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IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

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Styx Wood

Sep 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Sata
2. Your age IRL: 21
3. Time zone: gmt +1
4. Average online per day: 7-9 hours
5. Your Discord: styx9684
6. Your Nickname: Styx Wood
7. Your ID:: 72747
Additional information
1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I would like to be the leader of Marabunta cause I have so much experience and i have play in EN1,EN2 And EN3 around 2-3 year i was deputy in gangs side before and aswell so i have good experience how to lead events how to controle my member so they dont break any rule in the city.
2. I like to leade events and i like to help people and i will teach them rules and i sure they will have good knowledge from me also turfs are important thing so ill be careful about it and trying to do my best to take 100% also will be focused on the other events like the clandestine , battleship and more events also the ghetto for sure we will be active there to take the control over the other gangs
3. I will be interested for being active in the most important activities in the gangs which is against the LEOs [ FZ Raids , Store Robberies , Vehicle theft , Submarines ].
im sure my activte against leos will be improvde RP in the city

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
• I plan on having set ranks within the gang with specific responsibilities and expectations. For Example, I would have a rank called "Turf Captain" and this rank with be responsible for leading the turf team, giving members on the turf team tips and tricks, making sure all the turf members are showing up during turfs and overall managing the turf team. I would then also have a rank called "Turf thug", this rank will be given to all the members of the turf team besides the "Captain" and they will be expected to follow the turf captain and fill the ghetto map in Blue.
• I will make sure when being recruited members are thoroughly interviewed and tested on their knowledge of ghetto rules. For example, I will have a specific team of people/rank that is assigned to recruiting members and they will be provided with a interview manual which will consist of questions regarding rules like "Are you allowed to run into HQ while being chased by another gang?" and i will add in a statement that makes my recruiting team aware players must be 5 years old in the city just to steer clear from recruiting members who join and arent active in the city and to ensure they have atleast some experience within the city.
• I would also like to have a separate "bank account" for the gang, this will NOT be the IC organization balance but i would like to have ONE TRUSTED member in the gang that keeps a percent of the money we earn and are rewarded with from events and the money saved will be used to help members in the gang buying skills that will help them in the gang. For example, the pickpocket skill is $300.000 and if a member wasnt able to afford the skill on their own and had not earned it we could help them by providing some money to go towards buying the skill.
• During store robberies and other events i will announce strict comms, this means that over the radio members should refrain from unnecessary conversations and until informed otherwise by me the chatter on radio should only consist of, callouts and information that is important or helpful during the event.
• This wont be required but it will be suggested to all members. To refrain from getting warnings and having members get punished I would like any members that are going out to rob, ghetto clap and doing sprays to inform me or a high command over radio where they are going and what they are going to do.
• From what ive seen around the city i know some people will start "mixing" during RP situations when others break rules, to try and avoid this i will try to tell all my members when a other player breaks the rules in a situation to just continue the situation if possible and grab bodycam of what the player is doing wrong and make a report after the situation or if the situation can no longer be continued they should just make sure the incident is on bodycam and walk away from the situation without mixing or insulting others.
Thanks for taking your time to read my application!

Don Pluxury

Server Administrator
Sep 1, 2024
1. Harshit Agarwal
2. 18
3. GMT+5:30
4. approximately 8 hours
5. dongamerboss
6. Don Pluxury
7. 170127
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 In the starting of my journey in this city i always wanted to join a gang and wanted to become the biggest criminal but after somedays learning the rules of this server i go to marabunta to join them after joining i understand the gang system and i understand the one who is biggest criminal is the gang leader than i decided too become the gang leader
2.2 Since i started my journey to become a leader of the gang i start doing hard work day and night i try too attend all the possible events i can. I got so much experience in less time. I got high command in all the gangs i try every possible things to become a gang leader after several month, Now i am ready to become a gang leader.
2.3 After i got potential to become a gang leader i decided to choose marabunta because it was my first gang and i personally like this gang because it has a different ghetto area and have some advantages which other gangs doesn't have thats why i chose this gang
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I will introduce good roleplay level in organisation by making a separate graffiti team which will be lead by the graffiti leader and
also make good turfing team which will respond to every events some examples are clands, battleship, 24/7 Store Robbery, Gun
Store Robbery, FZ Raids. I will make a team which hires people based on their knowledge. There would also be a lot more strategy at events it wouldn't just be running in circle and shooting. Store robberies would cause for more serious roleplay, Better negotiating on both legal and the illegal side it would cause for better setups when it comes to how gangs set up and how cops' setup. You don't see many hostage situations where the cops and gang members are face to face having a conversation and negotiating, the situation should be more intense and more serious.

