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IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

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Professor Codex

Sep 28, 2024
1.Your name IRL- Sartaj
2. Your age IRL- 18
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 5-9 Hours
5. Your Discord- Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname- Professor Codex
. Your ID- 166356
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)|

- Having Much experience in Legal Orgs and Gang at rank 15. I had gained enough experience for being a Deputy of Ballas and Marabunta, I am ready to handle gang as a Leader. Due to My experience as High Command in each and every single organisation whether it is state organisation or a crime organisation I am well aware of the rules of the server and some unique rules too, Which will help me to End my term with Great activity and with a Successful term.

- Gang doesn't work only with the leader it needs coordination of gang members too with the help of my contact over the city with good people and un official families, I can end making my gang with most active people in my term, creating the Most Dangerous gang of the city.

- The Marabunta got Great HQ which is like in the corner so Indirectly it make Marabunta having good area where we can Plant Solar and Earn good money for gang balance and which can help us in giving good bonuses in gang.

- I have a great leadership as I was ex Ballas Deputy and Marabunta Deputy, I can make the gang the most active because of my well build skills and mindset, helping me to Come out of the tense situation which arise in gang.

- Marabunta has a Past Crime history, so I again want to make it active with crime activities and make it participate in Unique Events which involves Leo. To Show that Marabunta Dominance over city

- I have seen that very less gang do unique event, so in my term I will ensure that I do Unique events like Vehicle Theft, attack on Leo

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
- Making sure that I take People only after a Good interview so there's minimal chance of rulebreak during situation
-Making Sure to assigned Proper HC for leading successfully throughout the term
- I will give people Rank according to their Knowledge of rule and make a new rule of making Pov of all interview which will help my gang from getting sabotaged and same applying for all the HC.
- I will make great Bonus system which well help people earn money too
- I will do often hostage situation to earn money and always do activity so that gang member doesn't feel bored.
- Making good Coordination with Gang member to overcome conflicts in gang and win all situation with proper coordination
- Following all rules of RP and Maintaining High Level of RP in Hostage situations
- Doing Unique to Prove our dominance in City and making the best gang of The city

- 100 Percent Turf
- The Most Active Gang of The City
- Making The Max Graffiti Profit Everyday
- Making The Dangerous gang of the city
- Making Good Deputies and HC
- Creating a Better atmosphere to make sure there's no conflict in gang
- Winning all in every situation with proper coordination of gang member

2- Newbie
3- Bandit
4-Graffiti Team
5- Hommie
6- Clapper
7- Gangster
8- Mafia Lord
9- Gun Man
10-Event Leader
13- The OG
14- Under Deputy

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Marabunta Deputy (15)
Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Thank you for reading my application,
Best Regards Professor Codex
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Aug 18, 2024
1. Zubair Abdullah
2. 19 years
3. GMT + 5
4. 8 hours
5. Alpharobert804
6. Alpha Robert
7. 152157 ( 31 year old in IC )
Additional Information
1. For The leader Of (

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).
( A )
I want to be the leader of the MARABUNTA Gang because I think the current leaders are not working properly and I believe I can lead the gang more effectively I have friends who can assist me and provide feedback if Im doing something wrong I think I'm perfect to make the MARABUNTA Gang thrive
( B )
Another reason I want to lead is to engage in role-playing (RP) activities. As a gang we can participate in various illegal activities and improve our experience through proper RP Despite being in the game for a long time I havent received a leadership rank If I get the opportunity I ll gain valuable experience
( C )
I'm familiar with many rules but as humans we make mistakes Ive made mistakes in the past but Ive learned from them I assure you that I wont repeat those mistakes Throughout my gaming career Ive played as a criminal so Im confident in my ability to handle and lead gang members

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

( A )

According to me that admins have to make a vid and post it on youtube to teach atleast some besic rules to the new players or mey be they can cunduct an event in wich they have some lavels when new comers pass they will get rewad so most of the people will do it and try to pick that gift ( it can be a 10k 3 days prime and something like that )

( B )
i think we can increase rp like if someone doing fail rp fare rp like this so we dont call the wizard just save pov then we post it before going offline so it will increase rp like when we call admin we have to wait for the admin then it take much tim so insted if we save pov so it will increase it it not mater we post forum or we call admin at the same time he get same punishment so this is all i have

