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IMPORTANT Applications for the Families

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Astro Lasombra

Oct 31, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Abeerat singh
2. Your age IRL - 18
3. Time zone - GMT 5:30
4. Average online per day - 8 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord - astrolasombra
6. Your Nickname - Astro Lasombra
7. Your ID - 170866

Additional information
1. Leader of...
- Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- I want to be a leader of Families because when I came to city I don't know about the rules after I understand the roleplay and rules I joined Families gang I spend my whole time in gang because I really love shooting I attend Subs , Battle ship , clands etc. everyday I was waiting for these events from that all the time in gang I really get to know about gangs rules .
- If I became the leader I will make that term most active gang term I will make events like Turfer and rev king It will help us in many ways to improve our shooting skills and It will entertain us also. I will try my best so no one will get bored from gang.
- I will provide huge bonus whoever will active in gang activities so no one will lose interest in gangs and I will hire turfer not only for turf also for events so we can dominate leos easily I will try to take 40/40 members from my gang and I am sure I am ready to handle the challenges which comes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- Providing huge Bonuses.
- Organizing Events.
- Hiring Turfer not only for turf for events also.
- Hiring new players so they also get to know about Rolepaly.
- If possible I will provide them training also.
- Always Complete all weakly tasks of gang.
- No Region disrespect.

Ranking System

Thank you for your time -
Best regards - Astro Lasombra

Andrew Flawless

Jan 9, 2025
1. Your name IRL: Andrew
2. Your age IRL: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+1
4. Average online per day: 8h
5. Your Discord: miele1
6. Your Nickname: Andrew Milton
7. Your ID: 99971

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A) I really want to be the leader of Families as of I have past experience in illegal orgs and in legal ones like Bloods bunta families vagos ballas fib sahp gov ng lspd as high commands and have really done everything there is to do in the city and i am looking for something higher.

B) I will lead the gang as best as i can make sure it is active doing all of the events store robberies hostages and make sure that families is the most feared gang in the city and i will try to make my term the best term ever. I have great leading abilities i can also call my self a old player as of i have been playing for a lot of time and i am very familiar with the server and the rules of it.

C) I am choosing this specific gang because i think it has been great in earlier terms when i was new to the city i like the color green and I think i am ready to be the leader of this organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

To improve roleplay I will teach new players the rules of the server and to get them out on ghetto for some 1 on 1 field experience so they can do events or other things and teach them how to actually be part of these events and play by the rules of the event. Get them situated in

My Ranking System:
16) Leader

15) Deputy

14) Under Deputy

13) OG

12) Turfer

11) Event Leader

10) Kingpin

9) Shot Caller

8) Graffiti Leader

7) Graffiti Team

6) Enforcer

5) Solder

4) Shooter

3) Thug

2) Newbie

1) Suspended

Carl Soprano

♥ Yes, I Know You !
Nov 30, 2024

1.Your name IRL :
Gurwinder Singh
2. Your age IRL : 19
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30(India)
4. Average online per day : 4-8 Hours
5. Your Discord : 101xe
6. Your Nickname : Carl Soprano
7. Your ID : 155144

Additional information

1. Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

--> First of all i have spent much time in gangs and specially in Families so now i think i have grinded & gained that much experience that i can apply for leadership. i have been i both State organisation as well as Crime organisations at high command rank so i know all from basic to high level !!
--> Secondly Specially Families i am applying cause its a versatile gang and i do like the location of Families Headquaters as its in the middle of ghetto so fights usually happen here so the persons who do come in families are well experienced ! Families is also known for its ethnicity and by its origin in main gta storyline as in Gta San Andreas, CJ Belongs to Families
--> Thirdly as i said i have been in both state & crime so i know both side of views of people and will try to do my best to possibly run the term without any flaws and also most of the gangs get disband in turf but i know each and every single detail of it so i will manage to do it correctly without getting any warns..

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in Organization.

--> Firstly we have to select best high commands for org. as i will be online but still people do reply on hc's.. i will make sure they are not doing any favouritism in selecting people & providing ranks to them..
--> Secondly i will train people by my self to do criminal activities & other things like graffities, killing, robbing & kidnapping.. most of leaders do not do so..
--> Thirdly i will try do distribute more & more bonuses as if people do get their works paid they will enjoy doing it so i will make my bonus systems best..
--> At last but not the least i will try to do more and more events like Store robberies, Fz raids , Hostage Situations so people will not get bored and they will enjoy..

