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IMPORTANT Applications for the Families

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Zen Certer

Jan 8, 2025
1. Your name IRL : Kushagra Anand
2. Your age IRL : 18+
3. Time zone : GMT+ 5:30
4. Average online per day : 4 to 8
5. Your Discord: immortal230
6. Your Nickname : Willy Nomisshot
7. Your ID : 189168

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have gain much Experience from state Org and I was in a gang so I know how to do and what to do so I can run Families smoothly and i was Under Deputy and i saw to many times there is no activity in ghetto and now a days less NG Raid so if i will get this chance so my term will be active with the follow of servers rules
I want to make Families best ORG and best illegal ORG we will do turf and raid etc
I Have support from my friend and also my Family Side They will help in This Term also

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
I have a good bonus system which will attract to players
will attract new Players and fair ranking system which will prevent trying discriminations
I will try to 100% Sprays
I will try to 100% Turf

Ranking System:

1- Freeze
2- Titan
3- Goblin
4- Shooter
5- Gangster
6- Thugs
7- Graffiti
8- Clapper
9- Drug Lord
10- War Lord
11- Event Leader
12- Turfer
13- Under Deputy
14- OGs Families
15- Deputy Leader
16- Leader

Eraze Rohan

May 25, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Rounokul Islam
2. Your age: 24
3. Time zone: GMT+6:00
4. Average online per day: 8-12 hours
5. Your Discord: rohan1812
6. Your Nickname: Eraze Rohan
7. Your ID: 122141
Additional information

1. Leader of Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 I want to lead this gang because I believe I can bring about real change. I’ve seen the powerful group can have but I also know that power comes with responsibility. There’s a lot of potential here for us to grow not just in terms of influence but in creating a better future for everyone in the crew. I’m not just in it for the title or the control. I want to earn respect through loyalty, vision, and fairness. I can take the tough decisions make sure the people who follow me don’t just survive but thrive and ultimately leave a legacy that changes the Lifestyle of every Gang members.

2.2 Since I started my journey to become a leader of the gang I start doing hard work day and night I try too attend all the possible events I can. I got high command in all the gangs I try every possible thing to become a gang leader after several years. I visited many types of Organization for experience and Knowledge
Now I am ready to become a gang leader.

2.3 I decided to choose Families because it was my first gang and i personally like this gang because it has a different ghetto area and have some advantages which other gangs doesn't have that’s why I choose this gang.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My advice for improving roleplay is to teach new players the rules and to do more events such as being in ghetto 1 gun store and many 24/7 store robbery each day clands bs fz and doing these such events with great RP always I also think to better the role play is to do store robbery’s or hostage situations in different locations instead of ghetto all the time for better RP.

My Ranking System:
16) Leader

15) Deputy

14) Under-deputy

13) OG-Families

12) Turfer

11) Event Leader

10) Mafia

09) Druglord

08) Graffiti Leader

07) Graffitist

06) Warlord

05) Shooter

04) Hitman

03) Clapper

02) Newbie

01) Freeze

With Regards
Eraze Liam


Ex- Bloods (Under Deputy )
Ex- Vagos (Under Deputy)
Ex- Families (Mafia)

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Josh Dejavu

Josh Dejavu
Dec 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Ross Matthews
2. Your age IRL : 17
3. Time zone : GMT
4. Average online per day : 5 - 8 hours
5. Your Discord : joshmatt1132
6. Your Nickname : Josh Matthews
7. Your ID : 138331

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- My first of many reasons of why I would like to be the leader of Families is because I have lots of gang experience and know the ways of which I can help to improve how gangs as a whole perform events and how to manage the gangsters expectation to keep them, happy and always trying to put in as much effort as possible towards the gang and its events.

- My second reason is that I know the most commonly made mistakes by newer members of the gang and I will be supportive to help them overcome any fears or to help them so they don't make the same mistake again, also I will use fair punishments for the mistake again.