----------------------------------------- Thank You !! -------------------------------------------

King andrew

Jun 11, 2024
1. Your name IRLDhruvit
2. Your age IRL 18
3. Time zone GMT 5:30+ (India)
4. Average online per day -6 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord tommy060657
6. Your Nickname Dhruv Vuitton
7. Your ID 155296
Additional information
1. Leader of...
Marabunta grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) I am applying to become the leader of the this gang because I have been in this city for over 9 months, started in the gang still in a gang and know almost everything about gangs and been deputy also and i really know how to handle people in the gang and provide quality rp to others and have a fun time while it last and i am sure you will not regret giving me a chance you have my words and i have been trying for becoming a gang leader from a while ago so i hope i can get this opportunity to show my self to the public .

2) Ballas and marabunta are my most favourite gang and my goal is to become leader of one of it. I always wanted to make marabunta on top and make it most dangerous and powerfull gang for ghetto.

3) I have vast knowledge about gang events especially turf . I will try my best for the gang and will try to devote max time to the gang . Marabunta has a HQ in the corner of ghetto so i will take advantage and train my all gang members so that i can takeover the ghetto .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

First of all i will make sure no favouritism in the gang . I will make sure whoever wanna join in my term should know the basic server and gang rules . I will try my 100% that no rule break is there by me and my gang members . I will make experienced people deputy and give HC rank to deserving people who can enhance the working of gang and lead all events will proper RP . I will make a history of memories between my whole gang and i will ensure there is not even 1% toxicity in the gang . I will ensure that in my Term our gang is most active by doing store rob , ghetto clapping , Highway robbery , Hostage situation , Fz raid daily without any rule break .

My goals :-
1. I will make sure that the gang is most active in my term
2. We will do atleast 2-4 store robbery and atleast 1-2 FZ per day
3. 100% TURF
4 I will make the leos feared from marabunta
5. declaring this gang most dangerous for ghetto and taking over the ghetto
6. I will try that my gang wins Battleship , Clands , Fz raid , Store rob daily
7. I will make a history of memories between my whole gang members
8. Making excellent graffiti team and ensure we have max graffiti everyday
9 . I will try my best that there is no toxicity in gang
Ranking system in my term :-
1. Freeze
2. Newbie
3. Shooter
4. Graffiti Artist
5. Graffiti Leader
6. Druglord
7. Gangster
8. Clapper
9. Warlord
10. Event Leader
11. Turfer
12. Under Deputy
13. OG Bunta
14 AK47
15 Deputy Leader
16 Leader
Thanks a lot for giving your precious time to read my application.
Best Regards
Dhruv vuitton

Marabunta on top !!!!!!
Deserves one chance to become leader !

Itachi Escobar

Ex Leader of Vagos💛 & Families💚
May 25, 2023
1. Your name IRL :) Daksh Bhutani
2. Your age IRL :) 20
3. Time zone :) IST
4. Average online per day :) 5-6 HOURS
5. Your Discord :) itachiescobar5845
6. Your Nickname :) Itachi Escobar
7. Your ID :) 104205
Additional information

1. Leader of...Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
:) First of all I have what it take to be a leader of a organisation as I had past leadership expierence of gang ( FAMILIES & VAGOS) I know how gangs works and what to do and what not to. I have developed strong communication skills during my journey from a rookie member to a Leader.

:) I have set visions for the gang that my gang will do most ghetto clapping, will be the most active gang in the city, will do 100% turf, my graffiti team will do 100% sprays which will give good profits and keep the members active in gang. We will do max number of 24/7 stores, gunstores, fz raid, hostage situations. My gang will have max numbers at clands, battleship, submarines.

:) I will try my best to be available at most gang events and guide my gang. I will be there if my gang got fight with another gang. We will rob the whole ghetto together and have fun.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I saw that the Marabunta Grande not able to complete its previous term well enough with me being the leader I will complete full term with most activities, I will be ready to face challenges that marabunta is going through now. I will make the ghetto active as much as possible and keep my members engaged in gang activities. I will be giving out bonuses to boost the moral of my members which keep them motivated. When I am not in the city I will make sure that my deputies are capable of doing any activity without me. I will treat all gang members equally and avoid showing favoritism. I will try my best to do 100% turf for Marabunta and make it on top.

