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IMPORTANT Applications for FIB

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Aug 13, 2024


  1. Name IRL: Petar
  2. IRL Age: 33
  3. Time Zone: GMT+1
  4. Average Online Per Day: 5-10 hours
  5. Discord: ethanhunt2.0
  6. Nickname: Ethan Hunt
  7. ID: 165330
Additional information:

Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. Improving Citizen Involvement and Public Relations
    My main goal is to improve FIB's reputation so that people and other organizations really want to work with us. To handle updates and promote public involvement, I would create a department dedicated to public relations. This team would hold discussions, provide updates on FIB activities, and show how we're helping fight crime. In order for FIB to stand out as a organization that people respect and want to have contact with, the goal is to strengthen our relationship with the public and build confidence.

  2. Bringing New Ideas and Responsibility
    I have prior experience with FIB, so I am aware of some of the problems we have run into. My leadership would be centered on taking responsibility and implementing a fresh strategy without making the same mistakes twice. To bring in new ideas and passion, I would assemble a core team of individuals who were not involved in the prior leadership. In order to ensure that we're constantly improving and keeping our operating course, I would also put up frequent feedback and reporting.

  3. Practical Organizational Improvements
    My third focus is to bring in simple, effective improvements that help both agents and the public. Instead of adding new departments, I’d work on making the current ones better by shifting responsibilities around a bit. This would let departments like Undercover and Intelligence work more smoothly on their main tasks. Simple changes, like improving how evidence and operations are handled, will keep agents from getting overloaded and help each team focus on giving the best service they can.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization

  1. Using FIB Buildings for Realistic RolePlay
    To make RolePlay more real, I’ll focus on using the FIB buildings we already have. The interrogation rooms will be used for in-character questioning, and we’ll also use the press and meeting rooms for public statements, which will help us connect more with the community. Plus, I’ll set up weekly training at the shooting range and the "Kill House" at the pier so agents can improve their skills and make the whole environment feel more realistic. We will be using the armored vehicles more frequently and that will also boost peoples moral.

  2. Organizing Public Engagement Sessions and Weekly Events
    More than just inner role-playing is required to build FIB's relationship with the citizens; it involves creating experiences in which people can take part. At the FIB headquarters, I will plan weekly Community Awareness Days so people can speak to agents, find out more about what the FIB does, and learn how to report crimes. By promoting community involvement, such events will make FIB less intimidating and accessible.

  3. Ceremonies for Promotion and Recognition
    Standard promotion ceremonies will be used to celebrate agent results, boost spirits, and create a feeling of brotherhood within FIB. We will celebrate agents' efforts based on open log and activity checks during weekly ceremonies at the Amphitheater instead of giving them promotions at random. The HR department will help with this by tracking agent improvement, checking certification for promotions.
best man for the job! Ethan Hunt on top


Aug 2, 2024
1. Your name IRL Ansh sahni
2. Your IRL age 17
3. Time zone (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day 8-10
5. Your Discord ansh993538
6. Your Nickname Ansh Minazuki
7. Your ID 169259
Additional information
1. Leader of FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 I’ve spent a lot of time in law enforcement organizations within the city, and holding high-command roles in FIB, LSPD, and SAHP. I know that leadership of FIB is a huge responsibility but still i want to become the leader of FIB because i know i can handle the leadership of FIB .
2.2 I have a team of amazing and experienced people that would assist me to lead FIB and we would be able to lead the organization into the correct direction and make it a powerful organization.
2.3 I want to become a leader because from the previous terms what I saw is that the organization was not much professional in terms of rp I will try my best to enhance the rp and activity as a leader of an organization like FIB.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
3.1 Improving the Internal Affairs department:
In my experience, i have observed that whenever the Internal Affairs department is even slightly inactive then the Roleplay level starts declining until the IA department becomes active and strict again because it is the department which is responsible for taking disciplinary actions on the organization members. That's why i will try to improve the IA department, So that it never becomes inactive or weak.
3.2 Standard of FIB training:
I have observed that because of some minor carelessness of the trainer or interviewer the employee who has newly joined FIB at the beginner rank starts making mistakes which causes them to suffer from disciplinary action against them. So, i will try to increase the standard of training and interviews of FIB employees, so that they get the best training from FIB which will help them not only in FIB but wherever they go.
3.3 I will make sure to train my Agents for basic rules and laws and twice a week i will go with them for shooting practice so that the atmosphere will be good and my bond with other Agents will be strong.
3.4 Relationship with other orgs
Since we are responsible for protecting the city from crime it is important to maintain a good and healthy relationship between other legal orgs as well so that we will try to remove crimes within the city.