My Ranking System

11-Event Leader

Carl Soprano

Note : This is not Copied From Anywhere it is my Own Old application and i edited it a bit..

Demon Silence

Nov 8, 2024
1. Your name IRL:
Ameen Shaikh
2. Your age IRL:
3. Time zone:
IST + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 7 to 8 ( more on weekends )
5. Your Discord:
6. Your Nickname: Demon Silence
7. Your ID:
Additional information
1. Leader of...
( Families )

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I Want To Be Leader Of Families Because It Is One Of My Favorite And I Want To Become Leader
I want to show you how to be a good leader.
The activity status of Families gang is Not That Much Active , if I become the leader of Families, I will add more online players and try to gain strength in illegal activities in the ghetto.
racism in the gang will end
I will create a family atmosphere in the gang

I will try to be the strongest gang on the server and most importantly problems arising from the low age of gang leaders will end

- I want to lead the Families gang to being the #1 gang in the city, now I know this seems crazy but with the right people and motivation we can be the #1 I can work along with the members and make a strong gang and I will have all my strong thoughts and opinions to help grow the gang as-well as other members.

- I want to lead the Families gang to get involved more with gangs and create more fun for the people in the city, I would love to lead them and have many active members on at all times of the day always participating in events and always active around the ghetto, always graffiti and other big events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I will improve roleplay by not doing all the same stuff other gangs going into ghetto and clap people if i got leader we will focus on turfs, store robberys, FZ raids. I will give everyone a fair opportunities and not them being left out. Everyone who puts in efforts that are seen will lead to a promotions and so much more. I will make sure Everyone has good knowlodge on the General rules, Event rules, ghetto rules, etc and clear on their fluent english. I will make Families a non toxic gang in every gang I’ve been in I’ve seen lots of toxicity but if I get leader I’ll make sure they is no toxicity or they will get depromted. I want to make Families not toxic because I’ve been gangs where some are very toxic and I don’t want a toxic gang we have to work together to make the best gang we possibly can.

The Ranking System

1 - Freeze
2 - Newbie
3 - Shooter
4 - Gangster
5 - Clapper
6 - Mafia
7 - Graffitist
8 - Graffiti Leader
9 - Homie
10 - Druglord
11 -Turfer
12 - Warlord
13 - OG Ballas
14 - Under Deputy
15 - Deputy
16 - Leader

My Goals For The Term:
- 100% Turf!
- Per Hour Max Graffiti!
- Good Bonuses And On Time!
- No Toxicity In The Org And To Other Org!
- No Favoritism In The Org!
- Taking The Term With 0 Warn!
- And Make Sure That We Are Doing Max Events!

Makeing Deputy For A Right Person Who Is Capable And Make Sure He Is Doing His Work!

Note: This Is Not Copy From Anyone This My Copy Of Previous Ballas Application With Some Changes And Upgrade )

Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards:

Demon Silence !

Cole SweetHearth

Oct 14, 2023
1. Your name IRL : Ceyhun
2. Your age IRL : 23
3. Time zone : GMT+3
4. Average online per day : 4-8hrs
5. Your Discord : ceyyunn
6. Your Nickname : Cole SweetHearthh
7. Your ID : 110716
Additional information

1. Leader of... Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1-Gang is loved by everyone and I want to be a leader to make it more loved because it's fun.
2- I have had many small experiences, but this time I have set a big goal and I will do my best to achieve it.
3- I am not like every leader, I treat everyone equally, there will be absolutely no discrimination.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1 - I will definitely do my best for a nice and fluent term.
2 - If I am selected and receive this term, my deputies will be the people I trust the most and will follow everyone on a daily basis.
3- I am ready to do my best not to be badly recognised!!!

My Goals this term:
1- To ensure that Deputies and High Commanders are constantly under control and working.
2- %100 Turf!
3- High bonuses and creating the best term for everyone.


May 30, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Pushkar
2. Your age : 21
3. Time zone : GMT 5:30+
4. Average online per day : 4-5hrs |
5. Your Discord : venomistic_84
6. Your Nickname : Dunky Federov
7. Your ID : 154161

Additional information
1. Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

Ever Since I came To City I Have Been Part of Criminal Orgs And I believe Now I am Ready To Take The Responsibility of A Leader

Gangs Are Important Aspects Of City As of State So If I Get The Chance Of Becoming Leader I will Try To take The RP On Another Level

Families Has An Extremely Fabulous Hq Which Makes It Diffrent From Other Orgs Thus more Willing For becoming The Leader