Leadership Experience
1x Leader of Families
1x Leader of Vagos
1x Deputy of Vagos

1x Deputy of Bloods


Itachi Escobar

Eraze Rohan

May 25, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Rounokul Islam
2. Your age: 29
3. Time zone: GMT+6:00
4. Average online per day: 8-12 hours
5. Your Discord: rohan1812
6. Your Nickname: Eraze Rohan
7. Your ID: 122141
Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 I want to lead this gang because I believe I can bring about real change. I’ve seen the powerful group can have but I also know that power comes with responsibility. There’s a lot of potential here for us to grow not just in terms of influence but in creating a better future for everyone in the crew. I’m not just in it for the title or the control. I want to earn respect through loyalty, vision, and fairness. I can take the tough decisions make sure the people who follow me don’t just survive but thrive and ultimately leave a legacy that changes the Lifestyle of every Gang members.

2.2 Since I started my journey to become a leader of the gang I start doing hard work day and night I try too attend all the possible events I can. I got high command in all the gangs I try every possible thing to become a gang leader after several years. I visited many types of Organization for experience and Knowledge
Now I am ready to become a gang leader.

2.3 I decided to choose Marabunta grande because it was my first gang and i personally like this gang because it has a different ghetto area and have some advantages which other gangs doesn't have that’s why I choose this gang.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advice for improving roleplay is to teach new players the rules and to do more events such as being in ghetto 1 gun store and many 24/7 store robbery each day clands bs fz and doing these such events with great RP always I also think to better the role play is to do store robbery’s or hostage situations in different locations instead of ghetto all the time for better RP.

My Ranking System:
16) Leader

15) Deputy

14) Under-deputy

13) OG-Bloods

12) Turfer

11) Event Leader

10) Mafia

09) Druglord

08) Graffiti Leader

07) Graffitist

06) Warlord

05) Shooter

04) Hitman

03) Clapper

02) Newbie

01) Freeze

With Regards
Eraze Liam


Ex- Bloods (Under Deputy )
Ex- Vagos (Under Deputy)
Ex- Families (Mafia)
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King andrew

Jun 11, 2024
1.Your name IRL- Sartaj
2. Your age IRL- 18
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 5-9 Hours
5. Your Discord- Professor.daddy
6. Your Nickname- Professor Codex
. Your ID- 166356
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)|

- Having Much experience in Legal Orgs and Gang at rank 15. I had gained enough experience for being a Deputy of Ballas and Marabunta, I am ready to handle gang as a Leader. Due to My experience as High Command in each and every single organisation whether it is state organisation or a crime organisation I am well aware of the rules of the server and some unique rules too, Which will help me to End my term with Great activity and with a Successful term.

- Gang doesn't work only with the leader it needs coordination of gang members too with the help of my contact over the city with good people and un official families, I can end making my gang with most active people in my term, creating the Most Dangerous gang of the city.

- The Marabunta got Great HQ which is like in the corner so Indirectly it make Marabunta having good area where we can Plant Solar and Earn good money for gang balance and which can help us in giving good bonuses in gang.

- I have a great leadership as I was ex Ballas Deputy and Marabunta Deputy, I can make the gang the most active because of my well build skills and mindset, helping me to Come out of the tense situation which arise in gang.

- Marabunta has a Past Crime history, so I again want to make it active with crime activities and make it participate in Unique Events which involves Leo. To Show that Marabunta Dominance over city

- I have seen that very less gang do unique event, so in my term I will ensure that I do Unique events like Vehicle Theft, attack on Leo

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
- Making sure that I take People only after a Good interview so there's minimal chance of rulebreak during situation
-Making Sure to assigned Proper HC for leading successfully throughout the term
- I will give people Rank according to their Knowledge of rule and make a new rule of making Pov of all interview which will help my gang from getting sabotaged and same applying for all the HC.
- I will make great Bonus system which well help people earn money too
- I will do often hostage situation to earn money and always do activity so that gang member doesn't feel bored.
- Making good Coordination with Gang member to overcome conflicts in gang and win all situation with proper coordination
- Following all rules of RP and Maintaining High Level of RP in Hostage situations
- Doing Unique to Prove our dominance in City and making the best gang of The city

