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Search results

  1. Sonic Dark

    Approved Cheat | 142607

    I have saved my bodecame for 48 hours after that so I had taken it live man if you want you can check on my pc that I don't have a hack also it's not my fault if she has put the form late in server laws then you have to spray bodecom for 48 hours man I hope you respect me and understand that I...
  2. Sonic Dark

    Approved Cheat | 142607

    if you see that I'm taking damage in body armor and it's not my fault if you don't see that I have body armor on that side the body armor is bugged from your side
  3. Sonic Dark

    Reviewed business glitch| Mazhor Curator of the project

    I hope (Mazhor) will understand us and help us because we spent a lot of money😞
  4. Sonic Dark

    Approved FearRp and PowerGaming : id 20475

  5. Sonic Dark

    Approved CL : id 179577

    CL in Ghetoo
  6. Sonic Dark

    Approved CL : id 167331

    families gang
  7. Sonic Dark

    Reviewed Massive/Multiple Rulebreaks | Dark night/narcos

    nic MetaGaming (y)(y)(y)
  8. Sonic Dark

    Approved Break Role 6.16 And insulting id |96475 , id | 142607 , id | 176879

    If you don't know you did mixing. You sead admin and rols
  9. Sonic Dark

    Approved Break Role 6.16 And insulting id |96475 , id | 142607 , id | 176879

    You weren't afraid for your life, you should have done what they told you
  10. Sonic Dark

    Rejected Rule abuse : id 70880

    we were raiding a random family and one of the high command in the gang was rule abusing on us. he threaded us with the blacklist in the gang, one of my family member got in the blacklist for 30 days but he removed it afterwards. PROOF: https://l.top4top.io/p_2388uh6nf1.png
  11. Sonic Dark

    Rejected Role abuse : id 70880

    we were raiding a random family and one of the high command in the gang was rule abusing on us. he threaded us with the blacklist in the gang, one of my family member got in the blacklist for 30 days but he removed it afterwards. PROOF: https://l.top4top.io/p_2388uh6nf1.png
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