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Search results

  1. devo

    Rejected Leader of LifeInvader | Devo Reapers

    Information 1. Your name IRL: Zeyad 2. Your age: 21 3. Time zone: GMT+3 4. Average online per day: 10-14 hours 5. Your Discord: one080 6. Your Nickname: Devo Reapers 7. Your ID: 237529 Additional information 1. Leader of... LifeInvader 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  2. devo

    Approved GR 6.9 | 246176

    all in pov
  3. devo

    Reviewed Pov Req | 237529

  4. devo

    Rejected Leader of LifeInvader | Devo Reapers

    Information 1. Your name IRL: Zeyad 2. Your age: 21 3. Time zone: GMT+3 4. Average online per day: 7-10 hours 5. Your Discord: one080 6. Your Nickname: Devo Reapers 7. Your ID: 237529 Additional information 1. Leader of... LifeInvader 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  5. devo

    Approved GR 6.9 | 192727

    I was at the beach market with my friends (IRL Couple, married in game) and his girlfriend got harassed infront of me these guys gave her $1 and started provoking for no reason. They said we want to buy you b**, so his boyfriend reacted to it and they told him as you can see in POV "We buy your...
  6. devo

    Approved GR 3.1 | 228052

    Need an arabic admin. All in pov.
  7. devo

    Approved OOC INSULT | 60950

    I think i'm not talking with you
  8. devo

    Approved OOC INSULT | 60950

    He already got punished for this you are posting the same POV asking to punish again for the same situation. The case got reviewed and closed: Approved - Escobar Family MASS Provoking + OOC Insults + Sexual Harassment | ID: 176653, 183271, 182130, 264870, 214269.
  9. devo

    Rejected Wrong decision | Jessica Odds

    we accept our punishment but as you can hear clearly i am telling him if i report he would get 1 week ban cuz he insulted my mother. And he removed his voice from the video you can clearly see he pressed on his mic but you cant hear him cuz he removed his voice
  10. devo

    Rejected Wrong decision | Jessica Odds

    In his pov his voice wasn't heard and he also insulted at us and the situation isn't recorded from the start he cut it where he wanted. https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/443440/
  11. devo

    Approved VDM | 108638

  12. devo

    Approved VDM | 108638

    all in pov
  13. devo

    Approved Rdm in City | 237529

    Why should i? look at your POV
  14. devo

    Approved Rdm in City | 237529

    meta gaming + his friends were shooting at me
  15. devo

    Approved GR 6.8 | 295802

    all in pov
  16. devo

    Reviewed Black Humor family MASS RDM + NLR | IDs: 260051, 149627, 271754, 266097, 228701.

    Hi, the Family Black Humor MASS RDM us at our private house at 20:12, 12 minutes after panel protection, he first died around 19:55, then he came back breaking NLR after 5 minutes we killed him, then after we took panel, the RP sitaution was finished and over with 12 MINUTES after new hour, he...
  17. devo

    Approved Leader of Lifeinvader | Lai DeBonaza

    She`s now deputy and she deserve that position.
  18. devo

    Rejected RDM | 99753

    Close the thread please
  19. devo

    Approved RDM | 278948

    all in pov
  20. devo

    Rejected RDM | 99753

    all in pov
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