- 100 Percent Turf
- The Most Active Gang of The City
- Making The Max Graffiti Profit Everyday
- Making The Dangerous gang of the city
- Making Good Deputies and HC
- Creating a Better atmosphere to make sure there's no conflict in gang
- Winning all in every situation with proper coordination of gang member

2- Newbie
3- Bandit
4-Graffiti Team
5- Hommie
6- Clapper
7- Gangster
8- Mafia Lord
9- Gun Man
10-Event Leader
13- The OG
14- Under Deputy

My Past Experiences:


3x SAHP Chief Commander (28)
2x FIB Chief of Staff (27)
2x NG Assistant General (28)
LSPD Assistant Chief of Police (28)
GOV USSS Operation Lead (20)


Marabunta Deputy (15)
Ballas Deputy (15)
2x Families Under Deputy (14)
Bloods Under Deputy (14)
Vagos Under Deputy (14)

Thank you for reading my application,
Best Regards Professor Codex
He Deserve a chance for leader

Lucifer Amazing

Sep 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Vedant Bandral
2. Your age IRL - 18
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 9 - 14 hours
5. Your Discord - pvpgodgamer
6. Your Nickname - Scarlet Yakuza
7. Your ID - 139818
Additional information
1. Leader of the Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

My name is Scarlet Yakuza, and I am highly motivated to become the leader of Ballas because of my extensive experience with gang dynamics in Grand RP. Throughout my time in the city, I’ve had the opportunity to join nearly every gang, gaining valuable insights into what makes them successful. I have also held the position of deputy in each of these gangs, where I learned how to manage a huge amount members, resolve conflicts, and lead by example. I am the perfect guy who follow proper RP in every situation.

As a reliable and promising individual, I take pride in following through on my commitments. Although I’m 18 years old in-character, my experience has allowed me to develop a level of maturity and leadership that exceeds my age. I believe that my past experiences, combined with my dedication, make me a strong candidate for the role of Ballas leader and i have all the qualities of leadership. I'm ready to bring my skills, passion, and drive to lead the Ballas to greater success and ensure that the gang thrives under my guidance.

Commitment to Long-Term Success: I’m not interested in short-term gains. I want to build something lasting and successful for the Ballas. My goal is to create a strong, sustainable gang that not only dominates the streets but also builds respect from others. I’m ready to put in the hard work to ensure that we continue to grow and evolve.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Sir first of all i have only take those guys in organization who at least know basic rules.

I only make experienced and hard working people High Command who know about the event and rules not basic rules but also the gang rules. During the event i follow proper Rp and i make sure that every member maintain discipline during the event.

Plan Fun and Regular Events to keep things fresh and exciting, I would organize regular roleplay activities, like gang meetings, FZ raid , Graffiti, Highway Robbery, Ghetto Clapping, Store robbery, Hostage Situation, Battleships, Clands , Subs , Acc etc . These events keep everyone engaged and create more opportunities for members to interact and build relationships.
16. Leader
15. Deputy
14. Under Deputy
13. Enforcer
12. Turfer
11. Event Leader
10. Mafia
09. Graffiti Leader
08. Graffitist
07. Druglord
06. Soldier
05. Manager
04. Associate
03. Runner
02. Newbie
01. Freeze

Scarlet Yakuza
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King_Manas (Morning_Star )
Aug 24, 2024
Your name IRL: Manas Singhal
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 8-10Hours more on weekends
5. Your Discord: manassinghal
6. Your Nickname: Morning Star
7. Your ID: 161356