My Ranking System:
1. Freeze
2. Newbie
8.Graffiti Leader
9.Event Manager
11.Event Leader
13.Under Deputy
14.OG Bunta

With Regards
-Don Pluxury

Lucifer XOXO

Mar 13, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Vibhu
2. Your age IRL: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5.00
4. Average online per day: 7hours
5. Your Discord: rezx.xoxo
6. Your Nickname: Tillu Sanda
7. Your ID: 135193
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become a leader of Marabunta because the organization itself has left a great impact on me in the past. I was Deputy, I can lead the Gang as Leader and It will be most active term in the history of the Los Santos .

2.) I have a lot of experience in crime itself, I was Deputy of Gangs 6 times, Now I would like to become Leader and take over the organization and push for two mandates.

3.) I think that I am able to take on the responsibility of being a leader, and I will dedicate myself to my organization as much as possible, which is why I want to become the leader of this organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- Before entering the organization, members will be required to be tested on most Roleplay and Ghetto rules!!

- And the main reason is that lately there are less and less criminal actions on the server and Roleplay is getting smaller, I would like to change that and improve the Roleplay on this server, so that there are more criminal actions.

- Gun store robberies - There is also a function for the gang to attack the store 24/7, I will focus on this one because the gun store robbery is a function that only the gang can use. Heists like these are currently performed with minimal RP. It all boils down to I have (two) hostages, "okay bring them", "here are the hostages, give me 200k for both and let's shoot". There is no RP there, we as bandits should RP mentally unstable criminals who are ready to kill an innocent hostage at any moment, negotiations with us should be a headache for the police and should take time, the police should convince us not to kill the hostage and that let's save him, and we play mentally unstable crazy people who don't care. With that way of RP, I think that the police would also be delighted, they would be given the task of convincing us not to kill the hostage and their role in RP would be exciting.

Thanks for Reading my application

Remo Dsouza

Oct 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Harry Joseph

2. Your age IRL : 17

3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30

4. Average online per day : 9hours

5. Your Discord : noahcrimson

6. Your Nickname : Remo Dsouza

7. Your ID : 175117

1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A) Like i have a very good experience in gangs and i was the Deputy of bloods and i think its a time for me to lead a gang
and i know i can lead a gang very well as i have good experience in all illegal orgs and legal as well.

B) My plan will be to create my own Daily tasks that i have to do daily Fz , Gun Store Robbery , Store , etc and 1 hostage situation a day so my gang will never feel inactive and everyone will enjoy to be a part of the gang
and i have to create so much of situations i can. As leader, I will handle all gang issues fairly and won’t take sides. I know LEOs move and can plan defenses. I’ll work with my deputies to keep gang strong and active.
I have to dominate the getto to show other gangs the power of Bunta.

C) I will spend time my with members to build a bond with them and help them learn things quickly. and i will also issue very good amount of bonus to members
My goal will be to give new players chances to do things like robbing people and more, so they don’t get bored

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) I will make sure every highcommand have good experience and know the rules and there will be no favouritism
I will try best to keep my gang united! as i mentioned above im gonna give opportunities to everyone to learn things

2) I will pick different locations for situations to make situations more interesting.
im gonna give very good bonuses to attend events. and will also help members to escape from doc and make situations

3) If i will see anybody doing toxicity iam gonna take strict action for them!


