization.
Ballas Gang is most popular gang in city so first I will maintain the Gang people not break any rule and proper know all rules.if newcomers join our gang I will teach how to rob person and how works gang machanism.i wil try my best to teach everyone who don't know rules about gangs. Improve the Best quality Roleplay. ( Ballas on Top)

My Goals
-Getting 100% turf.
-0 verbel and 0 warning
-No toxicity in the gang
-Completing all the weekly tasks at time..
-Best team of to manage the gang.
-Helping and teaching the new comers
-Shutdown Government.
-Become mostwanted gang.

Thankyou for reading my application.
Shauryansh Singh
Last edited:

Corrupt Madni

May 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Navjosh Singh
2. Your age IRL : 17
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30(India)
4. Average online per day : 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord : CrimsonJatt
6. Your Nickname : Crimson Jatt
7. Your ID : 139547

Additional information
1. Leader of East Side Ballas...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

-->First of all i wanna be the leader of specifically ballas is because i have spent that much time in ballas as i know about this gang in deep like how to handle people as ballas runs by its name so the leader should be that person who can control Activities and Lead so much people, people listen to him & follow his commands, i know how to do that...

-->Secondly I Know Both the perspectives of A Leo Attending A Robbery Or Any Event & of A Gang Member So by Knowing Both Things I Can Make My Events Success Rate "Maximum" as basically i already gonna know what next step Leos Can Take..

-->Third My Leadership Skills, Problem Solving Skills & Decision Taking Skills Are Very Good so I think i can easily handle the load of organization, also i do have very good past experience in both State & Crime at Best High Commanding Ranks...

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

-->Firstly i am gonna Select Best High Commands As They Are the Pillers on which org. Stands Off, I will ensure they don't do any type of favoritism in providing ranks and their behavior towards gang members if i see them doing my next step gonna be harsh...

-->Secondly Am gonna Be Very Active and Mainly At Hq when no events or things are going on as i will Talk With my Mates as Much & Good as i can so they will start developing a good vibe with me and when i want them at Any Events Then They Will Listen to me(as i have experienced all these things). I make sure We will Attend every event and Give our Best to Make Ballas Most Wanted Gang in City...

-->Thirdly I Have seen most of the Leaders don't go with Members for Ghetoo Claping & Highway Robberies as they don't like doing so which results in their weak bond with members, i will go with them, people who don't know about Basics i will teach them give them chances to do things so they feel Enthusiastic & don't get bored just Aiming on people and Just Following orders of high Commands so they can Learn More Practicaly....

-->Some Small Aims..
•Get 100% Turf as Soon as Possible
•Will Try to Complete Term with 0 warn & 0 Verbals
•Will Teach New People How to Do Crimes & Gang Activities
•Will Make Sure No one Breaks Any Of The Rules
•Will Make Sure Whole City Talks About Ballas

My Ranking System
16. Leader
15. Deputy
14. Homie
13. Thug
12. Turfer
11. Warlord
10. Strategist
09. Hitman
08. Smuggler
07. Druglord
06. Graffitist
05. Gangster
04. Shooter
03. Criminal
02. Rookie
01. Freeze

Crimson Jatt

Note : This is not any type of copy i just made some changes in my bunta application...
Crimson Jatt Is Great For Leader Ship

Raghav Rama

Apr 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age IRL
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Ritesh
2. 21
3. GMT 05:30
4. 5 to 6 hours
5. ritesh_01.
6. Ragahv Rama
7. 98813
Additional information
1. Leader of