Past Term of families Was Extremely Well So thus Wanted to Continue The Legacy

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Keeping our Activity Maximum
Every day fz and Store
Good Hc To Train people
Highly Experienced Deputy's to Make Organtisation Going Smoothly
Will Implement Good Bonus System Which Would Help People To earn Some Money While Being In Gangs

My Goals

100% Turf
Good Activity
criminal Organisation

Ranking system

16 Leader
15 Deputy
14 Turfer
13 Homies
12 Under Deputy
11 Event Leader
10 Graffiti Leader
9 Homie
8 Warlord
7 Graffitist
6 Robber
5 Clapper
4 shooter
3 Gangstar
2 Newbie
1 Freeze


Efe ThirtySix

Participant · From Netherland
Oct 31, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Efe
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day
: 9 to 10
5. Your Discord: waitmeuntilicomethere
6. Your Nickname
: Efe Victorious
7. Your ID:

Additional information

1. Leader Of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1.There are many reasons why I applied to leader this particular gang. My main motivation is life in this gang: the community that , If you dont give up you can do anything. It showed me that you can achieve anything in a community and that this is the key to success. In the last 1 month I have matured from an inconspicuous and shy boy into a real gangster.

2. I have understood that goals can be achieved through communication - this also includes the fact that being open to everyone can lead to different points of view. It is important to me that I can be a role model for these people and that I can pass on what I have learned. This motivation should rub off on the members so that they are encouraged to be independent and take initiative.

3. I want to rebuild the Grove's image and bring it back to its former state. I've been in all five gangs, and I've enjoyed the Grove the most so far. I think it's a shame that the Grove's status isn't what it once was, which is why I'm applying to be a leader and bring it back to best gang in the city again.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- No Favouritsm
- Most Bonus
- Max Numbers
- Follow RP Rules
- Strict Gang Rules
- +5 years to join
- Experienced HCs
- Good Shooters

My goals for Families :
  1. Make the best gang again
  2. Maximum graffiti profits every hour
  3. No toxicity
  4. 3 fz minimum
    100% Turf
    Strict rules and 0 warns

    Ex-Deputy Leader of Ballas EN3 Abdul Mane's Term
    Ex-Deputy Leader of Bloods EN3 Erik Bolo's Term

    ---- Ranking system----

    Efe Victorious

Astro Dada

Mar 15, 2025
1. Your name IRL - Abeerat singh
2. Your age IRL - 18
3. Time zone - GMT 5:30
4. Average online per day - 8 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord - astrolasombra
6. Your Nickname - Astro Lasombra
7. Your ID - 170866

Additional information
1. Leader of...
- Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- I want to be a leader of Families because when I came to city I don't know about the rules after I understand the roleplay and rules I joined Families gang I spend my whole time in gang because I really love shooting I attend Subs , Battle ship , clands etc. everyday I was waiting for these events from that all the time in gang I really get to know about gangs rules .
- If I became the leader I will make that term most active gang term I will make events like Turfer and rev king It will help us in many ways to improve our shooting skills and It will entertain us also. I will try my best so no one will get bored from gang.
- I will provide huge bonus whoever will active in gang activities so no one will lose interest in gangs and I will hire turfer not only for turf also for events so we can dominate leos easily I will try to take 40/40 members from my gang and I am sure I am ready to handle the challenges which comes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- Providing huge Bonuses.
- Organizing Events.
- Hiring Turfer not only for turf for events also.
- Hiring new players so they also get to know about Rolepaly.
- If possible I will provide them training also.
- Always Complete all weakly tasks of gang.
- No Region disrespect.

Ranking System

Thank you for your time -
Best regards - Astro Lasombra

Jack Fedorow

Jack On Top!
Dec 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Shahzain
2. Your age IRL: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:00
4. Average online per day: 6-9 hours
5. Your Discord: alive98971
6. Your Nickname: Jack Fedorow
7. Your ID: 176060
Additional information
1. Leader of The Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) Everyone has a dream to be a leader the one who lead Everyone From my First Day Till today It was always my wish to lead The Families Having Experience As a HC in illegal orgs made me Good For the Leaders Post The Families is Famous Because Of Its Color And HQ.
(ii) i Also Have Experience in Legal Orgs But The Maine Fun is In The illegal Orgs We Do Store Robberies Hostage Situations Etc. As i Was The HC in illegal orgs i Lead Less people From That I made Mistakes but I Also Gained Alot Of Experience Thats When I Thought I Can Manage Leader Post And The Families Is The illegal Org Which Came in MY Mind To Manage.
(iii) If I Become The Leader I am Going To Do Hostage Situations Store Robbery In A Massive Amount The Families Will Lead The Ghetto I Will Only Hire Interested People I will Make The Deserving Ones The Deputy No Favouriteism In My Term I will Make Sure The People Are Following Rules So We Are Safe From Warnings.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I will Do The Store Robbery And Hostage Situation Daily To Make Families Active
2. I Will Not Promote Any Kind Of Favouriteism In MY Term
3. I will Give Max Bonus
4. I will Try My Best To Hire As Much People I Can
5. I Will Hire Trusted Deputies So in My Absence They Can Manage

