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Search results

  1. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.3 | 96291 86838

    Here bro..We entered after event started...Id: 86838
  2. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.3 | 96291 86838

    Sure bro wait a minute..I am id: 86838
  3. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Pov request | 0000

    Its been 10 hours and he didnt even posted his pov....wow...!
  4. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Pov request | 0000

    Please review it...its been so long
  5. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Pov request | 0000

    Need his pov.
  6. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Pov Req | 86838

  7. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Pov Req | 86838

  8. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Pov request | 0000

    Close please..got cleared..
  9. Nox Smoker

    Reviewed Pov request | 0000

    all in pov
  10. Nox Smoker

    Approved Illegal Redux | 99605

    Sorry for interrupting but that's illegal because I saw in video of that redux and there was no showcase of death effect and when I saw ur video which got private now in that video there was no death effect and it's illegal in grand rp and hence it already proven 100% that you violated rule and...
  11. Nox Smoker

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt BIO| Sucha Carter| 86838

    Name: Sucha Carter Age:28 years Organization: LSPD Nationality: Indian Birth place: Punjab,India Sucha's strengths: Intelligent,kind,intellectual,hardworking. Sucha's weaknesses: slightly drug addicted,clumsy. Life Story of Sucha: Sucha was born in small village in Punjab in 1995.He was a very...
  12. Nox Smoker

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt BIO| Sucha Carter| 86838

    Name: Sucha Carter Age:28 years Organization: LSPD Nationality: Indian Birth place: Punjab,India Sucha's strengths: Intelligent,kind,intellectual,hardworking. Sucha's weaknesses: slightly drug addicted,clumsy. Life Story of Sucha: Sucha was born in small village in Punjab in 1995.He was a very...
  13. Nox Smoker

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information. 1. Your name IRL Ans: Veerpartap Singh 2.Your age. Ans:20 years. 3.Time Zone. Ans:Gmt 5:30+ 4.Average online per day. Ans:6 Hours on regular days and 9 hours on weekends. 5.Your discord. Ans:𝚂𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚊 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 86838#9588 6.Your Nickname. Ans: Badmash Sucha 7.Your id. Ans:86838...
  14. Nox Smoker

    Rejected RDM | 1525

    I was doing debt collector job and as i about to say that"i m taking your debt"then this guy did rdm without giving any warning...
  15. Nox Smoker

    Approved fail rp | 86838

  16. Nox Smoker

    Approved fail rp | 86838

    when u run near me i pressed g and when u got near me after i clicked collect debt and it was taken.....
  17. Nox Smoker

    Approved fail rp | 86838

    but how man my bodycam got corrupted....my pc shutted down
  18. Nox Smoker

    Approved fail rp | 86838

    i had bodycam but due to electricity cut then my bodycam got corrupt in between...:(
  19. Nox Smoker

    Approved fail rp | 86838

    excuse me for kind information my mic wasnt working that time i was saying i m taking ur debt
  20. Nox Smoker

    Approved Combat Login I 75858

    what is cl btw?? i dont know short forms.....
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