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  1. O

    Approved Unban Appeal Gen 1.1 Mazhor

    Free my boy Charles, We all miss this guy he is the best
  2. O

    Approved OOC install : 174744

    Yes he insulted you in IC it doesn't matter girls there is girls on no.
  3. O

    Approved OOC install : 174744

    He was asking what RDM or VDM you were talking about if you bring this video 30 sec before you will see why did he ask.
  4. O

    Approved OOC install : 174744

    I don't think this is a reason he insulted you not the girls
  5. O

    Approved OOC install : 174744

    He didn't insult your parents or anything he just insulted you and I don't see any breaking rules in there.
  6. O

    Approved Ban for gen 3.2| Adham Pluxury

    As I see there is no any 3.2 I heard it in your mouth and that's not offensive as shown in the video
  7. O

    Rejected Gn 6.2 | ID 81027

    He entered the house while fighting.
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