- My third reason I feel would make me a good leader for
Families is because I can tray calm under high pressure situations and will not rush the final decision, I will take care in what I do so that Families will always stay out of trouble, always be un and it will always be active.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
- I will have a clear ranking system and possibly create requirements to rank up, such as the amount of events attended, sprays you sprayed and also will have 2 interviews, one for becoming a HC and one for joining. having the recommended rank requirements will push members too always strive to meet these to have the best possible chance at growing a name for themself within the gang.

- I will also try and create some alliances within the gangs for certain events, this will help boost both of our chances at winning and also help create trust within the gangs.

- I also plan on having places and times where we can all get to know each other better and get a better understanding of how each other and how we think.

Ranking System:

1- Freeze
2- Soldier
3- Goblin
4- Enforcer
5- Capo
6- Associate
7- Graffiti
8- OG Families
9- Hitman
10- War Lord
11- Event Leader
12- Turfer
13- OG Families
14- Under deputy
15- Deputy
16- Leader

Thank you for considering my application.


Sohn Papdi

Be the best in your mind~ CR7
Jun 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Tanishq
2. Your age IRL : 19
3. Time zone : GMT (+5:30)
4. Average online per day : 6 - 8 hours
5. Your Discord : dessi_badmaas
6. Your Nickname : Sohn Papdi
7. Your ID : 134746

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1)As the families was my first illegal org in which i have ever joined and had fun, war, events And most favorite thing that i got was FRIENDS, also when i tried to join at first attempt i got failed in my 1st interview as well as 2nd interview but in the 3rd attempt i failed the interview but the guys for families are so good that they took me in gang and trained me so after step by step, day by day i got promotion for being active in gang, for ghetto clap, for events attends, for log filling in mails, etc. So after I got my first HC rank that was 13-OG, i got very proud by my self and my gang members. And now i am capable for Leadership

2.2)So i have learned many Leaders thing from being DEPUTY and achieved all the capability for being a leader, and wanted to clear all the mistakes which other leader have done, also in my gang, i will also take the members who is not capable for gang for example if someone failed his interview i will teach them and i will not happen that things which other orgs do, im saying that they do not take failed interviewers but i will take them and teach them, I'LL TAKE THE RESPONSIBLITY

2.3)I want to be the leader for this specific gang because i have some major connection with this gang like everyone here was active my every junior was respecting me and im too. And after being 4-5 times HC as Under Deputy and 2-3 time DEPUTY in terms, i have decided that i will take now this term and also i have all the capability to take my first term as a leader.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1)I will be diving Gang system with different ranks for Graffiti, robberies and raids So, that we can manage to run the gang easily and on a very large and active base with members.

3.2)We will be keeping paint balloon, Guns and ammunation in Armory and warehouse So, that no one is without weapon in any type of Robbery or Raid

3.3)Will be Keeping active deputy that are previous leaders or have a great experience in gangs and know well how to manage the gangs

3.4)After every event the bonus will be alloted to keep the gang active and raise everyone with gang

3.5)To keep the graffiti and territory capture active and as well as the bonus collection i will be alloting seperate bonus for it every hour so that all members get active and everyone get a good profit and remains in gang for a long

3.6)100% TURF

3.7)3-4 Store rob everyday

3.8)2-3 times FZ raid

3.9)3-4 times Hostage situation

3.10)Issuing promotion for Deserving members every week

Thank you
Sohn Papdi
Warm Regards

Ranking System

16. Leader

15. Deputy Leader

14. Under Deputy

13. AK-47

12. OGs

======High Command======

11. Events Leader

10. Warlord

9. Turfer

8. Clapper

7. Psycho killer

6. Shooter

5. Gangster

4. Graffitist

3. Drug Dealer

2. Newbie

1. Freeze

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dhruv pluxury

Oct 9, 2024
1. Your name IRL Dhruvit
2. Your age IRL 18
3. Time zone GMT 5:30+ (India)
4. Average online per day -6 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord Dhruv_demon1
6. Your Nickname Dhruv Demon
7. Your ID 155296