100% Turf
Dominate Getto
Complete term in 0 warn and 0 verbal

My Ranking System Will Be :

16. Leader
15. Deputy
14. Under Deputy
13. OG Bunta
12. Turfer
11. Event Leader
10. Mafia
9. Warload
8. Graffiti Leader
7. Druglord
6. Graffitist
5. Gangster
4. Criminal
3. Shooter
1. Freeze


Remo Dsouza

Don Pluxury

Server Administrator
Sep 1, 2024
1. Harshit Agarwal
2. 18
3. GMT+5:30
4. approximately 8 hours
5. dongamerboss
6. Don Pluxury
7. 170127
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 In the starting of my journey in this city i always wanted to join a gang and wanted to become the biggest criminal but after somedays learning the rules of this server i go to marabunta to join them after joining i understand the gang system and i understand the one who is biggest criminal is the gang leader than i decided too become the gang leader
2.2 Since i started my journey to become a leader of the gang i start doing hard work day and night i try too attend all the possible events i can. I got so much experience in less time. I got high command in all the gangs i try every possible things to become a gang leader after several month, Now i am ready to become a gang leader.
2.3 After i got potential to become a gang leader i decided to choose marabunta because it was my first gang and i personally like this gang because it has a different ghetto area and have some advantages which other gangs doesn't have thats why i chose this gang
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I will introduce good roleplay level in organisation by making a separate graffiti team which will be lead by the graffiti leader and
also make good turfing team which will respond to every events some examples are clands, battleship, 24/7 Store Robbery, Gun
Store Robbery, FZ Raids. I will make a team which hires people based on their knowledge. There would also be a lot more strategy at events it wouldn't just be running in circle and shooting. Store robberies would cause for more serious roleplay, Better negotiating on both legal and the illegal side it would cause for better setups when it comes to how gangs set up and how cops' setup. You don't see many hostage situations where the cops and gang members are face to face having a conversation and negotiating, the situation should be more intense and more serious.

My Ranking System:
1. Freeze
2. Newbie
8.Graffiti Leader
9.Event Manager
11.Event Leader
13.Under Deputy
14.OG Bunta

With Regards
-Don Pluxury
Close it

Don Pluxury

Server Administrator
Sep 1, 2024
. Harshit Agarwal
2. 18
3. GMT+5:30
4. approximately 8 hours
5. dongamerboss
6. Don Pluxury
7. 170127
Additional information
Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 When I had joined grand rp i always wanted to join a gang as i thought being in a gang would change my life. But at that time i knew very little about the rules. My first choice was marabunta as i had loved the colour of the gang. The high commands of marabunta also taught me about the rules and from that point onwards marabunta became my favourite gang.
2.2 Being in a gang i can get involved in a lot of criminal activities in which i am interested from a long while and after seeing the gang Marabunta i can feel that Marabunta is the correct place to get this much experience for its position of hq, lovely interface and high quality of experienced gang members. So I think its another proper reason of being the leader of this gang.
2.3 I have visited most of the gangs of EN2 Server but i have saw the proper manners and the terror of Marabunta the most as
in the last term Marabunta was on top so I just want to continue the legacy and break the latest record of all the previous leaders.
So I think its enough as the final reason to own this OG terrorist organization
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
will introduce good roleplay level in organization by making a separate graffiti team which will be lead by the graffiti leader and
also make good turfing team which will respond to every events some examples are clands, battleship, 24/7 Store Robbery, Gun
Store Robbery, FZ Raids. I will make a team which hires people based on their knowledge.

My Ranking System:
. Freeze
2. Newbie
3. Clapper
4. Runner
5. Scout
6. Associate
7. Graffitist
8. Graffiti Leader
9. Event Manager
10. Thug
11. Event Leader
12. Turfer
13. Under Deputy
14. OG Bunta
15. Deputy
16. Leader

With Regards
-Don Pluxury


Sep 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Parm Sidhu

2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 7-9 hours
5. Your Discord: Parmsidhu.
6. Your Nickname: Parm Sidhu
7. Your ID: 170705

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization ? (List three reasons with explanation)

Ans :- 1. I have enough experience in many legal and illegal orgs. I feel that i can make Marabunta Grande most active and strong and bring back the old and golden days of the Marabunta Grande, being a leader has always been my dream and i find this as the best time to avail this opportunity .

