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  1. P

    Approved gn 6.2 I id-219675,162958,46375

    Also no where in the clip u told him the baclava is illegal. You might wanna post a longer clip also the Leo didint run after him only you did a regular pedestrian. Is this a citizens arrest or an Leo situation ?
  2. P

    Approved gn 6.2 I id-219675,162958,46375

    One guy was wearing a baclava, when we said we could arrest him he ran into the house to avoid the arrest. They hid the baclava in the house and proceeded to change clothing. ( I got you my friend grammar is key☺️)
  3. P

    Approved POV Request | ID: 80245

    If his Pc crashed like he’s stating Nvidia wouldn’t save it on its own I can see common pc knowledge isint your strong suit.
  4. P

    Approved RDM | ID 84440

    Wtf what a noob🤣
  5. P

    Approved RDM 123160

    Standing in front of my fam house and was RDM.
  6. P

    Rejected Question about rule 6.15

    The rule says that outside of ghetto you must engage in RP to kill someone. Well in city I play a hitman that kills for payment. If I take a hit for someone and kill them in city. Isint that technically role playing my character. I can save body cam ect for evidence. I just don’t want to get put...
  7. P

    Approved NoFear (UB / Unrealistic) | IDs 171090 170777 (Falcon PMC Inc.)

    You do realize anyone can buy those pants at a clothing store the pants aren’t only for Falcon PMC. What’s annoying is that you mention us at any possible time u can. Just leave our name out your mouth and you would be fine🤣
  8. P

    Approved NoFear (UB / Unrealistic) | IDs 171090 170777 (Falcon PMC Inc.)

    Those guys are not in our family please stop assuming sir 🤣
  9. P

    Approved Not Following Demands | ID 150031

    You love posting in these forums but man do you self report a whole lot lol
  10. P

    Approved Not Following Demands | ID 150031

    VDM CR on the highway and trying to pull people over on the highway while you’re still not an unofficial org🤔 and VDM , CR and more RDM in the city WOW I know the gods are quite intellectual individuals and they will uphold they’re rules to the highest standard 😊
  11. P

    Approved CL | 150277

    My point exactly
  12. P

    Approved CL | 150277

    Your a funny guy chicky
  13. P

    Approved Parent Insults | ID 62661

    We’re you and your buddy in discord is that why I heard him twice in the video at the end of the video?
  14. P

    Rejected Shooting without demands | ID 62661

    Dude you are not wanted at the falcon family house we don’t want you no where near us we don’t like u you sad sad human. Stay away from our house already your so annoying bro. You’ve gotten all these punishments for provoking ect and you insist on coming back that’s provoking and just looking...
  15. P

    Rejected Shooting without demands | ID 62661

    POV? Idk what that is I swear it should be “body cam”. The forum warrior has returned 🤣 it’s obvious he’s provoking at this point right Admins 🤣
  16. P

    Reviewed MASS RULEBREAK | Falcon Crime Family (133022, 83148, 144027, 62661)

    This man is a straight creep 🤣 chicky bro get some help I feel like u might be taking out your irl “life” problems out on us go see a therapist or something 🤣 self indulging narcissist 🤦🏽‍♂️ Ima be straight if this chicky guy dosent stop I’m legit leaving this city and all the donations I make...
  17. P

    Reviewed MASS RULEBREAK | Falcon Crime Family (133022, 83148, 144027, 62661)

    Your such a sad human being chicky I hope one day you grow up but until then keep trying to destroy my family it’s probably the only productive thing you do all day anyway🤣
  18. P

    Approved Leader of Bloods | Harry Dunn

    Big papi approves this message +1
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