Ansh Minazuki

Ex Chief commander (SAHP)
Ex, 1X Assistant director (FIB)
Ex 1X Assistant chief of police (LSPD)

Zevanindra Titan

Apr 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Shivam
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord - wolfgangster
6Your Nickname - Wolf Gangster
7. Your ID - 92745
Additional information
1. Leader of...Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) My thoughts on fib and why it need changes: FIB is one of the most important organization in city and it hold a significant amount of power in city icly and because of that lot FIB agents have let power go to there Head and because of that it has caused big issues so i want to change FIB back to how it was in old time it was disciplined , Agents were experienced and smart peoples and while it still had conflict with other orgs but it was never so bad so i want to become leader so i can make it better an od ia do not like seeing fib how its now it i will make sure that my agents are quality not quantity and don't let the power go to there Head and maintain a professional relationship and friendly to i want to show the city again that why FIB was so much respected and my IA and HR will drill there head with new things and discipline into there Head

2) My experience and how i can i use it: i been in city for 2 year nearly and i have acquired lot of experience in RP whether its legal or illegal i been in both and in high position and leader in my as Families leader for 2 months we had most active gang we did every rp event and i learned and teched lot of people in this time they also become leader and while i was ng leader ii learned lot about legislation and what power every org hold more better in my time as deputy governor i was very active as well nearly in every state inspection gp global i can attend and in ic events to and also by being lawyer i fought cases and also improved my negotiation skills i been undersheriff know and handle store and gun to and flighted in combats while i am lspd deputy i notice that city has it own small crime spots where leos need number and planning in that i am excellent yet don't think i just got the position no i know how hard you have to get rank and i respect each rank in my time doing all this and my lattes vagos term in that i did so much activity's bs hostage store and lot i used my experience to win even though we were low on numbers so with my experience i think i can use in fib to Win store and Gun store with my planning experience of location while in gang raids i know how to keep info inside the org and catch any spy while at subs i know how can i place my agents and surprise gang while in hostage sit i know to when to hide my self and when to negotiate and how to put pressure on gang members Because of m experience in city i nearly have learned mastered all of thing and i did notice new fib term with new agents that there lack of knowledge about legislation so i will try to fix it and i was scj 2 or 3 time i learned and know inner working of doj and i was also FA of fib and did events and undercover work that has add lot of new plans to my mind

3) A Team not enemy's: because i have been in city for long time i have lot of friends and contacts that are very experienced and loyal to me with them i can Fix fib and improve it while i will be not alone in this i will have support of other org as my agents will be polite and Professional and we will maintain good relationship with them i know that if state orgs Actually decided to cooperate fully and decided to be a team they cant lose any store or any situation because we have number even if we don't have numbers we have more advanced weapons and more weapons we have advanced technology yet we lose because of EGO.LACK of Trust so i will do my best as i can to improve the my and my agents make friends with other state employee and i WILL succeed in it because i already done it many time and i know that if i get the term i have support of all state leader and lot of HC i will actually do the training exercise that improve our coordination not just the act i will make sure that ITS not fib vs gov or ng ITS FIB,NG,GOV,SAHP.LSPD,EMS we are all together in it i will use my experience in FIB and other orgs to make sure that

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1,) More RP : I
have noticed that in lot of situation we rather just post forums and leave it to admin but i also want to do rp if a Corrupts officer or any state employee were being arrested they would do just code a and other would be post forum and leave it but i would like to make arrest warrant for him and some other case like that were we can do lot of rp but don't because reason other don't like

2) active leader: i been leader many time and i learned that if you have even the best deputy but leader is not active the members will be less active and i did make sure in nearly every term that i can be active as i can i nm y last term as vagos leader i make sure be active and lead every events i can and i interacted with my member that what keep a organization alive if there is no friendship or bonds no matter how much you pay them they will not stay

3) Real Academy: lot of agents and people in city think that FIB is perfect but i would say otherwise because i seen lot of mistake and issue from them as well so i would actually make academy that has teacher and where Agents can ask any doubts where they do not have to worry about being embarrassed and can ask anything and we are doing it right now in lspd because of this lot of old and new units have not done mistake because they are not afraid that if they asked that they will be reprimanded or made fun of not it will be a friendly and safe environment