Ballas Gang​

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. Strategic Influence:
    • Explanation: As a leader, you can shape the gang’s strategies and operations. This includes planning heists, managing territories, and making critical decisions that affect the gang’s success. Your strategic thinking and leadership skills can drive the organization towards achieving its goals and maintaining dominance.
  2. Community Building:
    • Explanation: Being a leader allows you to foster a strong sense of community and camaraderie among members. You can create a supportive and engaging environment where members feel valued and motivated. This not only enhances the experience but also builds loyalty and teamwork within the gang.
  3. Creative Storytelling:
    • Explanation: Leadership provides a unique opportunity to craft and direct compelling narratives. You can develop intricate storylines, character arcs, and plot twists that keep the experience exciting and immersive. Your creativity can bring depth and richness to the gang’s lore, making the world more engaging for everyone involved.
  4. Skill Development:
    • Explanation: Leading a gang helps you develop various skills such as negotiation, conflict resolution, and strategic planning. These skills are not only valuable within the game but can also be beneficial in real-life situations, enhancing your overall personal development.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. Develop Detailed Characters:
    • Encourage members to create comprehensive backstories for their characters, including history, motivations, personality traits, and relationships. This adds depth and makes interactions more meaningful.
  2. Engage in Consistent Storytelling:
    • Maintain a consistent and evolving storyline. Plan major events, conflicts, and resolutions to keep the RP dynamic and engaging. Regular updates reflecting members’ actions can enhance immersion.
  3. Encourage Realistic Interactions:
    • Promote realistic and believable interactions. Focus on how characters would genuinely react in different situations, avoiding out-of-character behavior to maintain authenticity.
  4. Organize Regular Events:
    • Host regular events such as meetings, missions, and social gatherings. These provide opportunities for members to interact, develop their characters, and advance the storyline, fostering a sense of community.

      Thank You ❤️

Fauget Badmosh

Oct 1, 2023
1.Your name IRL: Saroj Sahoo
2.Your age: 20
3.Time zone: GMT+5:30
4.Average online per day: 6-10
5.Your Discord: saroj988
6.Your Nickname: Fauget Ghost
7 .Your ID : 117899

Additional information
Leader of... The Ballas Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. I have been in this city for a long time and I have gotten experiences from pretty much every organization (leaving out a couple), I have seen how gangs work , I am surrounded by some of the best leaders this city has ever seen and I have learnt a lot from them . I have weighed the pros and cons for leading a gang and I've seen that a lot of good gangs get disbanded over the most stupid reasons and I wanna be better than those leaders. I know for a fact that if I get a shot , I will not disappoint.

2. I have also broken some rules which i learned after getting punished now i think iam capable that i can get the people to know all the rules of proper roleplaying and i would be keeping a special team or old and experienced people from gangs who are there for a long time to help them and guide them how the gangs work and will be implementing a system where people who break rules will get strike and if they get 3/3 strikes they are fired from the organisation and every week 1 strike will be reduced same system as the warnings given by the god (I Would Like To Thank The Gods For This idea) and as usual some of the leaders are so scared of disbanding that they wont even leave hq but i will not be like that i will make all the ghetto fun and my dream

3. About my thinking of management and my plans for them? Only experience people will be in high commands rank, and they will managed our gang when i am not available in city. They have to be loyal and also good member for our org.

Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Improving the role-playing level in an organization can enhance teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Here are some actionable strategies:

: Firstly i am gonna choose most trusted high command in my org to improve role playing. Like they have to know how to behaive with our member. Make Sure they dont do any harmfull treatment towords our gang people.

2: Secondly we trained our gang mamber properly to become a best or good shooter and we have to improve their shootung skills/

3: The last one is to improve RolePlay level in the org , we have to do all event and all activities to improve our gang member experience and skills.

-0 verbel and 0 warning.
-No toxicity in the gang.
-Best team of to manage the gang.
-Getting 100% turf.
-Completing all the weekly tasks at time..
-Helping and teaching the new comers.
-Shutdown Government.
-Become mostwanted gang.

Ranking System :


Thank you
For reviewing my forum for ballas
Please consider it.