Additional information
1. Leader of...
Families gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) I am applying to become the leader of the this gang because I have been in this city for over 9 months, started in the gang still in a gang and know almost everything about gangs and been deputy also and i really know how to handle people in the gang and provide quality rp to others and have a fun time while it last and i am sure you will not regret giving me a chance you have my words and i have been trying for becoming a gang leader from a while ago so i hope i can get this opportunity to show my self to the public .

2) Ballas and marabunta and families are my most favourite gang and my goal is to become leader of one of it. I always wanted to make families on top and make it most dangerous and powerfull gang for ghetto.

3) I have vast knowledge about gang events especially turf . I will try my best for the gang and will try to devote max time to the gang . Families HQ has a extraordinary attractive shape
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

First of all i will make sure no favouritism in the gang . I will make sure whoever wanna join in my term should know the basic server and gang rules . I will try my 100% that no rule break is there by me and my gang members . I will make experienced people deputy and give HC rank to deserving people who can enhance the working of gang and lead all events will proper RP I will ensure there is not even 1% toxicity in the gang . I will ensure that in my Term our gang is most active by doing store rob , ghetto clapping , Highway robbery , Hostage situation , Fz raid daily without any rule break .

My goals :-
1. I will make sure that the gang is most active in my term
2. We will do atleast 2-4 store robbery and atleast 1-2 FZ per day
3. 100% TURF
4 I will make the leos feared from families
5. declaring this gang most dangerous for ghetto and taking over the ghetto
6. I will try that my gang wins Battleship , Clands , Fz raid , Store rob daily
7. I will make a history of memories between my whole gang members
8. Making excellent graffiti team and ensure we have max graffiti everyday
9 . I will try my best that there is no toxicity in gang
Ranking system in my term :-
1. Freeze
2. Newbie
3. Shooter
4. Graffiti Artist
5. Graffiti Leader
6. Druglord
7. Gangster
8. Clapper
9. Warlord
10. Event Leader
11. Turfer
12. Under Deputy
13. OG Families
14 AK47
15 Deputy Leader
16 Leader

My experience
EX-NG {24}
EX- LSPD(23)
ballas(14) x1
marabunta(14) x2
Currently in vagos 14 rank
Families (15)x1

Thanks a lot for giving your precious time to read my application.
Best Regards
Dhruv demon
Families on top !

(note i have not copied anyone else application just copied some thing from my marabunta application)
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Nov 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Adi Thakur
2. Your age IRL: 16
3. Time zone: GMT 5:30+ (India)
4. Average online per day :-6 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord: tmadityayao1430
6. Your Nickname: Adi thakur
7. Your ID: 176629

Additional information

1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- As from starting i liked to be in crime side even "families" is one of the first gang I have joined & favourite and I have attach with it and would love to lead it as gang leader.

- As a gang leader i would like to help newbies in my gang that how events works, also i have many familys and friends who can help me in my gang to make most active and most powerfull also i already decided my deputies so they can help me in my org.

- As a leader i wanna achieve 100% turfs i have my best turf team who can help me through to achive 100% also i wanna make my term complete and will try to take second term also without verbals or warnings and i wanna stop favourtism whos selling ranks for moneys and etcs and dominating other gangs. and last i wanna end my term with peacefully.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- directly kicking peoples who is doing toxicity and favourtism.
- Getting 100% turf session as soon as possible.
- Completing all the weekly tasks on time.
- Helping and teaching the new comers.
- Attending max events as possible.
- Best team of hc to manage the gang.
- Trying my best to achive 0 warn and 0 Verbal in the whole term

