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Search results

  1. J

    Pending review Leader of NG | Day Doe

    This person was with me from my start at NG. Not only did they make my experience educational, but they believe in every soldier and help mold them into the leaders they become. He instills confidence in each and every soldier in the NG. When he is off duty, he upholds the standards of the NG...
  2. J

    Approved frp | ID: 321329

    I went to a store, and they shot and killed me with no demands.
  3. J

    Rejected Language 6.19 | ID:343724

    Person RP'd correctly, took more than 10% but might have used gang access. BUT said " Get the f*** out" this is not allowed according to rule 6.19
  4. J

    Rejected Demorgan for MG for thread I made | Donte Shepard

    If I had a webcam, I would submit proof but unfortunately I don't. I'd like to see yall look at my discord activity, and show me where it says I was communicating to someone. Please.
  5. J

    Rejected Demorgan for MG for thread I made | Donte Shepard

    I said fight them first in response to a private conversation we were having before. they have legal troubles with an abusive ex and their family
  6. J

    Rejected Demorgan for MG for thread I made | Donte Shepard

    I was not. I was speaking with my best friend in person ooc. They watch me game sometimes and have thought about buying a pc but they wanted to watch me play. I was in NO discord call, everything was spoken ooc to a friend in person
  7. J

    Rejected Demorgan for MG for thread I made | Donte Shepard

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/733761/ I was told to create the above post because the people were trolling. They weren't even stealing ammunition. At the time I was playing, I had a friend over to my house ooc and was talking to them. They don't even play video games. I was not in a...
  8. J

    Reviewed Provoking on NG base, CR, all day | IDs: 156286, 17363

    All day at the NG base, these two entered on multiple occasions car ramming, provoking, etc. I was told to contact a friend. Please help us.
  9. J

    Rejected VDM

    I was in my head for a moment in the parking lot and a car with 2 players started vdm for no reason. There was no provocation.
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