My Goals:
1. 100% Turf
2. Max Bonus Of Graffiti
3. Leading The Ghetto Again
4. No Toxicity In My term
5. I will Try My Best To Manage The Families With 0 Warns

My Ranking System:

16. Leader
15. Deputy
14. Under Deputy
13. OG
12. Turfer
11. AK 47
10. Event Leader
9. Clapper
8. Graffiti Leader
7. Mafia
6. Shooter
5. Gangster
4. Warlord
3. Robber
2. Newbie
1. Freeze

Itachi Escobar

Ex Leader of Families💚and Vagos💛
May 25, 2023
1. Your name IRL :) DAKSH BHUTANI

2. Your age IRL :) 20
3. Time zone :) IST
4. Average online per day :) 5-7 HOURS
5. Your Discord :) itachi.d.uchiha
6. Your Nickname :) ITACHI ESCOBAR

7. Your ID :) 104205
Additional information
1. Leader of FAMILIES

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  1. I think I’ve got what it takes to lead. I’ve been in this city for a while, and I’ve been a leader before I was the leader of the Families and the Vagos at one point. Things didn’t go perfectly back then, but I’ve learned a lot from those experiences. This time, I’m ready to do things right. I’m not letting things fall apart again. I’m here to lead with focus and make sure we all rise together.
  2. I’m good at talking things out, solving problems, and thinking things through. I’ll use those skills to make the gang stronger and smarter. I want us to be organized, solid, and ready for whatever comes our way. Together, we’ll make sure the Families are respected and feared.
  3. I’ve got a lot of experience, and I know how things work around here. I’ll share what I know with the crew and teach them how to move in the city. I’ll be active every day, and I’ll make sure the gang is too. We’re going to bring life back to the ghetto. Everyone will know who we are, and the Families will be on top again. We’ll rule the streets, and the ghetto will be ours. Let’s make it happen.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I would ensure that all members have good knlowledge about the rules so we can have quality RP in all situation and no rule breaks .

2. I would place importance on spraying and turf wars so we can have intarctions with other gangs .

3. A lot more hostage situations and store robberies and gun stores .

4. Lately LEO-s have been winning BM raid and FZ raid uncontested , I would cooperate and coordinate with other gangs in increasing gang presence in BM raid and FZ also at SUBS so we can have more interactions with LEOS .

5. Finally ensure more presence at Higways and around the otside of the city and in ghetto , more sprays and turfing .

6.Also ensuring all gang membersspeek good english and have good understanding of the rules so we can evade any rule breaks .

7. More bonuses for people participating in events .
Last edited:

Iconic Fujiwara

Be Iconic ⚡️
Apr 28, 2024
Your name IRL - Harshit
Your age IRL - 18
Time zone -GMT +5:30
Average online per day - 4 to 5 hrs
Your Discord - iconicopp
Your Nickname - Iconic Fujiwara
Your ID -127558

1. Leader Of Families.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

- I have experience as gang leader of Bloods so I know how to run gang and from my past leadership experience, I have understood the mistakes which I did last time around and I promise those mistakes won't be repeated again and I will give the most active term of families.

- Not only as leader but also as deputy I have served several times. Every time I got chance to serve in gang i had completed my duty properly, So I think I deserve another chance to become a leader and I promise I won't disappoint you guys.

- I have strong team of deputies and high command who are ready to help me achieve my goals and I also have plans to do more activities than the minimum requirements, and become the most active gang in the city with max numbers in events.

- I have also plans to do turf and complete 100% turf and paint the turf map with green colour only.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- No Toxicity

- Good bonus system so my gang members could make living while having fun.

- Focusing on events like store robbery or FZ to increase the RP between state and gang.

- I will make sure, no gang members is doing any rulebreak, and all my gang members have basic knowledge about the gang system.
Only deserving people will get HC rank as I have seen many people getting HC rank without any work.