16) Leader
15) Deputy
14) AK-47
13) Under-deputy
12) Turfer
11) Graffiti Leader
10) Event Leader
9) Druglord
8) Gangsta
7) Warlord
6) Graffitist
5) Shooter
4) Kingpin
3) Clapper
2) Newbie
1) Freeze

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Lucifer XOXO

Mar 13, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Vibhu
2. Your age IRL: 17
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8hours
5. Your Discord: rez.x1
6. Your Nickname: Billu Paanwala
7. Your ID: 135193
Additional information
1. Leader of Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I have been on the server for a long time and I have experience in almost every organization and I know a lot, I am ready to become leader and have a lot of experience
- As an experienced Gangster, I have a deep understanding of gang events. "The Families" is not only a criminal Gang, but also a community that relies on trust, loyalty. As a leader, I would focus on active criminal activities and building relationships with other gangs, so that all the illegal orgs will rule the Los Santos and leos always fear about Gangsters.
- I have previous experience leading teams and resolving conflicts within a roleplay server. As a leader, I know how to remain calm in stressful situations and make decisions of the gang, I would pay special attention to maintaining a positive atmosphere within the gang.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- Connecting with other organizations

Instead of focusing exclusively on conflicts, I would suggest that the gang also make alliances with other gangs. For example, "The Families" could collaborate with other gangs to organize events, such as mass robberies or negotiations. This would bring more fun.
- I would introduce a bonus system for loyal and active members, in the gang Ranks, cash bonuses, or Car access. This would motivate members to contribute more to the gang.
- Before joining the gang members will be required to be tested on most Roleplay and Ghetto rules!!
Thanks for Reading my application.
Ex Every Gang Deputy
Check past experience not Punishment history.
(6 bans 6 Unbans I never serve any ban)
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Jan 9, 2025
1. Your name IRL: Krishna
2. Your age IRL: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+5:45
4. Average online per day: 5 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord: sparkuowns
6. Your Nickname: Krishna Cooper
7. Your ID: 189408

Additional information
1. Leader of The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. As a leader my goal is to actively participate in events. This will help us perform better in Fz Raids , turfs and store robberies.
2. I have experience with how illegal organizations work and understand the hierarchy of ranks. I will assign the right roles to the right people and will make strategies to lead the gang.
3. I think it's crucial to help new players and make sure they have a positive gang experience. As their leader i will ensure they get a quality experience which will help me become a good leader..

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Organize daily activities like Store robberies and Hostage Situations , Clands and focus on graffities.
2. Ensure all members know the server rules with the help of high commands.
3. Promote deserving members based on hard work and interviews to maintain strong leadership.
4. Create a friendly and nontoxic environment.

With Regards
Krishna Cooper

Hasbelkader Mito

Dec 11, 2022

1. Mithat

2. 19

3. GMT +3

4. Average online per day: 4 to 9 hours

5. greez27

6: Hasbelkader Costa

7. 81804

Additional Information

Leader of the Families

First of ALL I Have best turf team in city easy %100... and I have to much people we will be so active gang.

2. * First of all, I have been in all illegal and legal organizations before, I am experienced and knowledgeable, I know how the business works.

*If I become a leader, you can be sure that I will be able to make quality rp and 100% turf season in accordance with the rules because I know the ghetto and gang and event rules. You can also be sure that I will never use the gang's money and ammunition for my own benefit. I will adopt everyone in my gang like a family member.

* Last but not least, I have been a Gang Leader and LSPD Leader before and I have completed them successfully.

* I am very confident, I have a lot of people and friends around me, you can be sure that I will be the most active gang in the city. I think I have shown this in my previous leadership positions.


* Under my leadership I will make my gang more active than any other gang in the city.

* There may be some innovations and updates in the events and new robbery and gang events should be added.


Also, I will always give bonuses and ranks to those who operate.

My Past Experience: 1x Marabunta Leader - 1x LSPD Leader.

