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  1. G

    Rejected 188003 and 356781 CL

    Title and video says all
  2. G

    Rejected police officer point gun on me and hancuffs me without any reason

    That ic issue admins cant handle such issue like this
  3. G

    Rejected La Familia | Unofficial Organization

    La familia on top good luck brother you great leader :*
  4. G

    Approved Failure to rp 160049

    I was stood outside of lspd hq suddenly this guy came and inuslt the fuck out of me. i chased down he ran into his car afterwards i pulled him out of the car rply but he failed to answer and inssist to run away to aviod getting arrested
  5. G

    Approved Leader of Bloods | Efe Pinkmann

    He deserve to be handed over bloods leadership hes great and fit to be leader
  6. G

    Approved Leader of FIB | Rocky Waters

    + You got my support.you great leader no doubtally you will put hard work in fib like you did in shap
  7. G

    Approved RDM | La Familya

    hes not in public road.he hes at fam house house and there was rp suitation going on and gun fight.he we warning to leave multi times he dont listen
  8. G

    Approved RDM | La Familya

    Hes infront of fam house during the gun fight not in public road..demands was given to him and he failure to comply
  9. G

    Approved RDM | 86551-147822

    there was a raid solar and he was leader of family that we raid his family,gerogia were already in suitation and saw the solar,there is viddeo was provided in comments u can check it out
  10. G

    Approved mass rdm la familia | 146765 - 164915 - 158976 - 235886 - 196945 - 9331 - 86511

    funny how you guys crying over complaint when someone raid you and but when you raid other that fine for all.first of all video is not cearly shown of any players they they were accused of shooting him and second he he part of family that we raided them for solar
  11. G

    Approved RDM | 86551-147822

    it was raid solar why you crying ? you raided us many times for solar then we raid yo back.now you crying over complaint we shot your fam that came to fam house
  12. G

    Approved RDM+VDM | 81027+185323

    proof? you may get punished from other suitation we had multi conflicts with your family nefferiati
  13. G

    Approved RDM | 86551-147822

    you leader of nefferiti and there was solar raid in your fam carried by us so why you crying now?
  14. G

    Approved mass rdm la familia | 146765 - 164915 - 158976 - 235886 - 196945 - 9331 - 86511

    i didnt shoot you your video dont prove anything and also there was raid solar u shouldnt come there they thought you were part of family
  15. G

    Approved Mass RDM La familia family

    you and your family provoked us ifnront of fam house and demands were already given but still refuse to leave and also you called backup in your PDA still think we had no reason to kill you huh?
  16. G

    Approved mass rdm la familia | 146765 - 164915 - 158976 - 235886 - 196945 - 9331 - 86511

    burh you pc laggy the video doesn't shown clearly..there was raid solar and you came in wrong way he shot you cuz he tought that you one of them.you should get out of your car
  17. G

    Approved mass rdm la familia | 146765 - 164915 - 158976 - 235886 - 196945 - 9331 - 86511

    why you all now crying over complant? you have been raided our fam many times but when we raid you back you begin all bitching over complaint like victim
  18. G

    Approved RDM | 86551-147822

    you leader of nefferiti and you have been raided us many times for solar but when we raid you back cant handle the responsbitily you decide to complaint us
  19. G

    Approved RDM 86511 - 107243 - 235886

    there a complaint posted with the same event why you all kept spamming complaint that in same suitatin https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/251112/#post-891144
  20. G

    Rejected Mass RDM| 146765-86511-107243-9331-147822

    show the whole suitation on your records instead cutting part of clips.you and your family has been continuously provoking my family for like 2 days and we have warning to leave us alone and fam house you failure to comply we lost our patience after multi demands were given,so we pulling our...
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