My Departments

Spec ops:
Spec ops is back bone of FIB's Fighting force and its job to Response to every Global situation every store and every events That FIB can attend they identity will be hidden and they have partial immunity since they are A special department and Spec ops Agents can use heavy weapons and must be good at shooting and negotiating

IA: IA is one of the most important department of FIB its the departments that manages logs, cars, that Agents are in discipline and make sure internal working of ORG is good and in controller they

UC: UC is most important department of FIB since they are Responsible for Evidence needed for gang and black market raid that is conducted by FIB they goal is to go undercover catch wanted criminal , catch drugs and weapon deals , and get evidence on criminals organizations

OO- OO is UC department but it is more specialized and experienced Agents that will be put in this department there on and only Task is to get evidence on criminals organization and help the State in every way they can

HRT- HRT is department is often Underestimated in FIB but it is very important for FIB i will add specialized and Hard Training Programs for High commands also and HRT while handling Hiring and training of NON HC will have to mange that and it will also handle promotion with IA

My experience in a well organized form:-
My Experience -

Former NG Leader /2x/ Rank 30
Former Famlies Leader /2x/Rank 15
Former Vagos Leader / 1x/ Rank 16
Former MaraBunta Leader / 1x/ Rank 16
Former Fib Assistant Director and chief of staff / Rank 28 and Rank 27
Former MaraBunta deputy / Rank 14

Former Bloods deputy / Rank 14
Former Famlies deputy / Rank 14
Former Vagos Underdeputy / Rank 13
Former bloods UnderDeputy / Rank 13

Former Bunta UnderDeputy / Rank 13
Former Server Admin
Former Lt.general / Rank 29
Former Deptuy Govenor / Rank 29
Former Us attorney 1 and 2 /Rank 17/ Rank 23
Former USSS Director / Rank 26
Former Supreme court juged / 2x / Rank 26
Former SAHP Undersheriff / Rank 29
Former SAHP Chief commander / Rank 28

Right Now Deputy Chief of Police / Rank 29

My Rank System

30) Director
29) Deputy Director
28) Assistant Directors
27) Chief of Staff
26) 00 Handler
25) Head of Department
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) 00 agent
22) supervisor
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Agent
3) Field Assistant
2) LOA
1) Suspended

Thanks For Reading
Wolf Gangsters
Warm Regards
"Shivam, aka Wolf Gangstar, has truly redefined what it means to be a leader in Grand RP. As Fib Leader, his vision, strategy, and dedication to the community set him apart as one of the top players. A true asset to the RP world!"

Kelly Uchia

Jul 19, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Shivam
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 6 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord - wolfgangster
6Your Nickname - Wolf Gangster
7. Your ID - 92745
Additional information
1. Leader of...Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) My thoughts on fib and why it need changes: FIB is one of the most important organization in city and it hold a significant amount of power in city icly and because of that lot FIB agents have let power go to there Head and because of that it has caused big issues so i want to change FIB back to how it was in old time it was disciplined , Agents were experienced and smart peoples and while it still had conflict with other orgs but it was never so bad so i want to become leader so i can make it better an od ia do not like seeing fib how its now it i will make sure that my agents are quality not quantity and don't let the power go to there Head and maintain a professional relationship and friendly to i want to show the city again that why FIB was so much respected and my IA and HR will drill there head with new things and discipline into there Head

2) My experience and how i can i use it: i been in city for 2 year nearly and i have acquired lot of experience in RP whether its legal or illegal i been in both and in high position and leader in my as Families leader for 2 months we had most active gang we did every rp event and i learned and teched lot of people in this time they also become leader and while i was ng leader ii learned lot about legislation and what power every org hold more better in my time as deputy governor i was very active as well nearly in every state inspection gp global i can attend and in ic events to and also by being lawyer i fought cases and also improved my negotiation skills i been undersheriff know and handle store and gun to and flighted in combats while i am lspd deputy i notice that city has it own small crime spots where leos need number and planning in that i am excellent yet don't think i just got the position no i know how hard you have to get rank and i respect each rank in my time doing all this and my lattes vagos term in that i did so much activity's bs hostage store and lot i used my experience to win even though we were low on numbers so with my experience i think i can use in fib to Win store and Gun store with my planning experience of location while in gang raids i know how to keep info inside the org and catch any spy while at subs i know how can i place my agents and surprise gang while in hostage sit i know to when to hide my self and when to negotiate and how to put pressure on gang members Because of m experience in city i nearly have learned mastered all of thing and i did notice new fib term with new agents that there lack of knowledge about legislation so i will try to fix it and i was scj 2 or 3 time i learned and know inner working of doj and i was also FA of fib and did events and undercover work that has add lot of new plans to my mind