We completed last %100 Turf Season with marabunta gang. I am sure we can do again turf %100.
I have had 3 leadership spells so far, only 1 of them went badly and we learned our lesson and made up for our mistake in another gang that season and made turf 100%.
I'm sure I can make a 100% turf season again in Families.

(Its my officall application not any copy or something.)

Salmon Pluxury

Never give up never wt?
Jul 31, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Karan Robidas
2. Your age IRL : 21
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 3-4 hours
5. Your Discord: assasinsalmon
6. Your Nickname : Salmon pluxury
7. Your ID : 140132

Additional information
Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i] i want to become the leader of families because i have spent 3-4 terms in families , i have experience all kind of term whether its active inactive or a gang of favourtism .

ii] with a vast experience in gang it will allow me to smoothly run it with very high activity , the reason i wanna take leadership of family its because i love crime and i love making leos scared

iii] Everyone think families is the most inactive gang and i wanna prove them wrong and make my term the best gang term int he history of crime.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i] we will do regular activities everyday like highway rob, hostage situation , store fz and etc which will help the newbies to experince and
learn proper rp
ii] i will give high bonuses on daily basis for every single activity as it will encourage them to work more harder
iii] No favourtism will be allowed or tolerated all the hcs will have to give proper interview before getting hc rank , all rank will be given basis on hardwork
iii] i will not allow or tolerate any kind of toxicity against anyone

My goals
i ] we will do 100% turf
ii] atleast 3-4 store rob a day
iii] we will do atleast 2 fz raid everyday
iv] 100% graffiti
v] 3-4 hostage situation everyday
vi] And my main goal is to comply with every server rules and with curator and spend my term with no warns

Ranking system
16 Leader
15 Deputy
14 OG
13 Under Deputy
12 Turfer
11 Event Leader
10 Graffiti Leader
9 Homie
8 Warlord
7 Graffitist
6 Robber
5 Clapper
4 shooter
3 Gangstar
2 Newbie
1 Freeze
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blaze smith33

Sep 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Akshat
2. Your age IRL : 17
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hr
5. Your Discord: kakashi0634
6. Your Nickname : Blaze Bigfist
7. Your ID : 158607

1. Leader of. FAMILIES

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this particular organization? List three reasons with explanation
Reason 1: To lead the Families and domination

"I want to lead the Families because I can handle them and if I became leader the fear of families everyone will see. If we plan and prepare strategic operations, Store rob, Hostage situation and unite the gang members, we could be the strongest and most esteemed group in this city I have my plans if I got the term then."

Reason 2 : To establish an order and progress for the gang.
"I am passionate about ensuring that each member has an opportunity to advance within the Families. With the right training, missions, and mentorship, every member will grow into a skilled role player who contributes to the gang's success—whether in combat, negotiations, or other activities. This will make the Families a stronger and more cohesive unit and the new people who don't know the rules will teach them all basic rules and event about the gang."

Reason 3 : To effectively manage the inner workings of the gang.
It is all about finding a delicate balance between power, resources, and relationships that should be fostered within the gang and externally outside of the gang. The efficiency and effectiveness with which things go on would concern me for everything, right from our financial affairs and activities to our ties with other groups in the crime. I'll pay attention to how stable my leadership is while getting everyone within my gang geared towards the same long-term perspective.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Advice 1:

Hold frequent gang events and Territory capture
"To make the RP experience more dynamic, we should have scheduled gang wars, territory raids, and faction events. These events allow the gang to engage in larger RP scenarios that involve high stakes, coordination, and intense action. Turf capture, in particular, can drive competitive spirit and foster a deeper connection to the game world."

Advice 2: Encourage realistic Rp life

role-playing is the most important for gang when the Player have strong motivations, background, and personal goals. and I would like to do many activities such as ghetto claping, robing and many more. " This way, interactions can be more meaningful and lead to natural rivalries or alliances."

Advice 3: Strengthen interactions with rival gangs and other organizations.