2. I spend my most of the time in Gangs and Gang Activities and Marabunta Grande is my favorite gang of all the time and i will improve event system of the Gang .

3. My unique and balanced style of running a gang will consist a mixture of various qualities of mine , like my leadership skills , my knowledge which i have gained during past few months , and i believe being a ex Under Deputy of Vagos i understand gang events system very well which makes me perfect for the position .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I will sincerely work on elimination of all kinds of favoritism , the gang members will get what they deserve , everyone will be recognized for their work and will be giving promotions and rank ups accordingly .

2. As a gang leader i will focus on smooth and active operations on every steps whether it is turfs or daily activity like store robbery , FZ raid etc.

3. In my term i will manage to get some member from another time zone by this way will managed to get most activity in Ghetto and Gang activity.

4. We will work on a strict hiring system which will prevent rule breaks in the gang and which will make the RP fun for everyone .


13) OG Bunta
10) AK47


Thanks , i can assure that choosing me wont be a regretful decision .

My experiences :-
1x Under Deputy of Vagos

1x NG brigadier General of Army
1x Rank 13 in Families

1x Rank 16( Elite SSA ) in FIB

Zeus Bigfist

Set your heart ablaze go beyond the limits
Nov 4, 2024
1. Nikhil Mandal
2. 17
3. GMT+5:30
4. approximately 7-9 hours
5. idk_0710w
6. Zeeus Federal
7. 169957
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 When I had joined grand rp i always wanted to join a gang as i thought being in a gang would change my life. But at that time i knew very little about the rules. My first choice was Marabunta as i had loved the colour of the gang. The high commands of Marabunta also taught me about the rules and from that point onwards Marabunta became my favourite gang.
2.2 Being in a gang i can get involved in a lot of criminal activities in which i am interested from a long while and after seeing the gang Marabunta i can feel that Marabunta is the correct place to get this much experience for its position of hq, lovely interface and high quality of experienced gang members. So I think its another proper reason of being the leader of this gang.
2.3 I have visited most of the gangs of EN2 Server but i have saw the proper manners and the terror of Marabunta the most as
in the last term Marabunta was on top so I just want to continue the legacy and break the latest record of all the previous leaders.
So I think its enough as the final reason to own this OG terrorist organization
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
For improving RolePlay level in the organization there will be a separate graffiti team which will be lead by the graffiti leader, also a good turfing team which will respond to every events some examples are clands, battleship, 24/7 Store Robbery, Gun Store Robbery, FZ Raids, Subs,etc.My members will hire people based on their knowledge and experience.

Ranking System
16. Leader
14.Under- Deputy
13.OG Marabunta
11.Event Leader
10. Graffiti Leader


Mar 22, 2024
Your name IRL: Taha

Your age IRL: 22

Time zone: GMT+01:00

Average online per day: 5-15 hours

Discord Username: simswatter

Your Nickname: Whale Gysas

Your ID : 144540

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2.Why d you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Marabunta was always the gang that I belonged to, even when it gets disbanded I never drop the blue flag anywhere else. I strongly believe that I have acquired the skills in order to be a leader, and not just any leader but Marabunta's, they have been my brothers ever since my first entry to the city, and I believe that it is time for me to take the throne and lead these blood-thirsty killers through the streets and dominate every corner there can be.

The future troops of this gang will leave a remarkable trace no matter where they set foot, taking over authorities with hostage situations and making decisive deals is nothing but a walk in the park for the members that I got onboard ready to sail into the battleship, raid through the Fort, dominate the Clandestine Shop and much more. Marabunta and its new leader and his members will open a door in this city no one knew existed.

