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Search results

  1. C

    Approved RDM | 73747

    all in pov desired long
  2. C

    Rejected RDM | 73747

    all in pov
  3. C

    Approved RDM | 87250 & 82128

    as you can see i run away as soon as the command is given but no time is counted and they kill me even if i run away
  4. C

    Rejected Pov Request 33052

    As you can see, I was stealing a car, I ordered the person to be killed, he was teleported to the hospital when he was supposed to be lying on the ground and then came back. At that moment an error occurred and I exited the animation as it appeared. That car was the one I had to steal. I tried...
  5. C

    Approved VDM | 21746

    all in pov
  6. C

    Rejected unban StreamSnipe by Asrin Kovacs

    While I was trying to follow the Twitch streamer named Chips in the game and join his family, I was banned from the game. I asked Asrin Kovacs, who banned me, and she told me to open a forum.
  7. C

    Approved gr 1.3 34750

    she said she would give me a grand coin in exchange for red shoes and ran away without giving it to me, she defrauded me. all in pov she scammer
  8. C

    Reviewed Pov Request 57926

    used emote in front of a lifeless person
  9. C

    Rejected Why did I go to prison?

    I just pressed F1 in the parking lot and when I got back into the game I was thrown into jail. I want to know why the admin gave me a failed RP jail sentence. Because I pressed the sign up button twice, it did not receive the other one.
  10. C

    Rejected old record

    old record and I'm getting punished this incident happened 1 week ago live streaming watch 09:45:29 50074 he cheated and pressed F1 and revived
  11. C

    Rejected VDM | 21841

    vdm with no reason
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