"To enhance the RP experience, we have to ensure there is constant engagement with other factions—whether through alliances, Territory dealings, or conflicts. This pushes the Families to constantly evolve, build strategies, and get involved in larger plans, which makes the city feel more alive and interconnected."

Ranking system
16 Leader
15 Deputy Leader
14 Under deputy
13 OG Families
12 Turfer
11 Event Manager
10 Graffiti Leader
9 Warlord
8 Gangster
7 Graffitist
6 Robber
5 Clapper
4 shooters
3 king pin
2 Freeze
1 rookie

Best Regards
Blaze Bigfist

Oktay Mollow

I'm a bad person, don't trust me :)
Nov 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Oktay
2. Your age IRL: 22
3. Time zone: (GMT+2)
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hour
5. Your Discord: __vip
6. Your Nickname: Oktay Mollow
7. Your ID: 84710

Additional information

1. Leader of...
The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to inform people who don't know the city and revitalize the ghetto with them I know a lot of people in the city and I have a reputation, we will become a very active gang like in my old term. As I did in my previous term (CAPITAL ATTACK (click to view) you can check my signature to see what I can do) ,

I want to make events that have not been done for a long time or have never been done, I want to add a different event and atmosphere. After seeing the gangs that were disbanded because of Turf, I will be very active as a leader, I will work with the team that has made the last 100% in the city. I will be in constant supervision and monitor them and prevent mistakes from being made.

I will give high bonuses to people in my gang for making graffiti and I will make graffiti making fun. I have a very strong team of deputies who have done this job many times, I will work with them and finish a perfect term. And I already have a biography to match (Click to see my Biography).

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Any racism, toxicity and bullying will not be tolerated and will be thrown straight out of my gang. I will make 100% turf with my players from the high ranks of the forbest. I will organize a team of instructors to help people who don't know the rules to learn them quickly, and I will stand over them and check on them. I will ask myself and my hc's to take a record of what happened when any person was punished and keep it for 48 hours. When the police and other legal entities confront us in the ghetto, I will maintain the existence of the ghetto by keeping good relations with many gang leaders in order to oppose them with other gangs. will give people high bonuses for graffiti and events. I have best turf team in city we will make 100% easly.

Ranking System
16) Leader
15) Deputy
14) AK-47
13) Under-deputy
12) Turfer
11) Event Leader
10) Graffiti Leader
09) Druglord
08) Gangster
07) Graffitist
06) Warlord
05) Shooter
04) Hitman
03) Clapper
02) Newbie
01) Freeze

100% Turf
Max graffitti profit.
Finish Term with
0 warning.
Become the most succesfull term.
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Harry Fr

Dec 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL: SahilPreet
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6hr
5. Your Discord: harryxxxx
6. Your Nickname: Harry ForReal
7. Your ID: 61438
Additional information
1. Leader of Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
  1. I want to become leader of families because most of the time I have served in gang as a high command and lead many events on my own many times. So, now I want to gain a new experience as a leader and families will be the best gang for that as it has a very good location near arena and at front of ballas. So, I can get a direct competition from ballas and I am sure that I will easily dominate them.

  2. I have also been in Leo's and saw many critical situations. I have gained experience of both Leo's and gangs. So, I think now I am ready to face any challenges and it's my first chance so I will give my best and make my term the best families term ever. For making my term the best I have many friends who are deputies and leader of top families and also have been ex leader and deputy of gang.

  3. I saw many leaders recently whose term got disbanded because of inactivity, rule breaks and warnings coming from turf. But I will make sure I will complete my term in no or minimum warning also I will try to complete 100% turf. My gang will be active 24/7 also I will keep a huge bonus system by which my gang members will take interest in doing more events. I will also try getting terrorist organization I will keep ghetto active always and make sure almost after every hour a situation is being done.

    3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

    1) I will give rank to people who all will do activities. I will not do any kind of favoritism.