There will be no idle moment for Marabunta when I get the leadership, if it wasn't a hostage situation, its a robbery, there will be so much going on, the graffiti is always in place and 10k+ is secured no matter how powerful other gangs think they can be, we can fight all day for the 10k and still have all the other events won by Marabunta, that is what power, loyalty and trust gets you within my gang. And right now, i got more than enough to takeover.

Not to mention That My main principle is to never break a single rule, I've got the best turfers there are on the city and they are on my side and they all know all the rules and how to raise even a newbie member that just joined to become a very strict gangbanger that stands by the rules and on the skulls of our competitors.

3. Your advice for improving roleplay level in organization.

I will build a team that will fight over graffiti all the time regardless if we having an event or not. Another team that will attend and takeover the events, and I know exactly who to put in what position.

Global events will take place very often.

If some other gang is willing to cooperate for a certain task, as long as there is common good and trust we can be partners.

This organization will be like a brotherhood, if anyone from a deputy to a newbie got attacked, we will always be there for the support no matter how hard the situation is, either we all go to jail or no one does.

Dominating the ghetto is just a piece of cake, and robbing everyone that passes by on our free time.

I will do my best to take 100% turf again but this time with me as the leader.

Definitely going to be the most active gang in the city.


attempting and winning every single event that we can start or join.

100% turfs .

Recruit the most players and leading them the right way to not break any rule.

Max graffiti profit the most hours of the day.

Ranking System:
13-Under Deputy
12-Og Bunta
11-Event Leader
08-Graffiti Leader

Thank you for reading my application.

Cranky Minazuki

Sep 20, 2024
1. Your name IRL
: Shresht Bhukania
2. Your age IRL : 24
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: shrey4299
6. Your Nickname: Cranky Minazuki
7. Your ID: 169927
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1) I want to become the Leader of Marabunta because the organization itself has left a great impact on me in past. I was a high command in Vagos and because of that i can lead the gang with all the experience i gained while being in Vagos.

2.2) If I get the leadership of Marabunta i will try to make it most active and working crime organisation. I also ensure that I will do FZ raid and store robbery on daily basis.

2.3) I will do hostage situation, 24/7 and gun store robbery regularly by following the server rules. I will make sure there will be crime activities at the top peak and I also have good relations around the city which will lead people to come and help me in making my term successful and also to help me in making the organisation most active.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I will make sure there would be no favoritism and ranks will be provided by the person's knowledge. I will make sure there will be no toxicity in my gang
I will try to do maximum number of graffiti per hour.

My Ranking System:
16) Leader
15) Deputy
14) Under-deputy
13) OG-Bunta
12) Turfer
11) Event Leader
10) Mafia
09) Druglord
08) Graffiti Leader
07) Graffitist
06) Warlord
05) Shooter
04) Hitman
03) Clapper
02) Newbie
01) Freeze

Cranky Minazuki

Max Vella

Aug 14, 2023
1. Vishal Chand Lalwani
2. 17
3. GMT+5:00
4. 5-6 Hours
5. stq0ckn
6. Maxx BoomBoom
7. 45277
Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization ? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have been connected to this server for a long time and I preferred gangs over legal orgs and got so much experience and made memories. I've had a lot of experiences in the criminal side, in various gangs, and taking high command roles everywhere I go. I consider my leadership to be good, witnessed by everyone in the city in several crime events and situations. I try to do the unexpected and what other people don't do. I will strive to keep the gang focused during my term, rewarding hard work and consistency. We will emphasize turfs, sprays, robberies, and everything in between.

I want to show people that joining a gang isn't just to fight and rob others, it's where they can make new friends and have a good time.I will make sure there are the Least Rule Breaks and Everyone is Following the Server Rules. I will make sure there is no Toxicity in the gang.

I will try to remove favouritism and toxicity from the gang as i will make high command to the deserving one and who actually knows rules. i have well prepared team for the events they will lead events successfully without any rulebreaks.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I have well prepared team for the events they will lead events successfully without any rulebreaks.

For the turfs i have a turf team it will make it easy to do 100% Turf.