Regards : Fauget Ghost


Jul 23, 2024
1. Ritesh
2. 21
3. GMT 05:30
4. 5 to 6 hours
5. ritesh_01.
6. Ragahv Rama
7. 98813
Additional information
1. Leader of

Ballas Gang​

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. Strategic Influence:
    • Explanation: As a leader, you can shape the gang’s strategies and operations. This includes planning heists, managing territories, and making critical decisions that affect the gang’s success. Your strategic thinking and leadership skills can drive the organization towards achieving its goals and maintaining dominance.
  2. Community Building:
    • Explanation: Being a leader allows you to foster a strong sense of community and camaraderie among members. You can create a supportive and engaging environment where members feel valued and motivated. This not only enhances the experience but also builds loyalty and teamwork within the gang.
  3. Creative Storytelling:
    • Explanation: Leadership provides a unique opportunity to craft and direct compelling narratives. You can develop intricate storylines, character arcs, and plot twists that keep the experience exciting and immersive. Your creativity can bring depth and richness to the gang’s lore, making the world more engaging for everyone involved.
  4. Skill Development:
    • Explanation: Leading a gang helps you develop various skills such as negotiation, conflict resolution, and strategic planning. These skills are not only valuable within the game but can also be beneficial in real-life situations, enhancing your overall personal development.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. Develop Detailed Characters:
    • Encourage members to create comprehensive backstories for their characters, including history, motivations, personality traits, and relationships. This adds depth and makes interactions more meaningful.
  2. Engage in Consistent Storytelling:
    • Maintain a consistent and evolving storyline. Plan major events, conflicts, and resolutions to keep the RP dynamic and engaging. Regular updates reflecting members’ actions can enhance immersion.
  3. Encourage Realistic Interactions:
    • Promote realistic and believable interactions. Focus on how characters would genuinely react in different situations, avoiding out-of-character behavior to maintain authenticity.
  4. Organize Regular Events:
    • Host regular events such as meetings, missions, and social gatherings. These provide opportunities for members to interact, develop their characters, and advance the storyline, fostering a sense of community.

      Thank You ❤️
Bro Deserves A Chance , Either him Or Alexa Are Most Worthy Among All Of The Application I went Through

ivan sharma

May 18, 2024
1. Your name irl : Ivan sharma
2.your age irl : 16
3.your time zone : ist + 5:30
4.average online per day : 5-7 hours .
5.your discord : ivanuchihaghost
6.your nickname : Ivan Uchiha
7.your id : 148348 .

Additional information.
Leader of ballas

2. Why do you want to become leader of this organization ?

- I want to become leader of this organization because from past few days ballas has growed very much . My journey started 1 years ago when I came in to the city . From days to days I organized and taked a specific role in illegal organization. My specific abilities :
A . EXPERIENCE in illegal organization :
I have experience in illegal organization I was high command in every illegal organization in was deputy in various illegal organization . My experience am bursted when I became deputy from that day I gathered and extraordinary knowledge about gang . I was deputy in almost every gang once . And I can say that I am perfect for the leadership now
B. ADVANCE communication and managing skills
I can communicate the best way . My communication and organizing skills are the best . I organize and manage my org the best way . My goals are simple making the best term of ballas. I have skills and accomplishment knowledge about gangs . I manage my org very well .
C.HARD work in work and lifesacrifing work :
I have the record whenever I go to any gang any organization I feel lIke the organization is my temple is my place where I feel comfort . How can I betray my templey comfort place m so I work very hard for my organization and I can sacrifice my life for that.
3. Advice to improve roleplay system on organization :
My advice to improve roleplay in organization. Are simple

A. TAKING most professional and experienced high commands :
I will choose high experienced and professional high command in my organization so that a single minor rules cannot be broken .
B. TOXICITY in work place :
I will maintain a good and familiar workplace in my organization I will make sure everyone in my work are behaving well to each other . I will say to everyone behave as your brother
My goals :
100% clands daily attend
Try to not get a single strike in org
Doing fz day to day
Doing honesty in workplace
Hiring high professional gang units

My ranking system :
1. Freeze
2. Baby freeze .
3. Enforcer
4. Hunter
5. Shooter
6. Fighter
7. Clapper
8. Warlord
9. Graffiti leader
10. Turfer
11. Event leader
12. Og ballas
13. Under deputy .
14. Deputy
15. Leader