    2) I have many ideas of doing events in new locations and make the situation very much critical which Leo's would haven't seen before. By this it will be fun for both Leo's and gangs.

    3) I will blacklist them whoever will do toxicity because many people do toxicity and break rules by which whole gang suffers.

    • Max Graffiti bonus every hour.
    • We will be doing 100% turf.
    • Max bonuses for events.
    • Be respected in the city.
    • Make sure that there is no toxicity.

    • 16. Leader
      . Deputy
      14. Under Deputy
      . Homies
      Event Leader
      9. Graffiti Leader
      . Shooter
      4. Gangster
      2. Newbie
      1. Freeze

      Thanks for reading
      Regards: Harry ForReal
      Ex Deputy


Sheerr Singh

You Think You Can Beat Me !!
Sep 25, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age IRL
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. Your name IRL: Aryan Thakur
    Your age IRL: 20
    Time zone: IST(GMT+5:30)
    Average online per day: 5-6 hours
    Your Discord: ilgaryan
    Your Nickname: Sherr Singh
    Your ID: 170418

    Additional information
    1.) Leader of Families
    2.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation).

    Reason #1- I want to experience one of the best gangs in the city. I experienced gangs as high command in every single gang and now i want to become leader of Families and dominate the city and want to spread terror of our gang amongst the citizens and Leos of Los Santos. I want enhance roleplay and interaction between Leo’s and gangs.

    Reason #2 - I will provide my all members good bonuses to assure everyone stays happy and make our gang top and create dominance amongst the city. And I’ll try to create a good environment in gang.

    Reason #3- I have supportive family and friends and i have good team of knowledgeable guys who can be a good under dep and good deputies and they can help me to run the gang and achieve my goals and I have best turfers to achieve the goal of 100% territory capture. If i get Leadership of Families i will try to do FZ and store On Daily Basis and hostage situation and I have goal to do capitol attack (it didn’t happened since many days).

    Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

    We have to do Max graffiti.
    Have to achieve 100% turf
    Recruit maximum player.
    We will do FZ and store robbery daily. And will do highway robbery and hostage situations to spread the terror and enhance the roleplay.

    Ranking System:-
    16) Leader
    15) Deputy
    14) Under-deputy
    13) Turfer
    12) OG-Families
    11) Event Leader
    10) Mafia
    09) Druglord
    08) Graffiti Leader
    07) Graffitist
    06) Warlord
    05) Shooter
    04) Hitman
    03) Clapper
    02) Newbie
    01) Freeze

    ( Its my Marabunta"s application i just edited it. )

Manas Verlice

Mar 28, 2023
Your name IRL : Harry
Your age IRL : 20
Time zone : GMT +5:30
Average online per day : 4 to 6 hours
Your Discord : 440m.
Your Nickname : Manas Verlicee
Your ID : 54513

Additional information

1. Leader of Families.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) As I was in the city from a long time and after becoming the High command or Deputies many times as in 14 rank i gained so much experienced and now im illegible for becoming a leader of families.
(ii) A leader can lead a whole organization and if i become leader i will lead the events which is not done by from a long time in a illegal org such as a capital attack , 2 to 3 24/7 store robbery etc.
(iii) The pervious leader promote so much favoritism just give HC to their friend but if i get leadership i will make this favoritism end. By being a leader i can make a
families rule in all our a ghetto.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

By becoming the leader of families i will make such a good bonus system for which gang member also enjoy the events more and also other member get interest to be in
families which make my term most active in the city or my whole friend circle is already become many time HC or deputy of 100% successful term so its help me to make my term successful.
I will make sure my All gang member maintain high level of of RP in situation.
I will do highway robbery or hostage situation in every day so my member didnt get bored or the people of Los Santos have the fear of their life from
Its only an illegal org which most of people want to join but after spending 1 week they start leaving an org because after an week the feel boring by staying so for that I will lead infinite events
Making the gang environmental friendly or zero toxicity , Hate or no targeting

My Goals For Families.