- Aiming for 100% turf

Ranking system

16) leader
15) deputy leader
14) Og
13) under deputy
12) turfer
11) top g
10) event leader
9) warlord
8) shooter
7) Graffiti leader
6) clapper
5) Graffiti
4) fighter
3) hitman
2) newbie
1) bloods

Past Exp:-

Ex - Sever Administrator
Ex - Curator of Families
Ex - Bloods Leader
Ex - All Gang Deputy

Last edited:

Dammy Miller

Dec 11, 2024
Your name IRL - Harshit
Your age IRL - 18
Time zone -GMT +5:30
Average online per day - 4 to 5 hrs
Your Discord - iconicopp
Your Nickname - Iconic Fujiwara
Your ID -127558

1. Leader Of Families.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

- I have experience as gang leader of Bloods so I know how to run gang and from my past leadership experience, I have understood the mistakes which I did last time around and I promise those mistakes won't be repeated again and I will give the most active term of families.

- Not only as leader but also as deputy I have served several times. Every time I got chance to serve in gang i had completed my duty properly, So I think I deserve another chance to become a leader and I promise I won't disappoint you guys.

- I have strong team of deputies and high command who are ready to help me achieve my goals and I also have plans to do more activities than the minimum requirements, and become the most active gang in the city with max numbers in events.

- I have also plans to do turf and complete 100% turf and paint the turf map with green colour only.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- No Toxicity

- Good bonus system so my gang members could make living while having fun.

- Focusing on events like store robbery or FZ to increase the RP between state and gang.

- I will make sure, no gang members is doing any rulebreak, and all my gang members have basic knowledge about the gang system.
Only deserving people will get HC rank as I have seen many people getting HC rank without any work.

- Aiming for 100% turf

Ranking system

16) leader
15) deputy leader
14) Og
13) under deputy
12) turfer
11) top g
10) event leader
9) warlord
8) shooter
7) Graffiti leader
6) clapper
5) Graffiti
4) fighter
3) hitman
2) newbie
1) bloods

Past Exp:-

Ex - Sever Administrator
Ex - Curator of Families
Ex - Bloods Leader
Ex - All Gang Deputy

He is best leader as bloods give this opportunity

Night Rogue

Jan 3, 2025

1. Your name IRL: Ambuj Chaudhary
2. Your age IRL: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord: rouge142
6. Your Nickname: Silent Queen
7. Your ID: 181045

Additional information

Leader of Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have strong leadership qualities, teamwork, communication skill and understanding of gangs which will help me to manage gang effectively.
2.2 I wanted to make families highly active, well-organized and dominant gang in the city. I want my leadership term to be remembered as one of the strongest term in families history.
2.3 I wanted to become the leader of the families because I have experience of high command in all the gangs and I also have experience of every State Organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to make a families most active gang in the city by hiring active and serious player in the city who are dedicated to RolePlay and gang operations and setup proper training program for new member to teach them gun skills, radio codes related to gang, RP rules and RP commands.
3.2 I wanted to make sure that all gang members participate in events like Fz, robberies, battleships and do max graffiti's to earn extras bonus money. I also want to make a proper team for territory capture, turfs attacks/defence and clands.
3.3 I wanted to make a proper and realistic kidnapping/hostage situation then just a random gunfights and well-planned escapes if something go wrong.
3.4 I want to make a new ranking system in which player get promotion on the basis of their participation in gangs. For which we have to take a proper and structured way to fill log of every activity which happens in gang.

My Ranking System

16. Leader
15. Deputy
14. OG
13. Under Deputy
12. Turfer
11. Event Leader
10. Graffiti Leader
09. Warlord
08. Enforcer
07. Street Solider
06. Gangster
05. Thug
04. Shooter
03. Hustler
02. Young Blood
01. Freeze

Neon MoneyCosta

Dec 28, 2024

1. Your name IRL - Ratik
2. Your age IRL - 20
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 8 to 10 hrs
5. Your Discord - ratik4u
6. Your Nickname - Neon MoneyCosta
7. Your ID - 185194

Additional information

1. Leader of... Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I want to become leader of families because I have gained enough experience as a high command in every gang and lead many events by my own. So, now I would like to gain a new experience as a gang leader and I think families is the best gang because of its location as it is near arena and in front of ballas hq. Also my first gang was families where I learned many things about gang.

2) Past families leaders have done great in their terms so I want to continue the families legacy and make it Even more better or even best in my term. I also saw many gangs have poor activity and they hardly able to do weekly task but I will be sure that I will do much more events than weekly tasks

3) I will keep a very good bonus system by which my gang members will do as many events they can. My friend is one of the top fam leader, he will help me in my term also I have many friends who have been gang leader and deputies recently who will keep me on track if I do some mistakes. I have full confidence on me and my friends that we will make the best families term ever.

