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  1. D

    Approved shooting in gz : 40309

    thats when i arrive at the lab bro how am i supposed to upload something i have not recorded? dontu see i have not entered till my friends arrive
  2. D

    Approved shooting in gz : 40309

    u dont know shit i said cuz u dont understand my language he had already told me what to do in the ingame chat (family chat ) so stop ttrying to accuse me when ur the one that broke the rules
  3. D

    Approved shooting in gz : 40309

    we did not say anything that gave us an advantage we were just talking
  4. D

    Approved shooting in gz : 40309

    as u see in the video there is no one telling me to leave the territory ur just shooting me
  5. D

    Approved shooting in gz : 40309

    this guy shot me without a reason in a green zone and then someone else killed me u can check the logs but i want this guy to be warned he shot me without a reason in a green zone i dont care about the guy who finished me
  6. D

    Approved Fail RP | 79413 - 77749 - 13715 - 27803

    კაი ძმა მაგდენს ჩვენც ვხვდებით თავის დაღწევა როუნდოდა მაგიტო დაწერა
  7. D

    Reviewed Cheats| 45002

    rame family gaqvt qartvelebs?? tu prosta tamashobt
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