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Search results

  1. L

    Rejected fear rp

    the admin who jailed me is : Harrison Goodman
  2. L

    Rejected fear rp

    admin chat ss 1 : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/732839073278066710/1262489324776067103/1.1.png?ex=6696c84e&is=669576ce&hm=5716107709dbfeab70987ecf7d91f08af8aca8d19097ab8a0e5417750d042487& admin chat ss 2 ...
  3. L

    Rejected fear rp

    i just wanted to say that im new to this server im playing this game from past week only and 2yrs back i created this acc and played in this server for aprx 2hrs and just because my id is 30663 (which is 30k) im not any old player who knows everything about this game and rules. i was in gun...
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