Advice to improve rp
1) I will not do favouritism as I see many people who are in higher ranks and do not do any events. So, I will give rank those who shows their interest and activities in gang.
2) I will also hire new people and teach them rp from gang side by which they will also take interest and do less rule breaks.
3) I have many creative ideas for doing events and situations in new locations and make it complicated by which it will be fun for both gangs and Leo's.
4) I will not tolerate toxicity if found then instantly blacklist from org.

1) Keep max Graffiti profit
2) 100% turf
3) Dominate ghetto and other gangs
4) Complete term with no or minimum verbal/warnings.

Ranking System

16) Leader
15) Deputy Leader
14) Underdeputy
13) Turfer
12) OG Families
11) Events Leader
10) Mafia
9) AK47
8) Clapper
7) Gangster
6) Warlord
5) Graffiti Team
4) Hitman
3) Shooter
2) Newbie

1) Freeze


Mar 13, 2025
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age IRL
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL -Arsal
2. Your age - 19
3. Time zone - GMT+1
4. Average online per day - 9-12 HOURS
5. Your Discord - DEVILBOY547
6. Your Nickname - Devil Bob
7. Your ID - 184707
Additional information
1. Leader of: The families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
a)The families has a rich history and cultural identity that I deeply respect and want to continue. Being a leader of this organization would allow me to preserve and promote our heritage while ensuring that we operate with integrity and honor. I believe that our traditions can coexist with modern strategies to build a stronger community and foster loyalty among our members.

b)I want to be a leader in order to empower our community and create opportunities for growth and development. By taking the helm of the Los Santos Vagos, I would focus on providing resources, support, and mentorship to our members, prioritizing their well-being and encouraging personal development. A strong, united gang can contribute positively to our neighborhoods and help reduce violence and criminality, reinforcing our presence as protectors and leaders.

c)As a leader, I recognize the importance of adapting to the ever-changing landscape of Los Santos. I would implement strategic planning and innovative approaches to enhance our operations, expand our influence, and maximize our profits while maintaining our core values. By fostering alliances, investing in our people, and engaging in legitimate business ventures, I aim to elevate the The Famelies to new heights and ensure our longevity in the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Developing structured storylines and regular events can help streamline interactions and bring more depth to the RP experience. This could include planned gang meetings, territory disputes, or community events. By creating engaging narratives that members can participate in, you foster collaboration and encourage creativity, allowing everyone to contribute to the storyline. This also helps to establish clear roles and goals for members to work towards, enhancing overall engagement.

shivesh mafia

Work hard, stay humble
May 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL: shivesh kumar
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord: shivesh#143
6. Your Nickname: shivesh mafiaa
7. Your ID: 152223

Additional information
1. Leader of: Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1- Every Organization in this city deserves to be run as well as it possibly can. In this city the most fun and exciting moments will always happen when everyone is on the same page following the rules and attending events. Some of the most entertaining and exciting moments I have ever had is during player IC created events. During my time there were these massive events that would happen that involved all of the Organizations in the city. The amount of RP this brought and introduced into my gameplay was just outstanding and I am looking to Provide this again.

2- Bringing the city together whether it be legal Organizations or Gangs is the most important and valuable thing in this city. Introducing newer players who may have never even been in an RP straight into the most inclusive RP possible and letting them explore the amazing city of GrandRP is the most exciting and enjoyable thing in this city.

3- Being a successful leader is accomplished by bringing everyone together. Making sure everyone is following along with all the standards of this city and making sure that everyone is following the rules but still having fun at the same time. A team is only as strong as their weakest link and when it comes to leading an Organization it is no different. If you can successfully educate and guide newer players and even sometimes older players in the right direction then you will have an amazingly fun and successful Organization in this city.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
My advice for advancing the level of Roleplay in the city is trying to teach and guide the newer players through the correct processes and help examine where they can improve. This advice could come older or newer players in a successful Organization there should be no bias towards older or newer players as we are all learning and growing as well as having fun together. We can help each other all together and build some of the most exciting and fun RP that this city could possibly see. This adventure of being a leader of a gang would be such a major game changer for me alone as I could learn and experience the side of RP that I have always wanted to be able to see and I would love to bring everyone along on this adventure. Letting everyone Experience huge IC events that aren't normally scripted.
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