Additional information
1. Leader of: The Marabunta Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 -Marabunta has a very good location and it is the best location for solar plant so i can give more and more bonus to my gang members , I will make sure that when Leos see Marabunta in doing Store Robbery, FZ raid ,Gun Store Robbery or Subs , They should have some fear to fight with Marabunta members or enter and I have spent my most of the time in the gang only
2.2- I have much experienced to now lead this gang and I have 2 experienced Deputy and Under Deputies
Who can help me to operate this org and In my past experience I have seen that rules where broken by the high commands ,they know only basic rule of the city so these things will be not be tolerated any more and I will hire 2 deputies from different time zone so that marabunta can we most active gang in the whole
2.3- I will make a meeting among the gang members in every 3 days and weekly meetings with HIGH COMMAND
In the meeting they will tell me what that have done I these days and where they need help , in there sessions we will tell the some more rules to them or we will clear there doubts if they are confused in any rule, by this way we will hardly get the warning on the gang because no one will do rule break and they will get the know lead also that how deal with any situation .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in Organization.
3.1 - I will make sure that all 46 graffities locations are under Marabunta and no one can paint over the graffities
3.2 I will give maximum amount of bonus as they have also contributed to make Marabunta all the time and they will get there bonus timely
3.3 Favoritism and power miss uses will not be expected any more in my gang
3.4 we will manage to take more and more turf members in our gang ( I have 12 turf member right now ) but i will still search for others for 100% turf
3.5 we will do event like store Robbery, FZ Raid ,Gun Store Robbery or subs on the daily bases
3.6 I will give the ranks to the deserving members only

13) OG Bunta
10) AK47

Thank You for your precious time

My Experience In Grand RP

Ex -Vagos Deputy 1

Ex - Bloods Under Deputy 1

Ex - Families Under Deputy 2

Ex -Vagos Under Deputy 14/3

Ex -Vagos OG Vagos 13/2

Ex -OG of Ballas Rank-14


dhruv pluxury

Oct 9, 2024
1. Your name IRL Dhruvit
2. Your age IRL 18
3. Time zone GMT 5:30+ (India)
4. Average online per day -6 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord Dhruv_demon1
6. Your Nickname Dhruv Demon
7. Your ID 155296

Additional information
1. Leader of...
Marabunta grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) I am applying to become the leader of the this gang because I have been in this city for over 9 months, started in the gang still in a gang and know almost everything about gangs and been deputy also and i really know how to handle people in the gang and provide quality rp to others and have a fun time while it last and i am sure you will not regret giving me a chance you have my words and i have been trying for becoming a gang leader from a while ago so i hope i can get this opportunity to show my self to the public .

2) Ballas and marabunta are my most favourite gang and my goal is to become leader of one of it. I always wanted to make marabunta on top and make it most dangerous and powerfull gang for ghetto.

3) I have vast knowledge about gang events especially turf . I will try my best for the gang and will try to devote max time to the gang . Marabunta has a HQ in the corner of ghetto so i will take advantage and train my all gang members so that i can takeover the ghetto .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

First of all i will make sure no favouritism in the gang . I will make sure whoever wanna join in my term should know the basic server and gang rules . I will try my 100% that no rule break is there by me and my gang members . I will make experienced people deputy and give HC rank to deserving people who can enhance the working of gang and lead all events will proper RP . I will make a history of memories between my whole gang and i will ensure there is not even 1% toxicity in the gang . I will ensure that in my Term our gang is most active by doing store rob , ghetto clapping , Highway robbery , Hostage situation , Fz raid daily without any rule break .

My goals :-
1. I will make sure that the gang is most active in my term
2. We will do atleast 2-4 store robbery and atleast 1-2 FZ per day
3. 100% TURF
4 I will make the leos feared from marabunta
5. declaring this gang most dangerous for ghetto and taking over the ghetto
6. I will try that my gang wins Battleship , Clands , Fz raid , Store rob daily
7. I will make a history of memories between my whole gang members
8. Making excellent graffiti team and ensure we have max graffiti everyday
9 . I will try my best that there is no toxicity in gang
Ranking system in my term :-
1. Freeze
2. Newbie
3. Shooter
4. Graffiti Artist
5. Graffiti Leader
6. Druglord
7. Gangster
8. Clapper
9. Warlord
10. Event Leader
11. Turfer
12. Under Deputy
13. OG Bunta
14 AK47
15 Deputy Leader
16 Leader
My experience
EX-NG {24}
Currently in LSPD(23)
ballas(14) x1
marabunta(13) x1
Thanks a lot for giving your precious time to read my application.
Best Regards
Dhruv demon

Marabunta on top !!!!!!
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Toshiro Hitsugaya