We will try to invite experienced people so they dont break rules.

We will be actively present in the ghetto and keep it as active as possible.

We will do all of these RP by adhering to the rules, without any violation of the rules, and I will never allow violation of the rules. Any violation of rules will lead to kicks, strikes or being blacklisted by the gang.

2- Newbie
3- Bandit
4-Graffiti Team
5- Hommie
6- Clapper
7- Gangster
8- Mafia Lord
9- Gun Man
10-Event Leader
13- Under Deputy
14- THE OG

Kairo Cooper

Sep 12, 2024
1. Your name IRL
: Shresht Bhukania
2. Your age IRL : 24
3. Time zone : GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: shrey4299
6. Your Nickname: Cranky Minazuki
7. Your ID: 169927
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1) I want to become the Leader of Marabunta because the organization itself has left a great impact on me in past. I was a high command in Vagos and because of that i can lead the gang with all the experience i gained while being in Vagos.

2.2) If I get the leadership of Marabunta i will try to make it most active and working crime organisation. I also ensure that I will do FZ raid and store robbery on daily basis.

2.3) I will do hostage situation, 24/7 and gun store robbery regularly by following the server rules. I will make sure there will be crime activities at the top peak and I also have good relations around the city which will lead people to come and help me in making my term successful and also to help me in making the organisation most active.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I will make sure there would be no favoritism and ranks will be provided by the person's knowledge. I will make sure there will be no toxicity in my gang
I will try to do maximum number of graffiti per hour.

My Ranking System:
16) Leader
15) Deputy
14) Under-deputy
13) OG-Bunta
12) Turfer
11) Event Leader
10) Mafia
09) Druglord
08) Graffiti Leader
07) Graffitist
06) Warlord
05) Shooter
04) Hitman
03) Clapper
02) Newbie
01) Freeze

Cranky Minazuki
Cranky on top

Ronit Plays

Sep 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Roneet
2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord: ronitplayss28
6. Your Nickname: ronit playss
7. Your ID: 166901
Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization ? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 implementation of my plans i have gotten from other organizations including my efforts from Marabunta Grande

2.2 Plans for my leadership will implement a good impact for other Organization to maintain an professional high level of crime activity in city

2.3 execution of my plans and strategies will lead towards an progressive wanted crimes in city

2.4 Providing knowledge and my plans to my crime partners (gang members) to help them and the organization to perform more well and to have an progressive growth of organization.

2.5 My leadership may create a good experience for the citizens and Leos to get known how better gangs can actually perform the crimes in city with high level of skills and Professionalism

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Providing tasks to higherups on daily basis to maintain an proper activity within the organization.

3.2 Leading certain operations to provide a professional experience towards the citizen and Legal organizations for maintaining the terror of the crimes we will do in city on most high basis.

3.3 Having no tolerance in toxicity within the gang members to maintain a friendly and professional manner with members of organization

3.4 favoritism with members can be strictly prohibited for leader as well as each and every member of the organization to keep an equality status within the organization which would lead to show organization professionalism and strength within members of organization.

3.5 leading unique ideas within the certain situation to make Roleplay more interesting with legal organizations in friendly manner with respect to others as well

3.6 enclosing the best people of organization with great amount of bonus and high rank and position status

3.7 great organizations can be maintained with great experience and skilled members within organization and whenever in absence of leader the deputies and under deputies are the one who handle the organization and make sure that it goes same when it comes to the ground of growth even in absence of leader.

Achievements Willing to Execute In Organization:

  • High Crime Rate In City
  • Dominating Ghetto With Crimes
  • Not making any mistakes by any possible chances
  • maximum gang members in crimes to maintain terror in citizens
My Experience In Legal Organizations
Cheif commander SAHP (28)
Assistant cheif Of Police LSPD (28)
Assistant General Of NG(28)
Assistant Director FIB( 28)

DOC Director GOV (25)
My Experience In illegal Organizations
ex Under Deputy in ballas(14)
ex Under Deputy in marabunta grande(14)
ex Under Deputy in Vagos(14)

Thank you,
Ronit Playss
Last edited:

Jin Reacher

Sep 4, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Abhishek Bhardwaj
2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: UTC+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord: jin_reacher09
6. Your Nickname: Jin Reacherr
7. Your ID: 161022
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande....
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I want to be a Marabunta Leader because this is my first gang i ever joined in this city and also i want to dominate the city and want to spread terror of our gang amongst the citizens and Leos of Los Santos.