3) A Team not enemy's: because i have been in city for long time i have lot of friends and contacts that are very experienced and loyal to me with them i can Fix fib and improve it while i will be not alone in this i will have support of other org as my agents will be polite and Professional and we will maintain good relationship with them i know that if state orgs Actually decided to cooperate fully and decided to be a team they cant lose any store or any situation because we have number even if we don't have numbers we have more advanced weapons and more weapons we have advanced technology yet we lose because of EGO.LACK of Trust so i will do my best as i can to improve the my and my agents make friends with other state employee and i WILL succeed in it because i already done it many time and i know that if i get the term i have support of all state leader and lot of HC i will actually do the training exercise that improve our coordination not just the act i will make sure that ITS not fib vs gov or ng ITS FIB,NG,GOV,SAHP.LSPD,EMS we are all together in it i will use my experience in FIB and other orgs to make sure that

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1,) More RP : I
have noticed that in lot of situation we rather just post forums and leave it to admin but i also want to do rp if a Corrupts officer or any state employee were being arrested they would do just code a and other would be post forum and leave it but i would like to make arrest warrant for him and some other case like that were we can do lot of rp but don't because reason other don't like

2) active leader: i been leader many time and i learned that if you have even the best deputy but leader is not active the members will be less active and i did make sure in nearly every term that i can be active as i can i nm y last term as vagos leader i make sure be active and lead every events i can and i interacted with my member that what keep a organization alive if there is no friendship or bonds no matter how much you pay them they will not stay

3) Real Academy: lot of agents and people in city think that FIB is perfect but i would say otherwise because i seen lot of mistake and issue from them as well so i would actually make academy that has teacher and where Agents can ask any doubts where they do not have to worry about being embarrassed and can ask anything and we are doing it right now in lspd because of this lot of old and new units have not done mistake because they are not afraid that if they asked that they will be reprimanded or made fun of not it will be a friendly and safe environment

My Departments

Spec ops:
Spec ops is back bone of FIB's Fighting force and its job to Response to every Global situation every store and every events That FIB can attend they identity will be hidden and they have partial immunity since they are A special department and Spec ops Agents can use heavy weapons and must be good at shooting and negotiating

IA: IA is one of the most important department of FIB its the departments that manages logs, cars, that Agents are in discipline and make sure internal working of ORG is good and in controller they

UC: UC is most important department of FIB since they are Responsible for Evidence needed for gang and black market raid that is conducted by FIB they goal is to go undercover catch wanted criminal , catch drugs and weapon deals , and get evidence on criminals organizations

OO- OO is UC department but it is more specialized and experienced Agents that will be put in this department there on and only Task is to get evidence on criminals organization and help the State in every way they can

HRT- HRT is department is often Underestimated in FIB but it is very important for FIB i will add specialized and Hard Training Programs for High commands also and HRT while handling Hiring and training of NON HC will have to mange that and it will also handle promotion with IA

My experience in a well organized form:-
My Experience -

Former NG Leader /2x/ Rank 30
Former Famlies Leader /2x/Rank 15
Former Vagos Leader / 1x/ Rank 16
Former MaraBunta Leader / 1x/ Rank 16
Former Fib Assistant Director and chief of staff / Rank 28 and Rank 27
Former MaraBunta deputy / Rank 14

Former Bloods deputy / Rank 14
Former Famlies deputy / Rank 14
Former Vagos Underdeputy / Rank 13
Former bloods UnderDeputy / Rank 13

Former Bunta UnderDeputy / Rank 13
Former Server Admin
Former Lt.general / Rank 29
Former Deptuy Govenor / Rank 29
Former Us attorney 1 and 2 /Rank 17/ Rank 23
Former USSS Director / Rank 26
Former Supreme court juged / 2x / Rank 26
Former SAHP Undersheriff / Rank 29
Former SAHP Chief commander / Rank 28

