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  1. N

    Rejected Mangisto | Unofficial Organization

    Great family, had pleasure to lead them with Faroki, good people and actually on of few families that actually listen to rules.
  2. N

    Rejected DM 30686 24819 139

    I'm not going to respond to this childish comment, but this comment says the truth about you and your family, toxic kids that harassing roleplayers thinking that's a fully DM server. Calm down, chill kid why would you think we use our real names in-game. Dummy.
  3. N

    Rejected DM 30686 24819 139

    And btw admins, if you support that racism in your server "repeating after our accent" and laughing about us, wow that's a new level of favouritism.
  4. N

    Rejected DM 30686 24819 139

    I will respond here, as I'm the one being accused here, would you like to count as well your racism in the video trying to repeat our words? why don't you tell admins you came by several times provoking us with your horrible drivers VDMing everyone at the family. Yes, I started to shot and I can...
  5. N

    Approved RDM in city ID : 159951 - 161686 - 159632 - 149790 - 86779 -

    I'm ID 159632, as you see in the POV I haven't fired a single, if punishments required for them you can punish whom from our members that shot, but from my side it seems a self defense after they came and ram the parking spots and streets, how u want a small family to respond when 40 members...
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