Doing 100% turf
I will try my 100% to do a Capital Attack
Making the Max graffiti profit every day up to 10k
Making best High command
Making the Dangerous gang in the city
Make the most active gang in the city
Making the terrorist org of the city

Zeeus Federal

Set your heart ablaze go beyond the limits
Nov 4, 2024
1. Nikhil Mandal
2. 17
3. GMT+5:30
4. approximately 7-9 hours
5. idk_0710w
6. Zeeus Federal
7. 169957

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 When I had joined grand rp i always wanted to join a gang as i thought being in a gang would change my life. But at that time i knew very little about the rules. My first choice was Families as i had loved the colour of the gang. The high commands of Families also taught me about the rules and from that point onwards Families became my favourite gang.
2.2 Being in a gang i can get involved in a lot of criminal activities in which i am interested from a long while and after seeing the gang Families i can feel that Families is the correct place to get this much experience for its position of hq, lovely interface and high quality of experienced gang members. So I think its another proper reason of being the leader of this gang.
2.3 I have visited most of the gangs of EN2 Server but i have saw the proper manners and the terror of Families the most as
in the last term Families was on top so I just want to continue the legacy and break the latest record of all the previous leaders.
So I think its enough as the final reason to own this OG terrorist organization
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
For improving RolePlay level in the organization there will be a separate graffiti team which will be lead by the graffiti leader, also a good turfing team which will respond to every events some examples are clands, battleship, 24/7 Store Robbery, Gun Store Robbery, FZ Raids, Subs,etc.My members will hire people based on their knowledge and experience.

Ranking System

16. Leader
14.Under- Deputy
13.OG Families

11.Event Leader
10. Graffiti Leader


Maan plays

Sep 26, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Abdullah
2. Your age IRL : 20
3. Time zone : GMT +5:00
4. Average online per day : 4 to 5 hours
5. Your Discord : kkingrrr
6. Your Nickname : Maan Plays
7. Your ID : 173863
Additional information
1. Leader of
The Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) I want to be the Leader because if you want to experienced the bad side of RP there is only way to join the illegal org and The Families had the best HQ and because of its Green color which always give the gangster vibes.

(ii) When I joined the city its only the Gangs which come in my mind or every single people. As i become the HC 14th rank many times in different terms of gangs or also HC in legal org so I gained much to become the Leader of the Gang.
(iii) If I become the leader of The Families I will maintain the high level of RP in situation or i will be able to join more than 30 members in just 24 hours who know all rules or had such a good experienced.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

~ I will increase the activity inside the organization and willing to do 100% turf and also i will do the events everyday to make The Families most active gang in the city.
~ I will make such a good expereinced HC who will help me to make my term 100% successful or most active gang in the city.
~ Most the Leader just give HC to their friend but not those who actually deserved if i will get term i will not promote any kind of favoritism
~ I will try to do Graffiti profit more than 10k everyday or max clands profit
~ I will do often Hostage situation or Store robbery everyday to make my Gang most active in the city.

My Goals

~ 100% turf
~ The most active gang in the city
~ Making the max Graffiti profit everyday
~ Making the Dangerous gang in the city
~ Families will rule in all our Ghetto
~ Making the gang environment No targeting ,no hate ,no toxicity just friendly
~ I will Make best HC in my Gang who had good past experienced no favoritism

My Past Experienced

Legal org

LSPS Inspector

Illegal org

4x Ballas 14 rank ( OG)
1x Marabunta 14 rank ( Under Deputy )
2x Vagos 14 rank ( Under Deputy )
1x Bloods 14 rank ( Under Deputy )
1x Families 14 rank ( Under Deputy

My Ranking system

16. Leader
15. Deputy
14. Under Deputy
13. OG
12. Turfer
11. Ak 47
10. Event Leader
8.Graffit Leader
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