Right Now Deputy Chief of Police / Rank 29

My Rank System

30) Director
29) Deputy Director
28) Assistant Directors
27) Chief of Staff
26) 00 Handler
25) Head of Department
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) 00 agent
22) supervisor
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Agent
3) Field Assistant
2) LOA
1) Suspended

Thanks For Reading
Wolf Gangsters
Warm Regards
best leaderr


Jun 6, 2024
When I was a 1 year old kid FIB got disbanded now i am a old guy having 69 kids but still Admins are taking ages to select a leader. Anyways guess what I died but still FIB Didn't reformed and please let me know if FIB reforms in this dimension. I will come out of my graveyard to see.


Charles Lynx

Oct 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Marwane
2. Your age IRL : 21
3. Time zone : GMT+1
4. Average online per day: 8-12Hrs
5. Your Discord : charleslynx
6. Your Nickname: charles lynx
7. Your ID : 177568
Additional information
1. Leader of The Federal Investigation Bureau

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- I want to be the leader of this organization, because since my beginning in the city, I have joined some of the state’s organizations, and I achieved a high rank in each of them, according to my sufficient experience.
- Secondly, I will do everything in my power to be one of the greatest FIB leaders and make my name known to everyone in the city
-Thirdly, I will do everything in my power to reduce the crime rate in the city, and you will notice the difference
-I also gained sufficient experience in the State organization, and I believe that I am strongly prepared to become a leader, and I also deserve the opportunity to be a leader of this organization.
- Likewise, my character inside the city has no friends, and the most important thing at this point is that no one will take his rank to someone who deserves it.
-I will also do my best to ensure that my organization does not receive any punishment from the cruators

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I will give rewards from my own money so that everyone will be satisfied with me
- Also, during my term, my units will be active day and night and respond to all emergency situations
- Likewise, I will empower everyone in my group and teach them all the city’s laws from scratch until they are able, and I assure you that every person in my group will not receive punishment from the Admin.
- I will also do everything I can during my term so that my organization does not receive any punishment from officials
- I will listen to all cruator orders

Ranking system

30) Director
29) Deputy Director
28) Assistant Directors
27) Chief of Staff
26) 00 Handler
25) Head of Department
24) Deputy Head of Departmen
23) Supervisor
22) 00 agent
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Field Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Assistant
3) Trainee
2) LOA
1) Suspended
Last edited:

Jatt Prabhjeet

Sep 8, 2024

1) IRL NAME – Prabhjeet Singh

2) IRL AGE – 18

3) TIME ZONE - UTC +5:30

4) Average online Per Day – 3 to 4 Hours

5) Discord – GOV | Prabhjeet

6) Nickname – Prabhjeet Ghost

7) ID - 159579

Additional Information

1) Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB)

2) Why do you want to be a leader of Federal Investigation Bureau?

i) Since i came in city i firstly joined the government as GOV intern 8/07/2024 and i got promoted to USSS Agent after two days on 10/07/2024 then the government term was ended and we all got fired then i joined government back as GOV intern then i go to DOC as DOC Officer so and i stayed there for almost 4 months now i am the DOC Director of DOC.

ii) i have joined SAHP also as trooper rank i meet with many peoples and many of them are my friend in the city i have a like great connection with SAHP and GOVERNMENT because these department give me lots of opportunities i every kind of things.

iii) I have a dream of FIB leader since i came in this city and i want to give best to FIB also like i give to GOVERNMENT so i will give same efforts to FIB i will make sure that FIB should be a best department in the city and eliminate the crimes of the city with my whole department help i have a great connections in DOC as well i can make my units fell free to ask me anything and i am ready to help each and everyone and we make sure that we don't make any kind of mistake and i want to become a leader of FIB because it's was my dream to be an FIB leader.

