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Search results

  1. Andrew Andersson

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | Andrew Andersson | 224240

    ORGANISATION: LSPD NAME: Andrew Andersson GENDER: Male AGE: 39 NATIONALITY: American PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Santos, California SEXUALITY: Heterosexual EYE COLOR: Green HAIR COLOR: Brown Tattoos: Chest, Back, Arms, Legs STRENGTHS: Clever, Knowledgeable, deceitfulness, helpful, paranoid WEAKNESS...
  2. Andrew Andersson

    Rejected Admin Application | Andrew Andersson

    1. Your name IRL : Rune Johansen 2. Your age : 22 3. Time zone : GMT+1 4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) : I can be active in between 15:00 to 03:00 ( 5 PM to 2 AM ) 5. Average online per day : 7+ 6. Your Discord ...
  3. Andrew Andersson

    Reviewed Close Thread.

    Robbed in Paleto Blvd, multiple id's.
  4. Andrew Andersson

    Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | Andrew Andersson | 224240

    10 - Let's say one of the other org people caught Andrew doing any sort of corruption or his own org caught him doing any type corruption and if there is no choice of him getting safe (or the ./try command failes) he can kill the person in question so his bodycam is destroyed and he don't have...
  5. Andrew Andersson

    Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | Andrew Andersson | 224240

    ORGANISATION: SAHP NAME: Andrew Andersson GENDER: Male AGE: 28 NATIONALITY: American PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Santos, California SEXUALITY: Straight EYE COLOR: Green HAIR COLOR: Brown TATTOOS: None STRENGTHS: Clever, Knowledgeable, deceitfulness, helpful, WEAKNESS: gets angry quickly...
  6. Andrew Andersson

    Rejected Meta gaming ID: 168410

    incase you did not know i can tell you now. As an officer we have the option to flex our g muscle and we have a section within the "org" menu where it says "issue a fine" where the officers can easly issue an fine without any form of identification. If we ware not suppose to use this then...
  7. Andrew Andersson

    Approved CL | 35099

    CL | 35099
  8. Andrew Andersson

    Approved GZ 1.1 CL MK | 193642

    MK and CL in gz
  9. Andrew Andersson

    Rejected Power Gaming | 224240

    in my pov you can clearly see that you have 1 star still after the our had passed. in the pov that billy here posted you can clearly see it. if there is any doubt i can upload the whole arrest
  10. Andrew Andersson

    Rejected Leader of FIB | Rocky Waters

  11. Andrew Andersson

    Approved Leader of SAHP | Kaii Fox

  12. Andrew Andersson

    Rejected Scammed by player 232225

    So i was gonna buy a house from this player with id 232225. he posted an ad on advertising board. Selling a cheap house, and i was dm'ing him and asked what he wanted for the house and he said " what do you offer " i said: " well i am verry sorry to bother you and i dont feel that my bid will...
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