Sep 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Krish
2. Your age IRL: 17
3. Time zone : IST / Gmt + 5:00
4. Average online per day : 2-3 HOUR
5. Your Discord: toshirohitsugayai
6. Your Nickname: Toshiro Hitsugaya
7. Your ID: 160355
Additional information
1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. As highcommands of gangs , I realised that there are lack of concern of deputies and leaders towards the org . So i will improve and work on it.
2. I have a good experience in crime orgs , so I think I can easily run a successful term of marabunta grande with no or minimal warns . i was under deputy of vagos, ballas, bloods, So this experience will help me running the term successfully
3. I will work hard with my deputies to make the marabunta on top of all the other orgs and leos will be scared of blue
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. No favoritsm
2. No toxicity
3. Highly experienced high commands and deputies
4. Deputies from different time zones
5. Good behaviour towards every member of org
My Ranking System
16. Leader
15. Deputy
14. Under Deputy
13. Real OG
12. Vice OG
11. Enforcer
10. Hitman
9. DrugLord
8. WarLord
7. Graffiti Artist
6. Thug
5. Devil
4. Shooter
3. Mafia
2. Clapper
1. Freeze

Marabunta On Top!!!

Best Regards,
Toshiro hitsugaya

blaze smith33

Sep 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Akshat
2. Your age IRL : 17
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30(India)
4. Average online per day : 6-7 Hours
5. Your Discord : kakashi0634
6. Your Nickname : Blaze Vuitton
7. Your ID : 158607

Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. *Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?*

-As i Have Spent Much Time In City in both Crime & State, Gained So much Experience as i know all the Rules & Know how to Run an organization specifically "Gang" & Will ensure that in My Term marabunta Will Be the Most Wanted Gang in Whole City for sure..

-Secondly I in Crime Branches as well as State Branches i have attended all possible events that can be attended by both crime & state so when i will go for Events such as fz raids and store robberies i kinda gonna knew what leos can or will do so i can prepare by that mindset and will surely gonna win in max situations

-->Third My Leadership Skills, Problem Solving Skills & Decision Taking Skills Are Very Good so I think i can easily handle the load of organization..

3. *Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization*

-Firstly i am gonna Select Best High Commands As They Are the Pillers on which org. Stands Off, I will ensure they don't do any type of favoritism in providing ranks and their behavior towards gang members.

-Secondly Am gonna Be Very Active At Hq when no events or things are going on as i will Talk With my Mates as Much & Good as i can so they will start developing a good vibe with me and when i want them at Any Events Then They Will Listen to me(as i have experienced all these things). We will make sure We will Attend every event and Give our Best..

-Thirdly I Have seen most of the Leaders don't go with Members for Ghetoo Claping & Highway Robberies which results in their weak bond with members i will go with them people who don't know about thing i will teach them give them chances to do things so they feel good & don't get bored just Aiming on people..

*My Ranking System*
16. Leader
15. Deputy Leader
14. Homie
13. Under deputy
12. Turfer
11. Warlord
10. Event Leader
09. Hitman
08. Smuggler
07. Graffiti leader
06. Graffitist
05. Gangster
04. Shooter
03. Mafia
02. Rookie
01. Freeze

Best regards
Blaze Vuitton

Maan plays

Sep 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Abdullah
2. Your age IRL: 20
3. Time zone: GMT +5:00
4. Average online per day: 5 to 6 hour
5. Your Discord: kkingrrr
6. Your Nickname: Maan Extra
7. Your ID: 173863
Additional information
1. Leader of
Marabunta Grand

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) As i gained much experienced in illegal org and legal org like in LSPD , BALAS ,VAGOS , FAMILIES as high Command so i think now im illegible to become an Leader. i make the strong connection in city which help me to make the gang most active in the city. I almost tried all illegal org. Marabunta always had the most criminalist and terrorist gang of the city.

b) The gang doesnt work only with the leader it works with the proper team work most of gang become unsuccessful because of they dont listen to their low rank guys but i alwasy listen to my low rank guys to and also guide them or tell them about rules so they dont do any rule breaks or which me to make my term end 100% successfully. To give the graffiti or clands profit i make the one trusted guy as a HR in gang who just handle with the bonuses of grafti or clands so all of my guys can earn money from graffiti or clands to . I will give my best and my dedication to make Families on top and keep it on top.I do all events such as Fz raid , Ammo run , Gun store robbery , Clands , Gang Raids , Car theft , Hostage situation , Highway robbery , submarine attack , Capital Attack etc to make the gang most active in the city.