- The another reason i want to be a leader because i want to make Marabunta gang a most active gang in the city. As the leader I will make sure that we are Staying active, communicate regularly, and show that we are involved in all of the gang activities.
- I will support my all members with a good bonuses and make sure that everyone stays happy and make our gang a most active gang and try to create dominance amongst the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I will make sure to do Max graffities.

- I will make sure to achieve 100%turf.

- I will make sure to recruit maximum members who are active in city so i can make sure that our gang shows the best activities in the city to make a enjoyful roleplay in the city.

- We will try to do most FZ Raids, store robbery, Gun store robbery, highway robbery and hostage situations to spread the terror and enhance the roleplay.

Ranking System

16) Leader

15) Deputy

14) Under-deputy

13) OG-Bunta

12) Turfer

11) Event Leader

10) Mafia

09) Druglord

08) Graffiti Leader

07) Graffitist

06) Warlord

05) Shooter

04) Hitman

03) Clapper

02) Newbie

01) Freeze

Thanks for Reading My application.
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Lucifer XOXO

Mar 13, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Vibhu
2. Your age IRL: 17
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8hours
5. Your Discord: olivia_.00
6. Your Nickname: Olivia Hansley
7. Your ID: 135193
Additional information
1. Leader for Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- I have been on the server for a year, I have been in all criminal organizations and I have experience in leading them as a deputy many times.
- People in the city know me well as a relaxed and normal person, I never lose control of myself and I believe that it is quite important for leaders to be a role model for other members of the organization. I know everything about Gang organizations and I know how to make a quality RP. Based on my knowledge, I am sure that I will be able to lead it.
- I already have a lot of experienced people with whom I would start Leadership and who would be there for me and help me whenever needed.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
every day I would try to create as many actions as possible so that people do not get bored, for example (hostages, Store Robbries, submarines), we would lead them around the ghetto and give everyone the opportunity to rob.
- Ranks should be earned, they should prove themselves and not beg for rank, we will notice their activity and reward active people with ranks and bonuses
- The police would not be able to do anything to us as long as we were strong as an organization, and other organizations would not even be up to our knees.
Thanks for Reading my application.
( I have so much experience in Crime but not getting selected because of punishment history please consider me once give one chance to me it will be very helpful )
Ex Bloods Deputy 2x
Ex Vagos Deputy
Ex Marabunta Deputy
Ex Families Deputy
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Liam Unbeaten

Oct 24, 2023
1. Vishal Chand Lalwani
2. 17
3. GMT+5:00
4. 5-6 Hours
5. stq0ckn
6. Maxx BoomBoom
7. 45277
Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization ? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have been connected to this server for a long time and I preferred gangs over legal orgs and got so much experience and made memories. I've had a lot of experiences in the criminal side, in various gangs, and taking high command roles everywhere I go. I consider my leadership to be good, witnessed by everyone in the city in several crime events and situations. I try to do the unexpected and what other people don't do. I will strive to keep the gang focused during my term, rewarding hard work and consistency. We will emphasize turfs, sprays, robberies, and everything in between.

I want to show people that joining a gang isn't just to fight and rob others, it's where they can make new friends and have a good time.I will make sure there are the Least Rule Breaks and Everyone is Following the Server Rules. I will make sure there is no Toxicity in the gang.

I will try to remove favouritism and toxicity from the gang as i will make high command to the deserving one and who actually knows rules. i have well prepared team for the events they will lead events successfully without any rulebreaks.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I have well prepared team for the events they will lead events successfully without any rulebreaks.
For the turfs i have a turf team it will make it easy to do 100% Turf.