3) Your advices for improving Roleplay in Organization.

i) I will make sure that the department i am going to make in my term will have the best head of departments because if their heads are perfect and making zero mistakes then the lower units will automatically make zero mistake all the units see their high commands how they are doing their work then they do like that we will make sure that we are going each and every crimes areas and arrest the the criminals so the Roleplay will improve and play a perfect Roleplay in my term there are several things like communication skill you knowledge about that work and many more things help you to improve your Roleplay in the Organization and make the perfect department in the city.
ii) I will make a bonus system for my units to get the best bonus for their Hardwork.
iii) I will make sure that my units will available 24/7 in the city and respond to each and every situation

Departments i am going to follow in my term is

i) Human Resources

ii) Internal Affairs

iii) FIB Intelligence

iv) OO Agents

------MY RANK SYSTEM------

Deputy Director
Asst. Director
Chief of staff
OO Handler
Federal Attorney
Head of Departments
Deputy Head of Departments
-----High commands----
Supervisor of Departments
OO Agents
Black Ops Agent III
Black Ops Agent II
Black Ops Agent I
Elite Agent
Senior SSA
Junior Elite Agent
Federal SSA
Senior Field Agent
Field Agent
Junior Field Agent
Junior SSA Agent
Field Operative
Field Assistant


My Experience
Former USSS Agent
Former DOC Officer
Former SAHP Master Trooper
Former DOC Supervisory Officer
Now i am currently DOC Director

Signed By
Prabhjeet Ghost

Jacob Brown

Oct 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Liam
2. Your IRL age : 18
3. Time zone : UTC Time
4. Average online per day : 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord : jacobbishopp
6. Your Nickname : Jacob Bishop
7. Your ID : 23646
Additional information
1. Leader of... FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have been a HC in every LEO organisations and i have seen that the FIB is often the most crucial organization when it comes to gang raids, black market raids and even subs and the reason i want to become the director of FIB is because the idea of leading those raids interests me and i know i have the skills needed to carry out a successful FIB term since i am an experience role player.

FIB was the second organization i joined once arriving in this city from city 1 i worked my way up from special agent during muz trappy's term and a few terms later i ranked up all the to Head of department heading towards 00 Handler before the term ended. The reason i want to lead FIB is because i understand the importance it has and i understand that FIB is a very desirable job within the city and if i have the chance to lead it i know i will outperform every single other person who is a candidate for FIB leader.

I also want the chance to lead a unbiased organization where every single agent is treated fairly and with respected meaning everyone has the chance to rank up and get to the top.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
I will hold basic and advanced training for all new agents before they head into the city to patrol. This training will include how to avoid fail rp, fear rp, metagaming, power gaming and other rule breaks. This will ensure FIB leads a rule break free term and becomes the best organization once again.

There will be a weekly small ceremony where we congratulate all agents who have ranked up over the past week. Which i hope will give the agents some pride in their actions and also make them work as hard as possible to achieve a rank up.

When joining a department such as undercover department i would like all new agents to go through a training phase which will help them understand their roles in the department, how to avoid strikes and demotions and how to properly rp within their department to avoid any mistakes during the FIB term.

If there is any mistakes no matter how small i think there should be a weekly meeting with all agents to go over any mistakes and make them aware of how to avoid them in the future.

=========High Command=======|
30) Director|
29) Deputy Director|
28) Assistant Directors|
27) Chief of Staff|
26) 00 Handler|
25) Head of Department|
========High Commands========/
24) Deputy Head of Department
23) Supervisor
22) 00 agent
21) Commanding Agent
20) Black Ops Agent III
19) Black Ops Agent II
18) Black Ops Agent I
17) Elite SSA
16) Senior Elite Agent
15) Elite Agent
14) Federal SSA
13) Senior Federal Agent
12) Federal Agent
11) Senior Special Agent
10) Senior Agent
9) Senior Field Agent
8) Field Agent
7) Senior Field Operative
6) Field Operative
5) Junior Operative
4) Field Assistant
3) Trainee
2) LOA
1) Suspended

My Experience
Former Chief of staff SAHP
Former Chief of HR SAHP
Former Head of department FIB
Former 00 Agent FIB
Former LSPD Executive Assistant Chief
Former NG Brigadier General
Former NG Major
Former Deputy Chief of staff SAHP
Former Elite Agent FIB
Former LSPD Head of department
Former Deputy chief of HR SAHP
Former NG Colonel
Former NG Sergeant

Thank you for reading my application i hope i will have the chance to become FIB Director!
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Ahmad Asiri

Jul 10, 2024

1: Your name IRL: Ahmad

2: Your IRL Age: 19
3: Time Zone: GMT +5
4: Average online per day: 10-14 hours
5: Your Discord: ahmadasiri4616
6: Your Nickname: Ahmad Asiri
7: Your ID: 163020

Additional Information

1: Leader of FIB.

