1. Your name IRL: Sata
2. Your age IRL: 21
3. Time zone: gmt +1
4. Average online per day: 7-9 hours
5. Your Discord: styx9684
6. Your Nickname: Styx Wood
7. Your ID:: 72747
Additional information
1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I would like to be the leader of Marabunta cause I have so much experience and i have play in EN1,EN2 And EN3 around 2-3 year i was deputy in gangs side before and aswell so i have good experience how to lead events how to controle my member so they dont break any rule in the city.
2. I like to leade events and i like to help people and i will teach them rules and i sure they will have good knowledge from me also turfs are important thing so ill be careful about it and trying to do my best to take 100% also will be focused on the other events like the clandestine , battleship and more events also the ghetto for sure we will be active there to take the control over the other gangs
3. I will be interested for being active in the most important activities in the gangs which is against the LEOs [ FZ Raids , Store Robberies , Vehicle theft , Submarines ].
im sure my activte against leos will be improvde RP in the city
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
• I plan on having set ranks within the gang with specific responsibilities and expectations. For Example, I would have a rank called "Turf Captain" and this rank with be responsible for leading the turf team, giving members on the turf team tips and tricks, making sure all the turf members are showing up during turfs and overall managing the turf team. I would then also have a rank called "Turf thug", this rank will be given to all the members of the turf team besides the "Captain" and they will be expected to follow the turf captain and fill the ghetto map in Blue.
• I will make sure when being recruited members are thoroughly interviewed and tested on their knowledge of ghetto rules. For example, I will have a specific team of people/rank that is assigned to recruiting members and they will be provided with a interview manual which will consist of questions regarding rules like "Are you allowed to run into HQ while being chased by another gang?" and i will add in a statement that makes my recruiting team aware players must be 5 years old in the city just to steer clear from recruiting members who join and arent active in the city and to ensure they have atleast some experience within the city.
• I would also like to have a separate "bank account" for the gang, this will NOT be the IC organization balance but i would like to have ONE TRUSTED member in the gang that keeps a percent of the money we earn and are rewarded with from events and the money saved will be used to help members in the gang buying skills that will help them in the gang. For example, the pickpocket skill is $300.000 and if a member wasnt able to afford the skill on their own and had not earned it we could help them by providing some money to go towards buying the skill.
• During store robberies and other events i will announce strict comms, this means that over the radio members should refrain from unnecessary conversations and until informed otherwise by me the chatter on radio should only consist of, callouts and information that is important or helpful during the event.
• This wont be required but it will be suggested to all members. To refrain from getting warnings and having members get punished I would like any members that are going out to rob, ghetto clap and doing sprays to inform me or a high command over radio where they are going and what they are going to do.
• From what ive seen around the city i know some people will start "mixing" during RP situations when others break rules, to try and avoid this i will try to tell all my members when a other player breaks the rules in a situation to just continue the situation if possible and grab bodycam of what the player is doing wrong and make a report after the situation or if the situation can no longer be continued they should just make sure the incident is on bodycam and walk away from the situation without mixing or insulting others.
Thanks for taking your time to read my application!
1. Your name IRL: Sata
2. Your age IRL: 21
3. Time zone: gmt +1
4. Average online per day: 7-9 hours
5. Your Discord: styx9684
6. Your Nickname: Styx Wood
7. Your ID:: 72747
Additional information
1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I would like to be the leader of Marabunta cause I have so much experience and i have play in EN1,EN2 And EN3 around 2-3 year i was deputy in gangs side before and aswell so i have good experience how to lead events how to controle my member so they dont break any rule in the city.
2. I like to leade events and i like to help people and i will teach them rules and i sure they will have good knowledge from me also turfs are important thing so ill be careful about it and trying to do my best to take 100% also will be focused on the other events like the clandestine , battleship and more events also the ghetto for sure we will be active there to take the control over the other gangs
3. I will be interested for being active in the most important activities in the gangs which is against the LEOs [ FZ Raids , Store Robberies , Vehicle theft , Submarines ].
im sure my activte against leos will be improvde RP in the city
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
• I plan on having set ranks within the gang with specific responsibilities and expectations. For Example, I would have a rank called "Turf Captain" and this rank with be responsible for leading the turf team, giving members on the turf team tips and tricks, making sure all the turf members are showing up during turfs and overall managing the turf team. I would then also have a rank called "Turf thug", this rank will be given to all the members of the turf team besides the "Captain" and they will be expected to follow the turf captain and fill the ghetto map in Blue.
• I will make sure when being recruited members are thoroughly interviewed and tested on their knowledge of ghetto rules. For example, I will have a specific team of people/rank that is assigned to recruiting members and they will be provided with a interview manual which will consist of questions regarding rules like "Are you allowed to run into HQ while being chased by another gang?" and i will add in a statement that makes my recruiting team aware players must be 5 years old in the city just to steer clear from recruiting members who join and arent active in the city and to ensure they have atleast some experience within the city.
• I would also like to have a separate "bank account" for the gang, this will NOT be the IC organization balance but i would like to have ONE TRUSTED member in the gang that keeps a percent of the money we earn and are rewarded with from events and the money saved will be used to help members in the gang buying skills that will help them in the gang. For example, the pickpocket skill is $300.000 and if a member wasnt able to afford the skill on their own and had not earned it we could help them by providing some money to go towards buying the skill.
• During store robberies and other events i will announce strict comms, this means that over the radio members should refrain from unnecessary conversations and until informed otherwise by me the chatter on radio should only consist of, callouts and information that is important or helpful during the event.
• This wont be required but it will be suggested to all members. To refrain from getting warnings and having members get punished I would like any members that are going out to rob, ghetto clap and doing sprays to inform me or a high command over radio where they are going and what they are going to do.
• From what ive seen around the city i know some people will start "mixing" during RP situations when others break rules, to try and avoid this i will try to tell all my members when a other player breaks the rules in a situation to just continue the situation if possible and grab bodycam of what the player is doing wrong and make a report after the situation or if the situation can no longer be continued they should just make sure the incident is on bodycam and walk away from the situation without mixing or insulting others.
Thanks for taking your time to read my application!