We will try to invite experienced people so they dont break rules.

We will be actively present in the ghetto and keep it as active as possible.

We will do all of these RP by adhering to the rules, without any violation of the rules, and I will never allow violation of the rules. Any violation of rules will lead to kicks, strikes or being blacklisted by the gang.

2- Newbie
3- Bandit
4-Graffiti Team
5- Hommie
6- Clapper
7- Gangster
8- Mafia Lord
9- Gun Man
10-Event Leader
13- Under Deputy
14- THE OG

Captain Happy

Sep 23, 2024
Personal Information

Your name IRL: Gaurav
Your age: 19
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Average online per day: 7 hours
Your Discord: gaurav_75
Your Nickname: Gaurav Destroyer
Your ID: 153224

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2.Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organization?

The reason I want to lead Marabunta is based on my dream of making their legacy relevant once again. Marabunta is more than a powerful organization-it is a community, and it has so much more potential to do great things.

I come from a High command experience background, so I know the ropes of leading. And because I'm a strategic thinker, I am focused on making Marabunta the most vibrant and respected gang in the city. Not about dominating events or completing tasks, but more of an equilibrium ecosystem where crime meets creativity and each member feels they are part of something legendary.

Apart from that, the perfect location of Marabunta allows for innovative RP scenarios, either a pre-planned heist, taken hostage situations, or just ghetto domination. My past success in organizations such as Vagos and Families has given me great confidence that I can reproduce it multi-folds, making Marabunta the benchmark of what a gang should be.

Most importantly, I believe in maintaining a clean RP environment. As a leader, I will ensure that the gang follows server rules meticulously while still pushing the boundaries of creativity in RP.

3.Suggestions for Enhancing the Roleplay Level in the Organization?

1. Systematic Recruitment: Hold interviews to let recruits understand what RP is all about and have a mentor to guide them up the ranks.
2. Lead by Example: Be an example of a rule-compliant, interesting RP to motivate the gang.
3. Reward System: Give bonuses or promotions for creativity, leadership, and performance.
4. Alliances and Rivalries: Create alliances and rivalries with other organizations for large-scale RP events.
5. Rule Education: Educate members on server rules to minimize violations and maintain professionalism.

These steps will make sure the gang becomes a creative and respected hub in the RP community.

Goals as a Leader

Rebuild Reputation: Marabunta once had a scary reputation in the city. I aim to rebuild it through high activity, rule adherence, and impactful RP scenarios.
Unique RP: Rather than turf wars, I would integrate unique RP events that would make Marabunta a hub for innovative and engaging crime scenarios.
Dominance in Events: I will ensure that my team is strong and cohesive, and we win all events consistently, so Marabunta becomes synonymous with victory.
Ghetto Control: Taking control of the ghetto is not just about power but about setting an example of strategic dominance.
Blue Legacy: I will make the color Blue feared and respected again, symbolizing strength and unity.
Strategies for Improving Roleplay in Marabunta
Rigorous Recruitment Process:
Interviews will be conducted with members to ensure they are aware of the basics of RP and the rules of the gang. This will reduce breaking of rules and keep the RP at a high level.

Member Development
For those failing the interview, I will teach and train them to make them better and also feel part of the gang. Strong bonds within the gang result in better coordination and loyalty.

Reward System:
Exceptional performance will be rewarded with generous bonuses and promotions. This will motivate members to actively participate in events and RP scenarios.

Active Leadership:
As a leader, I shall be present and engaged, leading through example in events, tasks, and RP situations. A leader's activity shapes the organization.

Rank System

Street Phantom
Hood Enforcer
Ghetto Predator
Block Marauder
Silent Assassin
Graffiti Kingpin
Gang Slayer
Underworld Ringleader
Chaos Bringer
Shadow Tyrant
Blood Revenant
Night Terror
Infernal Warlord
Urban Conqueror
Dread Sovereign

The Blue Overlord

Thanks for considering my application.

Gaurav Destroyer
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