Thanks for taking a look at my application. I respect your response

Last edited:

Dheeraj Ghost

Jun 20, 2024
1.Your name IRL: Saroj Sahoo
2.Your age: 20
3.Time zone: GMT+5:30
4.Average online per day: 6-10
5.Your Discord: saroj988
6.Your Nickname: Fauget Ghost
7 .Your ID : 117899

Additional information
Leader of... The Ballas Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. I have been in this city for a long time and I have gotten experiences from pretty much every organization (leaving out a couple), I have seen how gangs work , I am surrounded by some of the best leaders this city has ever seen and I have learnt a lot from them . I have weighed the pros and cons for leading a gang and I've seen that a lot of good gangs get disbanded over the most stupid reasons and I wanna be better than those leaders. I know for a fact that if I get a shot , I will not disappoint.

2. I have also broken some rules which i learned after getting punished now i think iam capable that i can get the people to know all the rules of proper roleplaying and i would be keeping a special team or old and experienced people from gangs who are there for a long time to help them and guide them how the gangs work and will be implementing a system where people who break rules will get strike and if they get 3/3 strikes they are fired from the organisation and every week 1 strike will be reduced same system as the warnings given by the god (I Would Like To Thank The Gods For This idea) and as usual some of the leaders are so scared of disbanding that they wont even leave hq but i will not be like that i will make all the ghetto fun and my dream

3. About my thinking of management and my plans for them? Only experience people will be in high commands rank, and they will managed our gang when i am not available in city. They have to be loyal and also good member for our org.

Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Improving the role-playing level in an organization can enhance teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Here are some actionable strategies:

: Firstly i am gonna choose most trusted high command in my org to improve role playing. Like they have to know how to behaive with our member. Make Sure they dont do any harmfull treatment towords our gang people.

2: Secondly we trained our gang mamber properly to become a best or good shooter and we have to improve their shootung skills/

3: The last one is to improve RolePlay level in the org , we have to do all event and all activities to improve our gang member experience and skills.

-0 verbel and 0 warning.
-No toxicity in the gang.
-Best team of to manage the gang.
-Getting 100% turf.
-Completing all the weekly tasks at time..
-Helping and teaching the new comers.
-Shutdown Government.
-Become mostwanted gang.

Ranking System :


Thank you
For reviewing my forum for ballas
Please consider it.

Regards : Fauget Ghost
The Best leadership skills of Fauget Ghost is great and supporting new citizens in the city and give a good guidance to the new comers in the city.

Prince Warrior

Aug 16, 2024
1.Your name IRL: Saroj Sahoo
2.Your age: 20
3.Time zone: GMT+5:30
4.Average online per day: 6-10
5.Your Discord: saroj988
6.Your Nickname: Fauget Ghost
7 .Your ID : 117899

Additional information
Leader of... The Ballas Gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. I have been in this city for a long time and I have gotten experiences from pretty much every organization (leaving out a couple), I have seen how gangs work , I am surrounded by some of the best leaders this city has ever seen and I have learnt a lot from them . I have weighed the pros and cons for leading a gang and I've seen that a lot of good gangs get disbanded over the most stupid reasons and I wanna be better than those leaders. I know for a fact that if I get a shot , I will not disappoint.

2. I have also broken some rules which i learned after getting punished now i think iam capable that i can get the people to know all the rules of proper roleplaying and i would be keeping a special team or old and experienced people from gangs who are there for a long time to help them and guide them how the gangs work and will be implementing a system where people who break rules will get strike and if they get 3/3 strikes they are fired from the organisation and every week 1 strike will be reduced same system as the warnings given by the god (I Would Like To Thank The Gods For This idea) and as usual some of the leaders are so scared of disbanding that they wont even leave hq but i will not be like that i will make all the ghetto fun and my dream

3. About my thinking of management and my plans for them? Only experience people will be in high commands rank, and they will managed our gang when i am not available in city. They have to be loyal and also good member for our org.

Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Improving the role-playing level in an organization can enhance teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Here are some actionable strategies:

: Firstly i am gonna choose most trusted high command in my org to improve role playing. Like they have to know how to behaive with our member. Make Sure they dont do any harmfull treatment towords our gang people.

2: Secondly we trained our gang mamber properly to become a best or good shooter and we have to improve their shootung skills/

3: The last one is to improve RolePlay level in the org , we have to do all event and all activities to improve our gang member experience and skills.

-0 verbel and 0 warning.
-No toxicity in the gang.
-Best team of to manage the gang.
-Getting 100% turf.
-Completing all the weekly tasks at time..
-Helping and teaching the new comers.
-Shutdown Government.
-Become mostwanted gang.

Ranking System :


Thank you
For reviewing my forum for ballas
Please consider it.

Regards : Fauget Ghost


Apr 26, 2024
1. Your name irl : Ivan sharma
2.your age irl : 16
3.your time zone : ist + 5:30
4.average online per day : 5-7 hours .
5.your discord : ivanuchihaghost
6.your nickname : Ivan Uchiha
7.your id : 148348 .

Additional information.
Leader of ballas

2. Why do you want to become leader of this organization ?

- I want to become leader of this organization because from past few days ballas has growed very much . My journey started 1 years ago when I came in to the city . From days to days I organized and taked a specific role in illegal organization. My specific abilities :
A . EXPERIENCE in illegal organization :
I have experience in illegal organization I was high command in every illegal organization in was deputy in various illegal organization . My experience am bursted when I became deputy from that day I gathered and extraordinary knowledge about gang . I was deputy in almost every gang once . And I can say that I am perfect for the leadership now
B. ADVANCE communication and managing skills
I can communicate the best way . My communication and organizing skills are the best . I organize and manage my org the best way . My goals are simple making the best term of ballas. I have skills and accomplishment knowledge about gangs . I manage my org very well .
C.HARD work in work and lifesacrifing work :
I have the record whenever I go to any gang any organization I feel lIke the organization is my temple is my place where I feel comfort . How can I betray my templey comfort place m so I work very hard for my organization and I can sacrifice my life for that.
3. Advice to improve roleplay system on organization :
My advice to improve roleplay in organization. Are simple

A. TAKING most professional and experienced high commands :
I will choose high experienced and professional high command in my organization so that a single minor rules cannot be broken .
B. TOXICITY in work place :
I will maintain a good and familiar workplace in my organization I will make sure everyone in my work are behaving well to each other . I will say to everyone behave as your brother
My goals :
100% clands daily attend
Try to not get a single strike in org
Doing fz day to day
Doing honesty in workplace
Hiring high professional gang units

My ranking system :
1. Freeze
2. Baby freeze .
3. Enforcer
4. Hunter
5. Drug lord
6. Fighter
7. Clapper
8. Turfer
9. Event leader .
10. Drug lord .
11. Capo turfer .
12. Og families
13. Under deputy .
14. Deputy
15. Leader

Thanks for taking a look at my application. I respect your response

He is capible

Dave Federal

Oct 9, 2024

  1. Your name IRL: Ghaith
  2. Your age IRL: 18
  3. Time zone: GMT +1
  4. Average online per day: 5 to 8 hours
  5. Your Discord: dave.federal
  6. Your Nickname: Dave
  7. Your ID: 141991
Additional information

  1. Leader of Ballas
  2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
    • Reason 1: I have strong leadership skills and can guide the team effectively.
    • Reason 2: I understand the dynamics of the game and can help create engaging storylines.
    • Reason 3: I am committed to improving the RolePlay experience for everyone involved.
  3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization:
    • Encourage more collaboration between members to enhance storylines.
    • Implement regular events and missions to keep the gameplay exciting.
    • Provide constructive feedback to each other to help everyone grow as roleplayers.
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