c) i also focus to earn the money for gang by solar plantation business to make my gang stronger in the city. I want to be leader of Marabunta because of its HQ which is in the located at Good place separate and im in the city from 6 months and im engaged with illegal org from the start. The previous gang leader promotes the favoritism and just give high rank to only their friends even they don't deserve it and give the small rank to the guys who knows all the rules and had such a great leading skills because in the start I'm also the new guy in the city and no one give me the rank or not even listen to my opinion but i perfer to give high command to those who knows all rules or they actually deserve that Rank.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

~My goal is to make the gang best in which the high command is play the main role in it. i try my 100% that i personally take the interview of high command or any my trusted Deputy take the Interview of them so there is only minimal chances they can do the rule break
~ By developing good bonus system i make one trusted guy as a HR of my gang so he can handle all the bonuses which make the gang work professionally
~I will do the ammo run for my gang to make my gang warehouse always full with guns , ammo or with body armor.
~I try my 100% best to focus on my new guys or ranker in gang or teach them basic rules so they dont do any mistake or also teach them all of event rules

My Goal
-100 percent turf
-The most active gang in city
-Making the Max graffiti profit everyday
-Making the Dangerous gang in the city
-Making Good or best experienced deputy or HC
-Capital Attack

My Past Experienced
1x Balas Under Deputy
3x Balas OG Rank 14
2x Vagos Under deputy Rank 14
1x Families Thug Rank 12

My Ranking system

14.Under Opium
13.Human Resource

------ High Command ------

11.Event Leader
8 .Warlord
7.Profit Collector
Last edited:

Pulkit Jatt

Legal God
Sep 16, 2024
General Information
1) Your name IRL: Pulkit
2) Your IRL age: 18 ( IC 11)
3) Time zone: GMT+5:30
4) Average online per day: 5 to 6 hours a day
5) Discord: havocblade24
6) Your nickname: Pulkit Havocbladee
7) Your ID: 165038

Additional information
Leader of The Marabunta Grande

2- Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1) I want this opportunity to become leader of marabunta because I want to experience leadership in a gang and I think I can improve the gang with the help of my family members and friends.

2) I have had many experiences and will do my best in every situation. I will try to do 100% turf this season with my turf team.

3) After spending so long in Legal Orgs as high command and deputy, I have led many events and have good knowledge of mostly everything of city. I will keep the Gang alive and participate in all of the events as much as I have.

3- Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1) I will make sure everyone knows the server rules as the normal questions when you join gangs how much percent of the gang color you need to wear how many people you need to rob a person and how many people and cars you need to pull someone over I will make sure I ask more questions to know they haven't been told the answers by their friends or something and they actually know the server rules

2) I will try that every new person joining the gang will need to go through a small training that will be about 10-15 mins and make sure they know how to RP stuff so I will be sure everyone in my gang has the best experience

3) To elevate roleplay within your organization to a grand level, it's essential to make an environment where employees feel comfortable and motivated to participate happily.

Achievements Willing to Execute In Organization:
  • High Crime Rate In City
  • Dominating Ghetto With Crimes
  • Not making any mistakes by any possible chances
  • maximum gang members in crimes to maintain terror in citizens

*My Ranking System*
16. Leader
15. Deputy Leader
14. Under deputy
13. Homie
12. Turfer
11. Warlord
------- High Command -------
10. Event Leader
09. Hitman
08. Smuggler
07. Graffiti leader
06. Graffitist
05. Gangster
04. Shooter
03. Mafia
02. Rookie
01. Freeze

Thank you for reading this...
Best Regards,
Pulkit Havocbladee


𝐉 𝐎 𝐊 𝐄 𝐑 🇸 🇱 🇦 🇾 🇪 🇷
Sep 19, 2024
General Information
1) Your name IRL: ujjwal tyagi
2) Your IRL age: 19
3) Time zone: GMT+5:30
4) Average online per day: 8 to 9 hours a day
5) Discord: ujjwal010101
6) Your nickname: Joker slayer
7) Your ID: 143378

Additional information
Leader of The Marabunta Grande

2- Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
*I want to take the leadership of marabunta because, i have gained most of the expirence in illegal and legal organization and im damm sure that i can handle the leadership of this organization.
*I just saw few of the leader those who don't even know the rules and saw them rule breaking by which it may be cause Humiliation,
but if i'll get a chance i will make my term best and memorable.
* I want to lead The Marabunta Grande to make it more powerful and respected in Los Santos.I can help the gang grow and become even more influential.

3- Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
* Set up training sessions where experienced members teach others how to improve their RolePlay. This can include tips handling different scenarios.
* Make good turfing team which will respond to every events some examples are clands, battleship, 24/7 Store Robbery, Gun
Store Robbery, FZ Raids.
*I will give opportunity to my each and every member to take part in like hostage situation and negotiate with the leos.

My Goals

full of Turf
Dominate Getto
complete my term without any verbal and warning

*My Ranking System:-

16. Leader
15. Deputy
14. Under Deputy
13. OG Bunta
12. Turfer
11. Event Leader
10. Mafia
9. Warload
8. Graffiti Leader
7. Druglord
6. Graffitist
5. Gangster
4. Criminal
3. Shooter
1. Freeze

Ryan Fate

Jan 14, 2025
1 Your name IRL: Julian Pajesø
2 Your age: 18
3 Time zone: (GMT+1)
4 Average online per day: 8-9 hours
5 Your Discord: Ryanfate21
6 Your Nickname: Ryan Fate
7 Your ID: 101542

Additional information
1. Leader of... Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I wanted to become a gang leader because of i now that becoming a leader is different from any others because becoming a leadr is not all about game nowledge its also about nowing the peoples and you need to talk with them like you can now the game very well but its not sign that you can be a good leader thats why i want to be leader i can improve this gang with treating peoples good and the right way.
2) I also want to lead some peoples and teach them every think about the game and if i dont know something i want to learn and i want to teach them to what to do and what not to do.
3) If i am going to get selected i will change my mistakes into right and i will going to be fair for every one.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) No toxity in gang
2) Wining in events and much more
3) I can be active in the gang like i can solve anyones problems and i can treat peoples one by one.
4) 100% Sprays
5) Quality of a interview exam so gang cannot get a warn or verbal warning
6) 100% Turf

Ranking System

15- Leader
14- Deputy
13- Under Deputy
12- Turfer
11- Event Warrior
10- Murderer
9- Capo
8- Dealer
7- Graffiti Leader
6- Shooter
5- Graffitist
4- Clapper
3- Young Bunta
2- Baby Bunta
1- Freeze

Best Regards
Ryan fate
Hopefully your next Bunta Leader💙💙💙


Jan 5, 2024
Your name IRL: Eray
Your age (OOC): 18
Time zone + country: GTM (03:00) Turkey
Average online per day(hours):7-8h
Your Discord ID: eraykeskin.
Your characters' name (IC):Juan Escobar
Your in game ID:120067
Languages spoken:English and Turkish


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I want to be the leader of Marabunta Grande because I have experience in high command in the past, I was a deputy in The Families.
I have enough knowledge about Gang. I have loved Marabunta Grand since I started playing the game.
Marabunta Grande is a gang whose profit is always low on the server and I like this Gang because I have enough knowledge.
I want to take over and try to make the server the best gang again.

In general, all servers and gangs are full of trolls and toxic people and I can't stand it. I would love to be the leader of Marabunta Grande, make the best gang of the server with a solid team, away from toxic and troll people, win all the events that comply with all the rules, raid every day and rob every day.

3• Your advice for developing RolePlay in the organization.
Some things I would do to improve Roleplay;

• In-depth review of the rules upon recruitment, I would make sure everyone knows the exact rules and restrictions we have at all times, his would overall improve roleplay quality around my organization and carry on throughout interactions with others in the server.

• Lastly, I will be very strict against players who do not follow the rules. The last thing I want is my gang getting disbanded, and I will not allow clumsy players who refuse to follow the rules to bring the whole gang down.

thank you♥
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