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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Feb 6, 2022
Hello, my name is Mohammed Thrust. Recently there was a report created on me where I shot through vents. At that time I was not aware that there was a rule made against shooting through vents and I thought it was fully allowed. So when i was requested I was like aight bet let me send my pov before I leave for UK ( sent pov a couple hours before I went on vacation to celebrate my exams being done and visiting my fam in Liverpool) I realised after that it was against the rules and I was ready to firmly take the ban of bug abuse and it was my fault for not reading the rules. Then spike pluxury dmed me and told me to contact Johnny and I was confused but I listened and I did so. Jonny wanted my full pov for some reason and it was not possible for me to send him it as I was not home and I didnt have full pov 1. I crashed in event 2. i delete all povs so they don't stack up in my folder once 48 hours has passed or i've been requested to upload a kill in an event. I wanna say this, this ban is completely wrong, I'm not a cheater and there's nothing from that pov that indicates I'm cheating. What I do have though is 6 thousand hours of play time in gta rp. Ive been leaders and shot callers on many other servers and with soooo much experience I know almost every place in GTA, I know almost every mechanic. I know GTA in and out and that's how i knew how to shoot through the vent that's how I killed the guy. I'm just saying that I'm innocent and I deserve to be on Grand roleplay. I did not cheat and never will and please unban me and if you guys feel like you can pc check whenever after event after turf pov request me whenever you guys feel like all the time. My gameplay will not change. I will be the same Mohammed Thrust that plays good in every event, gets kills etc I promise that this ban is falsely placed. Really I have 0 clue what to say like im simply innocent i'm not even supposed to be here writing this. I hope you find this appeal well and can come to terms with me to understand I'm not a dirty cheater.

This si the pov like look at it theres nothing that indicates of me cheating literally jsut moving my mouse around and then i stop and shoot at one spot and he dies.


Feb 6, 2022
I can assure with 5 years of playing and 6k hours gamesense is something that will help you sooo much in fights jsut so many battles will teach you how your enemies move and think thats just something for every fps games for example.

Jonny Odds

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Dec 7, 2022
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