2: Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become a leader to apply and grow my skills using the experience and insights I gained as Deputy Director. My time in that role allowed me to assess situations closely, work alongside the leader, and guide others in his absence. This has prepared me to lead effectively and set a strong example for others to follow. I’m ready to put my knowledge into action and ensure that the experience I’ve gained continues to benefit the organization.

I have a dedicated team of individuals committed to support my organization by actively participating in different events. This includes gathering evidence against gangs, responding to hostage situations to ensure the safe rescue of victims, participating in armed robberies of stores, and responding to ATM and house robberies which is rare these days. Their teamwork in these situations is essential to keep the organization strong as teamwork makes the dream work.

I have complete experience and knowledge to evaluate and verify evidences taken against gangs, and created over a dozen case files which were approved. I’ve also led gang raids and am confident in my ability to guide my team and work well with other legal orgs during the raid. I’m skilled at handling complex situations, ensuring strategic teamwork, and making our efforts as effective as possible.

3: Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

We could collaborate with the Government to organize an event at the Capitol, where all legal organizations will be present. We will not only recruit citizens but also have experts from each organization who will be answering their questions. Civilians can learn about the benefits and reasons to join each org, creating a more interactive and engaging RP experience.

Another way to improve RP is by doing regular checkups on legal organizations. This will encourage more interaction and RP between different orgs. While this has been done in other GrandRP servers, it hasn't happened in EN02 yet. With approval, I plan to start this to help increase engagement between legal organizations.

I’ll make a dedicated team for hostage situations, which will arrive at the situation only for negotiations and after the gangsters finish negotiating the squad will leave. They will be trained and experienced due to which the roleplay at the situations will be at it's peak and there won't be any mistakes made, it will be better than sending random people every time which always causes a fault in the RP and trouble.

Michael Mayors

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Mar 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL- Obaid
2. Your IRL age- 22
3. Time Zone- GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours per day
5. Your Discord- michael_2959
6. Your Nickname- Michael Mayors
7. Your ID: 141929

Additional information
1. Leader of FIB

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I aspire to lead FIB because I had a good experience in legal organizations and I have served as a 28th General of National Guard and completed the whole term with only one single warning apart from it I was a Lt general in Suki walker's NG term and I have completed entire term with 1.5 warning only, I Had a good experience in LSPD, SAHP, GOV and FIB too. So, I’m confident that I can lead FIB with my good experience apart from it I will maintain a good and positive relationship with other organizations for any kind of threats and criminal activities.

- I will implement good and positive environment within the Organization and implement zero toxicity within the FIB and ensuring that all interactions with other legal organization are conducted with most respected manners.

- As a leader l will trust and support other agents in all the possible way and I will conduct regular feedback session which help us to build strong bond with each other and where every agent will get a chance to give their opinions and give some ideas to make FIB the best legal organization in the state.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

- I will try to give proper information about the city’s rules and regulations so that people can’t do any kind of mistakes. I’ll also give Proper training for new people to help them and understand how legal organization works and how they can provide safety to the citizens.

- I plan to give incentives like joining bonuses and rewards for taking part in all events and special operations. I’ll also add extra bonuses for night shifts to keep our agents motivated. Additionally, I’ll introduced weekly promotion ceremony based on their performance and No favoritism will be given.

- I will introduce Strict disciplinary system, and I will not allow any agents to do toxicity within the organization and with other organization as well and further, anyone who breaks the rules will face serious consequences and everyone will have to follow proper chain of command.

Thank you for Reading


Micheal Mayors

Ex-EN2 Admin
Ex-General (NG)
Ex-LT. General (NG)
Ex- ACP of HR (LSPD)
Ex- COS of HR (LSPD)
Ex- Director of Department (GOV)

Ex- HOD of HR (FIB)
Ex- Chief Commander (SAHP)

Pina Reapers

Supports, Media & State Curator
Server Administrator
Apr 12, 2023
The following players have been selected for the FIB Leader interview. Congrats!!

Leo Malone - 31129 - commandermalo
Rihan Pluxury - 132122 - sweatygameryt
Razwad Rogue - 128026 - raeed03
Wolf Gangster - 92745 - wolfgangster
Michael Mayors - 141929 - michael_2959

Interviews will be held on Monday, November 18th 2024 at 18:00 Server Time

Applications for FIB leader closed.​
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